Aquarius Breaths Through the Matrix
Channel: Arthura Hector
Translation into English by EraofLight
Posted on June 6, 2023
The full moon of June 4, 2023 breaks the old matrix and reveals the new resonances of cosmic consciousness.
The light codes of Aquarius include a beautiful energy that now opens with tremendous power and begins to speak the child of Aquarius through the new language. The cosmos sends pure waves of light to the earth and these become higher and higher. From the light of the full moon, the new codes wave to the (inner) Aquarius child.
When the Aquarius child starts speaking, lights appear in their eyes and a sparkling energy spreads, many Star children are activated From a dream consciousness.
It is the light codes that open from the heart and these are sent directly to all that they love. When these children are trapped in a veil of illusion, this is now lifted. They are invited by the cosmic waves of light to reconnect with the Divine light, allowing them to see the real truth and speak from that truth. They will speak through the new codes of Light, the new Aquarius language has many new sounds. They transmit this through their dream consciousness, whereby the imagination is spread through the thoughts of image and sound into the collective consciousness.
No one can hold this Aquarius child captive anymore; the locks dissolve and the new codes appear in their aura. This Aquarius light will negate the matrix of illusion wherever they are.
The full moon of June 4 will activate the Aquarius field even further, causing many to feel an inner urge to do something new. Are you still looking for the right path? It will open soon. Follow the light trails of Aquarius, they lead you to a higher plane, to the great Light where your ideals become reality.
The new language of Aquarius is a creative way to playfully integrate the new energy. When you are attracted by bright colors, pure sounds and a smooth movement, connect with this new energy. Aquarius speaks to your consciousness through a new layer, it opens your heart where the spiritual brain wakes up in another unknown layer.
The playing child belongs to Aquarius, the joyful heart will speak and therefore a new way of communicating will arise. The imaginative power is understood and some experience Aquarius from a clear knowing, clear feeling or clear hearing. Many other clear perceptions consciously mix with who you are as a human being. Healing arises spontaneously in the clear connection between the spiritual feeling and the higher mental brain.
The Aquarius consciousness is so different, the old thinking is so limited. Aquarius has a much wider scope than the limited 3d consciousness associated with the matrix of illusion. These restrictions are broken, creating a much larger playing field to start creating new things. Give in to the new impulses that open up within you and create your own new world.
The old dogma is slowly disappearing behind the scenes and making room for enrichment, creating a new wave of energy. The tensions created by the chaos will still be present. Choose consciously to convert your mind into a positive way of life.
Not everything can be converted immediately, some shadow parts have come up faster due to this moon. From the new moon, a spirited energy came to you to make the lower parts known. This is not always fun to experience, but after the full moon comes the redemption, the insight. Conflicts have arisen to be resolved; all this is the result of a very large acceleration.
When you have lost a part of yourself in battle and trauma has blinded your eyes, now is the time to bring that particle back. Become whole again and restore your entire system.
When a heaviness passes and the old pattern is transferred to a renewed form, it gives way to the new patterns of Divine love. It looks like a roller coaster that always makes a deep fall down from a high point. The Aquarius child lets go of the old when he laughs and enjoys the leap of faith. Embrace the new feeling of the playing light child.
Aquarius brings many challenges. Strengthen confidence, because the light that resonates through you contains a completely different vibration. It always brings you into a new layer of depth, how do you experience this renewal, from fear or from trust?
The old lines with your family and friendships are put to the test. Can you already see the new path? Let go of the old connections, it gives an unreal feeling for a moment, because Aquarius announces itself and brings something new. Don’t think about what you’re going to lose, but about the new gift you happen.
Those who dare to make the first leap into the Aquarius field end up in particularly beautiful situations, your dreams become reality. The others will follow the first, they become aware that the new era is dawning. The feeling of leaving the old behind rises en masse and the desire for something new becomes enormously powerful.
This full moon gives the go-ahead for a new impulse. During the summer solstice of June 21, 2023, the energy of Aquarius is anchored in the first layer of the new Aquarius consciousness on earth. The earth will give you many special experiences, so that you will experience this adventure consciously and in confidence. A new language opens up in the field of clear perception and communication with the earth and the cosmos comes to you naturally. The Maitreya energy is located in the light of the sun and sends new waves of light to the consciousness of all that lives.
Adonai Ashtar
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