Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lucifer’s Rebellion and His Pleiadian Angels

Lucifer’s Rebellion and His Pleiadian Angels

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on July 7, 2024

The Hidden History of the Devil

Lucifer’s rebellion, as described in older scriptures, took place long before the earth was created. EA in this sense is Lucifer, while ENLIL is Satan, who also rebelled against the forces of light, and both were cast out of ‘heaven’, read Orion, by ‘Archangel Michael’, who of course must have been an Aryan warrior, or perhaps the symbol of a whole Aryan elite force?

Both Lucifer and Satan had their followers, and whether they were Satan’s followers or Lucifer’s followers, they were all what are called ‘fallen angels’.

Lucifer was simply an advocate of “self-assertion and freedom”. His manifesto was to teach humanity that the Goddess did not exist, which became more prominent after the Flood as different religions took shape.

Eventually the religion of worship or devotion to the Mother Goddess was outlawed or ridiculed and spiritual darkness reigned on Earth.

If people who possessed the fire were free to practice their religion, it could clearly become a threat to authority. Therefore, the knowledge of the Women of Fire and the original purpose of the human experiment became extremely hidden, known only to a select few on a need-to-know basis.

At some point during the Atlantean era, EA left Earth and went back to the Pleiades to take some of his loyal officers back to Earth with him. In the Pleiades he showed them holograms of what life was like on Earth, and that he wanted to use the Lyran/Pleiadian DNA to further advance humanity.

When some of the Pleiadians saw how beautiful these Women of Fire were, and women in general, they said, “Let’s go down there and have sex!

So, instead of just contributing their DNA directly to EA while they were in the Pleiades, 199 Pleiadians followed EA back to Earth to have sex with human women, but also to help EA with his genetic experiments. These were the 200 Fallen Angels, including EA. They are the ‘Watchers’ mentioned in the ‘Book of Enoch’.

Fortunately, the 5D world will become the new earth, the 3D sleepers will move to another 3D planet.

Only one third of the existing population have chosen to transform by leaving their material life behind and are now feeling the symptoms of the new energetic frequency shift, a shift not only for humans but also for animals, plants and everything else on our planet.

In the fifth dimension, Planet Earth is regaining its positive capacity for the environment, organic food, happiness, which creates jobs for salvation and cleansing.

Now is the time for people to start learning and thinking for themselves; to do things in innovative ways.

Most, if not all, existing parameters will become obsolete. The meaning and recognition of the value of money will be completely different from what it is today. Everyone will have enough money to live on.

There will be no need to take advantage of others or to steal to buy anything. Personal wealth will be the only limit. Everyone will be free to pursue any hobby and work wherever and whenever they want.

Satan, Lucifer and the Devil

Lucifer’s rebellion, as described in older writings, took place long before the earth was created. It is already mentioned that EA/Poseidon is the Aryan prince who rebelled against the God(s) in heaven.

EA in this sense is Lucifer, while ENLIL is Satan, although his son Marduk is probably Satan too… who also rebelled against the forces of Light – the Mother Goddess, and they were both cast out of ‘Heaven’ – Orion – by ‘Archangel Michael’, who of course must have been an Aryan MAKH warrior, or perhaps the symbol for a whole Aryan elite force?

Both Lucifer and Satan had their followers, and whether they were Satan’s followers or Lucifer’s followers, they were all the so-called ‘fallen angels’.

There are distinctions between Satan, Lucifer and the Devil, as they are clearly three different personalities. Translated into Hidden History, the Devil best corresponds to Marduk, EA’s son, although it’s not very clear. Marduk was later killed on Earth, and Alexander the Great, who is said to have been Marduk’s hybrid son, saw his father dead in a coffin. However, since these star beings jump bodies, Marduk didn’t stay ‘dead’ for long.

The literature states that there was no obvious reason for Lucifer to rebel against the system, and no one suggested such a rebellion to him. The book Urantia suggests that Lucifer was simply an advocate of “self-assertion and freedom”. His manifesto was to teach humanity that the God(s) did not exist, which became more pronounced after the Flood when various religions took shape, having first been instigated by the EA high priests.

Eventually, the religion of worship or devotion to the Mother Goddess was outlawed or ridiculed, and spiritual darkness reigned on Earth. If people who possessed the fire were free to practice their religion, it could clearly become a threat to authority. Therefore, the knowledge of the Women of Fire and the original purpose of the Human Experiment became extremely hidden, known only to a select few on a need-to-know basis. But more on that later.

Figure 7-8. warriors casting out the rebels from ‘Heaven’/Orion (painting by Gustave Dore).

What is known is that EA preferred the Sirian lifestyle and spent most of his life with his stepfather, ANU. He plotted with Satan (ENLIL) and carried out their plan to descend to Earth. However, there were also Vegans from the Lyra star system who supported EA and ENLIL in their rebellion against the Mother Goddess.

This faction of Lyran descent fled to the Pleiades during the Celestial Wars and have remained there ever since. So at some point during the Atlantean era, EA left Earth and went back to the Pleiades to bring some of his loyal officers back to Earth with him. In the Pleiades he showed them holograms of what life was like on Earth and that he wanted to use the Lyran/Pleiadian DNA to further advance humanity. When some of the Pleiadians saw how beautiful these Women of Fire, and women in general, were, they said, “Let’s go down there and have sex!

So, instead of just contributing their DNA directly to EA while in the Pleiades, 199 Pleiadians followed EA back to Earth to have sex with human women, but also to help EA with his genetic experiments. These were the 200 fallen angels that EA included, called the ‘Watchers’ as mentioned in the ‘Book of Enoch’.

They took human male bodies here on Earth and seduced women to have sex with them. In the book ‘The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs’, supposedly by the Twelve Sons of Jacob, it is clearly stated that it was not the Watchers in the form of giants who seduced the women of the Earth.

In fact, the Pleiadians, who were giants on their home planets, could not travel through space and dimensions with their original biological bodies, and so had to be genetically engineered and DNA manipulated to create a whole new species that could withstand the harsh conditions of space and travel through stargates and different dimensions without being destroyed.

This is the common way for most star races to travel long distances. The “grey” body type has many robust qualities and can withstand space conditions; the reptilian template is another. Once on Earth, however, they simply jumped bodies and began using human bodies to have sex with human females.

“Thus they seduced the watchmen before the flood; for when they saw them continually, they lusted after them, and conceived the act in their minds; for they changed themselves into the form of men, and appeared to them when they were with their husbands; and the women, lusting after their forms in their minds, brought forth giants.”

The Bible says they came down as beautiful male angels, irresistible to many human women. It says they had wings and muscular, attractive bodies. This may well be true, for in the laboratories they shared with ENKI and the Sirians, they could create anything they wanted to look attractive and powerful to human women.

However, using human male bodies to have sex with women did not produce giant offspring. After a while the Pleiadians genetically engineered their own 3D bodies, with or without wings, but more often their souls hovered over human females they knew would bear good-looking male offspring, making sure their soul inhabited the chosen foetus.

In this way the Fallen could be born in human bodies, just like us, but grow up with full memory and interdimensional abilities. Probably the same beings are returning now and may already be here, born in normal human bodies.

More than just having sex with human females, they followed EA to his labs under the ocean and began to manipulate Lyran/Pleiadian DNA, the DNA of the giants. These offspring became the biblical Nephilim and spread across the world, settling in both Mu and Atlantis at about the same time.

References The Urantia Book

Peter B Meyer

Transcripted From:

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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