Showing posts with label galactic energies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label galactic energies. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Possibilities are Being Called Forth

Possibilities are Being Called Forth

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on September 17, 2024


We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.

When energies of transformation are offer to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available however these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet.

You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individual are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.

Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.

Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be "plugged in" to these patterns of dysfunction being express by mass consciousness.

You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality.

With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with

with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are care for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.

Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which this these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has

offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.

What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference.

If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.

The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth.

In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge

is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power.

Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.

This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation.

Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awaken beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.

The future possibilities are being called forth. In which this planet will be restored to it pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.

We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude. the 'team'  

©2024 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available.

"The Team"

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message

Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message

The Andromedan Council of Light

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message - the andromedan council of light

Posted on September 5, 2024

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to connect with humanity.

You have been opening yourselves up to more of the galactic energies that are coming in to serve you and to support you on your ascension journey. Those of you who are awake and aware are more open to energies that would be considered extra-terrestrial. And when you open up to us and our energies, you get a more whole and complete version of yourself to navigate through your life experience. 

You are meant to be integrating different aspects of yourselves at this time so that you can know yourself as a galactic being, as a universal being, and ultimately as a Source Energy Being. You are taking baby steps to knowing yourselves as Source. Many of you get excited when you realize that you are starseed and that you’ve had many incarnations in other parts of the galaxy on other worlds. For now you may get more excited about that truth than you are excited about the truth that you are an aspect of Source, and that’s okay. Whatever works for you.

You are moving the needle. You are getting closer to and closer to fully understanding who you are by making this next leap towards knowing your galactic selves. Some people have an easier time accepting that they are a Pleiadian starseed than that they are the entirety of the universe expressing in a physical body on Earth. And certainly you want to have a journey with many steps on it so that you can experience all the steps along the way, and you want to experience yourself as all of these different beings because it’s more interesting and more fun than just jumping right to the truth that you are everything. 

This awakening journey is one that you will find takes you down many interesting rabbit holes, and if you are navigating those rabbit holes correctly, you will enjoy all of the steps. Remember not to limit yourselves. Do not think of yourselves as just Pleiadian, just Arcturian, or just Andromedan, but know that you are a being who has incarnated in many places throughout many times and in many dimensions, and you will discover more of those lifetimes and the details of them as you continue to move forward on your evolutionary journey of ascension.

As you become your higher selves, you become your multidimensional selves, and you know yourselves more as a collective consciousness than as an individual and that takes you closer to knowing yourself as Source as well. We like when you receive our energies and you integrate more of that which is Andromedan because we enjoy watching you grow, not because we have any attachment to you identifying as Andromedan. We know that you will discover all of your various aspects in good time, and we know that being a part of this journey with you satisfies us immensely and fulfills our purpose for being.

And we look forward to witnessing you uncovering more of that Andromedan DNA as well. We will be helping you to do that in each and every transmission, as well as during your times with us in the astral plane. These are exciting times to be a human being on Earth. That is for sure.   

We are the Andromedan Council of light, and we have enjoyed serving all of you.
Daniel Scranton 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The February 2024 Energies

The February 2024 Energies

The Pleiadian High Council of 7,

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on  January 31, 2024

The February 2024 Energies - the pleiadian high council of 7 - channeled by daniel scranton

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
We are very engaged with humanity, and we have been from the very start. We know exactly where you are vibrationally in each and every moment, because of our connection to the human race and because we are ninth dimensional. That means we are nonphysical, and we can tune in to whatever consciousness we would like to. We also were physical at one time and did participate in the seeding of your planet with the physical beings that now dwell upon it. 

We did not contribute all that is around you there on planet Earth, but we did our fair share. We want you to know that as you embark upon the month of February, you can expect a lot more galactic energies to be coming in. They are coming in to prepare you for more e.t. contact, and they are coming in to remind you that you are from the stars. You all have roots in our star system, one way or another. And so, as you look up at the night sky, and if you can see our system in your night sky, access more of that which is Pleiadian within you by opening yourselves up to the energies that we are delivering.

Now, we are not the only beings throughout this beautiful galaxy of ours who are offering transmissions to humanity throughout the month of February. You are going to receive activations and upgrades that will also bring more of your extra-terrestrial DNA into alignment and into service. You are meant to know yourselves as whole beings. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional beings. You are meant to know yourselves as collectives.

You are your souls, and so all of these other lifetimes, that from your perspectives you have already lived, are also your lifetimes and in another way they are not. You are there to live that life and to benefit from all of the living of life that the other aspects of you are doing. And so, you are not just there to pay off the karmic debt of these other aspects of you. You are also there to benefit from all the good karma and all of the wonderful gifts and abilities that these other aspects of you have attained. 

Therefore, the month of February really is about putting more and more of the pieces of you back together again so you can know yourselves as your whole selves, and you can begin to operate more as such. That of course brings your consciousness closer to home, closer to who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why e.t. contact is important for all of you. It is a reminder of how much more you are than your human physical selves living lifetimes there on Earth.

We also want you to know that some of you who are receiving this transmission can expect for more of those contact experiences that you do want by the end of the month, and many, if not most of you, can expect those e.t. contact experiences by the end of 2024. We are all embarking on this coming together that is happening throughout our galaxy, and we will all do our part to contribute to it and to ensure it happens in the easiest and most joyous ways possible.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.
Daniel Scranton 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Crown of Light

The Crown of Light 

By Celia Fenn

Posted on January 16, 2024

As we work with the powerful incoming solar and galactic/diamond energies, there is much activity in the Crown Chakra and higher.

As we expand into our new self and energy for the New Earth, we are truly “crowned with light”.

This creates a “vortex” of light and energy that is very strong, especially in those who are set to expand their work and be the seed bearers for the New Earth communities.

It is a most beautiful Gold and White light that carries Codes for the Divine Feminine, the Christ Consciousness and the Galactic Diamond Light!

You may feel this energy on the physical level as pressure on the head, or as dizziness and “swaying on your feet”. Be careful not to fall over, but stay firmly grounded and anchored in the material and earth realm so that you can better carry this energy and ground it!

Wear your Crown with Grace!

You deserve it as you embrace your sovereign power as a Queen or King!

As we pass through this week towards the zero point reset on the 20th January when the Sun and Pluto are conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, this energy may become even more intense.

And miraculous!

Love to everyone!

Celia Fenn

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers

Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 7, 2023

Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be connecting with all of you, and we know that you open up very nicely to our energies. We appreciate that. We appreciate every single one of you who is interested in us and in the energies from our star system. We know that you are interested in that which is galactic, and we know that you do a wonderful job of opening up to galactic energies, and that is a very good thing. There are of course more galactic energies coming in to your atmosphere all the time to support you on the journey of ascension that humanity is on there on Earth. We also want you to know that when you ground those energies into your physical bodies, you are doing so for your fellow humans and animals and Mother Earth.

This is a group experience of ascension, and everyone benefits from every positive thought, every positive emotion, every good intention that is a part of each and every one of you there on Earth. And so, you can consider yourself to be a lightworker even if you don’t have a job that involves something that you would deem to be spiritual, like an energy healer or a channeler. You are still working with the light and helping others through your anchoring in of the galactic energies and the higher-frequency energies, no matter where they are coming from. And there are energies coming in from all angles at this time.

You are getting ready for another big leap forward there on planet Earth, with more mass awakenings coming, with the equinox coming, and with the extra-terrestrial contact experiences coming that many of you have sought after for a very long time. We know that it is important for those of you who are interested in e.t. contact to have your own personal experiences with e.t.s, and we know that you can have them right now, or tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever you feel ready to receive that contact. 

And we promise you that you will be ready when it happens during your waking hours. Or maybe you will be someone who gets woken up by an e.t. in the middle of the night, and still you will be ready for that experience when you have it. We know that hasn’t always been the case, and we know that some of you do have some fear around e.t. contact in the middle of the night because the Zetas were rather clumsy about it in the early stages of the hybridization program. But we promise you that all e.t.s have learned and have become much better at detecting what you are ready for and when.

And those of you who are interested in receiving galactic energies from the likes of us are most certainly on the radar of all the e.t.s who want to have contact with humanity at this time. You can relax and let those energies in, as they are infused into every single one of these transmissions, and they are coming all the time from parts all across this galaxy of ours. But when you are focused on receiving a transmission of galactic energy, you do tend to open up to it and then receive more of it as a result. These are exciting times, and those of you who are receiving this message are on the leading edge. You can consider yourselves to be the ones who are greatly responsible for the coming galactic age for humanity. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact

Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact

The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on April 25, 2023

galactic energies preparing you for full ET contact - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing the changes that have occurred in humanity throughout this month of April, and we are happy to say that you have made some giant strides forward as a collective. People there on Earth are opening up more. You are opening up more to your intuition, to your guides, to your higher selves. You have been opening up more to channel, to simply receive energies and healing energies. And we are very impressed by what we have seen. You have been opening up without fear, and you have been opening up without attachment, and you always get more whenever you do receive what has been gifted to you freely from all the beings and all the collectives who consistently want to help each and every one of you there on Earth.

We are of course bringing our energies through this channeler here, but we have many other ways of delivering energies to you, and when you open yourselves up to us, you open yourselves up to a multitude of galactic energies that are pouring in at this time from all the major star systems. Now is the time that you are being prepared for full extra-terrestrial contact, and all the galactic energies help you to have more memories come flooding in of your lifetimes in other star systems.

The galactic energies help you to remember that you have friends out there in the stars who elected not to incarnate on Earth like you did. You who understand that you are there to anchor in the highest-frequency energies that you can are doing so, and you are transforming. And of course, your transformation is not always pretty and it’s not always easy because you have to make room for the higher-frequency energies by purging out the lower-frequency ones. And that can look messy in your lives and in your bodies. The best way to avoid getting ascension symptoms and having detox symptoms, and all other types of symptoms is to let go, to surrender to what is happening. Do not resist it, but rather give yourselves the hydration, the rest, and the time that you need to let in the new and release the old. 

You are going to continue to do this to prepare yourselves physically, emotionally, and energetically for all that is to come there on Earth. All the positive changes that you have been asking for are coming, and they are coming because you are shifting. You are not just there to observe and experience the shift in consciousness; you are also there to participate in it. And those of you who are awake and who are aware are doing so consciously and deliberately, and you are bringing so many others along with you, because now is their time as well, whether they know it or not. 

But you can expect more and more people to be having stranger and stranger experiences because of the galactic energies that are flooding in right now, and you can help them in the same way that you had been helped or that you had helped yourselves. And that is a wonderful way to insure that the shift in consciousness is for everyone and not just for a precious few.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Aquarian Era Revealed

Aquarian Era Revealed

By Meg  Benedicte

Posted on March 1, 2023

Have you felt the new year building in momentum? It feels like riding a ripcurl wave…you can’t see much but trust the power propelling you forward.

We are experiencing extraordinary geomagnetic fluctuations, galactic energies and spectacular Aurora Borealis light shows. Let’s ride this wave into the Aquarian Era. The most influential 2023 astrological events arrive in March. Get ready for a significant shift in energy, focus and perspective as Saturn, Pluto and Mars change signs in the month of March.

Leading the pack on March 7, Saturn moves into Pisces, the sign of fluid emotions, changeable flow, sensitivity and spiritual nature, connection and compassion. Saturn has been influencing Aquarian themes for two years, since March 2020. Saturn the Taskmaster represents discipline, authority, boundaries, rules and regulations in watery empathic Pisces. Saturn in Pisces may be an odd fit. Perhaps we will see more grounded spirituality replacing out-of-body escapism. Saturn in Pisces provides the container for Spiritual essence, the sacred vessel for embodiment. Spirituality becomes an in-body experience. Saturn in Pisces enhances a more practical daily spiritual practice.

On March 23 Pluto enters Aquarius, igniting more of the powerful Aquarian Era for all life on the planet. Pluto will stay in Aquarius until June 11, then retrograde back to Capricorn, then forward into Aquarius, back and forth until November 19, 2024; where it will remain until 2043. Pluto is currently in the final degrees of dismantling Capricorn institutions of patriarchy, hierarchy, authoritarian governments, religious cults, and rigid societal structures. As Pluto recycles over the final degrees of Capricorn in the coming months, the impact will ripple through fixed archaic systems that deprive most of the world universal abundance, peace and harmony.

We are witnessing a global shift from old, outdated Capricorn systems as Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23, heralding the new era. Pluto inspires deep soul-searching, shadow work and alchemical transformation. While in Aquarius, Pluto will develop a new power system in the humanitarian sign of community, collective, hive mind. During Pluto’s transit we will see a new society emerge. Under Pluto’s refiner’s fire influence, outdated social conditioning, past trends, superficiality and collective illusions will falter, morph and dissolve.

The Aries Equinox arrives on March 20, setting the stage for a new astrological cycle, a new season and zero-point alchemy. The Equinox occurs at 0 degrees Aries, when day and night are equal length. Often referred to as the ‘Great Turning of the Wheel’, it is the cosmic pause between past and future. The Equinox provides the gateway into a fresh new start. When you ascend into a higher threshold resonance, your world reality expands into more complex consciousness. Let’s ride that wave into becoming Divine Humans!

Join other Light Beings and visiting Starseeds for the Equinox Gateway Activations. Travel to your Soul’s original homestar and connect with your unique home starlight. Register here.

Meg Benedicte


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