Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Creator Writings From 2023/02/05 to 11

The Creator Writings

From 2023/02/05 to 11

Trough Jennifer Farley

February 11, 2023

It Is Enough

It is interesting that, on a global scale, your world seems to have gone sideways. 

With all the light you and others have been pouring forth, I can hear you saying, “How can this happen?!?!” 

Well, my dear ones, it is very easy to explain…

Just like your personal life, things and people will be sent your way to help you learn, grow and live without fear. 

This is not a test of your fortitude; this is a mere side-step in the further growth of your planet as a whole. 

Keep doing what you are doing…your love and energy will straighten the trajectory soon enough. 

Every one of you has the power, it will be there when you need it and it is enough!

February 10, 2023

Your Most Authentic Self

A gentle reminder; you are exactly where you need to be in this particular moment. 

This phase of the shift is all about learning to be yourself without fear. 

Souls may be sent to show you, or experiences may come that will encourage you in establishing boundaries and maintaining them. 

Although some of them may be challenging, 

The Universe is always there to guide and support you. 

As you move into becoming your most authentic self, changes will need to be made. Do not shy away from them, my powerful child! 

Embrace them knowing you always be better than you were the day before.

February 9, 2023


Dearest ones, it is time to get real…with yourself and with others.  

The time of living behind a mask or a façade are over.  

Beginning to live without this type of protection may be daunting at first but, with practice, it can become as easy as breathing.  

Those around you may not understand it at first and this is okay.  

Just take each moment as it comes, and all will be well.

February 8, 2023


One of the most misunderstood terms on your Earth plane today is awakened.  

There seems to be a stigma attached to it; it is scoffed at and others are made fun of because they use it.  

However, when you understand the true meaning, things change a bit.

Being awakened simply means that you have opened yourself up to and are finally willing to accept The Universe’s Unconditional Love for you.  

With each passing moment, Creator’s voice becomes stronger and clearer, giving rise to opportunities of conversation rather than supplication.  

Darling one, it is time to start having the conscious exchange for which you have been longing.  

The Universe is always listening! 

February 7, 2023


During the newest incoming phase of this shift, you may feel inundated with thoughts, feelings, messages to pass along and information for yourself.  

Rather than being overwhelming, there is a certain peace and quiet to it.  

The frenetic energy of past phases does not seem to apply here and that is a good thing!

You are being offered a different way to process and collect all you need to know for the coming phases in a way that is softer, more gentle and easier on your human body.  

All the heavy lifting of the past has definitely paid off!  

Give yourself a pat on the back, sit back and relax, dearest one…this one is on The Universe.

February 6, 2023

Find Out Why

Today, you are invited to take a few moments and check in on exactly where your energy signature lies.  

As you move through your everyday existence, there will be many distractions that may pull you away from your center. 

The shift may be so slow and subtle, you may not even realize that you have been pulled into the noise of lower vibration. 

This is not good or bad, it…just…is.

If, upon introspection, you find yourself in the swirling commotion, take some time and find out why!  Once you have located the source or reason, ask for it to be changed.  

It is that easy!  

The Universe is always ready and willing to gift you exactly what you need.  

All you have to do is ask! 

February 5, 2023

Put Yourself Out There

One of the things you forget as a human is how easy everything can be. 

In preparation for this next uphill climb, you may find yourself creating your safe spaces, meditation areas or planning on retreating into your own homes or nature. 

The Universe is here to tell you that, although this can be comforting and safe, it is not really necessary. 

Everything you need is combined into one nice, neat little package called…you! (Smiling) 

Yes, withdrawing is safe and easy, however, how many other will you be able to assist? 

It is time to put yourself out there, to make contact, to exchange love and compassion with each other. 

This may very well be one of the few ways you can change the course of your Earth plane existence. 

Do not be afraid, dear one, you are more powerful than you will ever know! 


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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