Saturday, November 16, 2024

Awakening the Unawakened Self

Awakening the Unawakened Self

By Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on November 16, 2024 

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Master Kuthumi. 
It is an honour to bring forth my energy to you. I bring forth the energy of love, love, love – an abundance of love – to surround you, to soothe your energy system, to soothe your nervous system and every part of your being, so that you may relax deeper into the space of love and into the space of light and peace within your being.

This is a wonderful key to existing upon the earth. When you allow yourself to relax into the sacred qualities that already exist within your being, you allow that truth to come forth with ease. You allow everything to flow with greater ease. It’s simply requires the intention of relaxing into your sacred qualities and giving space for you to do so.

Today I wish to speak about awakening. I also wish to speak about the aspects of your being that have not yet awoken. These aspects of your being may be unconscious; they do not hold or vibrate as, or with, the divine consciousness of your being.

My sharing today is immensely simple, and yet, when practiced in your reality can be magnificent in its benefits and impact upon your being and spiritual growth.

I, Master Kuthumi, wish for you to consider acknowledging the aspects of your being that are not aligned to your truth. This may be thoughts…maybe thoughts of hurt towards yourself or others…judgements, anything that causes dis-ease, discomfort, or negativity.

It may be memories of painful situations and experiences. It could be habits and patterns that you achieve in your reality. Maybe you know that they do not serve you, or maybe you don’t.

There may be friendships or partnerships that do not serve you; that lower your vibration. There may be situations that you place yourself in, feeling that you cannot escape, that cause you to disconnect from your truth.

When you begin to contemplate and become aware of aspects of your being that have not yet awoken – that are not aligned to your truth, that are unconscious – then you begin to bring into that area or those areas of your being, the divine light/love/consciousness.

A simple recognition, from a space of love, of something that is not serving you – that is not aligning you to your truth or supporting you in remaining in a space of love – requires to be recognized. In doing so, you ignite a flame of light that begins transformation, in truth, begins an awakening/change.

You may find yourself realizing that you do not wish to act in a certain way or you do not wish to tolerate certain things, or maybe you wish to change a thought pattern or process. A simple recognition creates awakening and turns an aspect or area of your being from being unconscious and unconnected, to being divinely conscious and divinely connected.

In truth, there isn’t really anything else that is needed to bring transformation to these areas that have not yet awoken. Simply recognizing that they are unconscious or disconnected areas is enough.

It’s as if you are bridging a light – creating a bridge of light – from aspects of yourself that have already awoken, to aspects that have not. The light creates change and transformation. There is simply a need to observe and recognize what that change and that transformation is.

It may come forth as inspiration. You may simply recognize that the energy shifts, or you may feel inspired to create actions within your being and your reality that allow that area that was dormant to now vibrate in the space of the Creator.

It is not only recognizing those areas that have not yet awoken, it is also recognizing them with love, with tenderness, with forgiveness and sharing that loving tenderness and forgiveness to create an awakening.

When you ignore aspects of yourself – habits, thoughts, scenarios, experiences – you are experiencing a push pull action in your reality. You are holding onto them, you are giving them energy. You are pushing them and pulling them and using all your energy for that.

Once you recognize them, with love/forgiveness/tenderness/compassion, that push and pull experience dissolves and those areas simply becomes a part of your being. You exist in oneness and a transformation takes place.

I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to contemplate this in your coming days. It need only take a thought, a moment, a realization while you are going about your daily routine. You will be able to create ascension on the move or ascension wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

I, Master Kuthumi, am here to serve you. My love is with you always and I am thankful for all that you are and all that you give to the world.

Thank you.

I am Master Kuthumi

Natalie Glasson

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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