Thursday, August 8, 2024

The secret battle for the planet earth part II: Donald Trump takes the stage

The secret battle for the planet earth Part II

Donald Trump takes the stage

By Benjamin Fulford

Geo-Political Report of August 5, 2024

Posted on August 8, 2024


Breaking News Update!

The sudden drop in Japanese stock indexes and the rise in the yen is a clear sign the Khazarian mafia is being kicked out of Japan. Keep your eyes out for news the fake U.S. ambassador rahm Emmanuel is fleeing the country.

We will keep an eye on the situation and put out reports if necessary otherwise please expect a video update Friday.

Japan’s stock market suffers worst losses in history. The Nikkei 225 stock index closed at 31,316.62 points today, dropping by 4,568.02 points or about 12.7%.

This is the largest single-day point drop in the index’s history, surpassing the previous record set on October 20, 1987, when it fell by 3,836 points.

Market mayhem: Stocks down across Europe, major trader halts transactions for 24 hours

The Russian stock exchange saw losses of up to 1.5% on opening, the CAC 40 in Paris fell 2.1%, and London’s FTSE 100 lost 1.7%.

Trading was suspended on the Istanbul Stock Exchange after the index fell 6.72% after opening, and that’s as the Japanese market saw its worst Monday since 1987.

Major finance platform Robinhood halted 24-hour trading until further due to high market volatility.

Onwards… to New York. All eyes are now on the NY DOW opening and the Monday trading .

Bitcoin is now at $50,946.
A massive drop from the $70k high recently.

Silver has dropped $1.54 today. Down to $27.01

Gold has dropped $43.10 today. Now at $2,400

This could be the beginning of the financial meltdown.

This week is going to be a wild ride in the global financial markets.

Market carnage amid a looming U.S. recession and a possible new war in the Middle East.

Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped 18.2% in two days, including a 12.4% plunge today — the worst single-day decline since 1987.

Taiwan’s stock market suffers from the worst day in 57 years.

Over $1,000,000,000 liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 24 hours — Bitcoin is currently trading at $52,500.

Now you are up to date.
Buckle up it’s going to be be a wild ride.

Weekly raw news and video feed at the end of the report.

The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.

They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.

What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II. They, together with their German allies, were planning to get revenge on the victors of that war.

This meant the plan Bush Sr. outlined to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a fishing trip in Maine in 2006 was being put into motion. According to MI6, during that fishing trip Bush proposed the US and Russia start a new cold war as an excuse to boost military spending and power. During this cold war Russia would pretend to be an ally of China. Then NATO, Russia, Japan and South Korea would simultaneously attack China. A defeated China would be divided into 5 states so that it could never again pose a threat to Western hegemony.

We also know that Bush Sr. had a brother who lived in Beijing and provided the Chinese with the technology needed to make sure their nuclear missiles would be able to strike their targets with pinpoint accuracy. They also bribed may Chinese with oil stolen from Iraq. This was part of the reason the Chinese accepted Barack Obama Hitler.

The KM provided China with advanced military technology because they needed to make sure China was strong enough for their Gog and Magog strategy to kill 90% of humanity.

In any case, under Abe Japan started a massive secret military build up for the war to destroy China. Abe also set up a bio-weapons factory disguised as a veterinary school.

What we now know is that Bush Sr. was removed from power and his deal with Russia to destroy was broken by the Rockefeller faction of the KM. As Russian President Vladimir Putin explained to Tucker Carlson, the new plan was to destroy Russia first before destroying China.

For that purpose a Nazi coup d’etat was staged in 2014 with the aim of depopulating Russia and dividing the survivors into many small states. To tis end the Nazi government installed by the KM also started a massive military build-up. They also built dozens of bioweapons laboratories.

The plan was to install Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, another Hitler relative, in 2016 to release these bioweapons around the world to soften up Russia, China and the resto of the world with a pandemic aimed at reducing their population. This was to be followed by an invasion first of Russia and then China.

What happened on November 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting.

This is how a source who was in a secret meeting in Antarctica on US November 8th election day described the situation:

“The whole election strategy changed when John Kerry went to Antarctica as ordered. He was told by the special elite, the Gnostic Illuminati, who are still in control of this planet, to tell Obama and Clinton to back off and let Trump win… This order to Kerry was followed by a special-forces attack on a Khazarian base in Denver that successfully stopped cabal efforts to steal the US election on behalf of their zombie proxy Hillary, CIA sources say.

However, the gnostic illuminati admitted at the time, they did not know if their Trump gambit would succeed. They knew the bloodlines would fight back hard.

In any case, after Trump was installed, the ideological battle lines were set in two speeches, one by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Davos bloodline love fest on January 17, 2017 while the other was President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech.
Xi’s speech essentially supported the globalist status quo so long as “the global economic governance system,” continued to be reformed to give greater voice to developing nations. Xi also promised China would help the world develop in a win-win manner in harmony with nature. Of course China has been by far the greatest beneficiary of the current system so the bloodline globalists asked for Chinese protection following the Trump backlash against them in the West.

Trump’s speech bemoaned how the American middle class has been destroyed and US industry gutted by the globalists and promised to restore American industry and infrastructure. He also hinted the military industrial complex was about to share some of its secret technologies with the world when he said “We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”

However, Trump and his military white hat backers definitely underestimated bloodline power. The Manchu occupation of China is a good analogy to the how the Khazarians control the West. In Manchu China, native Chinese who passed the civil service exam were allowed to progress up the bureaucratic ladder to a certain point but all the positions at the very top were filled by Manchus. In the West it is the same, intelligent, hard-working technocrats can rise to positions like deputy director but the top first, second and often third positions in most large, powerful organizations are held by Khazarian mobsters or their proxies.

The gnostic illuminati said at the time the bloodlines would rather die than surrender and were planning once last big offensive aimed at retaining their control.

So the installation of Trump was a major white hat offensive against the bloodlines but it was not a final victory.

The war over the future of the planet earth continues to this day. These are basically three factions fighting, Two Western factions and the rest of the world.

Right now the rest of the world is winning hands down because the West is crippled by its civil war.

The Western civil war is between the military industrial complex and the ancient bloodline families. Another way of putting it is the battle is now between those who have the guns and those who control the butter (money) supply.

Trump began his offensive by exposing elite pedophile blackmail rings. That is why we have all now heard about Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile Island. The names of all the visitors to that Island were published during Trump’s presidency.

This is what a CIA source with extensive knowledge of the situation had to say at the time;

“It’s about time this so called pizza-gate and the global underground pedophile rings are being exposed. It has been going on secretly since the late 50’s early 60’s in America in the entertainment industry. Most likely before then as well…the main reason Walt Disney built Disneyland, finished in 1955, was to have a central location for his close friends to come pick up children and have a good time. Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, even the Shah of Iran made visits to his children’s fantasy playground to enjoy more than just a walk in the park. Walt Disney was a well know pedophile amongst his inner circle of friends. Do you know how many children go missing every year at Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Tokyo? This is a part of the global children trafficking cartel.”

We now know that 8 million children go missing every year. This explains just how horrific the problem is. It also means very many powerful people are involved and that is why no public arrests have been made of the visitors to Epstein Island.

It turns out we are dealing with a system of planetary slavery that goes back thousands of years. If you go to the Church of St. Peter in Rome, the one built by Constantine for his mother, you will see the walls are adorned with military weapons, an all seeing eye and three keys, The symbolism is that for a single absolute ruler to control society he/she must control information (then holy texts, now mass media), money and military forces. You can also see at this church the original skull and bones, indicating an ancient secret service designed to impose and enforce this fascistic rule.

This group orchestrated the massive operation gladio in the West known as the “Covid 19” crisis. The purpose was to create so much misery, chaos and suffering that the sheeple will submit to centralized, absolute control.

Remember Pope Francis was replaced with a hologram for a few weeks. He was replaced with a new “pope,” who appears as an actor in a rubber mask or as computer graphics. This fake pope told everyone tells everyone to obey, put on their masks and take their vaccines.

“The Covid 19 Gladio operation is Swiss Octagon, Gladio is a compartment inside it,”MI6 sources confirmed at the time. The Octagon group is the de facto politburo of the about 1 million person strong Khazarian mafia and they do not intend to go quietly into the night.

As a part of their counter-attack on Trump they put out a call for all militias and armed patriots to converge on Washington DC on January 6th. 2021. At the time we warned: DO NOT GO: IT IS A TRAP.

This was followed by a fake Trump pushing vaccines, countless millions of illegal immigrants swamping the US and Europe, the Gaza genocide etc.

Now we are hoping that the Trump supporters are right and that he played 5D chess by allowing the vaccines to go forward in order to get the entire Satanic control network in the US to expose itself before going on the attack.

Recent events show this may finally be happening. It is clear for example the white hats got control of the actor playing “President Biden” and got him to behave so outrageously as to expose his puppet masters. Hopefully for the sake of Western civilization this will all end soon.

What the West needs to realize is the longer they keep fighting themselves, the more the rest of the world is leaving them behind. At present it is safe to say that 90% of the worlds’ population is with the BRICS alliance. The more time passes on, the less of a voice the West will have in deciding the future of the planet.

Now let us talk about the more esoteric nature of this war. A secret space program source who was at the Antarctica meeting of 2016 has the following message to convey: “the dark forces were just as strong in Antarctica as the forces of light. It is the last holdout for the bad boys and their type…”

The source, who is a direct relative of a famous World War 2 Admiral, also had some X-files stuff to say namely that:

“Two timelines are converging now and when that convergence is finished we will have full disclosure.”

If you look at news events of the past two decades, you can see the timelines and their plans for the planet. The KM timeline is pushing for a future that involves killing 90% of humanity and turning the survivors into farm animals. They have been seen at work in Ukraine where they put young women into forced breeding facilities. Most of the babies born at these facilities are tortured to death at a young age to provide adrenachrome for the elites. The females allowed to grow up are turned into sex slaves and breeders. The males they allow to grow up are turned into mindless super soldiers to enforce elite rule. The elite themselves are trying to use a combination of genetic engineering and merger with machines to become immortal god kings. So in this scenario non-KM humans will become the equivalent of chickens in factory farms.

The Western white hat faction fighting against them has reached an agreement with Asian secret societies to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.

In this scenario humans will be given virtual immortality if they choose. They will also have to option of altering their genes in ways they desire. Also, humanity will engage in huge projects to turn the deserts and artic wastelands green, colonize the universe with earth life etc. The overall idea is to turn earth into heaven.

The group behind this plan has enormous power at its’ disposal. A highly esoteric source says “despite provocations like Fukushima, certain precisely timed events, such as a blue moon that was actually blue, large meteorites hitting Russia, lightning bolts hitting the Vatican and Mecca, earthquake swarms in La Palma etc. were all nothing more than gentle warnings.”

The source conveyed a gentle reminder that the forces pushing for an end to Satanic Khazarian rule have access to enormous power. The earthquakes at La Palma Island, in the Atlantic ocean are one sign of this. If the earthquakes cause a rockslide into the ocean at La Palma, a 100 meter tsunami will hit the East Coast of the US and the South Coast of Europe.

These same forces also demonstrated they have the power to redirect celestial objects to earth with the pre-announced Chelyabinsk Meteor in 2013. The NSA has the relevant recording of the warning given to the gnostic illuminati prior to this event.

What needs to be understood though is these warnings were a response to threat by the KM to use nuclear and earthquake weapons in their own possession. Since the KM agree on the need to keep the planet going in order to turn it into their planned animal farm, they have been forced to back off in their use of weapons of mass destruction.

That is why the war is taking place in the form it is now, with assassinations, economic warfare, deep fakes, propaganda etc.

The stakes in this war are extremely high because it will determine the future of our species. The white hat alliance will win in the though for sure. The reason is simple, they are aligned with the life force and the original creation.

Thank you for your patience with the pre-written reports. Next week we will be back to report the news as it unfolds. It is likely to be a description of the ongoing collapse of the current regimes dominating Israel and the United States. It will also document the continued rise of the planetary liberation alliance. The West is now the heart of darkness but light is coming, of this you can be sure.

Weekly raw news and video feed

A nice coverup of what really happened:

$4 Billion is a pittance to pay for what really happened. We don’t hear anything anymore about the 1000 missing children. Old and forgotten news is seems.

In a landmark development, Governor Josh Green, M.D., announced Friday night that a historic $4 billion settlement has been reached to resolve all tort claims arising from the catastrophic wildfires that devastated Maui last year.

As investigations revealed, the deadly wildfires were sparked by downed power lines, a finding that directly challenges the Democrats’ narrative linking such disasters to climate change.,who%20filed%20lawsuits%20following%20the%20August%202023%20wildfires

A new study that examined 325 autopsy cases found that COVID mRNA shots are “directly” linked to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world!

The mechanisms of injury include systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

The researchers concluded: “The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.”

Lancet removed the paper and claimed that the study’s conclusions were not supported by the study’s methodology.

Court Rules Coca-Cola Must Pay IRS $6 Billion in Unpaid Taxes

Coca-Cola accused the IRS of wrongly estimating the tax by not following a previously agreed upon calculation methodology.

Soft drink manufacturer Coca-Cola has been ordered by a court to make billions in payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to cover back taxes.

On July 31, the U.S. Tax Court ruled that there were deficiencies in income tax dues payable by Coca-Cola to the IRS for the 2007–09 period to the tune of approximately $2.7 billion. Adding in interest, the total amount payable by Coca-Cola comes to around $6 billion, the company said in an Aug. 2 press release.

Coca-Cola said it will defend its position and criticized the decision, stating “the IRS and the Tax Court misinterpreted and misapplied the applicable regulations involved in the case.”

Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife with daughter Ella’s nanny Najen Naylor – and got her PREGNANT

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife Kerstin with the blonde nanny, who also taught at their children’s pricey private school.

The incendiary news is said to be causing panic in Harris’s campaign, just as she has overtaken Donald Trump in several polls and as she ramps up her final push to win over voters in November.

I wonder where they moved it?

Nothing to see here folks. (Most likely loaned it to Ukraine)

The US government just moved $2 billion of seized BTC, two days after Trump’s speech.

The Dems regarding Kamala  “She’s always been black…”


Jesse Watters
“Donald Trump told me that if he’s elected, he will DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING about the  attempt on his life!”
Here is the satire for today: Old slow Joe and the avatar Barak Obama.


Colonel Douglas Macgregor:

“Unless someone intervenes and says you can’t do this or we won’t support you, I don’t see much hope for a positive outcome in Israel..

This will end up becoming a death struggle and I’m not sure Israel will survive.”


Global News:
Israel, Ukraine, Russia, China & UK:

The F-16’s which have arrived in Ukraine today are modified with sophisticated Israeli-made infrared missile warning systems.

So since Israel is arming Ukraine with military tech against Russia. Therefore Israel should not be surprised that Russia is arming Iran with high tech weapons.

The first video of an alleged F-16 flight over Odessa has appeared.

Video Player

Soon to follow, a video of it being shot down by Russian S-400.

“We will arm your enemies just like you arm the enemies of Russia”

– The Kremlin (Medvedev)

The Russian AF is currently in the process of transferring weapons to the Republic of Iran and Yemeni resistance in support against American/Israeli aggression in the region.


A bunch of Houthis wearing sandals shot down another MQ-9 Reaper Drone worth $30 million.

“Zelensky personally receives 30 percent of profits from the funeral costs of Ukrainian soldiers. This is probably the most cynical and disgusting way of profiting from human tragedy that I have ever come across.”

(30 % of $1,430 equals $429 x’s at least 300k equals 128,700,000 plus, extra pocket change for the Zionists)

A Ukrainian whistleblower named Lander exposes the commercialization of death by Zelensky’s regime in Ukraine.


Kiev forced to surrender under onslaught of Ukrainian citizens — French politician.

Florian Philippot pointed out that now Vladimir Zelensky “allows for the possibility of territorial concessions and considers the participation of Russian representatives in ‘peace summits’ on Ukrainian issue necessary”.

PARIS, August 4. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is forced to make concessions due to failures on the front and discontent of the population, Florian Philippot, leader of French political party Les Patriotes, said.

“Zelensky surrenders amid the discontent of his fellow citizens and failures on the front,” he wrote on his X page.

The politician pointed out that now the Ukrainian leader “allows for the possibility of territorial concessions and considers the participation of Russian representatives in ‘peace summits’ on Ukrainian issue necessary.” “Zelensky realized that the flow of Western weapons is drying up and he is doomed,” Philippot emphasized.

Earlier, Zelensky said in an interview with Le Monde newspaper that the second conference on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict will not bring results if Russia’s representatives do not participate in it.

The first conference on Ukraine was held on June 15-16 in the Swiss city of Burgenstock at the initiative of the Ukrainian side. The final communique of the summit was not signed by Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and the Vatican. Russia was not invited to Burgenstock. Delegations of most UN member states were also absent. According to Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the conference was a complete fiasco, and such events cannot serve as a basis for sustainable peace.

The Zionists are preparing for the inevitable.

The elimination of the high command by Iran.

The Israeli Government is preparing to hide it’s leaders in an underground doomsday bunker in anticipation of Iran’s retaliatory strike.

Shin Bet prepares underground bunker for leaders in case of war.

An underground bunker in Jerusalem where senior leaders can remain for an extended period during a war has been prepared by the Shin Bet security service, the Walla news site reports.

The bunker can sustain hits from a range of existing weaponry, has command and control capabilities, and is connected to the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, the report says.

Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange crashes following the tensions between Israel and Iran creating a mass sell-off by investors.



The British protestors are burning down the Holiday Inn hotel where migrants have barricaded themselves inside.

British protestors are storming a Holiday Inn housing migrants in the city of Rotherham as civil disorder spreads around the country.

It’s going to get very wild.

Video Player
Video Player

This is Very Important!

“China is extremely concerned with the civil unrest in the UK, and attacks on ethnic minorities.

We urge the UK government to do everything in their capacity to ensure the safety of minorities.

China reserves the right to intervene if the situation in the UK does not improve.”

Chinese state affiliated media agency Zhao DaShuai.



Benjamin Fulford

[This is the full update]
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KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")

Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.

Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography. (A Big Fat Lie)
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