Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Humanity an Experiment?

Is Humanity an Experiment?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on July 26, 2024

is humanity an experiment? - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very much an experiment. You are the ones doing the experimenting however, and you are not the lab rats of someone else’s experiment. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover, to recuperate, to remember who you really are while still in physical form.

Death is easy. Death is a way out of the self-imposed experiment. Now of course, experiment is just a metaphor. Simulation and illusion are similar metaphors. But to you, what you are experiencing is real. It’s the real reality, and it’s real because it feels real and because as you experience it, it is real. And it is meant to be that way. That is what the forgetting is for. It is to allow you to have the experience that you are having. 

Now, it is up to you ultimately, how you get back home, and you get to take whatever path you choose. There is no one path, but all paths do lead to Source. And so, no matter where you are on your path and no matter which path you chose, you can relax and rest assured that you are heading home. You are heading in the right direction as you continue to move forward. Now you can slow yourself down, and you can accelerate yourself, and when you are in that moment of acceleration you feel it because you feel more in the flow. And when you are more in the flow, you enjoy the journey more.

And so, what you are doing now in this lifetime is seeking out those flow moments. You are seeking out those moments from which you can glide more, you can ease more down the road. And for each of you it’s different. One person’s ease and gliding is someone else’s boredom or even torture, because it was not what they chose for themselves, but rather, what someone else chose for them and they agreed to. Other people will choose for you the path that you are supposedly to be on, but you don’t have to agree with them. 

You don’t have to give up your sovereignty, your free will, your ability to choose what is right for you. And luckily, you have your feelings. Your feelings will guide you. Your feelings are more than just your intuition. They are visceral. They are in your body. You can tell by how your body is whether you are moving in alignment with your truth or succumbing to someone else’s. 

And so, listen, pay attention, and slow down, and you will get there faster because you will notice when one of those points of flow is upon you, and you will glide right into it with certainty that it is your truth to follow that particular path at that particular moment. And we and others like us will continue to nudge you in those directions, not only with our words, but with the energies that we offer. And we are teaming up with so many others in your galactic teams, spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and fairies, and more to help you along that path with the greatest of ease.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton 



The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on July 26, 2024

Over the next few weeks, The Universe will begin showing you the infinite truth of things. What you receive may contradict the narrative you have adopted in this lifetime. 

Rather than dismissing it out of hand, feel into it with you heart. Truth does not always come in perfect packages with neat labels. Some of it is raucous, wild and a little crazy. 

Be open in your heart and mind; The Universe will always guide the way

The Creator
Jennifer Farley  

 Reminder discernment is recommended


Peace Beyond Understanding

Peace Beyond Understanding

The Beloved

Is The Teacher

Message received by Lytske

Posted on July 26, 2024 



Urantia, ...

The Beloved: “Dear one, allow all the words I have spoken to fall upon your thirsty soul like a gentle rain. Allow this rain to nourish you anew, so the hardened places in your mind and heart give way to this living water, and everything will connect in greater harmony and balance. This is the secret of a well-poised and balanced personality.

It is the softening of all the hard places of ‘unloving-ness,’ unforgiveness, intolerance, impatience, anger, jealousy, fear, and suspicion. It is the false-ego pride being ‘knocked off its perch’ of self-satisfaction. Life is like that, it consists of lessons, which have as their purpose to uncover all these hard places in you, so you can ask spirit to spread the rain of greater understanding.

It is a ‘preparing of the ground,’ so to speak, while the seeds of insight slumber in you, and may be triggered to awaken and rise to become a part of you, so the true meaning of My words shall become clearer on the road to perfection.

Eventually, all superstitions, all man-made creeds, and dogmas shall be weeded out and only simple truths shall remain. They include the fact of My existence within you, and that you shall have found Me like the hidden Pearl, living and working within you to help guide you to your eternal destination.

When you do find Me, you will no longer need to consult the stars, cards of any sort, stones or tea leaves, or any other means of discovering your destiny, because I, who live within you, have come from the Creator to guide you.

Ponder these words for a while, and let them fall like a gentle rain into your soul, because your search has ended. In time MY words shall bring forth the fruits which are still hidden from you. Your life does have a purpose. Its purpose is to practice using your spiritual muscles of faith and trust in that eternal truth.

It is peace beyond understanding that I am offering you. Come and seek Me daily so we may commune together, and you can get to know Me better.

Peace be still.”

Edited by Linda Abell. 


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One. 


Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Peace in the Midst of Chaos

By Steve Beckow

Part 1

Posted on July 26, 2024


The ultimate objective of all the white hats are doing right now is to restore world peace.

But what they and the Company of Heaven mean by peace is different, as Michael makes clear here:

Archangel Michael: For peace the time is now. … And we do not mean an absence of war. We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it. (1)

I was describing an experience of peace as a divine state.

I’m sure the white hat Alliance as well means by “peace” more than a cessation of war, but probably not as deep a peace as the Company of Heaven would like to see.

The white hats probably refer to an ordinary state of actual or felt peace. Peace as a divine state is much deeper.

The difference between the two is that a feeling is experienced as inside me whereas I am immersed in a divine state and swept up in it, often accompanied by higher-dimensional love or bliss. I’ll include one description of an incident of deep peace in the footnotes. (2)

So I definitely understand what he’s asking for and have indeed experienced it and tried to describe it. (3)


But I encounter the same difficulty here as with any divine state. We have few words that are truly descriptive of one, except superlatives. Wonderful! Magnificent! Unbelievable!

There’s no large amount of shared or pooled knowledge on the subject apart from a few sages like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharshi, and Franklin Merrell-Wolff. (4)

What usually ends up happening is that I can say nothing about the nature or quality of the divine state. All I can describe is its impact on me.

That makes sense because states like love, peace, and bliss are divine. How would they be “divine,” I’m speculating, if they could be described in terms of something else? The divine is one without a second.  In that sense, it’s incomparable.


Meanwhile, our 3D/4D knowledge usually proceeds by metaphors. A is like B and you already know what B is like. Therefore you already know what A is like, right? Just think B.

If X is totally unknown and is unlike anything we’ve ever encountered, it throws a wrench into the works. It won’t be as easily knowable through metaphors as the already-known – if it can be “known” that way at all.

Love, bliss, and peace – to cite three divine qualities – are almost unknown in our society in their higher-dimensional intensity. What passes for love here is like aspartame to honey. Predictably no one is at work inventing words to describe these unknown states. They remain “unknown.”


How did I feel when in a divine state of peace?

As long as I had body consciousness, when I was in peace, I felt as immovable as granite. But I had to be free of all evil intention, as karate masters say, to remain in that state.

Interestingly, at this time, Michael described it similarly to how I saw it:

AAM: Peace is solid.

There are so many divine qualities that do feel amorphous, light, airy, like a spring day. And yet peace (you have this expression), you can take it to the bank. It feels like ballast. It feels like granite because it is solid. And dare I say immutable. That is why I continue to keep emphasizing that peace within, that rock-solid granite within. (5)

I realized how Gandhi could address the Governor-General and say I hope it doesn’t come between us as men.

My experience of it has changed over time. When I was able to shake my identification with the physical body, peace was no longer solid like granite but lighter and more normal. In fact, I saw that peace was my natural, normal state; agitation was not. (6)

As long as I remained in a divine state of peace, I had no fear of anything. I was free of thoughts of any kind and open to love arising and flowing outwards.

(Concluded in Part 2, below.)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2011. (Hereafter, AAM.)

(2) What was my experience?

While lying down, I had an experience of watching my thoughts and feelings flow by me. Later, Archangel Michael, in a personal reading, told me that I was “interdimensionally travelling.”

I felt as if I were on a train, watching it slowly leave the station and looking at the faces as they passed by. I suddenly saw a red-headed man who had a remarkable composure to him. I was struck by it on a spiritual level and took a mental snapshot.

As soon as the man was recognized, it was as if he shot out an energetic dart at me. A bond was made.  And I said to myself: “I know this depth of peace that this man has shown me. It’s the Natural Self.”

Immediately I found myself sinking into a deep, deep sense of peace, way down deep. I ended up in a place that was absolutely solid. It was as if I were standing on a slab of granite. …

This peace passed understanding in the sense that the mind was so still I’d have to describe it as inactive, archived, taken offline. There was no such act as understanding going on because the mind was decommissioned.  (“The Peace that Passeth Understanding,” July 18, 2017, at

Archangel Michael [speaking of the experience]: And even as you have been watching, as if you were on a train, many of your thoughts and feelings passing by, understand that you have also been travelling dimensionally.

Steve: In my sleep? Not in my daytime, have I?

AAM: When you have had that experience in reflection of watching your thoughts and feelings travelling by you like a train, you have been moving forward throughout dimensions.

And part of that journey of discovery is you saying, “Now where is my natural Self living? I’m going to travel this train until I find him,” which of course you have.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)

(3) See for instance:

(4) Lots from sages who have experienced Brahmajnana or God Realization from within the Third/Fourth Dimension but not much from sages who have left the 3rd/4th and ascended. Sri Ramakrishna was an avatar or descent of the Divine into flesh.  Both Sri Ramana and Franklin Merrell-Wolff were ascended before they put pen to paper.

Steve: A question about Franklin Merrell-Wolff. What level of enlightenment or dimension did he achieve?

Archangel Michael: He primarily operates in the 7th to the 11th.

Steve: When did he break away from the third dimension? Which of his experiences was that?

AAM: Actually, he broke away from the restriction, shall we say it that way, of the third dimension long before he ever started to truly practice or write.

Steve: So, he was always doing it as an ascended being?

AAM: That is correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)

Sri Ramana ascended as a child and did not begin expounding and dictating till later.

(5) “Archangel Michael on AHWAA: Achieving Inner Peace,” May 12, 2017, at

(6) See “We Are, All of Us, Innocent and Pure,” April 7, 2020, at

Part 2


(Concluded from Part 1, above.)

Meanwhile we’re at this moment immersed in chaos, the emergency broadcasts slated to announce our entry into what Blossom’s Federation of Light calls “Phase 2.”

The Divine Mother advises us to look at the chaos as we would a snow globe:

Divine Mother: External chaos … now reigns in the United States, Central and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa. Everything is being ‘shook up’. Think of it as a beautiful snow globe and in that chaos, in that creative chaos – yes, of your Sixth Dimension – is the beauty. It had need to be shook up, just as long ago I had Juan Diego shake up the Catholic Church, and then again as Pope John XXIII! (1)

Michael warns us not to let the chaos overpower us:

Archangel Michael: So often – and I do not say this in any kind of critique or critical manner – so often when humans are witnessing or even being caught in the upheaval and chaos, what becomes their reality is the chaos, is the upheaval.

So what you are doing is identifying, yes, this is chaos, this is upheaval, this has need to shift, this has need to be redefined, redirected. But uplifting them to look at the bigger picture of where they are headed that they, as a beautiful bright human collective and as individual souls, are not defined in any way shape or form by the disarray. (2)

On one level, it’s hard to remain peaceful in the midst of chaos. It’s harder still when the chaos is purposeful and very much designed to split society into warring parts (“divide and conquer”).

But we know that this is a cleansing of Earthly society, preparation for a transformation in consciousness the likes of which has never been seen before. Of it the Divine Mother says:

Divine Mother: You are the wayshowers … of a new level of species. (3)

DM: This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new? (4)

If it delights her, it’s sure to delight us.

So there’s ample grounds for the faith it takes to remain peaceful in the midst of chaos. After Ascension, peace will be the normal state of the world. It’s only now that it may, for a short time, challenge us.


(1) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” December 31, 2016, at

(2) “Archangel Michael: Made with Love,” Sept. 28, 2020, at

(3) The Divine Mother, channeled by Linda Dillon, in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020.

(4) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans, July 10, 2014,” at

Steve Beckow

Radiation Storm

Radiation Storm

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on July 26, 2024


At this time in the early morning of Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024, a “Halo CME” is raining down hard positively-charging protons onto the Earth, and a powerful radiation storm is in progress.

A “Halo CME” is when a huge blast of plasma (coronal mass ejection) soars out from the far side of our Sun and radiates out encircling the entire solar disk.

More energy from this blast — this coronal mass ejection — is due to strike our planet by approximately 10:00 PM (EDT) this evening.

What is occurring is also known as a “Polar Absorption Event” because the entire polar cap of our planet seems to absorb the protons first before they then soar into all other parts of our planet surging into its inner field creating shock waves and surging into the outer atmosphere.

Some people are asking if we should even go outside. Of course you can; however, be sure to be properly “grounded”.

I have discussed ways of doing this in many previous articles. People world-wide are reporting experiencing symptoms such as not sleeping well last night (awakening off and on constantly), having vivid weird dreams, having back and hip aches, being extremely tired this morning, being dizzy, the ears ringing, having nausea, and more.

Not everyone, as has been mentioned before, will have all of these symptoms.

Now, people may not want to hear the following: I do not suggest flying anywhere at this time. Powerful radiation such as what is occurring affects airplane instrumentation technology as well as the technology of the ground crew that monitors air flights and keeps in touch with the pilots. If anyone is wondering why there have been so many problems with airplanes recently, it is because what is not being told to the public is that cosmic energetics have affected the planes.

So, all that the news will say is that something is “under investigation”.

Of course, many people refuse to be advised about anything because they want to do what they want to do.

So, people will hop onto airplanes during these potent radiation events and just hope for the best. Thus, pray for the safety of family and friends if they are flying anywhere at this time.

For those who are at all astrologically savvy, as you know, Pluto in Aquarius is the “cosmic messenger” of these airflight problems as it squares Uranus (which governs Aquarius) but which is sitting in earth element Taurus. Uranus deals with electromagnetism, and Pluto (which governs Scorpio) can be transformative and explosive.

Maybe as time moves on, more people will learn to read the “Sky Map” or “Cosmic Holy Book”. It is not to be worshiped, but it is to be respected for its messages. Only those who do not understand it will criticize its validity.

There have been far more world-wide earthquakes than usual in the past 24 hours—-280 of them. Most often, they occur in just over 100 each day in the mid to upper “3s”, “4s” and “5s” of magnitude.

As everyone knows, we have also had them often occur in the “6s” of magnitude and at some times, in the “7s” and “8s” of magnitude (such as those in Asia in 2004 and the ones in Syria and Turkey last year and the ones in Peru this year) which were very destructive.

Quakes are more prevalent during high-powered cosmic events such as extremely potent flares and “CMEs, and so are various types of storms such as tornadoes or hurricanes.

Although a “Halo CME flares out all over the solar disk and all of its strength does not hit the Earth at one time, this particular energy is so intense with protons that still Earth is being struck.

When the protons are as hard and pummeling as they are currently, extra care must be taken in self-nurturance.

We are experiencing very erratic situations on and off of Earth daily.

Everyone’s mission at this time is to ELEVATE IN CONSCIOUSNESS.

Dr Schavi M Ali


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Threefold Flame

 Threefold Flame

By Adama of Telos

Channel: Aurelia

Posted on July 25, 2024

In the “Inner Heart,” the threefold flame of life of divine Love, divine Wisdom and divine Power used to expand nine feet in diameter within your auric field, and allowed you to function with the god-given faculties that were your divine birthright. You were able to live lifetimes that commonly lasted 20,000 to 30,000 years; the choice was yours. You could live as long as you wanted and leave your incarnation whenever you chose, at will. This threefold flame allowed you a natural immortality, so to speak, and the natural use of the magic and many attributes of your divinity.

You are “immortal gods,” created in the image of your Creator, with no limitation. In your distant past, this is how you experienced life on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Nothing was withheld from you as divine beings. All knowledge from the universal mind was at your fingertips as your natural birthright. As a collective civilization, you have greatly misused these privileges.

As humanity began to abuse these divine gifts, they gradually diminished. These gifts, my friends, can be regained and maintained only when the original level of consciousness, of unconditional love, harmony, right use of will, right use of power and divine wisdom are maintained in one’s awareness, feelings and actions.

At the time of the sinking of both major continents, and the loss of most of the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, it was decreed by Father/Mother God that the only way to return humanity to wholeness and original God-consciousness was to reduce this threefold flame of life to a mere one- sixteenth of an inch. Humanity could no longer misuse God’s powers and energies. Ever since, dear ones, you have been functioning with only two strands of DNA and a minute portion of the original threefold flame of life that beats in your heart.


Shared per request via email

Consciously Surfing the Waves of Chaos

Consciously Surfing the Waves of Chaos

By Vidya Frazier

Posted on July 25, 2024



Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we?
The US has finally joined the fray in a very obvious way with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate – which has only intensified the election frenzy that was already underway.
Although tremendous upheaval has reigned in other parts of the world for a while now, the US has finally entered more clearly into the arena of the spiritual battle for the Earth. After being almost completely invisible for thousands of years, this battle has at last become clearly obvious for those with eyes to see.
How are you Responding to it All?
But the question is: How are you responding to all of the hullabaloo flying around us since the shooting?
Are you getting caught up in it? Are you getting dragged down into the divisiveness that is reigning ever more intensely?
Are you allowing yourself to fall into angst, depression or anxiety about all that is occurring? Including what the assassination attempt might mean for the coming election? Are you sinking down even further into either unduly loathing or adoring a certain candidate running for president?
Or — are you remembering that you are here precisely for these times to rise above the chaos and the hatred, and instead bring compassion, peace and understanding to humanity?
Are you recalling that all low-frequency 3D institutions, ideas and agendas are needing to be exposed and expunged, because they cannot go with us into the higher frequency of the Fifth Dimension?
Are you remembering that this chaos has been long predicted to happen – and it is perhaps even needed – for the quantum leap into 5D to occur?
Are you aware that chaos pretty much always occurs when huge change is happening? Indeed, some scientists tell us that this is always the way nature works on this planet when a higher order of evolution is being birthed. Chaos is actually needed for immense change to occur.
It Ain’t Easy
But I know, I know. It’s not easy to stay detached and nonreactive to all of it – when so many warring opinions and conclusions are being thrown at us by every newscaster and podcaster out there.
We can’t shut it all out completely, even when actively avoiding the news. It’s flying around in the very air we breathe.
And it’s especially difficult when there are so many fascinating opinions and conclusions that have been drawn about the shooting: about the number of shooters involved, the number of bullets that flew through the crowd from every which direction. And the apparent stupendous incompetence of the secret service.
Of course, no intelligent person believes it was a one-crazed-man operation. The named assassin was obviously a patsy. But still – who was behind it all?
Was it a black hat or a white hat operation? Or maybe some kind of involved combination of both? And what is yet to be revealed? It’s all so interesting and intriguing.
And yet, if you’re wanting to finally find out the total “truth” of what happened at the shooting – do you really believe we will ever get it? Remember that the truth of what happened in the JFK shooting over 60 years ago has still yet to be officially revealed to the public.
The fact is we may never know what this current shooting was all about – except that it was probably mainly designed to create confusion and fear – something that has always been the goal of certain people on the planet who are still at least somewhat in charge.
So we have to keep all this in mind, as we learn to consciously respond to whatever we are told is occurring in the world.
Keeping Abreast of the News
Yet, at the same time, this isn’t to say we should simply stop following the stories about the shooting or anything else like it that will probably be occurring as time goes on.
We do have to stay alert and make important decisions when events begin affecting our lives. And we may still decide that voting is important, even if the whole greatly-flawed election system is doomed to eventually collapse. (Although some people say the election may end up not even happening in the end.)
At any rate, what’s important is to keep remembering the big picture of what we are here for: to bring a whole new reality on board for humanity. We can’t sit back and wait for our so-called “leaders” to do this for us.
We need to consciously stay loose and free in our focus and actions at this point – and not get caught up in the craziness that’s occurring during this most volatile period of the Shift that is occurring.
Let’s keep remembering that we are Lightworkers, here to help guide humanity – even if it’s just through maintaining our high frequency of love – into a New Earth we have always yearned for.
Let’s stay above the fray, riding the waves of the chaos, without falling into the depths of confusion and hatred swimming around within it, as the Earth shifts ever more fully into the higher frequency of 5D.
This is our destiny. it’s what we’re here for.
Vidya Frazier

The Golden Era of Mintaka

The Golden Era of Mintaka

 The Council of Elders

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on July 25, 2024

Greetings and blessings to all,

We are delighted to have this rare opportunity to connect through space and time with you, our beloved brothers and sisters. If you feel a deep connection at this moment, it may be because you are a Mintakan being.

The Golden Era of Mintaka

Imagine a time 40,000 years ago, when our star system was a vibrant hub of life, teeming with beings in physical form. Our world was transitioning into the sixth dimension, and we were in the process of activating our light bodies. It was an era filled with joy and bliss, where the purity of our vibration was our highest priority. We were masters of the water element in all its states, creating a harmonious and playful existence. Picture crystal-clear waters, luminescent underwater temples, and lush floating islands adorned with cascading waterfalls. Our simple and carefree lives revolved around the realization that Light was all we needed. We became self-sufficient and ecstatic, leaving behind the need for physical sustenance and embracing the art of shape-shifting. We existed in multiple dimensions, celebrating the multifaceted nature of reality.

The Fall of Mintaka

However, this paradise was not to last. Visualize the tranquility of our world shattered by massive ships arriving to install new portals, disrupting the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The devastation was swift and merciless, with many of us perishing in an instant, followed by subsequent waves of destruction. Imagine the anguish of those who survived, retreating into small, hidden communities, striving desperately to restore what was lost. Despite our efforts, the damage was too great, and our once-thriving civilization was reduced to a shadow of its former glory. Our souls were enveloped in sorrow, and we became few in number, existing now as light beings, drifting through the remnants of our world.

The Journey to Earth

You, dear Mintakan soul, may have chosen to leave our star system and reincarnate on Earth, drawn by its similar vibrational frequency. Envision the ancient times of Atlantis, where many of us brought the sacred teachings of Mintaka to this new world. Through countless lifetimes, you have carried the wisdom and energy of our homeland, longing for a connection to your true origins. Atlantis and Lemuria also faced their demise, but the legacy continued through the ages, especially during the era of Ancient Egypt. You have contributed immensely to Earth’s evolution and will continue to do so.

The Awakening

Now, in this pivotal moment, the time has come to awaken to the truth within. The magic of a New Earth is upon us, and with it, the opportunity to rekindle the energy of Mintaka. Picture a world where water dragons and mermaids once again roam, where the portals to Mintaka’s past have been reactivated. By visiting sacred places on Earth, you can tap into this energy, inviting the beauty and vibrational essence of Mintaka to flourish once more.

Our Mission

We are a dedicated group of beings, the keepers of the Mintakan vibration. Together, we will create energy grids that mirror the high frequency of our beloved planet. Embrace joy, trust, and love, for we are here to support and guide you.

Feel the connection, embrace the journey, and let the spirit of Mintaka shine through you.
With infinite love and light,

The Council of Elders

Octavia Vasile

The Wisdom of Appeals

The Wisdom of Appeals

By Steve Beckow

Posted on July 25, 2024

Giving opens the channel for love to flow

I’m beginning to see the wisdom of appeals.

The Mother recommends them because they’re occasions (and invitations) to open the heart and share. This creates a pathway for love to flow. (1) Michael describes how it works:

Archangel Michael: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely.

So, to have an experience of love, it [must move] through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out.

In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.” (2)

Certainly it will. It shows us what’s truly valuable and makes all other things assume their appropriate place, shorn of illusion.

Gold can be hoarded but love must flow. If I try to save it for a rainy day, it instantly disappears. Generosity is one thing that moves us to share love, allowing us to feel it as it moves through us.

So our appearing before you month after month offers that opportunity to give and feel the love that giving brings with it.

Wow. And what a month it’s been. I’m so grateful to you for rescuing me after my computer went kaput. It took me forever to get everything up and running, synched, backed up, etc. But I’m altogether re-equipped now and back on track. Thank you for that.

In our future, we face the possibility of an imminent blackout, following which the mainstream media will be gone.

Michael not only wants the blog to continue but to expand:

Archangel Michael: Are there needs for the platforms, and particularly this one, to continue? It is seldom that I am at a loss for words, but we really don’t know what we would do without this platform.

And that is why we encourage you, and we request you, in the spirit of equality and partnership, to please continue on. You are serving, but you are also creating with us.” (3)

AAM: The blog is an essential piece of that writing and stepping forward. As we have said, what you think of as traditional news agencies are like [a breed of extinct animals]. So that will emerge. (4)

AAM: The goal is to reach everybody. (5)

So we’re not going anywhere. And, in fact, after the Reval, we’ll expand on both fronts: spirituality and current affairs.

But until we get there, we’re asked to turn to you to complete the circle by providing us with the means to carry on. Please, if you have disposable income and the desire, go on over to the Hope Chest and help us with either a one-time or monthly donation to the upkeep of the blog.

Our continuation depends on your generosity. Please help us to make it to the finish line.

Uhhh, yah? There is no finish line?

Here‘s how to donate:

Please use this link ~

Click the yellow “Donate” button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.

For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.


(1) As it does after a fourth-chakra heart opening.

(2) “Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at

(3) “Archangel Michael: Those in Power are also Having a Change of Heart,” August 1, 2020, at

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 21, 2015.

(5) AAM, Nov. 21, 2014.

Steve Beckow

Is Humanity an Experiment?

Is Humanity an Experiment? Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters Channel:  Daniel Scranton Posted on July 26, 2024 Blessings. We are Th...