Sunday, June 9, 2024

This One Got In

This One Got In

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 9, 2024


“WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insisted the IHR [International Health Regulations] be updated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.” (1)

OK, this one got in. (Thanks again, Ev.)

Let me get it straight. DARPA, the WHO, Wuhan labs, Fauci and their allies created Coronavirus-19 and now they insist that control be given over to them before the next pandemic strikes, which they’re probably busy creating (Monkeypox, Marberg, bird flu, etc.), if they’re still alive, that is (Fauci is reportedly not).

In public they oppose the changes to the IHR and behind closed doors they agree to them?

We have the same people who created the problem now offering themselves as the solution.  Isn’t that how it works? Blow up the Twin Towers and then offer your pre-prepared legislation as the solution – which takes away people’s freedom.

You offer yourself to protect them against “terrorists.” Meanwhile you are the terrorists. (Most of the top planners of 9/11, by the way, have reportedly been executed for treason.)

In some circumstances we call it a false flag. In others a conspiracy.  They don’t get bigger than a conspiracy to control the world. And yet that’s what we face.

Improbable. Implausible, you say. But not impossible. A very large number of people have banded together to create another elite-dominated world. Call it Nazism, Fascism, or whatever you want. It divides the world into controllers (an elite) and controlled (their servants).

We were warned that things would have to reach the level of a near-death experience for society to be ready for global martial law. If the WHO’s actions, and the complicity of so many meeting delegates, don’t send all reasonable adults into shock, then I’m not sure what it will take to wake people up.

We’re talking about unelected officials handing our freedom over to the deep state, to more unelected officials and people complicit in democide. Not only will it never, ever happen for more reasons than I can name. But for sure, I think, the prospect of it will drive people to seek common ground to stop the spread of the evil the deep state has in store for us.

Add this news to the late Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack acknowledging burning down food-production plants in evidence produced at his Gitmo treason tribunal (he was reportedly hung), farmers and officials slaughtering thousands of animals “infected” with bird flu, which the cabal itself probably introduced and tested for.

Throw in the IRS arming its agents and FEMA robbing disaster victims in Tornado Alley – or killing them outright at Lahaina.   Add in insect protein, the open border, bridge collapses….

Stand back and observe, I was asked.   I am standing back and, at the moment, I observe outrage in me.

Not like I intend to act on it. I’ll process it as with all extreme feelings. But the summary of how I feel right now is that I feel outraged at the idea – in this instance – of surrendering my country’s sovereignty to the WHO. This one truly did get in.


(1) Yudi Sherman, “5 key takeaways from the WHO’s new IHR amendments,” Frontline Doctors, June 04, 2024, at

Steve Beckow


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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