Friday, July 12, 2024

The Warp and the WEF

The Warp and the WEF

By Steve Beckow

Posted on July 12, 2024

This post was written before “Squeezing the Orneriness Out of Me.” I’m still ornery.

Are our kids now taking their education from the Internet? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.

The Internet of course is neutral. It’s just a machine, made and programmed by people.

Just like AI is neutral. It’s what use we make of it that’s critical.

All of these things in the wrong hands could be used to … well, control people. Like James Bond showed us: To attempt to control the world.   (Oh, how far fetched!)

Well, here we are. UN “peacekeepers,” FEMA “emergency relief workers,” IRS “tax officers” all of them being used to corral, extort, and control us.  Or worse.

The WHO, the WEF, presidents and prime ministers, kings, queens, and even movie stars (!!) (1) – so many are shown to be corrupt, addicted to adrenochrome (read: child torture), and looking forward to absolute control over a depopulated globe.

Their paradise is our slave colony – if you’re fortunate enough to be among the 500 million left alive.  All of the organizations, not just  the WEF, are warped and sadistic. Candace Owen called them “institutional evil.” (2)

Did I leave out religious leaders? Oh my. I’m sorry. They provided the justification.

Sad as it all is, we need to put these people out of business. No, not execute them.

Executions are totally unnecessary and only serve to brutalize us and the person thus launched onto the other side. If they can be brutalized further than their Satanic practises have taken them.

There’s no need to bloody our hands. The rising vibrations will provide the dark ones with an exit route – any exit route will serve.

Moreover, as SaLuSa reminded us some time ago:

“Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience.” (3)

We’re going to be faced with so many difficult decisions in the months and years ahead. We watched the divisions arise over Covid, gender, race, climate, etc.

But that was between lightworkers/patriots/truthers and the hoodwinked divide-and-conquer victims of the Satanic cabal. Now we may see divisions arise among lightworkers themselves over how to get to permanent peace.

We have our work cut out for us. I know down to my bones that love is what will carry us through.  (4)


(1) These are the white hats who rode the white horses and captured the dark hats, defended truth, freedom and the American way, and defeated the enemies of freedom, etc., etc.  These are the wonder women, the strongmen who defended us, the upright lawyers who defended the persecuted underdog, the brave doctors who defied the medical profession, etc.

(2) “You have to come to terms with the institutional evil we are fighting – from pharmaceuticals,  psychology, the judicial system, media and intelligence agencies.”  (Candace Owens @RealCandaceO on SGAnon, Telegram May 17, 2024; at

(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008, at

(4) And love must flow. We experience it in the act of sending, sharing, or giving love or its flavors (compassion, caring, loving-kindness, etc.).

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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