Friday, December 22, 2023

Independent Thinkers

Independent Thinkers

By Peter B Meyer

An awakened consciousness inspires our revolution

The Satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions will not let you go easily, they have scammed the entire globe with a fake pandemic, for the fulfilment of their Eugenic agenda; viz. to exterminate of 90% of the population.

The bloodline families want people to die of cancer and other conceived diseases, which doctors are not allowed to cure. To an unfathomable extent, they are mentally and emotionally disturbed beings. They see people as sheep and dispensable cattle.

From their insane, psychopathic perspective, they don’t care how much suffering is caused, people must die faster through manipulations and oppression. The more the better. According to these idiots.

Humanity has widely given away its sanity and responsibility to corrupt governments. Consider the wider implications of this behaviour for human existence. When we give away our minds and responsibility, we also give away our freedom and essentially our lives.

An awakened consciousness will never fall asleep again. This is why the 
process is called ascension. It is the climb up the ladder of further life. No one can stop, let alone control, an awakened consciousness. All the more reason for the Rulers over humanity to rebel against the “Ascension process” for souls here on Earth incarnated.

An awakened consciousness no longer speaks the same language as before. A new language is being adopted. And those who are asleep say this is a conspiracy. Yes, for them it is a conspiracy because it harms their interests.

This, indeed, is very disturbing to them. It promotes a different way of thinking and look at life. Even, this is not the desire of those who command everything, nor of the oppressed who prefer the comfort of inertia. Leaving the comfort zone is an attitude that hurts the conscience still attached to the command of the rulers of humanity.

All this, is the opposite of the language of those who remain in deep sleep.

  • He who sleeps merely dreams;
  • He who is awakened lives in reality.

The awakened can appreciate the Light that shines at every moment of the day. They can enjoy the beauty that is all around them. They can touch anything that pleases their eyes, heart and soul.

The Earth Alliance has yet to remove a few incarnated pieces that continue the game on the chessboard. They will be gone soon. So, we need to understand something important here.

If everything is fulfilled, what could delay the final events of humanity’s liberation? The answer is shocking: YOU!

This is the long-awaited ‘completion’ of the transformation of the past. The new beginning of spiritual applications of the Law of One. The Ascension, the Crystalline Age. But this time you will ‘get that right’.

Regardless the will of 2/3 of humanity, nothing and no one can stop what is to come. Nothing and no one can stop the Light that is coming. It is the power of the Universe that follows the commands of natural laws.

Expect; Revelations in particular deliberate bio-terrorism through food poisoning, GMO, chemtrails, etc. by government agencies with the aim of reducing world population.

Emergence of ‘crowd-sourced’ News Media. Accelerated leakage of testimonies and whistle-blower stories. Advanced High Tech effective tools, that will elevate science, finance, security and cultural development to higher levels.

Major disclosures about professional corruption in Western healthcare systems. Pharmaceutical medicine will be shown to be a manipulative tool, designed by corporate controllers to make people sick instead of curing them.

People are deliberately poisoned, with sophisticated poisons disguised as expensive treatment, medicine, chemotherapy or vaccines. Prescribing drugs as well as radical surgeries, which necessitate even more expensive drugs, all this becomes unnecessary. If the money is followed, it is clear, why alternative medicine and herbal remedies were suppressed or banned because they really do cure and are cheaper.

Read and study this text thoroughly, it is your preparation for your ascension exam, to higher levels of consciousness that begins with the arriving of the Fifth Dimension.

The world will never be the same again! Even you will never be the same again!

An awakened consciousness will never return to before!

Peter B Meyer

Transcripted From:

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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