Monday, March 24, 2025

The Stargate Portal which Changes Everything

The Stargate Portal which Changes Everything

By Judith Kusel

Posted on March 24, 2025

At the beginning of this week, I wrote about the Stargate portal opening, with the full activation of the Aquamarine Crystal Pyramid and the Space Ark it holds.

Today, 23 March 2025, will be remembered in the New Golden Age, as the moment of no return, for the old humanity, and the full activation of the 7th Root Race of man.

I was taken to the same place again, and indeed this time, the whole had been activated, with the entire pyramid crystalline energy grids, now amplified by full connection to Sirius, and especially Sirius B, and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, plus the massive Sun discs, which now are being released, from this Central Sun. This is a total game changer, such as this planet and the whole Universe has never witnessed before!

I was taken back to the Dendera Temple and the Astrological chart which is on the ceiling of what archeologists believe is an observatory, but indeed it is a cosmic initiation room and was used by the high Priesthood of the People from the Stars, for their highest initiations, for those who the High Priest Astronomers and Astrologers. Their main seat was in Harran, in what is now Turkey as the two sites link underground.

I was looking at this star map, for it is far more than an astrological chart, it is a stargate in itself, combined with the Mayan Calendar, the one hidden underneath Machu Pichu and another one is the Temple of the Stars, which is hidden in South Island New Zealand. All of these were created to be fully activated now, as the Stargate was activated this week.

Then I was shown the first of all this solar system plus all the astrological planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, and many more than astrologers are even aware of currently on earth, but which the highly advanced civilization which were on Earth were when these calendars were created, fully aware of and even more than these.

Now, every single one of these heavenly bodies, were now moving into a new home, and this then created a massive Torus energy field. It was Golden and it was so vast, that the human mind cannot even comprehend this, but the soul knows!

As this was happening, the whole universal bodies changed places and I was shown a total rebirth: I was shown that all human astrological charts, and the ancient ones, like the Mayan, now all became nil and void.

Out of this Torus, new astrological birthing came, and totally so, and with it a total new area of existence, new Mayan, Egyptian etc. emerged, which was so filled with light, symbols, I have never seen before, and what I can only describe as glyphs! Every one of these was lit up and seemed like a massive star map now held within the Stargate we just entered, and this then became the new navigational map for the 7th Root Race of Man, and the New Golden Age!

Words fail me here!

What this means is that the old has now become totally redundant, and has now been replaced, like a totally new hard drive, and those souls who choose to ascend now, will are stepping, and have stepped into a totally new creation!

And so it is!

We have reached the stage of no return, and have stepped into the New Earth.

Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 2

Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 2

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 24, 2025

Ascension is a permanent state of universal love and bliss.


Audio Player

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)

I said earlier that I’d continue our discussion of why so many spiritual experiences are impermanent.

Let me start by referring back to my heart opening.

That experience on March 13, 2015, began with a tremendous explosion as if debris that had been blocking my heart door or hridayam had been expelled.

It took that level of explosion to win me temporary access to my heart. It opened on March 13 and more or less narrowed if not closed by mid-January 2016.

I assume that Ascension, which I’ve confirmed with the Mother is equivalent to what Hindus call sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi, (1) is an even bigger explosion – or it can be, implosion, as the Mother notes.

Divine Mother: Now increasingly, as you have heard of here and there, you are knowing and being given examples of those who are experiencing what we would call instantaneous transmission in so far as their heart opening is like an implosion/explosion.

And if you speak to these individuals, there’s nothing gradual about it. It is the immediate knowing not only of love, not only of individual essence, but of [divine?] essence. (2)

I speculate that the explosion/implosion of a fourth-chakra heart opening is not powerful enough to open the heart door (or hridayam) permanently. But it is a preview nonetheless.

Michael comments on the impermanence of a fourth-chakra experience:

Archangel Michael: You are in a time of individual and collective Ascension that has never occurred upon your planet or elsewhere. So many of the historic and accurate understandings with regard to heart openings have shifted, can we say, expanded.

You have had a heart opening. Think of it this way, as a heart opening that is not 1000% and it is like a rubber stopper that opens, closes, opens, closes. So it is partially open.

So, it is a permanent heart opening because you are most certainly not only in the truth and the love of your own being, but in THE love of the Mother, far more than you have ever been. That is permanent and irreversible. But it is not 1000%. (3)

Michael says these experiences are not strong enough to carry us to Ascension but each of them carries us up a notch:

Archangel Michael: You have experienced, progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize, feel) come and go.

But every time, you have had this experience it has edged you up a level. So that now you say to me, “Michael, I feel like I have a new baseline. I have a new foundation of happiness.”

But you also have a new foundation of knowingness, of understanding, of wisdom, of humility, of tolerance, of kindness. This has all been bringing you to an expanded sense of self and an expanded sense of not only how we operate but how the collective operates. (4)

But we come to the primary question: Why so many spiritual experiences without reaching the permanence of Ascension. And Michael gives us the answer:

 Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week. (5)

I’ve discussed elsewhere the process of moderating our experiences as lightworkers so we don’t leave the work and return home. (6)

Michael asks us, would it not be enough to tantalize us to consider that the higher realm we’re going to is one of universal love and bliss? Let me close with his tantalizing vision of what awaits us:

Steve: The new realm of existence is characterized by universal love and bliss?

Archangel Michael: Yes.

Steve: Alright, so that is what we should be looking for?

AAM: Yes, and it is what is knocking on your door and [what] you are letting in. You have been doing this so it is transcending into a more permanent state of that realm of existence. … I think this would entice you adequately, would it not?

Steve: Oh, that state would be the answer to all my dreams, all my requests, I’m sure, Lord!

AAM: It would be the answer to many dreams and you will help many to see it, to discover it, to shift into that realm.

It is not about the separation of humankind when [one is] stuck in the old and the other in a new realm. It is simply opening the floodgates. (7)

That’s what we’re doing with all our temporary spiritual experiences: Opening the floodgates to receive and transform, one day, permanently; ascending gradually one bite-sized package at a time.

And the state of being we’ll be in then will be a permanent one of universal love and bliss.


(1) Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to and I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?

Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of [as being] with your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the [seven] chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement.  (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at

(2) “The Divine Mother: It’s All a Journey of Love, April 30, 2019,” at

Steve: Mother, you use the word “exploding.” … The heart opening that I had in March 2015, was explosive. And so…

DM: It is explosive. It is implosive.
 (“The Mother Promises a Massive Heart Opening – Part 2/2,” at

Archangel Gabrielle also refers to it:

“You have heard me, child, talk time and time and time again about the implosion/explosion [of Ascension], and that is happening at a catalytic rate constantly, right now. (Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 2, 2017, at

And here is Sanat Kumara, our Universal Logos:

“Stillpoint is the place of nothingness and it is also the place where union and fission take place, what Einstein calls that implosion/explosion takes place.” (Linda Dillon in Heavenly Blessings with Sanat Kumara, April 26, 2012.)

I believe the implosion is the collapse of our personality structures that the heart opening challenges. One example: The belief that we get love mostly from others rather than mostly from our own heart.

(3) AAM, Aug. 3, 2015.

(4) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at

(5) “AAM on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at

(6) See:

(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 13, 2016.

Steve Beckow

The Realm of Infinite Possibilities, and You

The Realm of Infinite Possibilities, and You

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 24, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are noticing the ways in which you all move through your lives, collecting experiences, memories, energies, thoughts, and ultimately beliefs. You do tend to form your beliefs around your experiences, and there is something very powerful about your own experience. In other words, we would much rather have you believe in your own experience than what someone else is telling you most of the time.

You have to trust your own feelings. You have to see if something resonates with you or not, and you don’t have to take someone else’s word for something, just because they say that their reality is the ‘real’ reality. There are multiple realities, multiple timelines, there are even multiple pasts from where you are sitting right now in the present. And so, while you want to trust your own experience above and beyond what someone else is telling you is true, you also don’t want to limit yourselves because of your experiences.

In other words, if you have done something a number of times and have not gotten the result that you want, that doesn’t mean that you are ineffective or that you’re doing something wrong. Perhaps it is not the right timing, or perhaps you are meant to grow through that experience of failing by your definition. Perhaps you are getting better at something every time you do it, and so the repetition is serving you. But what you don’t want to do is develop a belief that says that, ‘This is a hopeless situation; there is nothing I can do about this.’

You want to let go of those types of beliefs that you can develop through your own experience, and you also want to recognize that when someone else has had an experience, they created that experience for themselves. It doesn’t mean that the experience is for everyone to have. So when you hear a story about how so-and-so got cancer or so-and-so got into a horrific car accident, you don’t have to then believe that it’s going to happen to you. You send love, healing, compassion to the people involved in that situation, and you recognize that what you have just heard about is a choice but not a choice you have to make for yourself.

Now at other times, you’ll hear about something that has happened to someone else, and you will want to use that as a way of showing yourself what is possible. In other words, ‘If they can do it, so can I.’ ‘If that person can retire at age 40, then so can I.’ If that person can have a wonderful experience of meeting e.t.s and going on a ship, then so can I. If that person can channel, then so can I.

These are the things you want to say to yourselves as you witness someone else having an expereince that you want to have. You want to recognize that those experiences exist within the realm of infinite possibilities, and you are choosing from within that realm for yourselves what you get to experience next. So hopefully, when you hear about someone else’s great success, you realize that you are coming across that piece of information so that you will then believe that it’s possible for you to have that great success as well.

You are navigating through this infinite realm. You are navigating through all possibilities. You get to decide what is true for you, what is real for you, and what you want to experience, and you are deciding with your focus, you are deciding with your intent. You are deciding just by having the desire come up within you to have that experience. That desire is there for a reason. It is there to get you to focus your attention in that direction, and you always can, no matter how far-fetched-seeming something is to you from where you are standing in your current reality.

All realities are real, and all are accessible to those who are willing to take a leap of faith and believe that the reality they desire is in fact a possibility for them. We will encourage you constantly to believe in yourselves and in your abilities.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Be Open-Minded

Be Open-Minded

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on March 24, 2025

My dearest one; it is very important to remember that you were not placed on your Earth-plane to judge others. 

As this newest shift begins, your reactions to others and theirs to you may not always be what you expect. 

This is where your empathy and understanding come into play. You may only be seeing a small fraction of their existence. 

Rather than judging, be open-minded. There will be many odd things occurring in the coming months that will surprise you. 

It is best to get your acceptance practice in now, you will need it!

The Creator

Choose to Ask

Choose to Ask

Thought Adjuster

Is The Teacher

Message received by Anyas

Posted on March 24, 2025


Oregon, USA, une 10, 2023

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you strive to hear My Voice, the thought entered your mind that the Father certainly did not wish that this process be an ordeal for his human children. Jesus understood its simplicity: “Ask and you shall receive!”

You must initiate it by asking due to the sovereignty of your free will prerogative. Asking is a personal choice while receiving involves you and the Divine. Let us look at it from a different perspective. What stands in the way of receiving?

The first impediment is human incredulity; some of the contributors to that disbelief were handed down generationally by religious spokespersons who proclaimed themselves to be the middlemen to such subliminal communications. A legitimate observation is how little many of them have contributed to global spiritual enlightenment and world peace.

On the other hand, one man, Jesus of Nazareth, single-handedly demonstrated during his short lifespan the reality of heartfelt human/divine communion. He asked and he received, thus truthfully bearing witness: “The Father is in me and I am in the Father.” Such a bond was REAL — both to his heavenly Counterpart and himself.

Your unwavering faith in your divine Indweller is, therefore, a prerequisite to this process. It is the expression of such a can-do spirit that will make you succeed. As well, because you are longing to have a personal relationship with Spirit, you have to make it personal: It is that it is between you and Him — no middlemen. How else could you experience the Father’s love toward YOU? Even if you have trouble hearing his still small Voice at this stage of your spiritual experience, by regularly sitting in the Stillness, be ensured that you will be infused with His ever-flowing love, as it is an integral part of His message to you — a divine flow of energy that does not need words for its expression. It is REAL and EXPERIENTIAL if you devote time to it.

Keep in mind that the Father may catch you off guard. It may be when you least expect it that His message will hit you lightninglike. The answer to your questions will be forthcoming in divine right timing so that there is no possible way for you to miss these joyful and enlightening ah-ha moments.

To “sleep on it” is pertinent advice, as it is a relaxed state when your mind disconnects from its worldly preoccupations — a great opportunity for Spirit to step in and plant its inspirational seeds. Again, remember that patience and trust are prerequisites to your forward spiritual evolution.

To sum it up: Choose to ask, trust in the process, and remain proactive.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love. 


Compiled by from: 

    Wisdom for the Week

    Wisdom for the Week 

    By Kate Spreckley

    Posted on March 24, 2024

    This week brings a powerful build-up of energy as we move towards the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th.  

    We are deep in the eclipse portal, a space of accelerated change, heightened awareness, and profound transformation.  The energies are working beneath the surface, revealing what has been hidden, stirring old patterns, and urging us to release what no longer resonates with who we are becoming. 

    You may feel moments of clarity followed by waves of uncertainty.  Emotions may rise unexpectedly.  Old wounds may resurface.  This is all part of the process.  Eclipses shift us on a soul level, often shaking loose what we have outgrown so that we can step more fully into alignment. 

    This week is not about doing, but allowing.  Let yourself slow down.  Listen deeply.  Honour the rhythms of your body and the whispers of your soul.  The Solar Eclipse will bring a reset, a chance to plant seeds for a new beginning.  But first we must clear the space to do so.  

    Let this be a week of reflection, release and realignment.  Trust what is being revealed.  Stay grounded in your heart and remember that dispite any discomfort your a new path is being illuminated.  

    This Sunday I will be hosting another webinar where I will channel a meditate especially for this time and then share the insights, wisdom and guidance I receive to support us as we move into April.  You can register to join me HERE.

    If you haven't already registered for this month's masterclass on heart centered living you can do so HERE where you will find all the details.  Being held on the New Moon Eclipse means that this class will have some extra special energy!

    If you are feeling stuck, unsure or needing realignment and or guidance this is the perfect time to go deeper.  A one-on-one session with me can help you gain clarity, release what's holding you back, and step through this time with purpose and confidence.  Click on the button below for more information and to book your session.  

    Wishing you a blessed week!

    With love, 




    Life Tapestry Creations

    Channel: Brenda Hoffman

    March 24, 2025

    Dear Ones,

    Maybe you think that you are doing something wrong, that others are finding joy while you remain stuck in fear or pain.  Instead, you are wearing joy blinders, negating your ability to know how you are evolving.

    Even though you have likely had some wonderful experiences in the past few days, one negative thought or action returned you to 3D fear.  Such is expected because living in love and joy is a new concept.  You are much more familiar – and comfortable – in your 3D fear world.

    Allow yourself to float through the day more than you have the past few days – ignoring or deleting your fear thoughts and focusing on positive elements that may have always been in your life, but you lacked the Earth training to acknowledge that such was so.

    Of course, that last statement angers many of you because you expected immediate sparkles and unadulterated joy, proving you are a new being in a new world.  Such is not how this transition is happening.  It is more of a steady pace than an instant shift.  Neither your physicality nor your emotional state allows you to completely shift from fear to love in one hour, day, or even a few days.  Instead, it is a steady build-up to a new you in this new world.

    Even though you have experienced loving moments, actions, or thoughts, you continue to focus on what you are most comfortable with – fear.  Perhaps it is fear in your personal life or worldview, but it is always a fear that prepares you to handle the next emergency.

    You have nothing to fear.

    Both your body and emotions are slowly adapting to the new being you are becoming.  Even though the next few days will increase your knowingness of the love held deep within you for Earth eons, you will likely jump back and forth between 3D fear and new you love for a little while.  Not because you have to but because 3D fear is so deeply ingrained you will return to it despite your interest in and need for this new world of love.

    You return to 3D fear at the slightest opportunity—not because you are enamored of 3D fear, but because it is still easier to live with than the new you love. This adjustment is similar to adjusting to a new computer program that provides more capabilities but does not seem logical initially.

    Do not fret; the changes encouraging new radiance will continue pummeling your being and Earth for the next few days.  Within two weeks, you will discover how easy your new you program has become and how radiant that program is within your world.

    Many of you feel powerless because your internal being is reconfiguring and updating.  However, you will soon know where you want to be and why, both within your being and in your world.

    This new world program is a given; you are merely adjusting to it with thoughts of how difficult it is instead of accepting that your inner being will create a sense of ease once all the pieces are in place.

    Realize that the Universal shifts occurring in the next few days are changing your inner being and outer world minute-by-minute, so there is not much to grasp other than you are changing.  Change creates fear, which has been a truism for 3D eons.  The difference is that this fear will shift into joy and peace instead of the 3D calamity you are most used to.

    So allow yourself to relax.  All is well in your world as you change from fear to love – not in isolation but as part of a movement that will shift both the Earth and the Universes.

    Life is good and continues to improve minute by minute despite your need to remain fearful, not in the moment’s reality but because of your historical 3D experiences.

    So be it.
    Brenda Hoffman
    Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 

    The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

    The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

    By Benjamin Fulford

    March 24, 2025, sample

    Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –ie the start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.

    As background, the former head of MI6 asked a direct descendant of the last Emperor of China for an introduction to the Dragon family back in the early 2000s. He was told that if you want to talk to China, the DF is as high as it gets. The DF is composed of all the Chinese and Asian royal families including the Tang (Li) the Soong, the Ming (Zhou), the Ching (Yi), etc. It is above the Chinese Communist Party and the government of Taiwan.

    The original introduction was followed by an agreement between the Western White Dragon and the Asian Golden Dragon to finance a new age of abundance starting in 2012. Unfortunately for us all, the Khazarian mafia managed to delay things by 13 years.

    The start of the delay came with what is known as the Chiasso incident. In June of 2009 two Japanese nationals with diplomatic passports: Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mituyoshi Watanabe, were stopped by Italian police at the Swiss border and had $134 billion worth of Dragon family Kennedy bonds confiscated.

    What happened then is that Neil Keenan, the head of CIA for Europe, handed the bonds to P2 freemason banker Daniel d’al Bosco. D’al Bosco took them to the Chinese Communist Party, the US Senate Finance Committee and elsewhere until Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN offered d’al Bosco $100 million to “go away.”

    Neil Keenan subsequently tried to both cash the bonds and access Dragon family gold bunkers until he was killed in 2016 and replaced with a body double working for the Rothschild family.

    The reason we are bringing this up now is because the people who assumed his identity now claim Keenan has died. What this means is the Rothschilds have formally given up on trying to use the fake Keenan as a way to access Dragon family treasures.

    At the same time, Akihiko Yamaguchi has re-emerged with a Dragon family offer to Trump. The documents below are all related to this.

    Another person who vanished around the time of the Chiasso, a former Federal Reserve Board troubleshooter, has also contacted the White Dragon society on behalf of both the FRB and the Dragon family.

    Here is part of what he had to say:

    Ben, I have been captured and locked down since the time I saw you in 2012.

    My mandate is very powerful and many secret societies were trying to hijack the mandate and steal assets. Just finally broke free about eight weeks ago.

    Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Denis Hassert; all from Chicago were involved in my lockdown and attacks.

    In other words, as soon as Trump became president, this former Fed official was released and given a mandate to cash Dragon family bonds.

    This is very interesting because a recent White Dragon Society effort to monetize $50 trillion worth of Bonds backed by Santa Romana gold was blocked by Emmanuel and Obama.

    Now that they are out of the way, it looks like nothing is preventing the Asians from providing countless trillions of dollars to Trump.

    Trump needs to take this offer because right now the US government is running on fumes. Take a look at this chart to understand.

    In 2024 countries with big real-world economies and big trade surpluses like Brazil, China and Japan were dumping huge amounts of US Treasuries. The biggest buyers of US Treasuries were either countries with trade deficits like France and the UK or places like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg that have almost no real economic activity. Recently the seventh biggest buyer of T bonds was a crypto-currency by the name of Tether. In other words, the US is cooking its books in order to appear solvent. The gig is almost up.

    Trump is not going to be able to solve the problems with tariffs and the like. For example, the USTR’s aim to counter China’s growing dominance in maritime sectors by imposing port entrance fees of up to $1.5 million on Chinese-built ships and operators, while promoting U.S. vessel usage is doomed to fail.

    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing over 80% of the global merchant fleet, warns that the proposed fees could severely disrupt U.S. trade and increase consumer prices. Current data shows China builds 61% of the world’s new merchant vessels, with the proposed fees potentially affecting 98% of container ships calling at U.S. ports.

    “Due to decades of neglect, the US maritime industry has seen a steady decline… we necessarily must rely on vessels registered in other nations,” CSA states in its submission.

    The situation is hopeless without DF help because the Khazarian mafia has destroyed Western industrial infrastructure and it will take years if not decades to rebuild it. Instead of building the real-world economy, the KM has been keeping the Western financial system afloat since 2012 by doing things like using gold-plated tungsten bars leveraged a thousand times over. That is all about to...
    (Continued on March/27)


    Benjamin Fulford

    [This is the full update]
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    Sunday, March 23, 2025

    Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 1

    Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 1

    By Steve Beckow

    Posted on March 23, 2025

    The longing persists after the experience has vanished

    Audio Player


    Maybe 99.99% of the experiences we have (more or less) don’t result in a change of dimension; what we’re calling Ascension.

    You’ve watched me over the years, going in and out of other dimensions. In 2015, I stayed, off and on, in the Seventh Dimension of love, as Michael identified it. (1) That then became the Eighth or Ninth Dimension of Bliss for another few months, from Sept. 28, 2015 to mid-January 2016.

    And even after that extended a time, I returned and I’m the same old knock-kneed critter I was before I left.  I even have many of the same core issues (or vasanas). (2)

    Before turning to how 99.99% of our spiritual experiences are not permanent and don’t result in a permanent change of dimension, I need to explain why, over the past any number of years, I’ve been having so many spiritual experiences myself. (3)

    Is this normal? I think it probably is not. Let me explain.

    I only started recording them when I opened this blog. I’d had 23 peak experiences by the time the vision occurred in 1987. (I even gave them names – the Silver Bullet, the Flame in the Heart, Porteau Cove, etc.). Why so many?

    The answer, I discovered, had to do with an agreement I have with a Being I serve.

    You know that I serve Michael and the Mother but you probably don’t know that I also serve the Lord of the planet I’m currently residing on: the Lord Arcturus.

    I have an agreement with him – numerous others around the globe have the same agreement – to allow him to see the Ascension, because it’s that important an event, through my eyes.

    Other than that, I’m to dismiss him from my consciousness and carry on. I sell the popcorn; I don’t watch the game.


    However, he has asked me to visit the various higher dimensions so I could keep people focused on the journey, rather than stopping in the Seventh or even the Ninth.

    I’m going to share his request with you and I do so as one spiritual adult to another. Another of my missions is to go up with everyone else and to do so publicly. So here goes:

    Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old Third, which was really quite disastrous, [to] the progression up through the Fifth, through the Six, to the Seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it. (4)

    Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial – and this is where mutuality (5) comes in – that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different).

    And so the perspective say of the Ninth Dimension is very different than the perspective of say the Third, the Fifth, or the Seventh Dimension.

    Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a greater plan, that the Seventh Dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.

    And so, some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality is highly beneficial in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring.

    And so in this, we have contributed, not as a clone but as a contribution, shall we say, from my heart, from my soul, from my being to yours, this piece of myself. Now is that … clear? (6)

    His gift to me is a library of Arcturian knowledge which will holographically release after Ascension.

    When I look at all the travelling I’ve done, when I heard this from him it made things understandable.

    I take what he says as a mission statement and think I have been reporting my consciousness states and their consequences fairly well and faithfully. (7)

    So this is the reason I have, in the past, had a rather large number of experiences of other dimensions. But, as I started out to say, none of them have lasted.

    Let me close here and discuss their impermanence in the next article.

    (Continued in Part 2.)


    (1) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

    Archangel Michael: It is the Seventh Dimension.

    Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?

    AAM: It is between Eight and Nine. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.) (Hereafter AAM.)

    Archangel Michael: 
You are the communicator. … You love to access and spend time in the Eighth and Ninth, the areas of creation and connection. (AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.)

    (2) In my opinion, vasanas or core issues are the main obstacle to our enlightenment. See Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at

    (3) See An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at

    (4) On the Christ Sphere, see New Maps of Heaven:

    (5) Mutuality.  The Lord Arcturus equipped me for the ride by helping design my life plan and soul contract:

    Lord Arcturus: What I have contributed to your design – it was a very good design team – is qualities or aspects, understandings – not only that would serve me; that would simply be myopic and rather selfish. But aspects or qualities, talents, capacities that would serve you and, in turn of course, serve the grander Plan, the collective, and ultimately the Mother. (The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)

    What the Lord Arcturus contributed was a library of Arcturian knowledge that would become accessible after Ascension.

    (6) Loc. cit.

    (7) See again An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1, ibid.

    Steve Beckow