Friday, September 6, 2024



Posted on FB by Niagul Samoilov

on September 6, 2024

1. Never shake a hand with someone without standing up.
2. During negotiations, never make the first offer.
3. If they trust you with a secret, keep it.
4. If they give you a loan car, return it with a full tank.
5. Do things with passion or don't do it at all.
6. When shaking hands, do it tight and look that person in the eyes.
7. Live the experience of traveling alone.
8. Take advice if you want to get old
9 Go to eat with the new person at school/office.
10 When you want to send a message to someone and you're angry: finish, read it, delete it and rewrite the message.
11 Do not talk about work or politics at the table.
12. Write down your goals and work on them.
13. Protect your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.
14. Call and visit your loved ones.
15. Never regret anything, learn from everything
16. Honor and loyalty should be present in your personality.
17. Lend money to someone in need,even if you know he/she can't pay it back,but don't give to people who will abuse it.
18. Put your trust in God.
19. Make your bed when you wake up in the morning.
20. Drink in the shower.
21. Take care of a plant or a garden.
22. Look at the skies every chance you get.
23. Discover your skills and put them to use.
24. Love your job or leave it.
25. Ask for help when you need it.
26. Appreciate and thank the one who gives you a hand.
27. Be kind to your neighbors.
28. Make someone's day happier, it will make you happier too.
29. Run a competition with yourself.
30. Treat yourself at least once a year
31. Take care of your health.
32. Always greet with a smile.
33. Think fast but speak slow.
34. Don't talk with your mouth full.
35. Polish your shoes, trim your nails and always maintain a good look.
36. Do not express your opinion on matters you do not know.
37. Live your life as if it were the last day of it.
38. Never pass up a great opportunity to remain silent.
39. Acknowledge someone for their efforts.
40. Let yourself be humble.
41. Never forget your roots.
42. Be fair, speak up for those who need you.
43. Learn to enjoy your moments of solitude.
44. Always help people in need.
45. Spread love, even to your enemies.

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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