Showing posts with label real. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Forging Pathways of Light

Forging Pathways of Light

By Adama of Telos

Channel: Asara Adams

Posted on August 22, 2023

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Dear One, as you are on your Ascension Journey, there are many pathways of Light.

Pathways of Light are being forged in your Mind by your desire for your Ascension into Heaven on Earth/The New Earth/The Higher Dimensions.

Pathways of Light are being forged by your asking.

Pathways of Light are being forged by your reaching for Light and Love.

Pathways of Light are being forged by your reaching for Wellbeing and Peace.

Pathways of Light are being forged by your reaching…

When you reach for the Light, the Light of God, your I AM Presence, the Holy Spirit and Christ will meet you and fill in the required amounts of Light and Love to propel your journey.

It can’t happen without your desire and reaching for it.

Your heart knows where you are able to go…

Your heart knows that you are meant to live in a better reality…

All it takes is your reaching for the Light in your thoughts and feelings.

Your reaching and asking is the permission that you give to God, your I AM Presence, the Holy Spirit and Christ to allow you, to leave the Illusion behind and to enter the New Earth and the higher dimensions.

Do not get impressed by the illusion experience…

It is not real.

It is an illusion.

It took you lifetimes to create pathways in your mind to reinforce the lower dimensional Illusion construct of your Ego Mind.

Now, you can choose to create pathways of Light and Love in your mind to leave the Illusion.

The more you overwrite the old pathways with loving messages, the weaker they get.

The more you lay a new message of Love and Light over your old beliefs and habits, the stronger your pathways of Light become.

Pathways of Light… are your way out of the Illusion into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love…

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos.

Asara Adams

Compiled by from: 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

What Is Real?

What Is Real?

By Dr Jose Stevens

Posted on June 21, 2023


For some very strange reason human beings do not apply their Intelligence and reasoning to the most fundamental questions of life.

The strange reason seems to be related to the additional fact that most people are not afraid to think big when it comes to business plans but are terrified to think big when it comes to the more important questions of consciousness and awareness, two more important topics that drive many into denial. Let’s take for example the topic of cause and effect or perhaps the questions about the origin of life. Scientists are forever looking into the origins of life by studying smaller and smaller units of what they call matter. They want to know the exact chemistry of how life came to be. This is a fine question and one that deserves our study however there are several problems with this approach.

To this date no scientist has been able to prove that matter actually exists. This is a source of great controversy and that is fine but until that controversy is resolved how can we pursue the question of the origin of life based on the actuality of matter? This seems odd, to say the least, and these are intelligent scientists we are talking about.

Let’s look at another assumption that just does not hold up. We keep looking at aspects of life that are impermanent as the origins of something that is not impermanent. How does that make sense? For example, we think that the origins of consciousness must somehow be in the human brain chemistry. We have studied brains and dissected them but as we all know brains are very impermanent. They are given birth, grow for a time, wear out, and turn to worms eventually, unless they are fried in cremation, not a very enduring chunk of beef if you will. Yet this is seen conveniently as the origin of our awareness and consciousness. We could argue that awareness and consciousness are also very impermanent and they die with the death of the brain but this does not explain a number of inconvenient facts. First of all, there is plenty of evidence that even though the brain has died, awareness lives on in the person’s experience. There are many people who have been pronounced brain dead after no sign of life can be detected and then they revive and tell great tales about watching all the medical procedures and interventions that attempted to resuscitate them. They also recall grand adventures, sometimes describing exactly what relatives were doing at the time of their supposed death even though these events were taking place many miles away. These anomalies are ignored or dismissed away with implausible explanations.

Consciousness and awareness have been around for a very long time but no body has endured more than a few years. Also, we think that perhaps life exists throughout the universe perhaps generated by a mix of lightening and chemicals but these too are highly impermanent. So, the upshot is that we think that something that endures for eons can come from something that is very temporary. Does that actually make sense?

Let’s go a little further here. We all think that our bodies are well defined and stable physical structures while they are alive. However, no one has actually experienced a human body in toto. This may sound outrageous to say but it is a fact. Our awareness of our bodies is a conglomerate of sensations, thoughts, ideas, feelings, perceptions, memories and what have you. No one of these things is enough to declare that the body is whole and complete and an actual thing. No one of us has ever experienced our bodies in its completeness. The best we can do is focus on this part or that for a few seconds apiece and then assume that is all one thing. What I am saying here is that our experience of our bodies is just a pile of fragments that seem to make up a body because that is what we have been taught to believe. Did anybody happen to notice this? Our belief in our bodies is not based on any actual factual experience but simply by agreement that we have one. Try for a moment to prove you have a completely intact body without resorting to sensations, perceptions, thoughts, ideas, feelings, memories etc. You cannot, in fact, do it. If you can, you should be awarded the Nobel Prize. None of us actually experience the body as a complete thing. We take it so for granted that we forget to question it and forget to examine the experience closely. Some Tibetan Buddhists and enlightened masters have examined this phenomenon closely and have all concluded that it does not exactly exist the way we think it does. It is more like a virtual reality experience. So, how can something as enduring as awareness and consciousness be a product of something that does not have permanence and is not exactly even an actual thing. This is why in mystical traditions the body is called no-thing, nothing.

We can cut off various parts of our bodies and still experience awareness. Eventually we can remove the human brain and that seems to end the life, but does it? That just ends the life that we can detect with our impermanent machines. When Steve Jobs was on his death bed his last words were “OH WOW.” Why would someone express such awe if they were truly going into blackness and no consciousness? “Oh wow” could mean any number of things but it implies that there was way more awaiting him than he ever thought. It implies continued awareness, consciousness.

Consciousness and awareness, then, do not and cannot depend on something as impermanent as a body and a brain. Awareness is indestructible, uninterruptable, permanent, and eternal and yet it is no-thing, nothing. We cannot measure it with any known device. It is a complete mystery. We don’t know how it works and yet it is an undeniable fact that if you ask anybody currently alive and awake on the planet if they are alive, conscious, and aware of themselves as being alive, every one of them will say yes. This blatant fact is denied, ignored, and dismissed by some of the most intelligent people on the planet and yet it is never denied by all the greatest spiritual teachers, avatars, and enlightened masters current or past. This is strange, don’t you think? Considering that some of the most intelligent people on the planet have also sometimes been brutal killers, disastrous dictators, and the creators of the worst weapons of mass destruction and enlightened masters have not been such people. Who would you rather believe? Of course, this is your choice. As for myself I have more faith in those who are in touch with love, that makes more sense to me but that is another amazing thing about human beings, that they can put their ultimate faith in people who have no heart whatsoever.

On a more encouraging note, thirty to fifty percent of all scientists now believe that this experience we have been calling real life is actually a virtual reality experience. Scientists have recently given up space and time as reliable ways to measure the universe. While this may sound shocking, perhaps horrifying to you, I believe this is actually progress. We are beginning to lose our death grip on what we think is real and not real. This frees up our minds to consider things that before we could simply not admit. Maybe nothing is real in the way we thought it was. Maybe things and objects are not what is important after all. Maybe what is actually truly important is something indescribable and undefinable called consciousness, awareness, presence. Maybe these phenomena (if we could call them that) are not divisible, not two as the ancient Taoists used to refer to them because saying one implies more or less than one. Maybe the one thing that we all share as human beings is our awareness and that is not divisible. If it is not divisible, then we are all not two after all and maybe Spirit, Source, Creator is in our awareness and we are all actually just expressions of that Source many call God. If we are not two then when we look around and see two, and see objects and things, then perhaps this is not actually the truth after all. When we see the world as two or more then we are reinforcing a pretend world and our hypnosis deepens. When we see everything as not two, we are remembering what is truth and that brings it forth in a way that we can rejoice about and our hypnosis dissolves and we awake. Could this account for the Pulitzer prize winning film critic Roger Ebert’s surprising final conversation with his wife on his deathbed in 2013? In the words of his wife: “But the day before he passed away, he wrote me a note: ‘This is all an elaborate hoax.’ I asked him, “What’s a hoax?” And he was talking about this world, this place. He said it was all an illusion. I thought he was just confused. But he was not confused. He wasn’t visiting heaven, not the way we think of heaven. He described it as a vastness that you can’t even imagine. It was a place where the past, present, and future were happening all at once.” Hmmmm!

Jose Stevens

Monday, April 10, 2023

The Awakening; Keeping It Real; Chapter One

The Awakening; Keeping It Real

Chapter One

By Maria Chambers

Posted on April 10, 2023

What I am about to share with you may take you by surprise…or not. It really depends on where you are relative to your ascension, embodied enlightenment process.

If you’re at the early stages, you may be feeling blissed out, like now your life is going to be so much easier. It’s the stage where you begin to discover that there is so much more to life than just being a human going through the motions.

You may have been led to a book or website that talks about awakening, and spiritual enlightenment.  Maybe it was ‘Seth Speaks’ by Jane Roberts, or a Kryon book by Lee Carol. Of course, if you’re old enough to remember reading books, you’re likely to be at the later stages of your awakening.

In the early stages, you may get distracted by things like crystals and magnetic bracelets used for healing, tarot cards, sweat lodges, or conspiracy theories such as extraterrestrials are coming to save us and the planet.

You may be involved in the New Age, social, political or environmental activism, meditation practices, or animal rights. You may feel as if you have found a new purpose in life.  All very appropriate.

But then things begin to fall apart in your life.  You go through what is called the dark night of the soul. You may lose people close to you, your job, or your health may begin to fail.  You become sensitive to things that never bothered you before, both physically and emotionally.  You begin to open up and sense energies of people around you.  Because of these sensitivities, you may find yourself needing more time alone. Again, all very appropriate.

Going within is a vital part of awakening to yourself and your soul. You begin to realize that you are here for very different reasons than others. You have a deep wisdom that goes well beyond your human self. You don’t realize at this point that the emotional, physical and mental problems you have been going through you have embodied on behalf of humanity.

Others in your life may not understand what you are going through, and can become very judgmental toward you.  In fact, you may begin to believe you need to see a psychologist to work out your issues.  Many people at this stage will go on medications such anti-depressants.

But this process isn’t about shutting off emotions.  Not at all.  It’s about allowing all of the emotions full range. Even emotions of sadness and anger.

The awakening and ascension process is a natural process.  Every human will go through it at some point, if not this lifetime, then in another.  But there is a special group called Shaumbra who decided they wanted this lifetime to be the one in which they have their realization.  They didn’t want to go through several more lifetimes, but wanted to accelerate their own ascension and make this their last lifetime on Earth. They are the first to go through their awakening and ascension as a group.

They chose this particular time in the Planet’s history to incarnate because it was the time of technology, the Information Age. It’s an important time in which consciousness is needed to be infused into A.I. technology especially. Because without that consciousness, this kind of technology could destroy the planet. Bringing consciousness in at this time would insure Artificial Intelligence is used for the right reasons, and not to move humans further away from their own creativity, and their own soul.

Because you and your soul are now merging in a way that has never been done before, you will find that you are taking on many of your soul’s sensitivities to energies. You are not only feeling things through your human senses but you are feeling it through your soul. This can be an exciting and wonderful experience but it can also be very difficult and distracting, at least initially, until your body and soul become more comfortable with one another.

What is happening is you are integrating your light body or your soul’s vehicle. Your light body is your natural body. Your physical, biological body system is changing. The usual way of communicating with the cells is now shifting. Your very DNA is changing. It’s not necessary to understand the minutia of this process, but just to be aware that it is a natural process. The word allow will be used often in my writing. Because it is all about just allowing this natural process to take place.

You begin to feel music like never before, the taste and smell of food is heightened. Personally I find deep sensuality in music.  But also, certain perfumes or disinfectants and other environmental smells are very uncomfortable to me. So it can feel like both a blessing and a curse.

As you spend more time alone you realize that you don’t feel lonely. You feel angels and other beings around you. The dark night of the soul begins to lift. But there are still many challenges ahead as you go through this process.

Chapter Two coming soon!

In Chapter Two we will discuss things such as Lemuria, Atlantis, The Mystery Schools, The Crimson Circle, Heaven’s Cross, and some of my personal experiences in my own ascension process. We will also cover more symptoms and the later stages of ascension and embodied enlightenment. I also invite you to ask any questions in the comment section you may have relative to the awakening process and I will do my best to answer them in the next chapter.


A Personal Message from Maria Chambers: 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog post!

Your support and encouragement mean a lot to me, and

I genuinely appreciate it.

I am grateful for your presence.

Thank you for being part of my journey!

Maria Chambers

Friday, March 3, 2023

How Can I Deal with My Fear?

How Can I Deal with My Fear?

By Sanhia (Spirit)

Channeled by Ulla Lindgren

Posted on March 3, 2023

We wish to begin by returning to our definition of reality. It is quite simple.

Something is real if it never changes. Anything that can change is unreal or illusory. When you observe anything going on in the world, change is involved. If everything in the world remained the same, no fear would likely be felt. Fear is of something different and uncontrollable happening.

I suppose one could be afraid of the same horrible thing repeating forever, but your experience shows that the last thing you could say is that anything ever stays the same. The worst that could happen is that one undesirable thing mutates into another one. The only thing that ultimately matters is reality. None of the things that comprise “the world falling apart” matter in the end. Whatever is here today in the world will one day not be here. Everything that is presently in the world, was, at some time previously, not here – including the earth itself, the solar system, and the universe. All in the physical experience is transient.

You are. That’s it. Notice I have placed no words after are. I haven’t limited or defined you in any way. I haven’t mentioned anything about a physical body or a gender. I mentioned no nationality or religion. Nothing was said about a talent or vulnerability. I am only speaking of you. You are. That is reality. Any words that might be placed after are would not represent the true you. They would not be talking about anything permanent. This body will die, but you are. Beyond all physical existence, you are.

Every fear that you have is a child of your deepest dread – your death. When there is war on the planet, it is your own anxiety about death that is touched. If you feel worried about something happening to your children or other loved ones, it is all projection. It is your own demise that you don’t want to face. If you are worried about losing your job, behind that terror is your fear of death. No job, no money, no shelter, no food, and no health care – something will kill you. I can tell you the truth, or you can read it in numerous other places. There is no death. You are. You cannot but be. It is your Divine nature. You are. The part of you that is convinced that who you are is a body lives in constant fear of annihilation. You might be able to hide from it. You may bargain with the devil to gain immortality. Some do that by trying to be a “good” person in the hopes that God might smile upon them. Some try to leave their mark on the world so they might live on forever. Others hope to remain alive through their descendants. All of this is in the futile wish that you will be worthy, the hope that God might accept and love you, might welcome you back. This pointlessness is a wonderful thing. The attempt to be immortal guarantees a continuance of your sufferings. Behind this futility lies the possibility that you might finally say, “Enough!” You can’t earn immortality; you already have it. Trying to gain what you already have is a fool’s task. Not only is it unachievable, but it keeps you from enjoying your birthright.

Some years ago we spent a lot of time talking about fear in these messages. It is time to make a return. The only way that you can discover for yourself that your fear is not real is to fully experience it. Most people when confronted with fear choose either denial – pretending it’s not there – or indulgence – “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall die”, which could be drugs, sex, overeating, surrounding yourself with friends, throwing yourself into a cause, or becoming a workaholic. If you want to overcome your fear of death, you must confront it. You must stare it right in the face. What you will find if you truly do that is that there is no fear and death doesn’t exist. This is not something you can ever deal with on a mental level. Your mind can only succeed in making death real and justifying your fear. Nor is it a question of overcoming fear, which would only serve to make it real. That is the game of duality, creating separation and then doing battle with an enemy. It is a fight that will never end. There will be a perpetual supply of threats in the illusion, each one more convincing than the last. How much toilet paper can you stockpile before there is an end to fear? It is not about overcoming fear. It is time to leap right into the mouth of your terror.

Ask yourself where in the body you feel this fear, where it is being held. Maybe it feels like a tight ball in your solar plexus. Locate it wherever it seems to be. On a mental level you may “know” that the fear is not real. But this is not about knowing or understanding. There is nothing to change, and nothing you can do to make it go away. The belief or idea that triggers the fear isn’t real or true. What is there is any energy that seems to be going on in the body that you are labeling as fear. As you are experiencing these thoughts and feelings you can use the pointer we gave recently of “Next, please”. Allow that thought to go and let the next one come. That might be all it takes. On the other hand, you may find that regardless of the thoughts you dismiss, the feeling persists in the body. If that is the case, go into this feeling, face it. Shut down your mind. Make no attempt to explain, understand or justify the feeling. Don’t try to chase it away or destroy it. Don’t make it wrong or right. All of those activities make it real and give it “life”. Look at it. Feel it. Fully experience it. Go deep into this “fear”. Do this thoughtlessly. We have given you a technique for doing just this, though it hasn’t been mentioned in a while. If fear seems to be present in any form, it may be time to either dust this off or use it for the first time. If you click onto this link for the five-step process, you will find an explanation of how to do it, as well as a download which guides you through the five steps. It is also available on another page in Swedish. Your job – you have only one simple job – is to go into any fear you feel until it dissipates. This it will do because if you focus on something that isn’t there, without any thoughts in your mind, you will become fully aware that it is illusory. There is simply nothing present but the Love of God. The supposed fear disappears into the nothingness from whence it came.

As you are doing that, why not go for the gold? Look at your fear of death. I predict that when you look at this worry and see that it is not real and that, therefore, death is not real, your experience of life will be quite different. As you face your fright and watch it dissolve, so that you go through your days fearlessly, you are going to find yourself living in a whole new world. One thing you will become aware of is how fear-based your daily activities have been. You will be acutely aware of when a thing is done out of fear rather than from the joy and love of doing it. Until you stop reacting to God’s Love with apprehension, you will not know who you are. You will have no clear idea of how to behave within this illusion. Allowing the presence of fear makes you feel not worthy, as if you don’t deserve Love or peace. You do not merit Oneness; you are doomed to struggle for everything you wish to have. As long as fear is present there will be suffering and you will remain asleep in that nightmare. Fear is not the opposite of Love. It blocks out the Love so that you can neither see nor feel it, just as the clouds are not the opposite of the sun. When they dissipate you notice the sun which was always there. Without fear you can only act out of Love, you can only be the sun, because that is who you are.

I am not claiming that he was a great spiritual master, but about ninety years ago during that period known in America as the Great Depression President Franklin D. Roosevelt came on his weekly radio talk to the nation and declared, “The only thing you have to fear is fear itself”. Millions heard this message. How many took it to heart? Probably not so many, but truth was told to the masses through a new universal forum. This was coming from a man so crippled by polio he could hardly get up from his wheelchair. Despite this disability he became the longest serving president in American history. Whether people loved or hated him, and there were plenty of both, here was a voice of truth. That message is still there for you today. Go into your fear. Face it fearlessly or fearfully but face it. You have nothing to lose but your fear, and it is of no value to you. You don’t want it. It protects you only from Love, from your Divinity. It serves you only as a wakeup call. It does not keep you safe or alive. Your life can never be threatened by anything. The body you are using has instincts born and bred into it that serve to protect the physical life. Instincts help you jump out of the path of a moving car. This is not fear-based. You don’t have time for fear to direct your escape. The anxiety comes afterward. It keeps you from ever crossing the road. Fear does not keep you safe; it sustains your pain and suffering. Terror deals with threats that are in the mind rather than in the now. Bodily death is inevitable. Fear cannot stave that off. But, the physical death, like the physical life, is ultimately meaningless. Facing fear will help you to understand that. Nothing stands in the way of your opening to accept the truth of who you are, except your fear.

Fear wonders how you can function in the world, taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Fear believes that is all on your shoulders. Fear does not trust God, Spirit, or Divinity. Everything is being handled on a level of perfection that is beyond comprehension, but fear is insisting that you have to be in control, handling everything, while at the same time knowing you are perfectly unable to carry out that task. You are afraid to trust and afraid of your own lack of power. What a double whammy fear packs. The only way out is through. Face your worst fears. Today. Now.

Good Now


You are a divine being. Your divine power created this universe and your body. From your present point of view this may all be difficult to accept. Ascended beings have fully realized these truths. You, too, can give intention for your ascension. Your inner divinity knows that there are no accidents, that you could never be a victim, and that you have created every event in your life. The purpose for all of these events has always been a loving one. The goal has  been the conscious realization of your divinity. Spiritual Alchemy is a process for transforming the fear that you hold as a human  into the unconditional love of the divine.

The method offered here to perform Spiritual Alchemy is called the five-step process. The steps are outlined to the right.



Define the area in your life that is causing you emotional, spiritual, mental, and/or physical pain. This will be referred to as your old story. State it succinctly in, preferably, a single sentence. Saying it out loud is good. Your old story is what your brain-mind thinks is true. Sometimes you are carrying uncomfortable energy in your body, but don’t know what old story it is connected to. In such cases your old story is that you have this pain in your body. Then go on to the second step.


Focus on where you feel the discomfort in your body when you think of your old story. Close your eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply, and turn off your brain-mind. You can do this by imagining you have a switch on the side of your head. See yourself flipping it to the off position. Now, watch the discomfort from your belly-mind. Do not judge, label, or try to get rid of the feeling. Simply accept it, let it be, and let it do whatever it wishes to do. Become one with the sensation and embrace it with love. Stay with the energy until you notice the nature of it changing. When the feeling becomes calm, perhaps warmer and lighter; move the energy to your heart chakra. Then, on your exhales, see it move slowly out of your heart chakra through a laser-like beam out into the universe. Continue breathing until the energy is largely dissipated.


Take full responsibility for having created your old story, knowing that as you are a divine being it could be no other way. Taking responsibility out loud is good. Even though you may not yet understand why, remind yourself that the creation came out of love, by choosing the best way for you to realize your divinity.


From the depth of your heart hear your new story. State it positively and in the present tense. Don’t require any individual to play a certain role in your story. If you want another to be involved, describe the role without naming the actor. Trust Spirit to find the one who will fit. Your job is to express your story. Spirit’s job is to bring it into your life. State this new story succinctly in, preferably, a single sentence. Saying it out loud is good. It should fill you with feelings of love, peace, and joy. If it doesn’t, find a way to restate until it does.


You aren’t always able to get to the deepest level of your story at once. Therefore, your old story could come back at some point in the future. If so, congratulate yourself for noticing it and as soon as possible begin the five-step process over again. Know that the energy that has been transformed from fear into love is permanent, while your pain is finite. Eventually there will be no reason for repetition.

You may attempt to lead yourself through the five-step process. This might prove to be difficult for you at first. Therefore, the process has been recorded. Be advised that there are often gaps of time to allow you to work. If the gaps are not long enough, feel free to pause the recording until you are ready to continue. Congratulations, in advance, on doing a wonderful work of Spiritual Alchemy.

Ulla Lindgren

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Creator Writings From 2023/02/05 to 11

The Creator Writings

From 2023/02/05 to 11

Trough Jennifer Farley

February 11, 2023

It Is Enough

It is interesting that, on a global scale, your world seems to have gone sideways. 

With all the light you and others have been pouring forth, I can hear you saying, “How can this happen?!?!” 

Well, my dear ones, it is very easy to explain…

Just like your personal life, things and people will be sent your way to help you learn, grow and live without fear. 

This is not a test of your fortitude; this is a mere side-step in the further growth of your planet as a whole. 

Keep doing what you are doing…your love and energy will straighten the trajectory soon enough. 

Every one of you has the power, it will be there when you need it and it is enough!

February 10, 2023

Your Most Authentic Self

A gentle reminder; you are exactly where you need to be in this particular moment. 

This phase of the shift is all about learning to be yourself without fear. 

Souls may be sent to show you, or experiences may come that will encourage you in establishing boundaries and maintaining them. 

Although some of them may be challenging, 

The Universe is always there to guide and support you. 

As you move into becoming your most authentic self, changes will need to be made. Do not shy away from them, my powerful child! 

Embrace them knowing you always be better than you were the day before.

February 9, 2023


Dearest ones, it is time to get real…with yourself and with others.  

The time of living behind a mask or a façade are over.  

Beginning to live without this type of protection may be daunting at first but, with practice, it can become as easy as breathing.  

Those around you may not understand it at first and this is okay.  

Just take each moment as it comes, and all will be well.

February 8, 2023


One of the most misunderstood terms on your Earth plane today is awakened.  

There seems to be a stigma attached to it; it is scoffed at and others are made fun of because they use it.  

However, when you understand the true meaning, things change a bit.

Being awakened simply means that you have opened yourself up to and are finally willing to accept The Universe’s Unconditional Love for you.  

With each passing moment, Creator’s voice becomes stronger and clearer, giving rise to opportunities of conversation rather than supplication.  

Darling one, it is time to start having the conscious exchange for which you have been longing.  

The Universe is always listening! 

February 7, 2023


During the newest incoming phase of this shift, you may feel inundated with thoughts, feelings, messages to pass along and information for yourself.  

Rather than being overwhelming, there is a certain peace and quiet to it.  

The frenetic energy of past phases does not seem to apply here and that is a good thing!

You are being offered a different way to process and collect all you need to know for the coming phases in a way that is softer, more gentle and easier on your human body.  

All the heavy lifting of the past has definitely paid off!  

Give yourself a pat on the back, sit back and relax, dearest one…this one is on The Universe.

February 6, 2023

Find Out Why

Today, you are invited to take a few moments and check in on exactly where your energy signature lies.  

As you move through your everyday existence, there will be many distractions that may pull you away from your center. 

The shift may be so slow and subtle, you may not even realize that you have been pulled into the noise of lower vibration. 

This is not good or bad, it…just…is.

If, upon introspection, you find yourself in the swirling commotion, take some time and find out why!  Once you have located the source or reason, ask for it to be changed.  

It is that easy!  

The Universe is always ready and willing to gift you exactly what you need.  

All you have to do is ask! 

February 5, 2023

Put Yourself Out There

One of the things you forget as a human is how easy everything can be. 

In preparation for this next uphill climb, you may find yourself creating your safe spaces, meditation areas or planning on retreating into your own homes or nature. 

The Universe is here to tell you that, although this can be comforting and safe, it is not really necessary. 

Everything you need is combined into one nice, neat little package called…you! (Smiling) 

Yes, withdrawing is safe and easy, however, how many other will you be able to assist? 

It is time to put yourself out there, to make contact, to exchange love and compassion with each other. 

This may very well be one of the few ways you can change the course of your Earth plane existence. 

Do not be afraid, dear one, you are more powerful than you will ever know! 


The “Safe and Effective” Vaccine with 9 Pages of Side Effects!

The “Safe and Effective” Vaccine with 9 Pages of Side Effects! Posted by Steve Beckow Posted on November 20, 2024 David Icke, Telegram, Nov...