Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024



Posted on FB by Niagul Samoilov

on September 6, 2024

1. Never shake a hand with someone without standing up.
2. During negotiations, never make the first offer.
3. If they trust you with a secret, keep it.
4. If they give you a loan car, return it with a full tank.
5. Do things with passion or don't do it at all.
6. When shaking hands, do it tight and look that person in the eyes.
7. Live the experience of traveling alone.
8. Take advice if you want to get old
9 Go to eat with the new person at school/office.
10 When you want to send a message to someone and you're angry: finish, read it, delete it and rewrite the message.
11 Do not talk about work or politics at the table.
12. Write down your goals and work on them.
13. Protect your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.
14. Call and visit your loved ones.
15. Never regret anything, learn from everything
16. Honor and loyalty should be present in your personality.
17. Lend money to someone in need,even if you know he/she can't pay it back,but don't give to people who will abuse it.
18. Put your trust in God.
19. Make your bed when you wake up in the morning.
20. Drink in the shower.
21. Take care of a plant or a garden.
22. Look at the skies every chance you get.
23. Discover your skills and put them to use.
24. Love your job or leave it.
25. Ask for help when you need it.
26. Appreciate and thank the one who gives you a hand.
27. Be kind to your neighbors.
28. Make someone's day happier, it will make you happier too.
29. Run a competition with yourself.
30. Treat yourself at least once a year
31. Take care of your health.
32. Always greet with a smile.
33. Think fast but speak slow.
34. Don't talk with your mouth full.
35. Polish your shoes, trim your nails and always maintain a good look.
36. Do not express your opinion on matters you do not know.
37. Live your life as if it were the last day of it.
38. Never pass up a great opportunity to remain silent.
39. Acknowledge someone for their efforts.
40. Let yourself be humble.
41. Never forget your roots.
42. Be fair, speak up for those who need you.
43. Learn to enjoy your moments of solitude.
44. Always help people in need.
45. Spread love, even to your enemies.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Arcturian Group

The secret to loving one's self is to stop judging

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on March 17, 2024

Welcome dear readers
You are often told that in order to truly love another you must first love yourself but exactly how does a person love themself? True self love (not ego bluster) is difficult for those who are spiritually awake as well as those who are not because most believe that self love refers to loving the three dimensional false sense of self that most identity with as being who they are.

Bluster and brag are often seen as excessive self love but in reality represent the lack of it, a state of consciousness that needs constant reassurance and tactics in order to feel that he or she is worthy of respect and love.
As individuals spiritually evolve, they begin to remember and analyze past actions from a new and higher perspective. Words spoken and actions taken in a less evolved state of consciousness start coming to mind bringing with them guilt, regret, and even self loathing -- a sense of unworthiness that leaves them wondering how on earth they can ever love this person.

If this has been your experience, you are not alone for just as with all earthly experiences, this stage is another facet of the journey, another step along the path to deeper spiritual realization. As you learn about and begin to accept the YOU that you really are you automatically begin to understand, appreciate, and love the person you thought you were. Simply allow this aspect of self love to unfold as you are ready.
The secret to loving one's self is to stop judging your worthiness for love from three dimensional standards and concepts. Loving self does not mean loving the ego, that false sense of self that you came to accept as being who you were, but rather means learning about, understanding, accepting, integrating, living, and loving the real you-- the YOU that is Divine consciousness individualized, the YOU you have been unaware of throughout lifetimes.
Most consider love to be an emotion because it is usually experienced that way. The word emotion means "energy in motion". Love as it is known and accepted by most at this time is a limited three dimensional concept of real love--the omnipresent energy of one Divine Consciousness forever surrounding and flowing to, from, and between all expressions of ITself as people, plants, animals, extra terrestrials, nature spirits, elementals, planets etc.

This ever present interconnecting energy is interpreted and understood according to individual states of consciousness and can therefore manifest and even be experienced as hate as well as "love". Most are as of yet unable to understand or even consider love as being an omnipresent God energy and will remain unaware of it until they are able to comprehend and integrate ONEness .

Through the process of living hundreds of previous lives as well as this one, every person has acquired personal likes and dislikes and has done things he/she now regrets. Everyone can remember situations where hurtful words were spoken and self serving actions were taken but always remember that all experiences are learning experiences meant to eventually bring every person to a higher spiritual awareness of self and others.
Do not concentrate on or denigrate yourself over past actions. Make amends where or if it is appropriate and then move on. Send Light and love to those who may have already gone home and forgive all who have offended you in the realization that they too are spiritual beings in the process of learning and evolving. Try not to dwell on or continue feeding low resonating situations from the past that someone or others may want to keep alive.
Common concepts of love are based in separation and promote love as being limited to sexual attraction, compassion, sympathy, desire, service, religiosity, etc. because this is how God energy is commonly interpreted on earth. You are ready to move to higher consciousness of love from which you can more fully experience and express it to self and to others.

Love is the substance of everything because it is ALL THAT EXISTS. It is the creative, alive, permanent energy of omnipresent Divine Consciousness--God. You are floating in it. It is the air you breathe, the water in lakes, streams, and oceans, every tree and flower. a baby's smile, and the wagging tail of a dog. It is relationship, wisdom, concern for others, peace, joy, and laughter. You are swimming in the omnipresent energy of love at all times and could never be separate from it even if you tried but it does not look that way on earth because three dimensional states of consciousness continue to interpret God's spiritual expressions from levels of duality and separation belief.

Because most are as of yet unable to see the reality that underlies everything, they continue to believe in and live from a false, conditioned, and programmed mind formed interpretations of the perfect universe and ideas of Divine Mind.
Your consciousness of reality is helping to lift and change this.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

All is Surfacing

All is Surfacing

By Judith Kusel

Posted on January 23, 2024


Do not be surprised if everything now starts surfacing which was secret, hidden, deliberately obscured, lied about, as all the skeletons in cupboards start rattling and falling out of their hiding places.

The huge influx of Solar Light codes from the Suns beyond the Suns are going to highlight everything and indeed this means literally everything. Within and without.

Many lightworkers are starting to, and already are feeling it, as we are being pulled into higher action on multiple soul levels as many of us have been prepared to do this work for many thousands of earth years and cosmically.

We are the ground crew and the task force and in truth not limited by the physical, as our souls are not bound to it, and never have been.

Thus know that the physical body will struggle to keep up with all which is going to happen and is already happening at super quantum speed and is an unstoppable force. Yet, it is loving and fluid, flowing, flexible.

Go deeper within for your soul has now merged with the monadic groupings and amplifying your soul’s ability to rise up to this momentous occasion and rise and render highest loving service in ever expanded ways.

You will often be astounded of what you are capable of becoming when you allow yourself to expand and be lifted even more into your true soul self as your infinite soul knowledge and abilities come to the fore.

Remember this is the inward revolution, the total shift into the higher vibrational frequencies of the fifth to seventh dimensional frequency bands and the rebirth of the cosmic conscious soul within you!

Rise up!


Its now all happening!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Secret to Trusting Your Intuition

The Secret to Trusting Your Intuition

Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shanta Gabriel

Posted on September 24, 2023


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is offering the secret to learning how to trust our intuition.
Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.

Everywhere I turn now, I feel like I am being confronted with the need to be aware of other states beyond the physical. In fact, much of my life at this point seems to be focused on looking beyond the 3D world we have been familiar with and more about learning to live in the higher frequencies in the expansive of 5D world we have moved into.

I find it to be a really interesting time to be alive right now. I am so curious about the shifting frequencies and the magical beauty inherent in the way the Divine Flow of Love is working through all that we are experiencing. It feels like being Home in a way that life in the world all these years has never been.

I love that my Higher Self is available to me in a new way. Many people are agreeing with this assessment. The Light Fields of energy are pliable and malleable enough for us to be able to co-create a life that can bring us fulfillment of our greatest dreams. I am able to have deeper communication with my heart without taking as much time to raise my frequency. I find I am already living in the higher frequencies that give me access to my guidance system.

It is living in the world with these new frequencies that seems to be the trickiest part for my physical body, especially my nervous system. Life responds differently in the higher dimensions. When my actions do not create the same results they used to before 2012, that tells me I have to pay attention and make some new action choices. It turns out that when I do this, everything is much easier. Even more radically, it seems as though Love is a greater component in all activity than ever before.

It is a bit wild when I realize that it's taken more than 70 years to finally start the world that I thought I was being born into. When I did not have a body, it seemed like a great idea to "be ahead of my time." However, the reality of life when nobody understood anything I said and even thought I was more than a bit crazy, was grueling to say the least. The freedom of the time we are living in now is remarkable and I love having more people to play with in the Beauty of the higher frequencies. This teaching has become a component to all my private sessions, so that Hope, Creative Solutions and Expanded Perceptions can be brought into daily life.

Divine Presence,

Shanta GabrielThank you for guiding me through this time with so much Clarity, Grace and Ease. Thank you for helping me to see what steps I need to take to be in harmony with my Soul's wisdom and learn to work with the Angelic Dimensions to create new life on every level.

As I learn to navigate the new frequencies, please care for my physical body and my nervous system. Help me to be more conscious of the times when I am over-stimulated and need to slow down, be quieter and take deeper breaths.

Thank you for guiding my decisions and all of my actions so they are in alignment with my Soul's journey. I ask to be in Harmony with the power of my intentions for this new time. Thank you for helping me learn to be more receptive to my guidance.

For all these blessings and for the beautiful life I have been given, I say thank you. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
September 24, 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Nocturnal Knowing

Nocturnal Knowing

by Owen Waters

Posted on August 13, 2023

It's a little-known secret that, during the first two hours of sleep at night, people reconnect with their soul consciousness. The spirit realms are where most dreams occur throughout the night. The soul realms are beyond this state. To reach soul consciousness, your awareness moves up through the spirit realms and, upon reaching the deepest sleep state, reconnects with your innermost state of beingness.

During that time of reconnection with the core of your essence, you review the latest events in your life and plan what would be best for your next moves. You won't consciously remember the experience when you return to your sleeping physical body, but your soul awareness is always there in the background, ready to be accessed at any time by conscious intent.

Accessing the wisdom of your soul awareness takes only a moment. Just stop what you are doing, turn your attention within and see what your intuitive impressions are concerning the issue at hand. When you slow down for a moment to tune into the subtle and quiet whisperings of your soul, then you have true wisdom at your disposal in the world of daily living.

The advice to "sleep on it" when faced with a big decision now takes on a whole new meaning. Knowing that you will mull this decision over at a soul level at night, you can appreciate that, the next day, your feelings on which course of action to take will be inspired by the wisdom of your soul. No wonder people say that sleeping on it makes you feel better able to deal with even the biggest problems.

At a soul level, you have access to a much wider perspective of reality. For a start, you can project any decision into the future and see, in lifelike reality, exactly how that decision will work out. That process certainly beats guessing at such outcomes. In a soul-level projection of the future, you see all the threads of interactions with other people and how everything will turn out based upon current trends. This wisdom is then available to your waking state via the power of intuition.

Personally, when it comes to facing what seems like an important opportunity, I insist on having three nights of "sleeping on it" before I will agree to give an answer as to whether I will go ahead. Doing this means never having to say, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

The above was an excerpt from the book, "Soul Inspiration: Unleash the Power of Your Higher Consciousness to Dissolve Problems and Create a Better Life", available as a pdf e-book and now in paperback and Kindle format from Amazon.

Owen Waters


My note: God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of some dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?





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