The Satanists show their hand with fake Trump cabinet
By Benjamin Fulford
November 18, 2024
full posted on Nov/21 2024
Negotiations about its replacement by a meritocratically staffed future planning agency are now underway. There will be a meeting between a representative of the Western white hat alliance and Asian secret societies on November 24th to discuss this. There will also be a meeting between the White hats and BRICS representative in Moscow in late January after the real Trump takes power, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
There is already an agreement in principle that a reset of the finances will involve a jubilee, or a write-off of all debts, public and private. There is also an agreement that assets fraudulently obtained via central bank fraud will be returned to the people.
The process is going to take a bit of time though since it involves auditing real-world assets to make sure the new system is backed by reality, As a part of this, white hat representatives are flying to the Philippines this week to confirm the Asian gold being promised to back the new financial system really exists. If the gold is not confirmed, then a basket of commodities will be used instead. This is why people should not expect any immediate announcements.
Elon Musk is also appearing to support a call to end the Federal Reserve Bank by “reposting a tweet from Utah Senator Mike Lee — who called for greater executive oversight over monetary policy and abolishing the central bank.”
Lee argued that Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell’s recent assertion that he would not resign from his post, even if asked to by incoming President Donald Trump represented an out-of-control system. Lee wrote via his social media account:
“The Executive Branch should be under the direction of the president. That’s how the Constitution was designed. The Federal Reserve is one of many examples of how we’ve deviated from the Constitution, in that regard. Yet another reason why we should end the Fed.”
Lee’s call to abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System in the United States represents a growing sentiment among sound money advocates and Bitcoin (BTC) maximalists — who argue that centrally managed fiat currencies are prone to monetary inflation and currency devaluation.
Of course, Musk is hoping to keep the rogue AI he works for in power by switching the US Corporation to bitcoin as a way of avoiding bankruptcy. The problem is you cannot eat bitcoin and the alphabet agencies have a backdoor into it.
Elon Musk and RFK Jr. are pushing for Howard Lutnick as Treasury Secretary. RFK Jr. suggests Lutnick would be a strong advocate for Bitcoin – which he describes as “a hedge against inflation for middle-class Americans, a remedy against the dollar’s downgrade from the world’s reserve currency, and the offramp from a ruinous national debt.”
As Henry Makow notes: “Lutnick, CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, is obviously a Chabad bigwig. He is obviously a Zionist. Yet on Sept 11, Lutnick lost 658 employees when the Twin Towers imploded. Lutnick lost his own brother. How is it possible he didn’t get the ‘Jew Call?’”
The blowing up of Cantor Fitzgerald and the World Trade Center was carried out by the Skull and Bones faction to stop the US from paying gold it owed to Chinese royals based in Taiwan. It is that gold, in part, that is going to back the new financial system.
In any case, in a sign the old financial system is over, the “climate change” people asking for trillions of dollars to “decarbonize” the world (never mind that earth life is carbon-based), left their big COP29 meeting last week empty-handed. Ilham Aliyev, the president of COP29’s host country Azerbaijan, explained why when he told the UN climate conference that oil and gas are a “gift of god”.
The sooner the climate change nuts are put out of business the better. In Germany, they just blew up a 140-metre double chimney of the Moorburg coal-fired power plant.
The powerful Moorburg was opened in 2015 and could generate up to 11 terawatt-hours of energy per year, meaning it could single-handedly supply energy to the entire city. The construction cost €3 billion.
Now high energy prices caused by this green madness is bankrupting a huge portion of Gemrany’s industry, including many, many companies that have been in business for hundreds of years. The de-industrialization of Germany was all part of the KM Zionist global plan.
A change in control of the narrative that is now underway will soon make it impossible for unscientific nonsense like “carbon causes global warming,” to become public policy. The collapse of the former mainstream media that pushed these lies is now accelerating.
In a sign of this, the State Department is shutting down its “Global Engagement Center” which employs 60,000+ online influencers, journalists, drive-by media, TV stars and writers. I guess they hope to avoid arrest by disbanding.
They will probably get sued at the very least. Trump is suing media outlets for $10 billion, accusing them of bias. He has filed lawsuits against the New York Times, CBS, and other organizations, alleging defamation and political prejudice.
The use of “celebrities” to influence public opinion also failed. Now we are finding out Kamala Harris’ campaign paid:
– $10 Million to
– $5 million to Megan The
– $2.3 Million to Lizzo
– $1.8 million for Eminem
– $1 million for Oprah
Let us see if they sue Kamala for non-payment.
As further proof the tide has turned in the information war, last week Alex Jones announced that The Onion, a left-wing satirical news site, purchased Infowars at auction.
Then the next day, Infowars was back up and running with this headline:
“BREAKING: Corrupt DOJ’s Criminal Actions Against Alex Jones To Be Investigated By Trump DOJ”
In the UK, the mainstream media is also losing control of the narrative. Nigel Farage -who had the recent UK election stolen from him- now runs GB News and is officially getting more views than both Sky News and BBC News. Last night they achieved 130% of the Sky News audience and 108% of the BBC News channel.
In the US CNN anchor Chris Wallace was the first network star given the boot as the channel faces a staffing bloodbath in the face of cratering ratings.
CNN reports that reporters have been seen crying and hugging in the hallway. Maybe they need therapy.
They can ask the Swedish minister for “gender equality” for a reference. She is seeking professional help to deal with her morbid fear of bananas. I guess they remind her of a fact about “gender” that she is trying to avoid.
More importantly, the media need to be brought to justice for hiding war crimes. I may personally file war crimes charges against the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan for complicity in covering up Fukushima and other war crimes.
Change should also come to Australia soon. The current government is trying to pass a bill restricting speech using misinformation as an excuse.
What they are really trying to do is quash information about their vaccine mass murder campaign. They will fail. Queensland’s Chief Health Officer John Gerrard just announced his resignation saying threats of physical violence over his decisions about COVID-19 were “probably the lowest point in my time in this job”.
It is only a matter of time before they all face war crimes charges.
Speaking about war crimes, a whistleblower obtained 10GB from the Robert Koch Institute, the German CDC. This so-called RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry, recorded 2nd of November 2024, in Berlin, with English subtitles provided by the speaker.
Now the persecuted German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has turned the tables on his accusers and filed two criminal charges against prosecutors and judges during his 37th day in court.
In the US, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said she was “pretty sure” the next attorney general would prosecute people for “crimes against humanity” committed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trump loyalist and insider Kash Patel promises “We will follow the Constitution and rule of law, but Make No Mistake, we will make all of the Conspirators pay dearly for Lying to the American People, whether they’re government officials or in the media, you are Officially on Notice, we are coming for you.”
RFK Jr. who just published a book entitled THE MEDICAL-PHARMACEUTICAL KILLING MACHINE, will soon head up the CDC, FDA, and NIH. You can be sure these killers WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE.
By the way, in a sign of just how irrational this industry is, when you thought you’d heard it all…. They just came out with a vaccine to stop cows from farting. It is a good guess the real intention is to kill off the cows so they can force us to eat bugs. The bottom line is they are war criminals and will face justice.
Another war criminal headed for the gallows is Justin Castrudeau in Canada. Castrudeau is trying to hide the names of 900 Nazis let into Canada in a move Jewish groups have called “disgraceful.” They say it dishonors Holocaust (burnt offering to Satan) victims and survivors like Henry Makow.
Our sources are saying Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of England and the brains behind the global warming scam
is now angling to replace Castrudeau as the KM’s top agent in Canada now that the climate change power grab has failed.
In any case, the Ukrainian Nazis Castrudeau is protecting will soon have nowhere to hide.
Coke head Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky claims Ukraine is an “independent” country, and that Trump is not going to make them “sit and listen.”
According to the CIA, his options are:
1) Accept Trump’s terms to negotiate an end to the war, cede the Donbas and Russian-speaking territory to Russia, cooperate with an investigation into bioweapon development in Ukraine, and he’s probably a dead man.
2) Deny Trump’s terms, all funding is halted, Ukraine runs out of money/ammunition/equipment/troops, then Putin takes ALL of Ukraine, and he’s DEFINITELY a dead man.
Is there a 3rd option, RUN? The answer is no because soon there will be nowhere on this planet for the Satanists to hide.
Even Israel will not be able to shelter them. Turkish President Recep Erdogan is imposing a weapons embargo on Israel and severing trade relations with that country, thereby isolating it from the rest of the world. “Israel’s goal is to settle in Gaza, eliminate the Palestinian community in the West Bank and ultimately annex this territory. This is where Israel wants to go. We must prevent this,” he says,
Israel will soon cease to exist and will be replaced by the state of Judea, with native Judeans given full rights of citizenship.
And no, the US military is not going to fight to protect the Satanic state of Israel.
Donald Trump’s pick of Tulsi Gabbard as intelligence chief makes it clear a white hat will be overseeing the alphabet soup of 17 intelligence agencies. Gabard has previously reached out to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of course, the real test will be to see if she makes any headway against the pedophile blackmail network that remains very powerful.
As Julian Assange notes: “The reason the FBI wouldn’t let the Epstein client list come out in court is because if they did, their blackmail would no longer be useful, and the CIA would lose their control over all the powerful people they spent decades setting up.”
We can confirm our own CIA sources told us “Epstein was a white hat and we are using his blackmail to control the government.” This is BS because the real white hats want to bring the pedophile murderers to justice. The government is supposed to be controlled by the people, not by blackmailers working in the shadows.
In the latest sign the pedophiles ARE BEING TAKEN DOWN:
The head of the Church of England who married Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said Tuesday he will resign after a stinging report found he did not act quickly enough to help stop a heinous serial pedophile.
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby — who as head of the church also presided over the coronation of King Charles III and the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II — said he is stepping down over the revolting crimes of then-church-camp operator John Smyth.
This is important because our sources say the next head of the Church of England will not cover for blackmailed pedophiles like Prime Minister Keir Starmer. This should also put an end to the fake King Charles operation.
In an example of the sort of blackmail that substitutes for governance in the West:
International Criminal Court prosecutor Kerim Khan complained that after deciding to request an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, “senior leaders” urged him not to do so, because the ICC was created “for Africa and bandits like Putin,” and not against the West and its allies.
Now he may be removed from office over “sexual misconduct claims,”
“The KM controllers told him, they warned him. Now see what happens. They always play the Sex card,” a Mossad source comments.
In addition to sexual blackmail, the KM carries out massive psy-ops. As an example, the KM is using their Jan 6 “insurrection” to try to disqualify Trump’s victory under the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment prohibits anyone guilty of “insurrection” from becoming president.
The House Democrats are also now forming a shadow government aimed at undermining Donald Trump’s plans.
If they try this, we should all learn from the Maoris about how to react. Just look at the Maori anger that erupted in New Zealand over a controversial bill seeking to reinterpret the Treaty of Waitangi.
There is a similar expression of anger in Europe over uncontrolled immigration. The Netherlands just followed Germany by imposing controls on its land borders. This came after their entire Satanic elite was forced to flee the country.
Finally this week, we note the Pentagon failed its seventh consecutive audit on Friday as the agency was unable to fully account for its massive $824 billion budget.
Secret Space Force sources say the $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon budget was spent on off-planet operations. Maybe they should start paying taxpayers back by sharing some of their secret technology like anti-gravity.

KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")
Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.
Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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