Wednesday, March 6, 2024

LThis is the Caliber of Person Waiting in the Wings

This is the Caliber of Person Waiting in the Wings

by Steve Beckow

Posted on March 6, 2024

Kathleen came across Whitney Webb, whom I had never encountered before. Suzi has posted Whitney’s interview with Glenn Beck from a year ago, which is a tour de force.

She herself is a phenomenon and seems a living example of what Michael once said:

Archangel Michael: Many of the advanced Souls who have incarnated within the last hundred or so years came in with their Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional Soul Fragments already harmonized and integrated, and many came in with a good portion of their higher, Fourth-Dimensional fragments integrated as well.

These precious Souls are the ones who agreed to sink into the illusion of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional density so they could become the Vanguard— Wayshowers who would lead the Way onto the upward spiraling Path into the entry level realms of the Fifth Dimension. As these brave Light Bearers are lifted up, so is the Earth and all humanity. (1)

Whitney says she’s “33 and a millennial.”  The situation of her advance party is so relevant to us, as the video amply demonstrates, that I add Archangel Gabrielle’s comments on the younger stars as well. It seems even more pertinent to Whitney’s example:

Archangel Gabrielle: Now, the babies that are being born, and that have been coming to Earth for quite some time, come in fully awake and fully aware. Let us just suggest that certainly right now, the children that are coming forth are very pink [seraphim?] and magenta [masterful – 11th Dimension?].

You have had some forerunners. Those coming now are not waiting until they are 32 in order to begin to activate what they came in to do. They are aware of what they came in to do. Is there some frustration at times about being trapped in a small body? Yes. Is that why some of them leave? Yes, but understand the impact that these children are having on the various families that they are being born into, into the communities they are being born into. It’s phenomenal. So they are coming in and working their mission from the first breath. (2)

That drive and passion sure seems to fit Whitney. I loved it when she said we can’t afford to be afraid in the face of our circumstances.

I include SG Anon in what I say about Whitney. Both of them seem to me to be prime examples of the new wayshowing and the new leadership – in their chosen fields.

Somewhere else it’s been said that we shouldn’t worry overly much about future leadership. Leaders capable of taking over already exist and are ready to step into place. Again Whitney demonstrates the kind of aptitude that makes such a statement believable.

Michael tells us that Indigo and Crystal children are here to lead us into the New Reality:

“Once again, we say that the Indigo and Crystal generations are here to lead the way into this New Reality. They will be passionate, caring and filled with Fire and Light to manifest this New Reality. It is their Mission and Now is their Time.

“There will be many emerging Young Leaders who will help to guide the Planetary Community from the limited Economic ‘Mind Prison’ of mental constructs to a New Reality of the Possibilities of other ways of Living, Sharing and Manifesting what is needed for Life on Earth.” (3)

I get it. This is the caliber of person waiting in the wings. Far out! Let me get out of the way.



(2) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings: The 12 Divine Rays with Archangel Gabrielle,” channeled by Linda Dillon, February 18, 2014, at

(3) “Archangel Michael: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light,” channeled by Celia Fenn, October, 2013 at

Steve Beckow



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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