Friday, July 12, 2024

Rewriting Your Life

Rewriting Your Life

by Archangel Michael

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on July 12, 2024


Greetings to you beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Michael. It is a joy to be in your presence today to bring forth my angelic vibrations of love and peace to embrace and serve you. I am here to be in service to you, to assist you in your reality upon the earth.
In your physical body, you have a beautiful playground. You can impact your physical body and your surroundings through your thoughts, your intentions, your emotions, your likes, your dislikes, your connection with your soul and the Creator.
You have a powerful influence upon this playground of life, and it is a playground because, however stuck you may feel, however immoveable things feel, you and your reality are flexible – like a tree swaying in the wind.
You have the ability to move in time with your own inner rhythm of the Creator which flows to you, and through you, from the Universe of the Creator. You are part of a greater whole. You dance in time with this wholeness and completeness and yet you have the ability to dance…a unique dance…your own unique expression of the Creator.
This unique dance and expression of the Creator is yours to choose, to express it and live it in your reality the way you wish to, the way you choose to.
You choose each part of the rhythmic music. You choose each step or movement that your body makes, and it’s not in a controlling way. It doesn’t matter if you miss a step or, in fact, you begin a whole new dance in a completely new direction.
Everything is linked and connected so it’s not really a new dance or a new direction, however much it may feel like it is. There is always a purpose to every step you take whether you take it with conscious awareness or not.
You have the ability to write your life, and you are already achieving this.
You also have the ability to rewrite your life, to rewrite your story of what you’ve already experienced.
The only way to rewrite your story is to first accept the story that you’ve created, not in a shameful or judgmental way, but a realization of acceptance that, on some level, you chose the story you are experiencing or have experienced.
Now you may say to me, Archangel Michael, that you would never choose the story that you are experiencing and you don’t know how others are choosing the story that they are experiencing.
With acceptance that you played some part and that you’re willing to take some responsibility…even if you don’t understand it completely…then, with that acceptance, you are giving a gift of rewriting your story.
Think of an area in your reality that you’ve experienced in the past, or now, that you don’t particularly like, or maybe it’s hurtful, or you wish it had never happened. Or maybe you don’t like the way things are unfolding at the moment.
When you say to yourself that you accept full responsibility for the creation of this story/scenario/experience, and you fully feel it within your being and your body, then you can imagine what you wish for.
What do you wish for? You can think of it – imagine it as colourful and as vibrant as you wish, even if it seems impossible. Maybe it’s your wildest dream.
You can say to yourself, I choose this story/this scenario or experience from now on.
Imagine that that story/experience/scenario has an energy and a color and you’re breathing it into your entire body and being, as you’re existing now. It’s as if you’re absorbing the entire experience. You are becoming…you are embodying.
You can ask yourself to write or download this story/experience/scenario into your being now for full experience at a physical level.
You have the power to rewrite every aspect of your being and your reality, if you wish.
You might recognise that you are, at times, ungrateful or stressed, or maybe something else. You can ask yourself, what do you choose to be instead?
If you could rewrite that experience, what would you choose instead?
Remember, you first have to accept the responsibility of creating that feeling and accept it fully, then you can begin to imagine a new experience…feeling it, sensing it, drawing it deep into your being…thus rewriting and rewiring your entire being.
Not only will you be healing wounds, releasing stuck energies and balancing your being, but you’ll be calling forth new energies like wisdom and support to serve you, and for that I, Archangel Michael, am immensely grateful.
I thank you.
I am Archangel Michael.
Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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