Sunday, October 6, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on Octuber5, 2024

Many cosmic events – solstices and equinoxes, eclipses and mirror dates – open Portals, through which Co-Creators direct even more powerful energies to Earth than on ordinary days, even during strong Solar flares and magnetic storms. Their effect is longer, and in 2024 it’ll last until the end of December and will continue next year. They carry a different range of frequencies and properties, which are necessary for all people (see – Ops Lion Gate, DNI, 14 August 2024; September Litmus, DNI, 29 August 2024; and October Crucible, DNI, 25 September 2024).

The transition goes very fast. Many are already aware that now navigate on a different course, where the master compass is the heart center (anahata), when filled with love. This helps to recall that we are space beings with huge multidimensional skills and experience. Everyone works on freqs and vibes ranges, which differ from what it was even six months ago. There are more and more changes, as our corpus’ transforming doesn’t stop 24/7. New energies acclimatize and saturate our Subtle Bodies as we move forward. Some absorb the energies up to 5D without even feeling or awareness of it.

All children who come to Earth today emit higher vibrations than their moms and dads, and maintain frequencies of fifth density and higher, and unlike adults, are ready to Transition from birth. They have mostly Galactic, Stellar and Angelic origin, and move into 4D and 5D very quickly because keep in DNA a might Light, brought from their home worlds. But in many countries of “the Golden Billion” fewer and fewer kids are being born today, and those who can have such a Souls are even less, which is one more factor, gradually undermining these States’ fictitious prosperity.

The descendants of various cosmic races come to Earth from the highest dimensions to raise the vibrations of the planet for its healing and transformation. They accelerate the Merkaba of adults to boost their energies to the Divine level and values, making changes as easy as possible. When these luminous Souls enter human avatar, they connect his DNA code with their Light, and cosmic lineages with Earth, anchoring them to the upper layers of the fifth dimension.

How we cope with it? And how do we feel and behave in this environment? Yes, our state can be unworkable and flown away, and many everyday things may drag on indefinitely. And despite the efforts of our mind to speed up everything and get a momentary result, for some reason, space blocks these attempts. It turns us off and literally de-energizes to the point that we cannot move and perform our duties. Everything is postponed, or hangs in uncertainty.

If we think that have to pull selves together and fight laziness, then in this case, it’s mistake. When we do the hard inner work, this is how the old programs in our mind react. There is no such thing as idleness, only a misunderstanding, which causes a non-resource state called “laziness”. In fact, apathy and lack of desire to act says one thing that at the moment we don’t need to do anything. Better to let go and switch to what responds by feedback. If this is inaction and solitude, then allow self to be alone, in silence, or immerse in Nature, putting aside everything.

“Irresponsibility”, “laziness”, “frivolity” are just the claws of the 3D Matrix, with which it often hooks us, causing a sense of guilt that our behavior and rhythm of life don’t correspond to social “norms”. Thus, the System affects minds, pushing people to live according to Power Pyramid’s scenario. When everyone thinks, feels and behaves the same way, it’s easier to control them, and use their energy to keep the System going.

But its interests have nothing to do with the desires of our Soul. That is why it is so important to listen only to own inner voice and intuitive senses of the heart. With the right choice, they create in us the state of native home, its comfort and warmth. If we go along with social stereotypes and betray ourselves, the body shackles, clamps down and feels uncomfortable. In the same way we can identify phantoms, hybrids and clones in the human bodies. (see – Avatars, DNI, 30 September 2024).

Today, the energy imbalance is increasing not only in individuals, but also in the environment, especially in the absence of harmonious relationships with very close people. These are the realities of existence in new energies. The stratification by vibes continues exponentially, in accordance with the Local Universe’s balance and laws. What is above is below.

The separation of the wheat from the chaff is in full swing. Gaia frees Self from the heavy toxic layers of the past by raising Her vibrations, which has a strong effect on personal and collective awareness. Everything that resists the changes is doomed to zeroing, or isolation, or transforming to comply the high-freqs’ level of our evolution. We are microscopic particles of the boundless fractal of the Greater Cosmos. By altering selves, increasing our vibrations, we increase the vibes’ of the planet, accelerating its transition to a new density.

On the one hand, our body is fragile and brittle, on the other hand, it’s able to regenerate and recover. The main thing is to find a balance between them. Each of us has habits, triggers, desires and feelings, and they affect our health and mood. Today we face that all previous behavior patterns are being destroyed, and we begin to react to this world in a different way. As if out of the blue, emerges a new look at self and own problems, an understanding of the deep and fundamental things. Previously, for example, we were very sorrow, when our loved ones died. But now, we got a powerful inner strength, and more calmly take the loss and choices made in their lifetime, and even can help to cleanse from karma the departing Souls.

What seemed incredible, today, fits perfectly into our perception. We no longer feel like splinters in the ocean of life, but are fully aware that can change it. Our morphing body got new capacities. Its living liquid crystals and upgraded DNA transform our energy field and personality. Things we regretted and suffered has become meaningless, and instead came unusual and unexpected taking. It expanded, and we are capable of things that couldn’t have imagined before.

All this is still so novel, and often frightening, that provokes to hide behind the old perception and continue to live as usual, fencing self from the new. At the same time, unexpected metamorphoses occur with the corpus. As long as we are in touch with our Soul and Spirit, everything is fine, but if we fall in vibrations, the body breaks apart. Cells aren’t used to overcoming such drops, and cannot cope. That is, reducing our vibes is now completely counterproductive and unhealthy. If we are aware of it, then adjust quickly. We can descend even to zero point and start finding balance from there. And the old inertia won’t be a way out of the new state for us, because the past is already uncomfortable and dreary.

Under the new energies’ impact, the Day Luminary also changes, serving as a Portal for their intense flows. Its flares aren’t the same. Today, they are filled with special power and crystal purity, radiated by the Central Suns of the Milky Way and the Local Universe. Today, our “klieg light” undergoes a transitional stage to be in line with Co-Creators’ plan. Under their run, the Solar plasma jets occur more frequently, more powerfully and for a longer time. When they hit Earth, then, blow away the magnetic fields of the planet and men for a while. We become de-energized and prone to sudden mood swings and chronic diseases. When the terrestrial field is restored, our Subtle Bodies also come into balance, and if only a little, but changed.

The same effect is exerted by the rays of the Central Suns, helping us not only to physically adapt, but to receive new knowledge, uploaded into our subconscious, and continue to grow Spiritually. Communicating with family, friends, colleagues and other people, we can now instantly read out their state and thoughts. We so deeply sense them that sometimes it causes malaise, as if we are guilty of all mankind’s sins. And the more Solar plasma we absorb, the more feel the space and people.

The new reality is inexorably gaining momentum. If we don’t sense the influence of the eclipse corridor energetically that will last until the New Moon on November 1st, then, we’ll experience it eventfully and emotionally. In recent weeks, the aggression around, the ups and downs of collective mood have increased by an order of magnitude. A lot of work is going on, old karmic programs are closing, and individual future is determined, depending on own freqs and inner state. For some, it complicates the daily routines. Others fulfill multidimensional tasks, assemble of Monad’s aspects and drop the old, terrestrial ballast.

We also notice that people, who previously lived in a completely different reality, began to appear in the most unexpected ways. For example, the old acquaintances remind of selves, the touch with whom was long lost. Or we began to commune with groups or entire strata of the population that had never encountered before. Many face an increasing rudeness in the socials and public transport. Some go crazy, others fall into complete stupor. Moreover, all this occurs so often that it seems as if the entire world is plunging into chaos. This is how the multiple personal and collective timelines are intertwined, tangled into knots and sort today between 3D, 4D, 5D and higher.

The MSM and showdowns with well-known business, political and opposition high-ups add fuel to the fire, deliberately spreading juicy details in all possible sources. If we are hooked on scandals, then cleaning self is highly desirable, because these sticky topics are already being openly used by energy parasites of all types and levels with all the ensuing consequences.

Due to the increase in the general vibrational field and the closure of many infernal Portals over the past year (especially during strong quakes and wildfires, tornados and foods where negativity’s concentration is the highest), the entities of the lower worlds, which were under Power Pyramid’s run, began not only to lose their recharge, but also to get out of their rulers’ control and search for avatars, using any means. First of all, the wars in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Ukraine and other countries, hysterical election campaigns in Europe and America, as well as aggressive videos and broadcasts, scandalous news and hype in socials, etc. The Earth’s space rapidly changes and becomes more difficult for them to live. They don’t want to leave the planet, but have to, otherwise, simply won’t survive in the new energies, so, desperately try to get vital energy where can.

Hence, more and more blood and dirt are in the news, the outright Satanic ritualism at festive, sports and other events and on TV (see – Holders, DNI, 18 August 2024). For some, this is opportunity to get rid from accumulated garbage and a check for adequacy, and for others, a way to find suitable avatars from those, who were caught on above mentioned hooks. Of course, stuffing in the information field is not limited to visible and audible news. The System also actively applies the grab’s methods. But its Darks and Greys’ runners are harshly invited to move to worlds that are ready to host them. For it, Portals to these spaces are periodically opened, and after the next exit, close like sluice gates. Thanks to this, the renewing Earth is stable enough, and critical tension points gradually diminish.

Earth’s events mirror those in the Local Universe in a fractal way, and blaming Co-Creators for not coming to the rescue and mismanaging global processes absolutely doesn’t take into account the scale and complexity of these developments. Our task is to help ourselves and others to reassemble own multidimensional aspects. This is important because there are still not enough people who can do it, and every successful attempt is extremely valuable.

No less rewarding is the increased awareness. And the more realizations and insights we have, the greater our consciousness becomes in terms of growth. How much knowledge we have gained or how many techniques we learnt – all that goes in the piggy bank of the mind, as achievements of our ego. But how we applied knowledge and skills in everyday life is the more important indicator of effectiveness. A conscious approach to solving any problem is the main criterion of new environment. Think about how we approach dealing with issues, or making choices? What do we want? Do we dream being better and have more of something? Or how is this in line with our Spiritual development? What experience and awareness will this or that decision bring us?

The Earth’s 3D is the world of material goods and benefits for self, and at best, for immediate environment – family, relatives… 4D is a transitional stage, when a choice is made not towards own ego, but towards the collective identity, with the understanding that we all are parts of this boundless, infinite and eternal single whole. This is a choice in favor of living our lives knowingly, in order to apply the skills and experience, which we received, for interacting with the space and people around us in a different way, and to be an example for others.

No one but us can enter new dimensions. This transition is backed only by our actions, thoughts, and choices. If we opt to appease our consciousness, bending to the System that uses MK-Ultra to re-wire our mind, then it’s a preference for the old familiar world, though stagnate, but so relatable, cozy and comfortable. Choosing towards awareness is a completely new road full of uncertainty. There are no accustomed schemes and clear solutions. It’s absolutely new space, in which our potential has not yet been manifested, and where still a lot of chaos. But the more we enter into the unknown, the more our consciousness organizes chaos, and uses own potential for harmonization, internal and external.

It’s not just about moments of radical choice in life. It’s more about our daily opts, simplest but essential. When we make such small decisions day after day, it forms a stable pattern of our new behavior, and subsequently, it will be easier to perform it in a conscious state. The same is with events in the world. The amount of aggression and negativity that spills out is an indicator of how much has been suppressed for many epochs. Transition is a time when everything secret and evil comes out, and alas, doesn’t please the eye, like the fake set, behind which it was hidden. And in that, too, we can learn a lesson – how do we feel about this? Are we also pouring out our bad mood on someone? Or have already mastered to react soberly to what is happening?

Free consciousness, first and foremost, is a choice of freedom towards friendliness and kindness, love and mercy to self and others. How to reach and maintain this state? By staying calm, peaceful and harmonious when approaching any challenging situations. By considering them from different angles, including causes and potential consequences. By being aware of the choices that we face and taking responsibility for them. This doesn’t mean that we should love and forgive everyone and everyting, but it does mean our understanding that responding to aggression with aggression only doubles both.

If we don’t run away from or close ourselves off from any negative situations and, plunging back into old habits, don’t give up and remain accountable for our actions, then, we are on the right track. And the way we practice and learn how to effectively exercise awareness and make decisions will influence the world around us.

And conclusion, the latest Co-Creators’ info about their global operation on a Subtle Plane to bundle up the Earth’s negative energies (see – Great Go, DNI, 20 September 2024). On 3 October at 05:00 PM CET, via the ground team, they shared the following details.

The operation lasted from September 18 to October 02, 2024 during the active phase of the eclipse corridor. It was aimed at deeply cleansing the energy field of this part of the Local Universe, Earth and each earthling from destructive programs, old worked-out evolutionary and interpersonal contracts, and karmic clots.

For it, before the op, four the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs with Karma Lords, 14D Logos Al-Terra-Gaia and some Higher Light Beings built special multidimensional Crystals to gather, accumulate and evacuate the negative substances. Then, they divided the terrestrial field on segments above all continent, and in each, installed one Crystal. Their cores were designed as powerful magnets, tuned to pull in itself negative and destructive energies.

Crystals were placed in high mountains-Portals in such a way as to cover the entire Earth’s surface. In North America, it was Shasta, in Africa, – Kilimanjaro, in Asia, – Kailas-Jomolungma, in the Far East, – Fuji, in Europe, – Mont Blanc, in Eurasia, – the Black Pyramid Mountain in the Western Caucasus. In the latter case, Co-Creators used the new Lightwarriors’ collective Logos, which played the central role in the operation.

The whole net was activated during the Lunar Eclipse on September 18 and until late at night on October 1, intensively absorbed all systemic causal negativity in a controlled spaces. When they completed their task, Co-Creators, at the beginning of the Solar Eclipse on October 02, turned off the Crystals and sealed all the contents in them.

Each Crystal remained in its place, with the exception of the group’s collective Logos, which was moved from the Black Pyramid to the field of the Earth’s core. Their sync and other technical actions were carried out during the day. With the beginning of the Solar Eclipse, the Logos alternately absorbed all six Crystals and, on the occultation’s peak, was withdrawn from the terrestrial core within 7.5 minutes. Then, Co-Creators combined the Logos with its “peer”, the same previous Lightwarrios’ subtle structure, upgraded to the Pleroma’s level. After that, both, with all their contents, were lifted into higher dimensions, during which the second Logos served as a vehicle… New details will follow soon.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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