Monday, October 21, 2024

Your Love is More Powerful Than You Know

Your Love is More Powerful Than You Know

By Jeshua

Channel: Laura Smith Biswas

October 21, 2024

It is my gift to commune with you as your brother, Yeshua. I come in encouragement of you and all light workers at this time, for there is a wave of change coming that you will all take a primary role in, that has already begun. For there is much to do, on the ground, in human form, as part of this beautiful transition that may at times, in the current moment, seem messy, unruly and confusing. But fear not, for this is only a surface level of appearance of what is ongoing at a deeper level: a great movement, a sea change of love, and at the root of all things, a homecoming.

And while those of you who are aware of this can be reassured that this is what is happening at a deeper level, there are many awaiting this information. They need to understand that there are only illusions being surfaced, dissipating as they interact with the great flood of light that is coming to the Earth at this time and that they will dispel.

For those who are in conscious awareness of this, it is great reassurance in times like this of the tumultuous surfacing of the ruptures of the old, that which is being discarded from the 3rd dimension. As this light enters your realm and filters across all that is on your planet, including each one of you, there is a subtle calling to come home to yourselves in a deeper way than you have previously known, to experience in human form, your expanded awareness in all that you do.

This will require many to become familiar with not only a true sense of who they are, at the depths of their being, but new ways of relating to themselves and others. New ways of engaging in society, of teaching their children, of honoring the Earth and how they go about their daily activities and work.

So, there is room everywhere for this light to invite change to occur. And so many are needed and being called to play a part in this, to help those who are not yet or are newly awakened. To help them come to this knowledge of what is occurring, that they may drop their fear and transition into the security and warmth of the love that is present within themselves.

For as they do that, they begin to hear the call home, not to leave this Earth but to come home to themselves; to integrate their aspects; the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within themselves and society. That they may find new ways of living in harmony with all that there is, to invite collaboration with their ancestors in restoring the lands; in creating new rituals for society that bring love into all that is done.

So let yourself unleash your creativity that comes from this love within you, that this light inspiring all of you – will free those tender desires to make change in your society, to trust that it is now possible for these things to have their day in the sun, as you say in your world.

Trust that there will be a new kind of response to these ways of being, offerings of love, instances of engagement that are light-filled. All this is for the implementation of a new basis for your society, grounded and rooted in harmony, balance, peace and love.

It is a vast plan that we are all part of. While this may at times in your mind seem overwhelming, there is nothing to fear if you are simply aware of being present within your true self, of grounding in the moment and asking within, what is your next step.

It might be as simple as integrating the energies around you. It might also inspire the writing of new material, a book to come forth perhaps. But so often, what is needed is a change in the presence between all of you who live on the Earth. And so do not discount when you feel called to just stand as witness to something, or to introduce and generate a new idea in a setting that no one has spoken of before, that may be very familiar to you.

These simple acts will ripple forward as each of you activate others, and they activate others beyond them, and the sea change begins to occur, just like the droplets in the ocean can create tremendous waves. Every act of love is a gift to this Earth. Every choice to align with the vibration of peace ripples forward in some way, shape or form to others on your planet.

You may not see the evidence of this with your physical eyes always, and that is okay. This is where we ask you to trust that in doing your part, all is well. Your soul seeks to fulfill its mission, and we are calling you forward to remind you that this brings great blessings to all, and need not seem overwhelming, for your love is more powerful than you know.

I am your brother, Yeshua.

Compiled by from: 
  • https://


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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