Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Your Journey to Now, Here

Your Journey to Now, Here

Wisdom of the Council

Channel: Sara Landon

Posted on May 3, 2023




Shine brightly in all of your brilliance, in all of your radiance, for all to see how a realized, embodied master lives their life. Understand how important the way you live your life is because you can’t even imagine how many eyes are upon you. You are here to shine in all of your glory, in all of your magnificence, in all of your perfection. You are here to be infinite worthiness embodied in form. You are here to be infinite abundance embodied in form. You are here to be infinite wellbeing embodied in form. You are here to be infinite love embodied in form. You are here to be infinite intelligence embodied in form. And that is what you are.

What you call the works of great masters are trivial to what is possible for you to create, to manifest, to realize. And it’s not a comparison, but it only makes sense. You have been expanding and expanding and expanding. You have been opening portals of possibility and potential. You have been raising consciousness and awareness and vibration and frequency. That expands the power. That expands the magic. That expands the miracles.

As we’ve said, you’re going to have to find another word to describe these things because they’re going to be such a natural thing for you. And even beyond that, you won’t need magic and miracles to define your experience. It will be your natural state of being. There won’t be some huge need for some huge miracle because something has gone so wrong. You won’t need something so magical to happen because your circumstances are so far from where you want them to be. You will be living in your wholeness, in your fullness, in your completeness, in your power, in your wellbeing, in your abundance. You will be living in your worthiness. You will be living in pure love.

And while you would describe your life as the most magical and extraordinary existence, for you it becomes your way of being. Your circumstances, conditions, and experiences are such that you don’t need some big, magical, miraculous thing to happen for you because you’re already living in the knowing of all that you are and how powerful you are.

Now, you’re not here to perform tricks. You’re not here to entertain people with the magical things you can do. You’re here to realize the God that you are. You’re here to realize the power you have. You’re here to realize the possibility and the potential that exists. You’re here to embody as a realized master here on Earth. 

You’ve heard many a spiritual teaching that says this is a journey, not a destination. And we will give you even an expanded perspective on that. It’s a journey. It’s a journey for sure. But when you reach a particular level of consciousness and awareness, all sorts of things show up for you, present themselves to you, become part of your awareness and your experience. They’ve been here all along.

You’re on a journey that goes nowhere but now, here. You’re on a journey that goes nowhere except now, here. This is going to be a big stretch for most of your brains to try to figure out, so don’t try to figure this out. Everything is in the now, here. 

This is how powerful you are. If you’re waiting for it, it can’t possibly be now, here. If you’re needing it, it can’t possibly be now, here. Even though it is now, here, it can’t be. If you are wanting, it cannot be now, hereWhen you are in the now, here, it’s all here. And the journey was never about going out there. It was about coming home to you now, here

Come home, come home, come home now, here. The Promised Land is now, here. Heaven on Earth is now, here. A New Earth is now, here. Your dream, the really big one, is now, here. The deepest desire of your heart is now, here. Your grandest vision is now, here. Your highest potential is now, hereThe highest expression of all that you are is now, here. And all that’s asked of you is to realize it. All that’s asked of you is to real-ize it. All that’s asked of you is to realize it.

Realize it. Even to the point of being aware that it was here all along, or you couldn’t have been aware of it. That is a realization within itself that if you sit in judgment or unworthiness or trying to figure it out will trip you up every time.

Come into the awareness that it’s been here all along. 

So many times you get so close to it, you get so close to it, but then the unworthiness pops up. You get so close to it, but then the doubt pops up. You get so close, and then you try to figure it out. But if you can come into that absolute knowing, the next part of absolute knowing is allowing yourself into the awareness that it’s been here all along, that you’ve even been aware of it all along. But you realize it in the now, here.

Sara Landon



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