Saturday, June 22, 2024

You Are Important

You Are Important

The Archangels

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by

Post on June 22, 2024

In the end, everything will turn out well, everything will return to divine order and everything that works against it will be removed. But when is the end? The end will come when you least expect it.

When grey clouds of ignorance spread to completely cloud the minds of men, then GOD intervenes fatefully and for the last time the wheat is separated from the chaff.

Until then, you will go through the great training of working through your fears. Day by day and step by step, you will be thrown back on yourself and your external appearances will be a reflection of the person you were and will be in the future. Fears, lies, and fantasies will accompany you, as will sublime emotions and light-filled thoughts. On all paths, you will encounter the light in the darkness, an outside full of false images and people who wander around in a flickering light and don’t know why.

Despite the peace within you, the chaos takes on unimaginable proportions and very often you are faced with the question: “How should we carry on when nothing works anymore?”

A loved person,

All of this serves you to achieve your mastery, your mastery on this level of being, on this level of creation. All of these situations serve you to transform your fears into positive action and to become master of them.

The world will continue to exist and will not perish – and man will rise above this time.

You yourself will rise, you yourself will free yourself, you yourself will breathe life into yourself. Every external event serves you to look deeper into yourself and to turn the inside out with all your love.

You do not know what lies ahead and you have no conscious knowledge of GOD’s plan. Yet you have the prenatal memory of why you are here today and what brought you to this time on earth.

Your “otherness”

You know you are right, you know you are important, you know you are blessed for being and honored for doing. Even if you lack the memory for details, deep within you there is the certainty that everything is based on a higher plan and a deeper meaning.

Today you observe yourself in the midst of life and striving for peace, unity and love. Today you are fulfilling your missions on earth and going far beyond your previous limits. You have awakened and are contributing to the awakening of humanity. You have found yourself and are setting an example that is vital for your fellow human beings. You are the light warrior, the light being, the light person who moves forward, wordlessly or wordlessly, to provide all those in need with wisdom and love.

You are different from many of your fellow human beings because you have worked through your fear issues to a high degree and because the system can no longer get you down.

You are different and are perceived as such. This can pose a risk in dark times. However, as soon as the dark veils are lifted, your “being different” is life insurance for those people who have completely lost their bearings.

The need is growing!

Now you are seen by more and more people and needed by more and more people. The need is increasing because more and more people don’t know what to do.

While you distill the light inherent in external events, others are broken by them. While you realize that you are masters, others feel more powerless than ever. While you have aligned everything with GOD, for others GOD is the greatest illusion. While you have trained your consciousness in past lives and years and opened your mind to the divine, many are plagued by inner uncertainty. While you have done inner healing work and have increasingly freed yourself from your fears, those around you are often flooded with fear.

For those in need, you are the lighthouse and you are the anchor. Now it is important to deal with it correctly:

• You help most effectively where you clearly recognize a task.

• You can help best when you remain separate yourself.

• You truly help those who can accept your help with open hearts.

Don’t squander pearls, don’t give away treasures, don’t waste your life energy where the soil is not loosened and ready for seed. But people are waiting for you and there are more and more of them. Know your place and live your purpose, because your fears no longer belong to you with GOD.

In infinite love

Jahn J Kassl

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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