Wednesday, June 19, 2024

For the Love of (the) God (that We Are)

For the Love of (the) God (that We Are)

By Steve Beckow

 Posted on June 19, 2024


Time out for something completely different.  And then we’ll return to our discussion of leadership.

I regard society – and myself – as being in the cosmic wash cycle right now.

Every bit of dirt seems to be pushing up to be released. It’s their graduation too, I hear my mind say.

We moulded the infinitely-malleable love, of which everything is made, into the shape and qualities of a nightmare (or not!) and then smothered our memory of our actions with quite-ordinary lethargy (Sanskrit, thamas) (see 1) to create forgetfulness.

This is perfectly normal. We can’t carry in our conscious awareness everything we see and do. A computer can’t have every program and file open at the same time. It has only so much memory in RAM (random access memory), as opposed to ROM (read-only memory), which has much more memory, offline, so to speak.

We need our everyday awareness of 3/4D – our situational awareness, focus of attention, or RAM – to be uncluttered so shunting things out of it to memory or ROM is quite normal and common. “What’s next?” we ask ourselves, when ready.

Going in the other direction, if our memory works these days – we have to think and bring back from it the details of a past thing or event.

We have to furnish the memory with the coordinates of the original thought or action: Search under “coincidences.” Look under “old friends.” Find images associated with the way I feel right now.

Working away at this process day after day and responding to it, we fashion a mental/emotional world in which we live – forget about the physical world – which is for us either a nightmare or heaven-on-Earth or somewhere in between, depending on our overall attitude.

Our overall attitude is in turn fashioned from our history of impactful events (the day we left my Father, the day my Mother died, etc.).  These become core issues or, in Vedantic or non-dualistic terms, vasanas.

Changing my vote – long ago now, it seems – from a negative outlook to a positive one (2) seems to fit with the overall Plan of life: The Mother sending us from Father God to Father God via her world of matter (mater, Mother) so that Father/Mother God can have an experience of Themselves. In a moment of our enlightenment/enjoyment, God meets God. This – everything seen and unseen – has been created solely for that meeting. (3)

One can well laugh like a buddha when one sees that. Life is not about trauma and drama. Life is about sharing love. Well, isn’t that what happens when God meets God?  Where is the need for struggle to fulfill the purpose of life?

Life goes in the direction of increasing love, peace, joy, compassion, etc. No, not everyday life on this Fourth Dimension, but spiritual life – life over ages, over many lifetimes. It goes in the direction of increasing love, peace, etc.  (4) That’s the purpose of having higher and higher dimensions, isn’t it? To keep us moving forward, from God to God?

Dimensions of expansion. Of releasing more and more encumbrances, more and more barriers to the love of (the) God (that we are).

Until we know without a doubt the truth of the statement that we are God. What’s not to like?


(1) The Mother works her magic through three cosmic forces or gunas: the creative (the guna of rajas, represented by Brahma), the preservative (sattwa, Vishnu), and transformative (thamas, Shiva). In our case, thamas or lethargy blankets us and removes a thing or event from active memory, situational awareness, or the focus of our attention.

(2) See:

(3) See:

(4) See “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Reposted),” Dec. 4, 2014, at

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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