Sunday, October 20, 2024

Nothing to Fear

Nothing to Fear

The Angels

Channel: Ann Albers

Posted on October 20, 2024


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is never a time on your earth when you need to worry about your future.  It is far more powerful to look for the good in your here and now, and look forward to what you desire in the future.

We know this is not always so easy. Most of you have been taught, by innocent example, to “worship false idols.” While you might not think of your thoughts in these terms, every time you give your God-given power to be happy or sad, abundant or lackful, sick or healthy, to another person, event, or thing—even in your complete and total innocence—you are giving that person, event, or thing more importance and power than the Divine. in your own life.

As we witness your energetic reality from the heavens, we know that one can take your power unless you give it to them vibrationally—either through your fears or your worship. No situation can rob you of what your vibration is attuned to.

The Source that creates worlds, lives, and breathes in all and wants the best for each one of you. It is far more powerful, satisfying, and self-loving to align with the loving Presence of the infinite. Would you assign the power to heal and manage the body to intelligence in the entire body, working in cooperation, or would you expect your pinky finger to manage the entire job?  It is equally ineffective to expect one person, event, or thing to have more power than the infinite intelligence and loving Presence that resides within all. After all:

In your darkest and most difficult times, Divine love attempts to guide you into a kinder reality.

In your times of lack, the Divine is trying to draw your attention to abundance so you can open to its flow.

In times of grief, the Divine is trying to bring you soothing, comfort, and an awareness of the greater reality in which those you lost are not behind you but rather calling you forward.

In times of sickness the Divine whispers, “Relax and open to my healing grace.”

In times of abandonment, the Divine surrounds you with love and walks beside you.

In times of fear and chaos, the Divine offers peaceful refuge.

We, your angels are emanations of Divine love and emissaries of this love. We work at One with the Presence and love that creates worlds to bring you this love as often as you are willing to open to it. 

In the smallest acknowledgment of something good, you open to love.

In the smallest moment of appreciation, you open to more goodness pouring into your life.

In the smallest breath of relief, you open to the possibility of healing.

Dear ones, a love beyond your comprehension is always there for you. There is no person, event, or situation more powerful than the Creator of universes. There is no greater protection nor source of what you need. There is no friend more loyal nor lover more consistent. There is no healer more powerful.

When you connect with good, you connect with God. When you feel love, you open to Infinite Love. When you share love, you allow more to flow into your life.  When you acknowledge anything in life with appreciation, you are calling for more.

Even if you “walk in the valley of the shadow of darkness,” you need not fear if you can place your sights on anything good, loving, soothing, or kind. In these small moments of connecting to love, you open up to its greater flow.

There are, of course, those in your world inspiring chaos. They don’t know any better. There are those trying to stir up fear. It gives them a temporary sense of power.  Some will try to elicit your worship, and some ignite your anger. And so it has been since the dawn of time; nonetheless, love is the constant force beneath and within all creation.  If you look for it, you will see it everywhere.

Quietly, so many beautiful souls live and labor in love, kindness, and appreciation. Neighbors are helping neighbors; good samaritans are assisting strangers, and gentle seekers are praying or meditating for peace. Your trash service people work tirelessly to keep your homes and streets clean. The people working in your water plants are providing you with life-giving water. There are truckers delivering your groceries every day on long stretches of road, and those you will never know plant, pick, load, and unload them.

As you remove your focus from the world’s ups and downs, you connect with a deeper peace.  As you withdraw your worship or fears from those who would try to convince you that they can save or damn you—you can instead prioritize your relationship with the Divine who only loves. In this love you will be guided around your challenges. You will receive your answers directly from the Source or via others who labor in love. You will notice the little miracles that evolve into greater ones.

You and the Divine are the ultimate partners in the creation of your own life. There is not a single being, event, or thing more powerful than the love that lives in all of you. Seek that which feels like love. Receive it where it is offered. Flow it outward through your love and appreciation. In connection with this love, you need not fear anything or anyone in the world around you. After all, there  is no safer, kinder, more abundant, and loving space to be than resting in the arms of the Divine.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

The Angels.

Ann Albers

  • ©2016/2024 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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