Sunday, July 21, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on July 21, 2024

July of this year, a huge number of karmic couples broke up. Some have lived together for decades and solved many common tasks, coming from other dimensions (see – Home Worlds, DNI, 8 July 2024). The same happened to many partnerships and friendships, and this process continues in waves to this day. Many had the feeling that they had been artificially divorced, literally transferred from one branch of reality to another. Also, in numerous cases, strong energy failures occurred, very similar to black magical attacks with severe consequences in the form of splitting consciousness, a sharp deterioration in health, etc.

As recently Disclosure News highlighted (see – Boosting, DNI, 24 June 2024), global resetting and redistribution of embodied Souls by densities and realities is underway on 3D Earth. Co-Creators run this spec-op through a giant Matrix structure similar to the faceted eye, which emits plasma pulses on a Subtle Plane.

The whole terrestrial space is continuously permeated by these radiant waves. Passing via people’s Souls and consciousness, they scan, segment and redirect men to a reality’s branch that corresponds to individual energy vibes and embedded potential. And in a new space, they can live on and realize their capabilities in the best possible way, according to the settings and resonances checked in contact with the Light rays.

For many, this is a very difficult trial, aggravated by incomprehension of what goes on, and why stable relations with friends and the loved ones are suddenly in tatters. The reason is that on a Subtle Plane, every union and pair looks different. The luminosity in it is uneven: one shines brighter, the other less and has more karma spots. But segmentation is performed not by luminous density, but by codes in the scanning beams and human Souls. If the Light conductivity in the pair is not the same, each brought to corresponding freqs’ reality. This transfer/redistribution is carried out algorithmically by the same ray. What happens next?

Periodically, some places in regions and countries are replenished with new people, who transferred here from their previous reality and joint local old inhabitants. The scanning and steering rays have already reset part of the programs and memory in their Souls, and they are still half-blind, trying to navigate the new energy field. If in the past someone had a bad time in the family or with a partner, then here they can meet their ideal. At what frequency does one’s consciousness/energy vibrates, relationships are established with the same people on the principle of correspondence.

And what if, after resetting and breaking up a couple, a person doesn’t feel any improvement? He just needs to wait for kindred Soul. This attitude looks passive and humble, but should be ready to accept help. This is a tincture of care, love and a desire to share. Even if a person hides from everyone, reluctant to leave home, and avoids contacts with another Soul, it will still happen.

Co-Creators and Guardians never rush and patiently wait for a person to step forth from own cocoon, and just bring people together in the same space and circumstances. Only the man himself decides what to do. If he is ready to change, then out of the blue opportunities appear. And accepting them, he already thinks and acts not as before, but in a completely new way. And through this, moves to the next level of development, without perceiving it as a challenge.

Yes, the Matrix is destroying today many couples and seemingly strong families who planned a common future…Does it turn out that people are only pawns in resetting? Are our desires not perceived in any way at all? This is far from the case. Nothing is done without the consent of the Higher Selves, which strive for the maximum effectiveness of its manifestation bodies, the human beings. Married couples don’t break up immediately, but mature to it gradually, when one participant begins self-destructing, and the self-undoing program is activated in him. A duo can no longer maintain balance if one radiates love, while the other destroys his body and Soul with suspicion and jealousy, hate and aggression, drugs and alcohol.

The Co-Creators’ operation to distribute the earthlings in different densities and territories concerns unbalanced unions. It ensures the RIGHT of each Soul to choose the path that is more natural and comfortable for it. A person is given a chance on another branch of reality, where resonating personalities gather, and where they can find a partner more suitable in codes and frequencies, and fully realize selves in their version.

What was the basis of attraction in the disintegrated pairs? It was not only a similar potential, but also the tank circuit. And everything was holding on this resonance. The tank was de-energized, and the desire to be together immediately ended. The strength of the love tension/attraction has changed, and what kept no longer works, and the couple is heading for a breakup. However, if love remains, then gravity can be restored. Sometimes the scanning and distributing beam passes through the partners many times, they separate for several months, and get back again until finally part. Moreover, often both find selves in the same place and see each other with a new companion, with whom they are comfortable and well.

All this looks logical and reasonable, but there are nuances. Some spent a lot of time and effort to recover, because physically and psycho-emotionally were on the verge, but again face problems in the new union. Sometimes after resetting, occurs splitting of consciousness and betrayal, when a person cannot explain his actions and often distorts or ignores the evident facts. Or suddenly becomes arrogant, hyper-confident in self and own decisions. He starts manipulating and lying to significant other, although yesterday planned children, dedicated poems and poured out streams of love confessions on socials. What causes such a metamorphosis?

Today, more and more powerful radiations from the Source structure the planetary energy, and then Gaia unfolds it into manifested reality. Many space technogeek and parasitic civilizations are eager to gain access to terrestrial vital power through incarnation in a physical body, since at the moment they only have access to the Earth’s astral plane.

Through it, they plug-in to people and, when requesting the purpose of their presence or contact, give such answers: “We are only observers”, “We are interested in how you live and your emotions”, “We want to build the same world as Earth, and study how it works”, “We just take a little creative energy to understand its capacity”, “We will mix 1% of selves to your Spark, no one will notice, but we will live, you don’t regret?” Many people are completely taken over by these possessors, especially in global organizations, governments, business and other areas that determine the development of mankind. But even ordinary married couples are vulnerable to astral entities and easily become their avatars.

To remove cosmic parasites from Earth, Co-Creators direct to it power quantum flows, exposing aliens’ tapping. Thanks to this, their victims can wake up and avoid the NAA influence. But the System tries to save it by wrapping streams into substance that works as a double-sided reflector and weakens the impact. On the Subtle Plane, it is clearly visible that the Source’s energies saturate the planet’s core, but hardly distributed across the globe.

As a result, many have a feeling that these energies are somewhere very close, but for some reason don’t manifest in reality. This is an illusion of access lacking. The technogeeks’ tool is not omnipotent and cannot stop resetting. Now, a huge amount of Higher Light Beings, Star Seeds, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are actively involved in the distribution of high-freqs’ flows. Each of us can also be a conductor of the Source’s radiation through Spark in own Soul. For example, during meditation, better – in nature, taking care of protection, and in full awareness of self as an inseparable part of One. The more we control our body, thoughts and feelings, the less room there is for aliens and Darks, and greater the radiance of Earth with new power.

Each Solar flare, which carries a lot of energies, accelerates this process. Since July 12, the activity of the Luminary increased sharply and in four days produced more than ten M-level flashes (of fourth grade on a 5-point scale), and two the highest ones – X1.2 and X1.9. The more powerful was only on May 14 – X8.7. Thus, in specific territories (regions, countries and continents) Co-Creators widen habitats of kindred and likeminded Souls with similar capabilities, goals and endeavors. This is the background of many events in the local and geopolitical arena, where we already see many layers and clusters, replenished by people according to their internal codes and radiated energy.

The described processes are part of a larger mechanism. Ideally, Earth, mankind and human body are self-sufficient and self-regulating life forms. For that, Co-Creators support many parameters, external and internal. One of the adjustment tools are the energies of water, earth, air and fire elementals. At the global level, they are always in an equilibrium state, but not in a local and continental scale.

It’s manifested as occurring simultaneously heavy rains and floods (the predominance of water energy), wildfires and volcanic eruptions (fire pressure), droughts (lack of water), quakes (the earth elemental’s impact), tornadoes and hurricanes (the action of the air elemental). And concurrently, somewhere everything is quiet and peaceful. The planetary Logos itself determines where and which elemental’s action to weaken, and which to enforce. If necessary, for resetting the situation in a particular territory, the Logos can change the might and scale of its impact – from several square kilometers to entire countries. What energy to use, the Logos decides on the basis of current developments. In extreme cases, it may apply the Black Swan Protocol (see – Warning, DNI, 22 June 2024).

Its relevance is evidenced by the Co-Creators’ last analysis of the Earth’s situation, disclosed on 17 July 2024 at 03:26 PM CET. In it, they confirmed that regretfully Darks and their NAA rulers took the final decision to launch WWIII under false flag in the nearest 2-4 years according to the actual readiness of specific countries and their combat potential. It is planned to start a war in Europe by simulating an attack on one of the NATO States, which would make Article 5 of its Charter applicable. This is bad news.

The good news is that the Karmic Council of the Local Universe has given the green light for the preemptive use of the Black Swan Protocol. Previously, technical conditions were created for it. Now, the Karma Lords, after a “legal examination” of such an impact on each continent, have come to the conclusion that in today’s situation this won’t be a violation of the Cosmos Laws and will not become a karma-forming act.

Only two Logos, 5D Gaia and 14D Al-Terra-Gaia, synchronically can make the decision to proactively use the Black Swan (as the key rotates together when launching nuclear missiles) in the event of a global threat. Or Al-Terra Gaya alone may apply the Protocol on a scale of one or two continents. It appears that this is the final invitation to the System and its Power Pyramid to come back to reality and avoid reckless attempts that could be lethal to both.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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