Sunday, October 6, 2024

Destroy your health through fear

Destroy your health through fear

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on October 2, 2024

The covid vaccination programme is undoubtedly part of the most dangerous attack on human health.

There are other attackers to be warned about. These are chemtrails – ‘condensation trails’ behind aircraft – and radiation from 5G mobile phones, microwave ovens, smart meters for water and electricity, internet WIFI and others, all of which, like vaccines, are mass disease spreaders.

Once people are desperate, they are driven by scare stories and accept intravenous drugs as so-called help to protect themselves. They voluntarily line up to receive their injections. At this point the cabal has the perfect control system in place to direct, control and destroy people.

Bombarded with drugs, manipulated food, air and water supplies mixed with deadly chemicals, the population is being administered harmful substances, including fluorine.

Worse still, people are being infected with long eradicated diseases and other genetically modified viruses to reactivate them, amplified with newly developed virulent strains.

Like; AIDS, SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola and now Covid, many like Swine Flu have produced fewer cases of infection than e.g. a regular seasonal flu. The statistics for these have been buried in the media hype.

With the Covid epidemic promoted and launched in the media on a global scale, it has resulted in billions of fearful followers of the free most toxic vaccinations of all time. This has resulted in millions of unpublicised victims of the MSM.

Healthy eating and living makes the immune system indestructible.

Balanced nutritional concept for a clean alkaline diet. Assortment of healthy food ingredients for cooking on the kitchen table

In most cases, the human immune system seems to defend itself reasonably against these ultraviolet invasions. The cabal will not stop and will introduce new mRNA vaccines with more toxic ingredients. The same goes for the mind and eternal consciousness.

It is amazing how the human body remains adaptive for self-healing, if at least normal and healthy food is consumed, most attackers can still be beaten back, temporarily.

Governments lie about the safety of vaccines and fluoride in drinking water. Their only aim is to destroy the immune system, which they try to weaken by any means necessary. Heavily adulterated and genetically modified foods, fluoridated water, chemtrails with deadly substances in the air, radiation, with the most direct attack of all being vaccines loaded with mercury and other toxins. In particular, pharmaceutical and immunological agents deliberately stress the immune system.

A retired chemistry professor spoke out about the presence of mercury in vaccines. He confirmed information released by a top scientist-whistle-blower, William Thompson of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who recently published a study confirming the link between vaccines and autism.

Thompson said that thimerosal, an ethyl mercury-based preservative in vaccines, is lethal to all forms of life and should never be injected into a human being, especially a developing baby. Even at very low doses, thimerosal has been shown to kill nerve cells, both in vitro and in animals.

When an infection develops, the immune system eventually identifies its specific characteristics and the body fights it off.

Vaccines are an attack on health, not a cure

Borax, the cleaner that heals, deliberately hidden.

It is the miracle cure Big Pharma is hiding from you!

It’s time to talk about a household product that’s probably sitting in your garage right now – a miracle cure disguised as a cleaning product. This is called Borax, and believe it’s much more than a cockroach killer. It’s a health revolution waiting to happen.

In the 1960s, Dr Rex Newnham, a soil scientist from Australia, made a remarkable discovery. Suffering from arthritis and desperate for relief, he didn’t turn to Big Pharma. Instead, he turned to nature. This is the story of how a simple compound, boron, changed his life – and could potentially change yours.

The hidden power of borax: a story of discovery

Let’s start at the beginning. Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D., was not your average scientist. He was unwilling to accept the inability of conventional medicine to treat his debilitating arthritis. As someone who studied soil and plant chemistry, he knew the importance of minerals to overall health. He began to investigate: what was the mineral deficiency at the root of his problems?

Living in Perth, Western Australia, where the soil was notoriously low in minerals, Newnham speculated that this deficiency could be a major factor in his arthritis. His knowledge of plants led him to boron, a trace mineral that aids calcium metabolism in plants. Could it do the same for humans?

With nothing to lose, he began experimenting on himself. He started by taking 30mg of borax a day. The results were almost instantaneous. Within three weeks all the pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared. His life was changed.

But here’s where the story gets interesting. When Dr Newnham took his findings to the health authorities and medical schools, they brushed him off. They didn’t care. Why should they, when arthritis drugs were making millions?

This was no accident. This was repression.

Borax: a remedy kept in the shadows

Despite being ignored by the medical establishment, word began to spread. People suffering from arthritis began to hear about borax. Those brave enough to try it were stunned by the results. Arthritis, joint pain and inflammation were no longer part of their lives. They had found relief in a humble cleaning product.

But fear is a powerful weapon, and Big Pharma used it to their advantage. People were afraid to use borax because of that dreaded label: “poison”. After all, borax is sold as a cleaning product. It’s used to kill cockroaches and ants. How can it be safe?

Borax and its incredible healing powers

Dr Newnham eventually found a way to make borax tablets with a safe and effective dosage, but the world wasn’t ready. But the facts remained. Borax wasn’t just a cure for arthritis. It has the potential to treat a wide range of conditions that plague millions of people every day.

Here’s a list of some of the conditions that borax can help with:

  • Arthritis: Both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis sufferers have found relief through borax supplementation.
  • Osteoporosis: Borax helps regulate calcium, which is essential for strong bones.
  • Bone spurs: By regulating calcium metabolism, borax can prevent and reduce bone spurs.
  • Calcium deposits: Similar to bone spurs, borax prevents abnormal calcium deposits in the body.
  • Lupus: This autoimmune disease characterised by inflammation has also responded to treatment with borax.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Borax plays a role in balancing hormones, which is important for overall health.
  • Candida: Borax helps to fight fungal infections, including Candida overgrowth.
  • Insomnia: By regulating minerals in the body, borax can improve sleep patterns.
  • Impotence: It even has potential benefits for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Doesn’t this sound like the miracle cure we’ve all been waiting for?

But it doesn’t stop there.

Borax Detox: Flush out the toxins and reclaim your health

In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with toxins – pesticides, heavy metals, fluoride and more. Our bodies are under attack, and it’s affecting everything from our immune systems to our mental clarity. Fortunately, borax can help detoxify the body.

One of the most effective ways to do this is with a borax detox bath. Here’s how to make it:

  • 1 cup of borax
  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • ½ cup baking soda

Add these ingredients to a hot bath, as hot as you can stand, and soak for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the minerals to penetrate your skin, draw toxins out of your body and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Doing this just once a week can help flush out harmful chemicals, improve your skin and even boost your immune system.

Borax: the mineral your body needs

At the heart of borax’s healing properties is its ability to regulate calcium and magnesium in the body. These two minerals are essential for everything from bone health to nerve function, but they need to be in the right balance.

Too much calcium and you can get bone spurs, kidney stones and other painful conditions. Not enough magnesium and your body won’t function properly.

Borax helps maintain this delicate balance by regulating how your body uses calcium and magnesium. That’s why it’s so effective in treating arthritis and osteoporosis. It’s not just about adding more calcium to your diet; it’s about making sure your body uses it properly.

But that’s only the beginning. Borax also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can reduce swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints. It’s an effective treatment for autoimmune diseases like lupus, where inflammation is rampant and attacks healthy tissue.

A hidden benefit: Borax and hormone balance

One of the lesser known benefits of borax is its effect on hormone balance. In both men and women, borax has been shown to help regulate hormones, improving everything from energy levels to sex drive.

In women, borax can help balance estrogenic levels, which is crucial for everything from menstrual health to bone density.

For men, borax can boost testosterone levels, which has a direct impact on muscle mass, libido and overall energy.

Best of all? Unlike synthetic hormone treatments, borax works with your body’s natural systems to bring things back into balance.

How to use borax safely: Dosage and guidelines

By now you’re probably wondering how to get started with borax. After all, it’s not every day you take something labelled as a cleaning product. The key is dosage. Here’s a simple guideline to follow:

  • Start by dissolving ⅛ teaspoon of borax in 1 litre of water.
  • Sip this solution throughout the day.
  • This is the amount most people start with to experience the benefits of borax without overloading their system. As your body gets used to it, you can gradually increase the dosage, but never exceed ¼ teaspoon per day.

And remember, as with any supplement, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting anything new, especially if you’re taking medication.

The bottom line: Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know

It’s no surprise that borax is not a household name in the health world. It’s cheap, it’s effective, and it threatens the massive profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

Arthritis drugs, hormone treatments and antifungals all rake in billions every year. Borax? It costs pennies.

But the point is; Borax is a natural, affordable solution to a range of health problems that modern medicine has failed to cure. The evidence is there, even if the mainstream medical community won’t admit it.

If you’re tired of being told that your only option is a lifetime of pills with side effects, maybe it’s time to consider something else.

Maybe it’s time to try borax.

Read more about here

Peter B Meyer

Transcripted From:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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