Thursday, October 17, 2024

Get Ready

Get Ready

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on October 17, 2024

With the changes you have been asking for fully underway, it is time to get ready for a great deal more information to come in. 

Use the next few weeks to ground yourself properly and release anything you may feel is holding you back. 

You have been preparing for a moment like this your entire life. Walk forward with your head high and your heart full. The Universe will lovingly take care of the rest. 

The Creator

The Monkey Handcuff

The Monkey Handcuff

Ophelius is the Teacher

Received by Chris Maurus

Posted on October 17, 2024

Asheville, NC, USA, November 13, 2016

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is for all the people of the earth. Though you may feel divided and separated from other people by sex, race, culture, religion, politics, social class, or national identity, you are, none the less, the people of planet earth, and you have more in common than you do realize. As viewed from above — from the higher planes of the ascending worlds of time, which you shall one day experience for yourselves, your planet stands out as one that is most unusual, unique, dangerous, confused, beautiful, and the most interesting of all worlds in all the local universe — the one planet chosen to be host to the bestowal of the Creator Son. Only one inhabited planet in 10 million worlds can claim such distinction, and yet most of you go about your lives unaware of the potential you have to make a tremendous contribution to the growth of your souls and to the Great Plan to transform this confused world into the jewel of the universe.

“Each one of you is indwelled by a fragment of the Creator, which in and of itself, gives you a unique common bond that continually inspires and expresses the Will of this Creator to your minds, yet you only have to listen with the heart to hear it. If there is only one thing you may understand about life on your world, please understand this fact. When you choose to separate yourselves by the divisions of worldly identities you lose sight of your common heritage and you suffer from the self-inflicted wounds of hatred and bigotry because of your differences.

“The Creator Father is continually creating and exploring new ideas and expressing these ideas to His children (you) and He does this with the intention that within the diversity of life on each world, a truly unique idea may be expressed and a new experience will be born. You are the ‘experiencers’ and diversity is your strength, dear friends, not your enemy. Is it not greater to view a problem from many sides than to only see it from one viewpoint?

“Unity of purpose is strength, diversity of mind is creative. We observe, time and again, that when men and women are thrust into a situation of disaster, they soon forget about their worldly divisions and come together to help one another — to survive, to be free of suffering, and to rebuild their lives from the rubble of disaster. In that moment when you are standing in the rubble or the waters of disaster, you are equal. Brotherhood and love shines through the outer coverings and the true intention of the Creator begins to express itself having a clear path to the heart. This same spirit of brotherhood and love can be realized without the disasters of time to awaken the heart, and it can be realized when you focus your attention on the things you share in common. Do you not all desire to be loved? Do you not all desire to grow and find purpose in life? Do you not all love your children? Do you not all desire to live in peace and safety?

“The problem you still have is that you do not all desire equality. This is the plague of mankind — the idea that one must have not, so that the other can have. You are enslaved by the ‘monkey handcuff.’ A monkey will reach into a small hole to grab a banana, but cannot free his hand with the fruit in it and so he is bound to the device which prevents him from eating the fruit — he refuses to let go of the banana. His greed to have the fruit is greater than his need for freedom.

“Let go of the fruit, my friends, and use your diversity to free yourselves. First work together with the values that you hold in common — the differences can then be worked out for the greater good.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009. 


Is It My Intuition or Fear?

Is It My Intuition or Fear?

By Julie Peters

Posted on October 17, 2024

Intuition and fear often feel similar but have very different effects on our decision-making processes. Explore a therapeutic perspective on differentiating between the two.

We all know that having a connection to our intuition is a good thing. It can help us differentiate a good friend from someone who is trying to take advantage of us. It can help us move toward what we want even when other people might disagree with our choices. It can help us know whether we should go up or down, right or left. Or can it?

Intuition is, essentially, our sixth sense. It’s a feeling of knowing beneath our cognitive understanding. It’s knowing without being able to explain how we know. But what if our intuition is broken? What if what we’ve been feeling all along is actually something else, like fear?

Where Does Intuition Come From?

Intuition is important, but it’s complex. On a literal level, intuition is a sense, judgment, feeling, or emotion that arises before we have time to cognitively decide how we feel. It doesn’t come from our prefrontal cortex, the rational, thinking aspect of our brains—it comes from more primitive places: older parts of the brain, like the amygdala, and our nervous system, which is more sensitive in our gut than in our mind. Intuitive information tends to come through the body, not the thinking mind.

What we must keep in mind is that most of this information is learned. Our intuition is essentially a collection of information that we’ve gathered throughout our lives that our bodies have stored in places that don’t need thinking to activate. If we’ve been traumatized by men, for example, our “intuitive” reaction to a new man might be to push him away—even if he’s a lovely person.

There may be something more to intuition, however. Many people believe we can access something bigger than ourselves when we pay attention. We could call this Spirit, the collective unconscious, guidance from angels or spirit guides, or advice from a higher self. This type of intuition is a little different, and it works differently from the aforementioned quick reactions based on past experiences.

A Gut Feeling Versus Spiritual Intuition

In my experience, this spiritual intuition is slower and more long acting. It shows up when we are paying attention without fear or judgment; when we are “tuned in” to ourselves or another person. One way to know if this type of intuition is true spiritual guidance or just fear is if it sticks around no matter your mood, over days, weeks, or even months. This type of guidance helps you grow and learn and not just keep you safe.

Another way of defining intuition is through understanding our inner emotional compass. We were born with the capacity to feel a number of core emotions that are intended to guide us specifically in our relationships. Fear is a core emotion that tells us something is unsafe. This emotion gets a pretty bad rap, and yes, it can hold us back when we’re confusing unsafe with uncomfortable. But when things are genuinely unsafe, we should listen to our fear and get away.

Similarly, anger is a much-maligned emotion that’s supposed to help us understand our needs and boundaries and ensure we are protected. When we constantly suppress our anger, we can’t discern what our needs and boundaries even are, let alone stand up for them.

With both fear and anger (and most of the other core emotions), it’s a good idea to measure these emotions against our intelligence and the general context of what we’re experiencing. Ideally, we don’t need to react the moment we feel these emotions, but rather slow down and feel into them so we can understand the message they are trying to give us, cleared of any emotional or contextual debris (like, for example, we are tired, hungry, or dysregulated).

Intuition and the Attachment Styles

Intuition may be most challenging when it comes to love. That’s because our love relationships tend to trigger our oldest relational wounds, and it’s very easy for fear to arise and tell us we’d better not take the risk (whether that’s to stay, leave, approach someone, etc.). We learn love through the dynamics we grew up with, so if love was associated with anxiety and abandonment, for example, our “intuition” may look for those feelings in love relationships and avoid someone who invokes feelings of safety and stability.

Most of us form an attachment style in childhood that can show up in our romantic relationships looking like intuition. If we grew up with secure, consistent love, we will tend to assume love is available and possible. We’ll be less likely to become dysregulated with our partners, and it might be easier to move into a safe, connected state when we can attend to our intuition.

If we grew up with inconsistency around love in some way (including the loss of a parent or experiences of trauma), we will tend to experience anxious attachment, which means we’re much less likely to trust in our lovers. Our intuition can be overridden by a need for reassurance and closeness—even when we don’t particularly like the person we’re with.

If our needs were consistently unmet in childhood, we tend to experience avoidant attachment, which means we feel safer alone, used to meeting our own needs without the complication of another. Our intuitive responses to love will tend to lean towards breakups, distance, and separateness because those experiences feel safer. We don’t decide these reactions cognitively; they are wired in as strategies to deal with stressful childhood experiences that influence us well into adulthood.

How to Discern Between Intuition and Fear

So how do we know if it’s intuition or fear? Well, there’s truly no simple answer to this question, as intuition and fear both come with so many layers based on what we’ve been through and how tapped in we are to Spirit and ourselves. As many of us have learned, even when we’re feeling tapped in and are listening to ourselves closely, our intuition can still turn out to be wrong.

It’s important we don’t think of this “sixth sense” as infallible, like being able to look into a crystal ball and tell the future. Especially when it comes to love, it takes time to get to know people and figure out if someone is a good choice for us in the long term. Some of the work around intuition might be about trusting ourselves to take risks and make mistakes and know we’ll be okay if things don’t go the way we hoped.

That being said, here are a few hints to be able to tell the difference between unreasonable fear and healthy intuition:

  • Intuition comes through when you feel calm and safe, not when you are already dysregulated.

  • If you’re afraid, ask yourself if you are actually in danger or if something simply feels uncomfortable, challenging, or unfamiliar.

  • Pay attention to the intuitive feeling when it arises—does it pass when you eat well or get enough sleep or when an argument is resolved? Or does it stick around through various moods and cycles?

  • Try to set aside overthinking and rationalization and notice what is happening in your body.
    Allow yourself to settle into one side of a decision. What do you feel in your body? If there is tension, nausea, and a sense of being “not right,” that is likely an intuitive “no.” Do the opposite, and look for a sense of settling, exhaling, calmness, and “rightness,” even if there might also be emotions like sadness and fear. That is closer to an intuitive “yes” from your body.

  • Compare your intuitive feeling against your past experiences and the opinions of trusted friends and loved ones. Maybe even ask the opinion of various “parts” of yourself.

  • Keep in mind that intuition is just one aspect of decision making, and it’s a good idea to use all your parts, your bodily reactions, your emotions, and your mind when deciding what to do.

Julie Peters

Find the Vibrational Match to Yourselves

Find the Vibrational Match to Yourselves

Archangel Michael

Channel: James McConnell 

Posted on October 17, 2024

I am ArchAngel Michael, and I come to be with you at this time, in these times of vibrational frequency, everything now my friends is about frequency, vibration and consciousness. Everything is moving in that direction and you are finding yourselves moving in that direction, in the sense that you are finding the match. You spoke about that in your discussion earlier; and it was not by happenstance, not by coincidence, that this came about, that this topic was broached here. Because it is all about that as you continue to move forward in your ascension process, is all about finding that vibrational match to yourselves as you are being drawn more into nature, or you are being drawn, attracted to other people  of like mind, like soul, like body.  All of this, the match that you are all looking for, because you are drawn to that, it is calling you, the vibrational frequency match is calling you and allow that call to happen, allow yourself to be attracted to whatever it is, it can be people, it can be nature, it can also be materialistic things as well, if there are those things that you are desiring in your life.

Those things that are calling to you, whatever they might be and allow it to be, allow yourself to be a match to those, to those, whatever it is. But certainly to people, you will find more and more that you are attracted to those of like mind and repelled by those that are not of a like mind. and that is okay.  It is okay to find your way in a different path, you are on a different path from many others, even those of, some of your family, your friends, your acquaintances.  You are on your own path. They are on their path and allow that process to be, do not try to control it, just let it be what it is and you will find if you do that, you will be attracted to higher vibrational frequency matches whatever that might be, whatever that will bring to you in your life. It will bring you whatever it is that you are needing, the universe shall provide for you. However you are matching to that universe.  That is where you are all headed, so allow that process.   Allow the diverging, I have mentioned this before, other sources have been mentioning this more and more now, the diverging timelines are indeed happening.

And you are finding that all of the old timelines, the old three-dimensional illusion is being brought out into the light, the shadows of that illusion are being brought into the light. The truth, the truth indeed shall set you free. That is what that means. It will indeed set you free as you allow the process to continue. Do not be concerned about what it is that you see with your physical eyes.

That is an illusion, always know that as you see that third dimensional illusion; the matrix if you will, and you do not any more become encumbered by it, being held by it, being mired in this sludge that is there.  Allow for yourself to be drawn out of that more and more. And as you do that you will find that your life will take on a different direction, a different path if you will.

But always, you will be following the path that you were meant to follow, the path that is leading you out of that third dimensional illusion up into the fourth dimension and beyond into the fifth and even higher than that.

So as always allow the process, trust the plan because it is working out exactly as it needs to, the universe is indeed providing exactly as you need to, so even though you look at those things that are happening in that third dimensional illusion in the matrix, you realize that it is indeed an illusion.

I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to realize the illusion is fading more and more, and in place of that, is the new higher reality of your own creation.


A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Chakras + How To Unblock Them

A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Chakras + How To Unblock Them

By Yogi Cameron

October 17, 2024

The seven chakras are the main energy centers of the body. You’ve probably heard people talk about “unblocking” their chakras, which refers to the idea that when all of our chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit.

Chakra translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit, and you can imagine them like wheels of free-flowing positive energy.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll summarize the defining characteristics of the seven main chakras, explain how to tell when any of them are blocked, and share how to unblock each one—from root to crown—using mantras, yoga poses, and more.

What are chakras?
The name “chakra” is the Sanskrit word for “wheel.” In yoga, chakras are used to describe the way energy “moves” throughout the body. Each of the seven chakras (described below) are said to correlate with different abilities, expressions, and types of health.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Muladhara, or root chakra, represents our foundation. On the human body, it sits at the base of the spine and gives us the feeling of being grounded.

When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet. When it’s blocked, we feel threatened, as if we’re standing on unstable ground.

Location: Base of spine, in tailbone area

What it controls: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food

Mantra: “I can’t grow from an unsteady foundation.”

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Stone: Hematite

Yoga pose: Warrior I

When it develops: 1-7 years old

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The Swadhisthana, or sacral chakra, helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Those with a blocked sacral chakra could feel a lack of control in their lives.

Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel

What it controls: Your sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality

Mantra: “I always honor others but not before myself.”

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Stone: Tiger’s Eye

Yoga pose: Bound Angle Pose

When it develops: 8-14 years old

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That’s the Manipura chakra at work.

If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might feel overwhelming amounts of shame and self-doubt. Those with open sacral chakras are free to express their true selves.

Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area

What it controls: Self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem

Mantra: “Self-love starts when I accept all parts of myself.”

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Stone: Amber

Yoga pose: Boat Pose

When it develops: 15-21 years old

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Anahata, or heart chakra, is the bridge between the lower chakras (associated with materiality) and the upper chakras (associated with spirituality). As the name suggests, this chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love—from others and ourselves.

Someone with a blocked heart chakra will have difficulty fully opening up to the people in their life. If someone’s heart is open, they can experience deep compassion and empathy.

Location: Center of chest, just above the heart

What it controls: Love, joy, and inner peace

Mantra: “When I love myself, loving others comes easily.”

Color: Green

Element: Air

Stone: Rose Quartz

Yoga pose: Camel Pose

When it develops: 21-28 years old

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power.

When it’s functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel.

Location: Throat

What it controls: Communication, self-expression, and truth

Mantra: “I speak my truth, always.”

Color: Light Blue/Turquoise

Element: Sound/Music

Stone: Aquamarine

Yoga pose: Fish Pose

When it develops: 29-35 years old

6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

As we move up the body, we’re getting closer to communion with the divine. The Anja, or third-eye chakra, controls our ability to see the big picture and connect to intuition. Think of it as the eye of the soul: It registers information beyond the surface level.

Visions and intuitive hits are not uncommon for someone with an open third-eye chakra.

Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra)

What it controls: Intuition, imagination, and wisdom

Mantra: “I am open to exploring what cannot be seen.”

Color: Dark Blue/Purple

Element: Light

Stone: Amethyst

Yoga pose: Child’s Pose

When it develops: 36-42 years old

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Sahasrara, or crown chakra, the highest chakra, sits at the crown of the head and represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. When you fully open your crown chakra—something very few people ever do!—you’re able to access a higher consciousness.

Location: The very top of the head

What it controls: Inner and outer beauty, spiritual connection

Lesson: “I am a vessel for love and light.”

Color: Violet/White

Element: Divine Consciousness

Stone: Clear quartz

Yoga pose: Headstand

When it develops: 43-49 years old

Yogi Cameron

The Core of Your Problem

The Core of Your Problem

Jeshua Speaks
Channel: Pamela Kribbe 

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

Posted on October 17, 2024


Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love. There is so much love around you: in the people about you, in the spirit world that surrounds the Earth. There is also the love in your own heart, so there is always a connection to love. Love gives you everything you need: the freedom to be with all aspects of yourself, mature and immature, light and dark. Love gives you the freedom to develop at your own pace, to gradually dissolve the confusion in your heart and in your mind. Love gives you freedom and safety.

Feel for a moment inside your heart that this love is available to you now, not at a later time when you are farther advanced on the path. Love belongs to the now moment; it is fully accepting of the imperfect, of what is in progress, of what is separated. You do not have to present yourself differently to the eyes of love; let the flow of love come to you as you are, right now.

In almost all people is a thought that you must earn love, that you have to work toward changing yourself in order to be worthy of love. There is a deep shame in most of you that breeds unworthiness: you feel you need to apologize, to justify yourself. It is an attitude that many of you have. At the same time, there is such longing for love, for relaxation, and for the freedom to be who you are. And that means you find yourself in a continual battle with life.

I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Try to observe that energy that is in yourself. You might see it as a face or a form, a color or a shape – whatever you see is okay.

Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned. That fear is there in everyone. You became separated from the whole – at least that is how it felt – when you, as an individual soul, left on your way into the unknown. In that moment of separation, which was essentially the birth of the soul, there was distress caused by an alienation from Home, from the Source out of which you originated. That alienation, that feeling of being lost, was necessary, because it forced you to begin your search; you were, so to say, “thrown into the deep end”. For the first time, there was anxiety in your consciousness, and you went looking for wholeness.

On this journey, there emerged a sense of unworthiness. It has been a long journey in which fear, power, and dependence played large roles. If you do not feel whole inside, if you do not know love from within, you go in search of nurturing from external things in the form of recognition and love from others. That can become distorted into a need for power, a need to rule over others so that you get what you need energetically and emotionally. And so you see people seeking emotional nurturing from others in order to fill the emptiness inside themselves. They search for it in relationships between partners, in work situations, everywhere. There is a sense of unworthiness that lies at the bottom of many of their actions.

If you recognize that need in yourself, then the solution lies close by. But as long as you are in any way still seeking nurturing in external energies, you stay intent on the questions: “How should I be in my relationships? How should I be with my family? How should I be in my work?” Those appear to be important questions, but at their core, it is about the relationship with yourself and the feeling of deep self-esteem and love that you have for yourself. There lies the key.

I ask you now to descend energetically with your attention and awareness into your abdomen. Completely fill your abdominal cavity with pure awareness. Descend and feel how your awareness flows like fresh, clear water into your abdomen. Be present there and see a child who in one way or another feels unworthy and not good enough to deserve love. Go to this child, reach out and take its hand – this is your child. You give it strength; you bring life to it by your presence and faithfulness.

When you live your life by trying to nurture yourself with the energies of others – because of an inner emptiness – you distort yourself into being what you are not, which does an injustice to yourself. You are not being really true to yourself when you try to adapt to the expectations and requirements of others, lest you not get the love you crave. But doing that causes your inner child to suffer because it wants to be itself, spontaneous and natural.

It requires a lot of courage to be able to go inward and to feel the heart of the problem: your own sense of unworthiness. Time and again you are encouraged to do so. Every crisis in your life is the result of what lies at the bottom of the problem. But you do not have to solve it all at once. The important thing is to be aware that unworthiness lies at the bottom of the problem – this deeply rooted unworthiness – along with the key to its solution: love for yourself.

Feel the light that is here: the light of yourself and everything that is here in this space. Allow this light to radiate into your abdomen and your inner child; you are worthy of receiving it. You are an inalienable part of Creation and as such you will be loved and protected and carried by a greater whole.

I greet you all.

Pamela Kribbe

Copyright © – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely. E-mail:

Beware of War Hawks in “America First” Clothing

Beware of War Hawks in “America First” Clothing

By Connor O’Keeffe

Posted on October 17, 2024

For the past eight years, the two major political parties have been gripped by a messy and ongoing realignment. It began with the election of Donald Trump in 2016, which was a major repudiation of the neoconservative-establishment coalition that had dominated the Republican Party since the presidency of George W. Bush.

Trump’s condemnation of the war in Iraq—which he correctly said was sold on lies—and his skepticism of continuing to fund radical Islamists in a misguided attempt to overthrow the government in Syria drove some of the staunchest Bush-era neoconservatives to leave the Republican Party and do everything they could to keep Trump out of power. It didn’t work.

Trump’s four years in office only accelerated the realignment. By the time the 2020 election rolled around, the political establishment had awakened and thrown its entire weight behind Joe Biden. Of course, Donald Trump stuck around after leaving office and is now, for the third time, the Republican nominee for President.

This election cycle has seen the same establishment support for Trump’s opponents that we’ve seen previously, along with “defections” from former high-level Republicans like W. Bush’s own Vice President Dick Cheney. Whether we’re seeing a permanent change in the Republican Party or a temporary coalition against one candidate will rest on what happens on and after election day next month. But it’s clear that, at least for the time being, the neoconservative domination of the American Right has dissipated.

Given how damaging the neoconservatives were to the well-being and security of the American people, this is a very positive development. But critics of Washington’s hyper-aggressive foreign policy need to understand that the flight of many of the worst war hawks from the Republican Party does not mean the GOP has returned to its non-interventionist roots. In fact, as many interventionists have fled, others have remained. And those interventionist elements are working hard to bring back the same old neoconservative foreign policy under the guise of a new “America First” doctrine.

Over the summer, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien penned a lengthy feature in Foreign Affairs that aimed to do just that. O’Brien was a representative to the UN during the George W. Bush presidency, and he worked at the State Department under both Bush and Barack Obama before leaving to work as an advisor on Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign. He’s an establishment creature if there ever was one. Still, he was appointed as Trump’s National Security Advisor in 2019 and is now seen as a contender for a cabinet position if Trump wins again.

O’Brien presents his article as “making the case for Trump’s foreign policy.” But despite being dressed up in some new language, the agenda he presents is largely the same old establishment interventionism.

In O’Brien’s view, Iran, China, and Russia are the three great enemies that can only be dealt with through a more aggressive stance from Washington. American taxpayers need to be forced to pay more for sharp increases in military hardware, especially for the Navy, to put pressure on Iran and China. Heavy sanctions and crackdowns on trade are prescribed to isolate and denigrate the regimes in Tehran and Beijing. O’Brien also calls for the US to more aggressively support foreign dissident movements that threaten these rival governments.

Even the war in Ukraine, on which Trump has been relatively good, is framed as having only happened because the US was not intervening enough in Eastern Europe in recent years. O’Brien does quickly mention that Trump wants a negotiated end to the war, but quickly moves on to celebrate all the lethal aid that’ll be sent to Ukraine and all the American military units that will be moved closer to Russia.

And O’Brien isn’t alone. Many right-wing commentators and influencers have tried to capitalize on all the populist energy driving the Trump movement to bolster their careers while sneaking in a standard establishment foreign policy. That could be seen at the so-called National Conservatism conference back in July, where a number of these figures got together and framed Iran and China as the chief threats facing the American public.

For decades, the American people have been forced to pay an enormous amount of money and to divert a tremendous amount of resources to counter a superpower that collapsed because communism cannot work, build a country from the top down in Afghanistan, overthrow the government of Iraq, and to try to topple several other countries to correct for the destabilizing effects of overthrowing that government in Iraq, all while militarizing the countries around Iran, Russia, and China in a vain attempt to get those governments to calm down.

These ventures have made the political establishment very wealthy, but all at the expense of the economic well-being and general safety of the rest of us. In recent years, many Americans on the right have finally begun to wake up to all this. The same old establishment lies cannot be allowed to lull them back to sleep.

Impact - 2

Impact (Part 2)

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on Octuber 17, 2024

Part 1 

The Co-Creators’ strikes at the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (see – Impact, DNI, 13 October 2024) derailed NAA and Darks’ plan to deliver a double blow to Earth simultaneously through this cosmic body and from their stronghold in the Oort Cloud. That giant sphere with trillions of objects encompasses two regions: a disc-shaped inner domain aligned with the solar ecliptic and a spherical outer field enclosing the entire Solar System. Both lie well beyond the heliosphere, ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 AU (0.03 to 3.2 light-years) and are in interstellar space, replenish and keep constant the number of long-period comets entering our planets’ system.

The pair attack was blocked, but the volleys from the Oort Cloud continued to disrupt the Co-Creators op to purify the Earth’s Logos on the Subtle and ethereal planes from the NAA’s destructive programs. Many Power Places, which play an important role in protecting the planet, worked particularly intensively during these October days and were also under fire. And especially the Elbrus Mountain range in the Caucasus. Why did this particular location with a diameter of 15 kilometers become the Darks’ target?

Here, on the Subtle Plan, works a huge Light complex with a Portal, built in the distant past by four space races from constellations Ursa Minor, Ursa Minor, Orion, and Beta Leo system, about which Disclosure News narrated earlier (see – Siberia Ops, Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, DNI, 30 May and 3, 6, 12 and 16 June 2024). In this place, namely in Khudessky Labyrinth, in the vicinity of Elbrus, their natal Matrix’ copy is stored.

In it, are also kept the aspects of their progenitors, six dipole pairs of primary Light Archons, created in the Pleroma by Christ and World Mother Sophia. With the onset of Cosmic Night, all four races were ordered to leave Earth. Only those who wanted to get a new evolutionary experience remained on it. But the Spiritual connection with our world has been preserved, and with the advent of Cosmic Day, they are preparing to return to our planet again.

For many centuries and up to the present day, the complex has been actively functioning. Inside Elbrus, there are two multidimensional pyramids. Above their two peaks, Portal with a channel is operational, leading to the Light City. From there, streams of golden plasma flow continuously to the terrestrial surface, spreading waves across the globe. Particles emit a frequency of 432 Hz, which corresponds to the coordinates of Elbrus – 43.2N, and the ideal heart’ vibes that sync with Divine energy.

​On a Subtle Plane above the peaks of Elbrus, Cheget and Donguzorun, is seen a  vast complex with a huge power installation that resembles a kinetic sculpture. This structure is sentient and, while pivoting, emits a golden Light, which fills the environment and the grid of the four space races’ collective consciousness. Complex non-stop filters and processes cosmic currents into beneficial energies, which interact with our heart center, energizing and supporting the Anahata chakra.

In the same field of Mount Cheget, in a subtle pyramidal temple, an energy storage device in the form of a Fibonacci Golden Spiral continuously rotates. Together with the altar, it functions as an attractor. The spiral interacts with other parts of the structure, acting as an axial element around which objects similar to Platonic solids revolve. Altogether, they control energy, space, and time on Earth.

The rocks of Cheget contain a lot of quartz, which generates a certain spectrum of vibration. The gold veins inside the mineral produce electrical discharges that increase the overall vibrational background. In the depths of the mountain there is a massive gold-bearing layer, filled with a Source’s energy, manifested in the various life-forms.

All facets of the subtle pyramid are covered with runes. When it and the altar are working, these fonts radiate golden beams that provide commune in multidimensional space via a large Light pillar at the infrastructure’s center. In the past, there was a cosmic port, a Portal and a transport channel with huge volumes of communication. The upper part of the pyramid functioned as a space ship that could detach and fly to other worlds.

And nowadays, this immense repeater receives, amplifies, injects, holds and stores the four space races’ info and the results of the Earth’s scanning. With the help of runes on the surfaces, the pyramid of Cheget takes cosmic currents and directs to Mount Donguzorun, which with its exterior cavities scatters them, covering the surrounding territories. Elbrus provides the necessary energy.

The nearby pyramid-shaped mountains are also amplifiers, together forming a sacred Mandala. Their triangular outlines work like mirrors, each of which is directed at a certain angle, and provide transmission, propagation and amplification of the signal. On a Subtle Plane, at an altitude of 12.6 kilometers, above them, large flat reflectors distribute the received data throughout the planet.

NAA and Darks have repeatedly tried to take over this multidimensional complex, including in our time. In August 1942, a special detachment of the German Wehrmacht installed two standards of the Edelweiss mountain infantry division and a flagpole with a swastika there. Thanks to Aldebaraneans, Hitler was privy to the secrets of ancient civilizations (see – Undisclosed Bucegi, DNI, 13 August 2022). With varying success, many Nazi services searched for their technologies, know-how and artifacts in Tibet, Egypt, South America, Antarctica and other parts of the world.

Formally, the installation of the flag at the Elbrus top symbolized the beginning of a new millennial Reich. In fact, the group was assigned to find access to the complex with the help of the Tibetan Dark Bon-po lamas (for more about them, see – Operations in China, Part 1, DNI, 16 October 2021). But the unexpected happened.

During a collective meditation (it was held during the Battle of Stalingrad), the lamas saw on the timeline not the upcoming triumph of the Fuhrer, but Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. When they told the squad leader, Captain Heinz Groot, about this, he ordered them to be shot immediately. They were buried at the foot of Elbrus. Then a black magic rite was performed, and a swastika made of stones was laid out on their grave.

The Nazis would never have been able to get inside the multidimensional complex due to powerful energy protection. Before them, the NAA had made such attempts more than once. Using vacuum, scalar and thermal weapons, they turned the entire infrastructure around Elbrus into piles of stones, but couldn’t open it. And today, here, at an altitude of 3000-4000 m, the remains of fused megaliths that resemble petrified clay, with traces of plasma exposure, which reached millions of degrees, have been preserved.

In these October days, the Dark’s assault on the complex failed again. But this time, they are trying to destroy not the targets, which couldn’t erase in the past, but what Co-Creators and Lightwarriors built and restored recently. It concerns the new Eurasian Logos that was born during a joint operation on the physical and Subtle Planes, and the activation of a copy of the natal Matrix of the four cosmic races.

Disclosure News described many times the ground team’s considerable experience of Logos’ development. Namely, the creation of its core from own Monad’s aspects and a single multidimensional body, its inner radiant synthesis (self-luminosity), the installment of various reinforcing energy segments (crystals) into it, their subsequent merging into a single whole. After that, the birth of Logos’ Intelligence and the Soul followed as the new Spiritual Sun of the Local Universe.

All this know-how, Lightwarriors applied again. First, they gradually collected and cleansed from karma the Spiritual Crystals (aspects) of many supreme entities, incarnated in Eurasia during many epochs. With everyone they telepathically communed for a long. Then, on one of the sacred Caucasus Mountains, they assembled crystals into a single whole, ignited their inter-Logos synthesis that culminated by brightest flash and new Spiritual Sun’s birth. After that, it was linked to its peers in the Local Universe via Sirius and Cheget. A bit later, Absolutes’ dipole placed own aspects in this Sun, and its copy, the ground team put in the new Eurasian Logos.

Biological and material carriers were needed to maximize its impact and presence on 3D Earth. The first role played 33 Lightwarriors, which installed their Monads’ aspects in Logos. With consent of the Elbrus Guardians, this op was carried out on that mountain. As the material bearer of Logos’ substance, was considered diamond. But after consulting with Co-Creators, it was decided to abandon this idea for one reason only: due to a huge amount of vices and crimes associated with its possession. The stone absorbed to much of blood and negative energy.

The ultimate selection was made in favor of moissanite. This uncommon mineral on Earth is abundant in the cosmos, found in the dusty atmospheres surrounding stars and in unaltered meteorites (in form of beta polymorph).Its Causal Matrix, capable of accumulating, storing and amplifying the vibrations of Light, is imprinted on the Gaia’s aspect. This helped to purify the Matrix, reboot according to the reference Universe’s original, and then, put it in Eurasian Logos. It was activated also on Elbrus.

The mountains’ might energy shield repelled all the NAA and Darks’ attacks from the Oort Cloud. Taking on strikes, the reactive armor field instantly redirected them back with a vengeance precisely to assaulters. At the same time, the bombardment by Solar jets the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) continued, unfortunately hitting the orbiting satellites. On October 13, from 09 AM till 05 PM, none of them worked, their devices were knocked out. On October 14, two volleys were fired at the comet, on October 15 – eight with a power of 4 points on a 5-level scale.

At the moment of the CME impact on the Earth’s magnetosphere, the speed of the Solar wind reached 800 km/sec. The BZ index, which shows the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, collapsed to an extreme value: on average, to minus 42 and remained at this level for 2.5 hours. These two parameters caused the brightest auroras in North and South America. Over the Eurasia, at latitudes from 28°N to 52-54°N, four explosive waves of the brightest radiance swept… Disclosure News continues monitoring the situation closely.


Get Ready

Get Ready The Creator Writings Channel: Jennifer Farley Posted on October 17, 2024 With the changes you have been asking for fully underwa...