Showing posts with label omna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omna. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Awakening the Unawakened Self

Awakening the Unawakened Self

By Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on November 16, 2024 

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Master Kuthumi. 
It is an honour to bring forth my energy to you. I bring forth the energy of love, love, love – an abundance of love – to surround you, to soothe your energy system, to soothe your nervous system and every part of your being, so that you may relax deeper into the space of love and into the space of light and peace within your being.

This is a wonderful key to existing upon the earth. When you allow yourself to relax into the sacred qualities that already exist within your being, you allow that truth to come forth with ease. You allow everything to flow with greater ease. It’s simply requires the intention of relaxing into your sacred qualities and giving space for you to do so.

Today I wish to speak about awakening. I also wish to speak about the aspects of your being that have not yet awoken. These aspects of your being may be unconscious; they do not hold or vibrate as, or with, the divine consciousness of your being.

My sharing today is immensely simple, and yet, when practiced in your reality can be magnificent in its benefits and impact upon your being and spiritual growth.

I, Master Kuthumi, wish for you to consider acknowledging the aspects of your being that are not aligned to your truth. This may be thoughts…maybe thoughts of hurt towards yourself or others…judgements, anything that causes dis-ease, discomfort, or negativity.

It may be memories of painful situations and experiences. It could be habits and patterns that you achieve in your reality. Maybe you know that they do not serve you, or maybe you don’t.

There may be friendships or partnerships that do not serve you; that lower your vibration. There may be situations that you place yourself in, feeling that you cannot escape, that cause you to disconnect from your truth.

When you begin to contemplate and become aware of aspects of your being that have not yet awoken – that are not aligned to your truth, that are unconscious – then you begin to bring into that area or those areas of your being, the divine light/love/consciousness.

A simple recognition, from a space of love, of something that is not serving you – that is not aligning you to your truth or supporting you in remaining in a space of love – requires to be recognized. In doing so, you ignite a flame of light that begins transformation, in truth, begins an awakening/change.

You may find yourself realizing that you do not wish to act in a certain way or you do not wish to tolerate certain things, or maybe you wish to change a thought pattern or process. A simple recognition creates awakening and turns an aspect or area of your being from being unconscious and unconnected, to being divinely conscious and divinely connected.

In truth, there isn’t really anything else that is needed to bring transformation to these areas that have not yet awoken. Simply recognizing that they are unconscious or disconnected areas is enough.

It’s as if you are bridging a light – creating a bridge of light – from aspects of yourself that have already awoken, to aspects that have not. The light creates change and transformation. There is simply a need to observe and recognize what that change and that transformation is.

It may come forth as inspiration. You may simply recognize that the energy shifts, or you may feel inspired to create actions within your being and your reality that allow that area that was dormant to now vibrate in the space of the Creator.

It is not only recognizing those areas that have not yet awoken, it is also recognizing them with love, with tenderness, with forgiveness and sharing that loving tenderness and forgiveness to create an awakening.

When you ignore aspects of yourself – habits, thoughts, scenarios, experiences – you are experiencing a push pull action in your reality. You are holding onto them, you are giving them energy. You are pushing them and pulling them and using all your energy for that.

Once you recognize them, with love/forgiveness/tenderness/compassion, that push and pull experience dissolves and those areas simply becomes a part of your being. You exist in oneness and a transformation takes place.

I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to contemplate this in your coming days. It need only take a thought, a moment, a realization while you are going about your daily routine. You will be able to create ascension on the move or ascension wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

I, Master Kuthumi, am here to serve you. My love is with you always and I am thankful for all that you are and all that you give to the world.

Thank you.

I am Master Kuthumi

Natalie Glasson

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

What is Your Truth?

What is Your Truth?

By Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on November 13, 2024 

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved ones, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth my love and my blessings for your own spiritual journey and your awakening process. Today I wish to speak of what is your truth?

This is an interesting question for it invites you to acknowledge what it is you are experiencing within your being, what you wish to experience and what is already present and available for you to experience in this moment.

We begin to acknowledge the many different aspects of your truth. Your truth, in many ways, can be whatever you wish it to be. Maybe you have dreams/desires/goals. You can activate, from within your being, the energies that bring these dreams/desires/goals into manifestation within your being.

Your truth is also your essence, your truth, your Creator expression that you have received, like a puzzle piece. It is your puzzle piece to explore and to discover.

As with a puzzle piece, there may be a picture upon the puzzle. This will offer to you qualities; skills, abilities, understanding, spiritual growth. It will also allow you to realise the energies with which you are connected; the aspects of the Creator’s truth that are connected to you intimately or closely.

This allows you to explore other areas beyond your own essence or expression of truth. It allows you to recognise that your essence holds a specific quality and that this quality can attract and draw, into your being, other qualities that serve and support you in your ascension.

Your soul/your truth has understanding, wisdom, knowledge that is available for you to access and use in your reality. It is like a library or a fountain of truth for you to acknowledge and bring forth in order to support you in navigating your reality upon the earth.

Your truth is the most familiar part of your being. While it may feel as if you do not understand your truth – that it is mysterious – actually it is the most familiar part. You know it most intimately. The key is to bring this truth, this familiar energy into your being, into your reality and into your current existence upon the earth.

As you do that, you allow energies/qualities/wisdom/understanding to come forth. Divine guidance/a power/a pathway/a direction/a purpose – all of this comes forth, through your being, in exciting and easy ways for you to explore. This means that your truth is then being experienced by you, in your physical reality.

You have a choice. You can choose what you wish to bring forth.

You might wish to be more creative. You might wish to be more musical. You might wish to be more organised, more courageous and adventurous. There are so many different aspects of your truth that you can bring forth. You can bring forth the aspect that has mastered spiritual growth, or is mastering certain skills or healing abilities in your spiritual growth.

You have a choice. Your truth is like a library and you have a choice.

When you begin to interact with your truth in this way, knowing that you have a choice, knowing that you can request different aspects to come forth to be embodied within your being, that’s when you begin to interact; you begin to have a relationship, a communication with your own inner truth. Therefore you understand it more fully.

Your truth also becomes more active within your being and your reality because you become accustomed to connecting with and drawing your truth into your being. Also, your truth becomes accustomed to coming forth – flowing – and the more you practice this the greater its intensity will be.

You are able to recognise this truth coming forth to become more familiar with it, to become more engaged, to allow it to be more active and inspirational, assisting you in your reality.

So, what is your truth?

It can actually be whatever you want it to be. You will recognise your truth when you connect with it. There will be contentment, a familiarity, an inspiration, an excitement and maybe an inner peace. This you will know when you connect with your inner truth. Remember that your inner truth – although always present – and your essence, and an expression of the Creator, are also your choosing.

What do you choose to bring forth from your inner truth?

Remember that your inner truth is a library; so much wisdom, so many memories, so many skills and abilities. You can converse with your inner truth by simply saying, “Inner truth, I wish to speak with you. I wish to bring forth…” and you can continue to talk to your inner truth. You don’t even need a response.

The more that you speak and converse with your inner truth – asking for certain skills or energies to come forth – the more you will begin to notice your inner truth, within your being and your reality, creating, being expressed and building your life forth.

Now is the time to discover what your inner truth is.

You may find that you ask for certain things and they simply don’t come forth. Maybe that is not part of your inner truth. Your inner truth is a puzzle piece and that puzzle piece is connected to other things; a greater picture of the Creator. So you may receive the energies in that way.

It’s time to explore your own inner truth.

I thank you.

I am Master Kuthumi

Natalie Glasson

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Your Timeline of Ascension

Your Timeline of Ascension

By Archangel Metatron

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on October 27, 2024
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be present with you today. I bring forth my love and the sacred gifts of the Angelic Kingdom to shower over and through your being. We are present to serve you and to support you. We are here to assist you in your journey of ascension.

We realise that many of you may be feeling frustrated at this time. You wish to recognise peace, love and truth upon the earth. You wish for yourself to transform, for other to transform, and for Mother Earth to transform. You wish to experience the reality that you have come to the earth to experience – a heaven upon the earth – a divine expression of the Creator in existence upon the earth.

Many of you may be feeling frustrated. You may be feeling impatient or maybe disappointed that what you seek, what you know is occurring, doesn’t seem to be manifesting, upon the earth, at the speed you might like.

You wish to recognise and see the love that is present between each person being expressed and experienced upon the earth; that every person is an expression of their divine creator self and so beauty, magnificence, divinity and magic can be seen upon the earth.

Yet, at this time, it seems that chaos, negativity, hurt and pain are what you are seeing in the earth and the people around you – maybe also in your own being. Again, this can be immensely frustrating. It can create anger within your being.

We, the Angelic Kingdom, wish for you to acknowledge that it is natural, at this stage of ascension, to experience frustration/disappointment/anger. If you are willing to recognise that that is what you are experiencing, and to embrace those feelings in love, as if you are cuddling/wrapping love around these feelings until they dissolve, then you will recognise a new energy and a new perspective emerging from within your being.

Your ascension process is within your being. Everything that you seek upon the earth, in others, and also in yourself, is within you. The world that you wish to see and create is inside of you. It first begins inside of you.

Each individual will recognise this new reality within their beings. It will be present in your vibration; in the energy that you radiate. You will begin to see your perspectives changing and shifting. You’ll notice more love, more kindness and more peace, in yourself, and the world around you. It is as if you are unfolding that new world from within your being.

Every being is doing the same. Each person is at a different stage. It might be that you are existing in this world of love and peace, and others are not. Maybe you are existing side by side, and that is perfectly fine. Everyone will reach the same stage but the reality that you seek is inside of you.

Don’t expect the world around you to change, or don’t wait for the world around you to change first.

That sacred world must come from within your being. That sacred reality – the way that you wish to live your life and wish to see others experiencing their reality – when you radiate it out, you are allowing yourself to exist in that space. Others will do the same, until everyone reaches the same level.

This is your ascension timeline. It is personal to you. In truth, it has nothing to do with the outer world and yet, your ascension timeline will influence the outer world. You will create a pocket of love and peace, and others will do the same.

Gradually these pockets of love and peace will overlap and overflow. That’s when there will be a tremendous boost in energy. You yourself will find yourself soaring into higher vibrations of light and sacred experiences.

The ascension of the earth, and all the people around you, is occurring, but what is most important is your ascension timeline; that is personal to you. It is time to create your goals.

When you think of a new earth – a new reality for all – what do you also think of for yourself?

How do you wish to live?

How do you wish to be?

What do you wish to radiate?

Most importantly, rather than focusing on what you want in the outer world, focus upon what you wish to experience in your inner world.

How do you wish to feel in every moment?

Do you wish to be an embodiment of love or bliss, peace, trust or truth – maybe a combination of all?

Are there certain things you wish to achieve within your being; certain healings, certain skills that you wish to awaken?

When you focus within, you’re focusing upon your own personal timeline. You create goals; a destination for yourself, knowing that you are already embodying your ascension and all that you seek. It is simply a process of you recognising all that you see within your being. When you focus upon this, your reality shifts – everything shifts – even the earth, even Mother Earth and those upon her.

And yes, you may still recognise chaos, pain and wounding upon the earth. Recognise that some things need to be resolved, released and understood. As you focus on your own personal ascension, you will have a new perspective of viewing yourself and the earth that will not only serve you, but will serve all.

It may feel as if you’re being selfish to focus upon your own inner ascension, but everything that you seek and everything that others seek comes from within ones being. If you demonstrate this, others will follow. Even if you do not speak with them, they are sensitive to your energy and to your focus.

Each and every being is connected and experiences a oneness. This is also something that you can focus upon. It simply requires a realisation – ours to experience the oneness that you hold within your being with all the greatest, purest, oneness – and it will come.

Your realisations of yourself and your ascension within your being are your power. They are more powerful, more impactful than anything else. Your ascension timeline is immensely important and you can encourage the same within others.

I thank you for your presence with me today.

I am Archangel Metatron.

Natalie Glasson

Friday, October 18, 2024

Awakening Ascension Within

Awakening Ascension Within

Archangel Zadkiel

Channel: Natalie Glasson


Posted on October 18, 2024


Greetings, I am Archangel Zadkiel. I bring forth the light of the Creator, like a sun, beaming warmly upon your being. Allow yourself to bathe in this Creator light as it flows through me to you, knowing that the same energy of light, like a sun, awakens within your own being and has been, and is, eternally present.

Today I, Archangel Zadkiel, come forth to support you in awakening your ascension; the ascension process occurring within your being.

It is important to realise that you have already achieved your ascension process. Each step and stage is recorded within your being; your spiritual growth and your return to the Creator. It is all present within your being.

It is, in many ways, for you to access this energy, to bring it forth, as if it is a video that you are watching for the very first time, except that this video allows you to experience it as well.

When we begin to recognise that your ascension process is complete, within your being, and that it is simply a matter of expressing that energy into your body/auric field and your surroundings, as well as the people and situations around you, then ascension becomes extremely enjoyable/easy and you are able to recognise the direction in which you are moving, in order to bring this complete ascension into manifestation for you to truly experience.

It is at this moment that you can recognise that your ascension process is actually about expressing the energies within your being – the sacred spiritual energies – bringing them to the forefront of your mind/awareness/body/auric field allowing yourselves, your bones, to embody this ascension energy – this complete ascension energy.

With this awareness, you recognise that your daily practices, as you go about your reality, can be focused upon expressing your complete ascension and experiencing that ascension in your reality – your daily life – therefore, it is not so much about completing practices, overcoming challenges or even accessing spiritual tools.

You become proficient in the process of expression – radiating your light from all chakras/your heart centre/soul/ soul group and the Creator within your being, into your body/auric field and surroundings, into your intentions and your thoughts, into your eyes so that your eyes express your light, into your voice/words, into your movements – the way that you touch, the way that you walk – it all holds this expression. You become an expressive radiator of the light of the Creator; your inner complete ascension.

Your inner complete ascension is like a roadmap or a template. It has certain qualities to be embodied and certain experiences to be recognised that create a unique synthesis of qualities – an understanding or inner knowingness – that allows you to experience a deeper more profound, fulfilling connection with the Creator – the essence of the Creator existing within your being – the oneness of all things.

Your breath carries the light into your being and also into your surroundings. Your breath is your greatest most powerful activator. Breathing deeply and powerfully, with intention, activates your light – radiates your light – and supports your cells/bones/auric field in opening to receive.

Your simple awareness upon your ascension within supports it in activating. Allowing yourself to rest after a simple intention allows you to fully absorb the ascension awakening, activation and its integration into your entire being.

There is one thing that is always needed with activations and awakening and that is awareness – awareness of what is occurring. This does not mean understanding, nor does it even mean remembrance. It does mean observing – observing the truth as it emerges – without judgment and without trying to guide it in a certain way.

I, Archangel Zadkiel, invite you to my ashram on the inner planes. Go to the Crystalline Fire Chamber. You need only hold an intention of going to Archangel Zadkiel’s Crystalline Fire Temple or ashram.

As you enter, whether you are aware of it or not, there is a violet purple flame which you can step into. As you step into this fire, you notice that there are crystals all surrounding you. It’s as if the fire is made of crystals – purple violet crystals with golden and rainbow light.

This is a space where you can sit breathing, radiating your complete ascension. It will support in clearing away the blockages, the stagnant energy and the stuck vibrations, that are no longer needed, while ensuring that the energy of your complete ascension is embedded deep within all aspects and levels of your being.
For a complete and absolute embodiment, you can allow yourself to rest and breathe with intention in this space, for as long as feels appropriate. It is a space to serve you.

I, Archangel Zadkiel, am always present to assist, to nurture and to love you.
I thank you.

I am Archangel Zadkiel
Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Inner Child / Childhood Self

Inner Child / Childhood Self

The Celestial White Beings

Channel: Natalie Glasson



Posted on September 28, 2024

Beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth and embrace you in love and bliss. We are present to serve you, to awaken and remind you of the truth that exists within your being, and the power that you hold to make impactful transformations within your being, within your reality and within the world.

You are present upon the earth to bring your light, your love, your truth, your inner knowledge and remembrance, and your expression of the Creator to the world. How you choose to bring forth your own expression of the Creator is your choosing, and is unique as well as a wonderful expression of your essence and your truth.

We, the Celestial White Beings, love you dearly for your presence upon the earth now. We understand that it can be frightening at times, confusing, and sometimes chaotic. We are present with you to support you in remaining in your centre – aligned with your truth and all that is the Creator – so that you may feel/sense/acknowledge your own personal truth, distributing it to your reality and the world in a unique and wonderful way.

Thus you are able to navigate the world – the pains and the hardship – with support and connection, with the Divine flow, being love, loved and loving, and with the essence of bliss.

Today, we, the Celestial White Beings, wish to navigate through an understanding. We wish to share with you that as you stand upon the earth now, you are radiant, you are divine, you are sacred, you are the ultimate expression of the Creator, and this is magnificent.

We also wish to share with you that you carry baggage with you. This baggage is immensely important because it allows you to reveal greater volumes of your divinity and your truth. Each bag, each wound, each trauma or pain is a door opening to greater embodiment of your divinity.

As a child, when you are born, you are born with the essence of the Creator; your divine, personal, sacred expression of the Creator. You are also born with your soul’s plan, almost like a checklist of things your soul wishes to experience or embody during the lifetime upon which you are embarking.

The soul may not determine how you embody these energies that are upon its checklist – that is for you as the earthly being to create. Without even knowing what is on the checklist, you create it. You allow yourself to move through challenges and experiences in order to reach a point where you’re embodying your soul’s checklist.

Examples of your soul’s checklist might be: the embodiment and understanding of peace; the embodiment or understanding of unconditional love; the ability to connect with self and others in a very truthful and deep way.

With this checklist – whatever is on your soul’s checklist – circumstances are created. You place yourself into a reality from the very beginning of your birth that supports you in embodying this checklist. At times it may not feel as if you are being supported. The circumstances are to support you in reaching your soul’s ultimate goals.

When you are born, you have only a few fears – maybe of loud noises, maybe of falling – hardly anything else.

Sometimes fears come through from other lifetimes, if the soul consents to this. But generally, as a child being born, there are very little fears because you are holding the essence; you are holding that true expression of the Creator.

A wonderful thing would be if there were souls upon the earth that communed, energetically, with babies once they were born, to recognize their soul’s checklist. Maybe the parents would keep that with the child so that they can nurture and support the child in embodying that checklist. This would be most ideal, but as we gather, it does not very often happen.

In the first seven years as a child you are like a sponge; absorbing everything that everyone says to and around you. Even if they say something to you in joke form, not meaning for you to accept it, it is most likely that you will.

You also accept the wounds of others. Your being is trying to learn so much that it is in acceptance mode and cannot clarify what is appropriate to accept and what is not.

Your belief system is built.

Once you pass through the age of seven, then you are able to use the tools that you have obtained. Sometimes these tools hold wounds – painful experiences that you have yourself experienced or that others have experienced around you. These are your tools to help you embody your checklist.

When we speak of the inner child, we, the Celestial White Beings, are speaking of that essence, that divine Creator expression that is unique, to you, when you are born onto the earth. Every child, every soul has this.

Sometimes, as an adult, you are unable to connect with this. Maybe, for some reason or another, you have cut yourself off from it; you’re not able to reconnect with that innocence, that playful nature, that sacred Creator expression that simply is the Creator. Other times you are still able to connect with that.

That energy fills your childhood, whatever occurs.

We recognize the inner child as your childhood self; the childhood you experienced upon the earth from that moment where your soul created the checklist and chose your reality, upon the earth, where you were born into. That is your inner child – your childhood self – all the way up to when you turned or transitioned into adulthood.

When we’re thinking of the inner child or the childhood self, we are not separating you from an aspect of yourself. We’re not thinking of your child self and your adult self as different. We’re thinking of them as the same.

You may wish to use other words – divine child, soul child, or Creator child – to encapsulate that creative, Creator expression that is present with you at birth. In many ways, when we use the term inner child, it is simply a label in the same way that we use the label Creator or God.

We are not separating ourselves from the Creator although, to some extent, using a label we are, but in order to navigate the physical reality there is a need for labels, at this time.

Your inner child, your childhood self, the childhood that you experienced, is a very integral and integrated part of your being.

As you stand here now, whether you have experienced healings/releasing of wounds or not, the childhood that you had has a very impactful influence upon who you are right now.

By healing/revisiting wounds, you are able to release them and free yourself from their presence therefore making it lighter and brighter for you to stand, now, in existence.

In many ways, your spiritual growth is not, essentially, about connecting with the Divine. It is valuable and that connection is immensely important, however, releasing baggage and old wounds that are stuck within your energy field, actually allow you to connect with the Creator automatically and with greater power.

Imagine that you are able to fly, and the flying is freedom, but you have weights upon your body that are holding you to the ground. You might be able to fly for a little while, but these weights bring you back to the ground.

Now imagine that each weight is a wound/stuck energy/a belief that no longer serves you.

As you rummage through these and release them – you accept them/acknowledge them/bring love to them and let them release in their own way – then it is like you have released a weight. All of a sudden, you are able to fly without any weights, and you automatically receive and experience your spiritual growth.

It becomes so much easier because your perspective clears as well; you view your reality through your divine self, through your Creator expression rather than through the wounds/pain/trauma which, even if you try to escape, they become your filter for the earth around you, causing you to react in certain ways.

This is natural and normal.

We place great value on releasing wounds, especially from childhood because you will find that those wounds, from childhood, are the ones that still remain in your adulthood.

Once recognised, your adulthood becomes very easy.

We simply invite you to contemplate our words.

We love you dearly.
We are the Celestial White Beings.

Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Which Energy Imprint?

Which Energy Imprint?

The Celestial White Beings

Channel: Natalie Glasson



Posted on September 14, 2024

Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with the vibration of bliss.

Bliss is our eternal focus. It is something that we are promoting, activating and igniting within your being and within all beings upon the earth and the inner planes. We extend from the celestial vibrations and our energy is often seen as pure white light.

Today we wish to bring forth information assisting and supporting you in creating that which you wish to manifest in your reality, and embodying that which you wish to embody, within your being and your body.

Within the Universe of the Creator, there are numerous energy imprints and templates. Within your soul group there are numerous energy imprints and templates, and it’s the same for your soul. Some of these energy imprints and templates are the same and yet they exist at different levels of vibration within your soul, soul group and the core of the Creator. They are like embodying different stages of the imprint.

Downloading an imprint or an energy template into your being is a wonderful experience because it allows you to grasp and understand tools and energy vibrations as they anchor into your being and your reality. It is very much like receiving a manual on a certain subject, allowing you not only to read the manual but embody and experience it.

There are numerous energy imprints and templates from which to choose, and so there is a need for you to ask yourself, what is it that you are wishing to create right now in your reality, and what is it you are wishing to embody?

When you begin to understand, and you can bring your desires into a single word or a single subject, then you are able to call upon the energy imprint or template connected to that word or subject as a tool of downloading; as we said, that manual to support you.

The wonderful thing with energy imprints is that they work often without you realising. All that is needed is the simple acceptance and intention, and the energy imprint will be gifted to you or awoken from within your being. It may take a few hours, or a few days, or even a few weeks or months for the imprint to be fully downloaded into your being.

Each energy imprint is different and of course, the way that your body and being processes the imprint is also different to other people. In fact, it is impossible to say how long it takes to download each energy imprint.

You can ask that, when you are downloading the energy imprint, you are notified when it is complete. This notification might simply be a realisation within your mind that you feel the process is complete. It might be that something occurs in your reality, or you find yourself bringing forth new skills and abilities, demonstrating that the process is complete; that you have embodied that imprint.

You may wonder, what kind of energy imprints are available to you.

Let us share with you some examples. An energy imprint of health, of well-being, of success, fulfilment, self-love, healing, prosperity, connection, bliss, joy, fun, laughter, fitness, even an energy imprint to support your memory.

In truth, there are energy imprints for everything. We are bringing this forth to you because we wish for you to realise that the Universe of the Creator, your soul, your soul group, your guides, the Creator, are present to support you. We wish for you to feel sustained and supported.

These energy imprints are available to you. It is simply that you need to ask for them and be willing and available to download them; to accept them into your being and your energy body, and to ground them.

It is important that we use the word available to download the energy imprints, and we encourage you to contemplate this. Are you truly available to download these energy imprints? Maybe the energy imprint of bliss?

You can test whether you are truly available to download the energy imprint of bliss by recognising any judgments, doubts, blockages or hindrance that you create within your thoughts, emotions or actions connected to the template of bliss, or whichever energy imprint you choose to download into your being.

For example, if you choose to download the energy imprint of bliss, but you also hold the understanding that bliss is extremely difficult to embody, then you are not available to download the energy imprint because you are blocking your download.

There is a need to recognise how you are causing yourself to be unavailable to the Creator, and unavailable to the support that is being offered to you.

We also invite you to create detail within the energy imprint. For example, if you are using the energy imprint of bliss, what do you wish it to create? What do you wish it to develop within your being? Allow yourself to add greater detail.

Is it bliss for your emotions? Is it bliss for your mind? Is it bliss in your reality?

Is it bliss in your spiritual evolution? That is also something to contemplate.

To begin this process, first there is a need to choose which energy imprint you wish to download. It is important to simply achieve one at a time. So, which energy imprint would be most meaningful for you?

Once you decide, then you can call upon us, the Celestial White Beings, to surround you. Call upon your guides, soul, soul group and the Creator, to be a witness. Ask that you receive the energy imprint of your choice, from your soul, soul group and the Creator, to be fully downloaded into your being.

Ask that you are notified, in a way that is appropriate for you to understand, that the download is complete.

Before you begin to experience this, ask yourself, am I allowing myself to be available to receive the download? Contemplate any judgments, doubts or fears that you hold. If you discover any, place them into your heart centre and allow them to be dissolved in love or, invite us, the Celestial White Beings, to dissolve them in love.

You may need to keep doing that until you find yourself fully available to download. Then allow yourself to simply sit peacefully and breathe deeply, and the process of downloading will begin.

As you breathe deeply, bring focus to your Soul Star Chakra, above your head. This is where you will receive the energy imprint.

Then bring your attention to your Earth Star Chakra, below your feet. This is where it manifests; where you bring it into the physical reality.

Then bring your attention back to your entire being, or rest within the heart space, and allow yourself to simply experience. You are safe in this space and we, the Celestial White Beings, will support you.

It may be that you need to achieve this process multiple times with the same energy imprint so that you allow yourself to become more and more available to download the imprint, or it may be that it is achieved in one process.

Once that is completed, you can then choose another energy imprint, if you wish, or maybe you can choose another one another day…or week…whatever feels appropriate. Please follow your own inner guidance.

This is a very powerful tool. Enjoy the magic that it creates.

We are the Celestial White Beings and we thank you.

Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Monday, September 9, 2024

Healing the Fear of Failing

Healing the Fear of Failing

by Archangel Metatron

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on September 9, 2024
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to be present with me in this moment as I bring forth the angelic love and peace to surround you.

I wish to speak of the fear of failing and how strong this fear can be within your being.

It is natural to activate fear from within your being in response to certain situations and experiences. Fear supports you with connecting with your inner aspect. It also supports you in recognising and ensuring your safety.

Fear, however, is often activated too powerfully or too many times and therefore fear becomes a natural existence… a way of living and a way of being… rather than a response to ensure your safety; to ensure that you take a moment to connect within your being to bring forth energies such as understanding, wisdom, guidance and thoughts that support you in that moment.

Fear, in many ways, is like a pause. It invites you to pause, to reflect within and ask what is needed.

What do you need to support yourself, in that moment?

Is there a need to reassess your actions, your perspective or your thoughts?

Fear can be immensely valuable. However, when fear becomes stuck within your being and stuck within your sub-conscious mind, due to trauma or negative experiences or feeling unsafe in the world, then you begin to live from that space of fear. Therefore, not only are you connecting with, energising and experiencing fear within your own being, you are also projecting it into your own reality.

Many people hold the stuck energy of fear of failing. They are fearful of failure and this can be in many aspects of that being, in daily reality, in their ascension process, and spiritual growth. It can be in achieving new things; achieving one’s dreams and desires in relationships, even your relationship with yourself.

Imagine for a moment, that in your relationship with yourself, you may have this stuck energy of either thinking that you are failing, or a fear of failing.

When we contemplate failure, we can connect with energies such as: not completing something, falling down, not being fully equipped or skilled to achieve something, not being ready or able, lacking in something.
In truth, we are denying ourselves fulfilment, completion and success, and so there is this fear of failing. Maybe it is connected to how you will look if you fail, or it might be that you’re fearful of how it will feel when you fail.

We can also recognise it as a fear of completion, a fear of fulfilment and success. You are doubting yourself. You are saying that you are unworthy of completion, fulfilment and success and so already you are creating boundaries and limitations. You’re creating an element of concern and worry, and a lack of belief in your abilities, while also creating a belief that even though you may try, you will not succeed.
If you are embarking upon a journey with these energies, you can imagine that the journey would be tremendously challenging.

Every being has this energy of fear and failure, maybe only minutely, or to a great extent. To some extent it ensures that you are safe – you stay in the surroundings, in the embodiment that you understand and you already know – and yet you are denying yourself connection with the Creator because we can recognise that fulfilment, completion and success are also a connection with the Creator and when fear is present…fear of failure…you are denying yourself connection with the Creator, and the Creator within you, for the journey.

Therefore, you are trying to walk a pathway or a journey, without support, and you are trying to complete something without the presence of support, love and connection.

So, how do we overcome this because you may hold these energies from another lifetime, or from this lifetime – maybe something that occurred in your childhood?

The most appropriate and beneficial thing to do is to recognise the fear, and recognise the fear of failure. Just recognising it, accepting it, exploring it, thinking about it and letting the words of fear and failure talk to you – telling you what it’s like – then you have a greater understanding.

Then it is appropriate to go, with your intention, into your heart space…your Heart Chakra and your Higher Heart Chakra above your Heart Chakra…to feel the love that is present and the support – the immense support that is present for you from your own being, your essence, your guides, your soul, your soul group and the Creator. Feel that energy of support and love, and surround the fear and failure with that love and support until it dissolves.

You may need to continue to do that each day, or maybe once a week, or every time you think of a situation or an experience. Gradually you will find that fear steps back and that you find yourself completing things. Completion doesn’t mean it’s the end. It can simply be reaching a point where you are able to recognise the advancement that has been made.

With this understanding you will then find that failure simply dissolves as well, not only in the area upon which you are concentrating, but in other areas as well. Gradually you recognise that everything begins to flourish…flow easily…that you feel more confident, more self-assured and that things are manifesting for you.

While you are in that space of feeling fear of failure, it’s as if you are locking yourself in and holding on tight. Without the fear of failure, you trust your intuition, you take leaps of faith…they may not always work out. You can heal yourself, you can change direction and you can mend things.

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to contemplate my words and to contemplate your own inner sense of fear of failure.

Where does it come up the most?

Where do you recognise it the most?

Maybe there are stuck experiences because you are fearful of failing.

What can you discover about yourself now?

My love is with you always.

I am Archangel Metatron. 

Thank you.

Natalie Glasson

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