Thursday, October 17, 2024

Impact - 2

Impact (Part 2)

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on Octuber 17, 2024

Part 1 

The Co-Creators’ strikes at the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (see – Impact, DNI, 13 October 2024) derailed NAA and Darks’ plan to deliver a double blow to Earth simultaneously through this cosmic body and from their stronghold in the Oort Cloud. That giant sphere with trillions of objects encompasses two regions: a disc-shaped inner domain aligned with the solar ecliptic and a spherical outer field enclosing the entire Solar System. Both lie well beyond the heliosphere, ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 AU (0.03 to 3.2 light-years) and are in interstellar space, replenish and keep constant the number of long-period comets entering our planets’ system.

The pair attack was blocked, but the volleys from the Oort Cloud continued to disrupt the Co-Creators op to purify the Earth’s Logos on the Subtle and ethereal planes from the NAA’s destructive programs. Many Power Places, which play an important role in protecting the planet, worked particularly intensively during these October days and were also under fire. And especially the Elbrus Mountain range in the Caucasus. Why did this particular location with a diameter of 15 kilometers become the Darks’ target?

Here, on the Subtle Plan, works a huge Light complex with a Portal, built in the distant past by four space races from constellations Ursa Minor, Ursa Minor, Orion, and Beta Leo system, about which Disclosure News narrated earlier (see – Siberia Ops, Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, DNI, 30 May and 3, 6, 12 and 16 June 2024). In this place, namely in Khudessky Labyrinth, in the vicinity of Elbrus, their natal Matrix’ copy is stored.

In it, are also kept the aspects of their progenitors, six dipole pairs of primary Light Archons, created in the Pleroma by Christ and World Mother Sophia. With the onset of Cosmic Night, all four races were ordered to leave Earth. Only those who wanted to get a new evolutionary experience remained on it. But the Spiritual connection with our world has been preserved, and with the advent of Cosmic Day, they are preparing to return to our planet again.

For many centuries and up to the present day, the complex has been actively functioning. Inside Elbrus, there are two multidimensional pyramids. Above their two peaks, Portal with a channel is operational, leading to the Light City. From there, streams of golden plasma flow continuously to the terrestrial surface, spreading waves across the globe. Particles emit a frequency of 432 Hz, which corresponds to the coordinates of Elbrus – 43.2N, and the ideal heart’ vibes that sync with Divine energy.

​On a Subtle Plane above the peaks of Elbrus, Cheget and Donguzorun, is seen a  vast complex with a huge power installation that resembles a kinetic sculpture. This structure is sentient and, while pivoting, emits a golden Light, which fills the environment and the grid of the four space races’ collective consciousness. Complex non-stop filters and processes cosmic currents into beneficial energies, which interact with our heart center, energizing and supporting the Anahata chakra.

In the same field of Mount Cheget, in a subtle pyramidal temple, an energy storage device in the form of a Fibonacci Golden Spiral continuously rotates. Together with the altar, it functions as an attractor. The spiral interacts with other parts of the structure, acting as an axial element around which objects similar to Platonic solids revolve. Altogether, they control energy, space, and time on Earth.

The rocks of Cheget contain a lot of quartz, which generates a certain spectrum of vibration. The gold veins inside the mineral produce electrical discharges that increase the overall vibrational background. In the depths of the mountain there is a massive gold-bearing layer, filled with a Source’s energy, manifested in the various life-forms.

All facets of the subtle pyramid are covered with runes. When it and the altar are working, these fonts radiate golden beams that provide commune in multidimensional space via a large Light pillar at the infrastructure’s center. In the past, there was a cosmic port, a Portal and a transport channel with huge volumes of communication. The upper part of the pyramid functioned as a space ship that could detach and fly to other worlds.

And nowadays, this immense repeater receives, amplifies, injects, holds and stores the four space races’ info and the results of the Earth’s scanning. With the help of runes on the surfaces, the pyramid of Cheget takes cosmic currents and directs to Mount Donguzorun, which with its exterior cavities scatters them, covering the surrounding territories. Elbrus provides the necessary energy.

The nearby pyramid-shaped mountains are also amplifiers, together forming a sacred Mandala. Their triangular outlines work like mirrors, each of which is directed at a certain angle, and provide transmission, propagation and amplification of the signal. On a Subtle Plane, at an altitude of 12.6 kilometers, above them, large flat reflectors distribute the received data throughout the planet.

NAA and Darks have repeatedly tried to take over this multidimensional complex, including in our time. In August 1942, a special detachment of the German Wehrmacht installed two standards of the Edelweiss mountain infantry division and a flagpole with a swastika there. Thanks to Aldebaraneans, Hitler was privy to the secrets of ancient civilizations (see – Undisclosed Bucegi, DNI, 13 August 2022). With varying success, many Nazi services searched for their technologies, know-how and artifacts in Tibet, Egypt, South America, Antarctica and other parts of the world.

Formally, the installation of the flag at the Elbrus top symbolized the beginning of a new millennial Reich. In fact, the group was assigned to find access to the complex with the help of the Tibetan Dark Bon-po lamas (for more about them, see – Operations in China, Part 1, DNI, 16 October 2021). But the unexpected happened.

During a collective meditation (it was held during the Battle of Stalingrad), the lamas saw on the timeline not the upcoming triumph of the Fuhrer, but Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. When they told the squad leader, Captain Heinz Groot, about this, he ordered them to be shot immediately. They were buried at the foot of Elbrus. Then a black magic rite was performed, and a swastika made of stones was laid out on their grave.

The Nazis would never have been able to get inside the multidimensional complex due to powerful energy protection. Before them, the NAA had made such attempts more than once. Using vacuum, scalar and thermal weapons, they turned the entire infrastructure around Elbrus into piles of stones, but couldn’t open it. And today, here, at an altitude of 3000-4000 m, the remains of fused megaliths that resemble petrified clay, with traces of plasma exposure, which reached millions of degrees, have been preserved.

In these October days, the Dark’s assault on the complex failed again. But this time, they are trying to destroy not the targets, which couldn’t erase in the past, but what Co-Creators and Lightwarriors built and restored recently. It concerns the new Eurasian Logos that was born during a joint operation on the physical and Subtle Planes, and the activation of a copy of the natal Matrix of the four cosmic races.

Disclosure News described many times the ground team’s considerable experience of Logos’ development. Namely, the creation of its core from own Monad’s aspects and a single multidimensional body, its inner radiant synthesis (self-luminosity), the installment of various reinforcing energy segments (crystals) into it, their subsequent merging into a single whole. After that, the birth of Logos’ Intelligence and the Soul followed as the new Spiritual Sun of the Local Universe.

All this know-how, Lightwarriors applied again. First, they gradually collected and cleansed from karma the Spiritual Crystals (aspects) of many supreme entities, incarnated in Eurasia during many epochs. With everyone they telepathically communed for a long. Then, on one of the sacred Caucasus Mountains, they assembled crystals into a single whole, ignited their inter-Logos synthesis that culminated by brightest flash and new Spiritual Sun’s birth. After that, it was linked to its peers in the Local Universe via Sirius and Cheget. A bit later, Absolutes’ dipole placed own aspects in this Sun, and its copy, the ground team put in the new Eurasian Logos.

Biological and material carriers were needed to maximize its impact and presence on 3D Earth. The first role played 33 Lightwarriors, which installed their Monads’ aspects in Logos. With consent of the Elbrus Guardians, this op was carried out on that mountain. As the material bearer of Logos’ substance, was considered diamond. But after consulting with Co-Creators, it was decided to abandon this idea for one reason only: due to a huge amount of vices and crimes associated with its possession. The stone absorbed to much of blood and negative energy.

The ultimate selection was made in favor of moissanite. This uncommon mineral on Earth is abundant in the cosmos, found in the dusty atmospheres surrounding stars and in unaltered meteorites (in form of beta polymorph).Its Causal Matrix, capable of accumulating, storing and amplifying the vibrations of Light, is imprinted on the Gaia’s aspect. This helped to purify the Matrix, reboot according to the reference Universe’s original, and then, put it in Eurasian Logos. It was activated also on Elbrus.

The mountains’ might energy shield repelled all the NAA and Darks’ attacks from the Oort Cloud. Taking on strikes, the reactive armor field instantly redirected them back with a vengeance precisely to assaulters. At the same time, the bombardment by Solar jets the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) continued, unfortunately hitting the orbiting satellites. On October 13, from 09 AM till 05 PM, none of them worked, their devices were knocked out. On October 14, two volleys were fired at the comet, on October 15 – eight with a power of 4 points on a 5-level scale.

At the moment of the CME impact on the Earth’s magnetosphere, the speed of the Solar wind reached 800 km/sec. The BZ index, which shows the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, collapsed to an extreme value: on average, to minus 42 and remained at this level for 2.5 hours. These two parameters caused the brightest auroras in North and South America. Over the Eurasia, at latitudes from 28°N to 52-54°N, four explosive waves of the brightest radiance swept… Disclosure News continues monitoring the situation closely.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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