Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Preparing For The Electromagnetics Ahead

Preparing For The Electromagnetics Ahead

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on November 19, 2024

On Tuesday, November 19th (the 20th in some time zones), the transformative, bulldozing, transcendent planet Pluto (which governs Scorpio) will move into the Tropical Sign of Aquarius at 3:29 PM (EST) for its twenty-year visit until 2044.

Pluto is a true planet, not a “dwarf planet” as some scientists have claimed in recent years, and it packs quite a punch — just like the machinery called a “bulldozer” can totally demolish a building in order for something else to be erected where the building once stood.

Sometimes a building is demolished by explosive charges being set-off from inside of it.

Pluto will come into square position with the powerful electromagnetic, surprise-bringing, consciousness elevating, planet Uranus — which governs the sign of Aquarius.

Pluto and Uranus will create tremendous surges of geomagnetic activity to Earth. Not only this, but humanity will be offered an invitation to shift in higher percentages to levels of consciousness that are in alignment with the spiritual principles that have been revealed to mankind for constantly spiraling ages in the space/time continuum of creation.

Humanity, however, will in large numbers still seek to develop ways in which to control and manipulate Nature which will involve the continual endeavor to create greater “AI” capability as well as experimenting with more atomic radiation for various types of devices which have proven to be disharmonious to health.

However, there is technology that is good for humanity such as the chips that can be placed in the brain of a person who cannot hear or speak due to a certain disease which allows the individual to communicate with others and to hear what they are saying or the technology that can allow a person to see for perhaps the first time since birth.

Both good technology and bad technology will be accelerated in its development with Pluto in Aquarius.

Because Aquarius is a rebellious, revolutionary sign, in terms of the global political and sociological situation, there will also be lots of group protests regarding Israel, Hamas, Ukraine, Russia, and more.

Protests will take place on college campuses, in front of cultural centers, in front of stores owned by certain groups, in front of temples and mosques, and in more places.

Some of these protests will be peaceful, and unfortunately, some may be prone to violence.

Thus, the geomagnetic occurrences that are about to happen due to planetary electromagnetics intermingling with outer cosmic events will be profound, and we have already had some hints of such things.

Relative to geomagnetic occurrences that are and will be stepped-up such as solar flares, CMEs, and high solar winds pushing these events out and into our solar system as our Sun receives energetics from the “Photon Belt” as well as positively-charging protons from outside of Earth’s solar system due to the depleted magnetosphere, it is wise to be shielded from as much radiation exposure as possible.

Not only is our planet being bombarded by cosmic events, but the devices created by mankind are giving-off potentially harmful rays as well (cell phones, computers, lap tops, wi-fi routers, micro-wave ovens, etc.), and these technological devices are being increased in power on a regular basis.

Television commercials, for example, urge viewers to purchase the most advanced cell phone systems so that they can have more access to more activity such as social networking, banking, purchasing all sorts of items, medical advice, dating, and all sorts of other activity that will not involve human in-person contact.

Yet, these devices are also causing people’s personal information to be gathered, and to make more money, and services are being offered to people for protection from personal information being stolen.

Not much can be done about the constant coercion of humanity to purchase the most advanced technology and to allow it to be used in medical procedures (x-rays, for instance).

However, there are ways in which we can be shielded from the most harmful of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) given-off by the devices that we use in these so-called “modern times”.

Many people involved in mainstream science know that they work, and research papers have been written about them.

However, there are, of course, people in mainstream science who will scoff at the following information because they are tied to a system that demands adherence to conventional ideas that are the antithesis of Nature.

Otherwise, they may lose respect of their colleagues or even be released from employment with the organizations that they work with.

Yet, even the space program uses certain “natural” substances unbeknownst to most of the human collective.

For preparation for the coming more potent geomagnetic energy as well as to be provided with protection from the technological devices that you are using, the following is the most recently researched advice:

1.) Tape a small piece of one of the following stones to your cell phone, and place a larger piece next to your computer (at work and at home), next to your television, next to your lap top, next to the wi-fi router in your home or office, on top of your micro-wave oven (if you insist on using it), and hold a piece if you insist on submitting yourself to medical radiation procedures : AMAZONITE, BLACK TOURMALINE, HEMATITE, RAINBOW FLOURITE, or SHUNGITE.

2.) AMBER is also highly protective against EMFs, but it MUST BE WORN on the physical vessel so that the bodily heat can release the succinic acid that protects as well as heals. AMBER is calming, reduces elevated blood pressure, provides a balanced heart rhythm, soothes painful muscles and joints, balances hormones, keeps well the stomach, bladder, gall bladder, and kidneys, removes anxiety and depression, allows a person to better nurture him or herself, helps in achieving a good sleep at night, and provides calm energy during daily activities — thus reducing stress. It has metaphysically been noted that AMBER also mysteriously attracts success in life’s affairs. BALTIC AMBER is the best type. This originates in the Baltic nations such as Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. In order to work optimally, AMBER must be millions of years old because this is the type that contains the most succinic acid. AMBER that is only a few thousands of years old is called COPAL. It is not as succinic-acid rich as the kind that is millions of years old. Be careful to obtain your AMBER from a reputable dealer because some places are selling beeswax or yellow plastic as AMBER. Some shopkeepers are doing this unknowingly, so make certain that the owner of the shop truly has knowledge of gemstones. AMBER formulated millions of years ago as the resin of ancient pine trees. Over time, the resin made its way into the seas and oceans of the world. It comes in many natural colors, and some AMBER is opaque and some is clear. All colors work the same as long as it is true BALTIC AMBER.

3.) Make the following essential oil potion and each day after your bath or shower, place a bit on your crown, your third eye, the back of your neck, over your ear lobes, over your heart area, on your stomach, your abdomen, your lower back, down your legs, and on the soles of your feet: In equal amounts (six drops each), place these oils in a one-ounce glass bottle: FRANKINCENSE, LAVENDER, LEMON, PINE, ROSEWOOD, SANDALWOOD, and VERTIVER. Afterwards, top the bottle off with a “carrier oil” such as almond oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil. This is because sometimes people are sensitive to essential oils used directly on the body (referred to as using them “neat”), and they can experience itching or a rash.

With the coming much more elevated cosmic energetics, and with mankind’s insistence on developing more and more potentially dangerous technology as well as with mankind tampering with Nature, we must employ the blessings of SOURCE for our wellness.

Stay in the LIGHT!

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:

Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com 
rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also rayviolet11.blogspot.com on Sep/13, 2024

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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