Sunday, March 31, 2024

World Awakening

World Awakening

By Adama

Channel: Aurelia

Posted on March 31, 2024

Be at peace and hear the good news. Prior to your incarnation, your Creator promised that you would be allowed in this very lifetime to embody the fullness of your God Presence and your Christhood. You will be allowed to manifest on Earth, in your present incarnation, the fullness of your divinity and spiritual gifts which have been hidden from you for so long.

Understand that the beings controlling your planet propose to stop this developing enlightenment at all costs since it will bring their reign to an end. As the dark forces strive to bring all of you and the planet into greater servitude and increase your allegiance to separation and fear, the polarity of Light will at the same time create awakening and enlightenment. Even the planetary bodies in the heavens have aligned to facilitate this great surge in consciousness.

Soon those who are destined to form new governments and economic structures will become more visible. They have been preparing for this day and are already living among you. Do not judge them harshly or create expectations about them, for many who step forward may surprise you.

Many have masked their true identities from within the very groups they seek to replace. Reach out with your hearts to recognize who your new leaders may be. All new structures will be formed for the benefit of the collective. This is an important key to identifying those who are finally ready to really support humanity. Even national borders will not stop those who support true change from coming together.

These conflicts will initiate an acceleration on the entire planet and assist in awakening millions to a new awareness of their divinity and a reconsideration of new values in their lives. Multitudes will discover new goals and purposes more aligned with their divine nature. As a result of these conflicts you will find millions of people swelling the ranks of the lightworkers and banding together to create permanent peace and a new reality based on divine truths.

These conflicts will also assist in eroding the outmoded patriarchal structures that no longer serve you. Be prepared to experience some sorrow and to witness the suffering that will take place. This will assist in opening your heart and easing your passage into the higher dimension. You will also clear much accumulated karma, making way for the new order and the recognition of your true Divine Self.

Children of my heart, allow the hand of God to wield its magic. Your Creator is watching attentively, protecting the Earth and Her people who have chosen to remain and embrace their new glorious destiny. Instead of going into fear, despair and hopelessness, light a candle of hope in your heart. Know that beyond war, a brand new world awaits. Miracles are just waiting to manifest. The gifts of love and grace from the Creator and your star family will pour down in ways you have never experienced before.

In your heart, light the candle of knowingness that the Divine will prevail and victory is assured.

People on this planet have stood together by the millions and stated their intention for peace, and so it shall be. You are marching across your planet demanding peace, and so it shall be. You have become the focus of the entire cosmos. We watch you, with love, intention and bravery rise up against the tyranny of one world government, saying, “This far and no further; your day is done.” The Creator and all of you co-Creators are smiling, saying, “At last they are waking up; let there be peace on Earth, and so it shall be.”

As the vibration continues to increase upon the planet, so will your responsibilities. We, your Lemurian brothers and sisters, are gathering our teams on the surface to implement our plans with many of you in every corner and country of this planet. Eventually, we will be working in good will with all who desire to serve the greater good with us. Nothing will be imposed on you. Your desire to serve with us must be ignited by the calling of your heart.

If you wish to be of service, our mission will involve great numbers of people. Many wondrous opportunities will offer themselves for those desiring to work with us side by side. You are the way-showers, the nucleus of many small groups that we are nurturing, embracing and cherishing here in Mount Shasta. The time of joy you have been waiting for is just beyond the clouds, beyond the storms of fabricated wars. If you can allow the clouds and storms to play out this last game, this last illusion, you shall never regret it.

Keep the candle of hope lit in your heart, for beyond the dark clouds is joy, ease and grace.

The dawning of a new world of unity and love, where violence no longer exists, is now just beyond the horizon. Take care of each other in times of need. Extend your love and comfort to those who have not had the opportunity to learn what you already know.

Become the pillars of peace for all those in fear, so that they can lean on you for comfort. As others lean on you, we invite you to lean on us for your strength and support. In the days to come, we will be close to you, extending much love and assistance.


Shared per request via email



Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self

Posted on March 31, 2023


Matters upon Earth are quickly moving to a conclusion but it would appear that it will be a forced situation and not by choice, and that is understandable in view of the events that are taking place.

There is a degree of uncertainty as to what path to take to avoid a situation that might lead to an all-out war. Several issues are involved and any one could spark off a global war and we say this with no desire to frighten you, but the facts must be faced. We for our part stand aside with no desire to interfere, but can spread ideas around that could lead to a more desirable outcome.

Whatever the outcome we will be closely watching events and doing our best to influence those involved to bring about peaceful solutions. However, sometimes matters must be left to allow things to follow their own path. Whatever way events work out our presence will ensure matters do not get out of hand. Indeed we will control the energies so that the outcome is following a direction that can be used to change the outcome to a more acceptable conclusion.

So much karma is being worked out and many souls on Earth at this time are creating opportunities that will advance matters for a much better outcome. There is always hope regardless of the attempts of the dark Ones to keep people down, and deny them their rightful place in the Light. The battle is indeed between the dark and the Light whatever shape or form it takes. At present the Earth is in turmoil and it is surely difficult to see which direction it is going in. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel and it will grow stronger as the dark Ones are prevented from succeeding with their plan to imprison the people of Earth.

Those of you who are working for the Light are to be commended for your determination to ensure that the dark Ones will not succeed in their attempts to embroil the whole Earth in a pointless war that has already resulted in the deaths of so many souls. When will Man ever learn that violence gets you nowhere at all, and only sets back your evolution by many years. However, since the end of the Age gets closer and closer if must be apparent that it will bring about major changes that will leave the old behind that has no place in the higher vibrations.

You have been working towards the New Age for a long time and given every chance to rise up and even now you could do so. Clearly all souls upon the Earth at this time are benefitting from their experiences in spite of the problems caused by the dark Ones. It must seem very difficult to make sense of what is taking place, but be assured that there is a plan that will lead to a victory for the Light. It was foreseen and anticipated eons of time ago and it will give much joy and happiness to those who will have earned their victory.

Most Humans are very resilient and once they have a target in their sight they are usually single minded in their intention to succeed. Most of you are very experienced in facing challenges and have every faith in your ability to overcome whatever problems you meet. It is why we cheer you on knowing that you have faith in yourselves. You have little idea of your past adventures but do at times experience a certain feeling that you have led many lives. They have given you the faith you have in your own ability to tackle any problems that confront you, and indeed with your experience you can.

What surprises await you when you ascend as you will find it far more exciting than you imagined and enjoy the peaceful feeling, after living a lot of your life fearing events taking place around you. You are blessed to be a masterly at all things and a whole vista of opportunity will open up before you. Life on Earth is in no way like the one that you are soon to enjoy, and it will be far beyond your expectations. Perhaps you would find meeting “old” friends again very exciting, and especially family members who you have fond memories for from your own experiences.

Bear in mind that little of what you have become familiar with over your many lives will serve you much longer and gradually slip into the background. The lessons you came to learn have done their work, and you will carry the benefits with you into the higher dimensions that you are entering. Be assured nothing of value is left behind that can help serve your needs although you never stop learning. Your progress is carefully planned so that it is appropriate for your continued advancement.

Your power of thought is continually growing and some of you will have already experienced unusual occurrences in this connection. For example it is the premonition that someone is about to contact and it could be by telephone, in general it is having a premonition of something you feel is about to happen.

On a wider scale it could be a world event such as an earthquake, or major happening that you had no knowledge of beforehand. These are minor events to what you could eventually experience. You surely must realise that you are in reality a very powerful Being and for the purpose of each incarnation you only carry those experiences that serve a purpose for that lifetime.

Keep an open mind so that you do not miss out where information may help you in your quest for knowledge. Try to avoid obstructive and misleading information because the dark Ones are forever trying to mislead you. Obviously your Guides will have a hand in linking you with the right contacts so that you can continue evolving

In a useful manner. There is too much negative news placed upon you through newspapers and T.V. and you could be forgiven for being misled by them. If something doesn’t seem right it is possibly correct and you are best advised to set it aside until you can be sure about it.

The most exciting experiences in the future for most people will be to meet those Dear Ones who have dropped their vibrations to help you evolve, and have followed your spiritual growth for a very long time. They serve you as they also have been served and know exactly what will help you succeed in your efforts to rise up. This type of response is typical of the help that is given you. You have so much to look forward to and it is why we give you every encouragement to stay firmly on the path given you that will help your continual progress.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey
Please note my new Email address: 

NOTE: [For more on life after death, see New Maps of Heaven at]

Everyone is Trying to Get Their Needs Met

Everyone is Trying to Get Their Needs Met

Tunia via channel A. S.

Posted on March 31, 2024



Anecdote from the channeler: sometimes I’m anxious about something, even though it’s likely that in five year’s time I won’t even remember whether I failed or succeeded at that thing. So in other words, sometimes I’m anxious about something that in the long run will not really matter. In such a case, if I ask a Pleiadian friend if I’ll succeed, she will often say: “my dear, you are safe whether you succeed or not.”

On to Tunia’s message.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

The situation on Earth is a bit hard for me to wrap my head around, and pretty horrifying. But to me, what seems to be going on is the following:

Pretty much everyone has several unmet needs.

This can be the physical need of having enough to eat, or the need of being free from physical or psychological pain. Or it can be the need to feel safe and financially secure, or the need to feel connected and heard and seen and understood, or the need of being surrounded by a like-minded and safe community. Or it can be the need to feel that your lives matter and your pain is worth it, or the need to feel that you are a good person and that you are making a difference and contributing enough, et cetera.

Even people who think they don’t have unmet needs, probably have the unmet need of being fully seen and understood on a very deep level. Or they have the unmet need of having a subconscious free of fear and of old pain. Or they have the unmet need of having high-conscious, emotionally safe, spiritually advanced people around them. Or they have the unmet need of having an emotionally safe, deeply satisfying relationship with an amazing partner.

As we sometimes remark to the channeler: if you can’t teleport yet, you’re not fully empty yet. And while that’s more of a quip than a reliable criterion of judging someone’s level of consciousness, there is some truth to it. A person who is actually clear and empty and has their needs met would radiate love and have several so-called supernatural abilities. Such a person would automatically appear to be a spiritual master in the eyes of the average person, even if that person hadn’t consciously practiced spirituality.

So: pretty much everyone has unmet needs. And while people can usually cope with one or two unmet needs, most people have had several deep unmet needs for a long time.

To deal with unmet needs, people may start coping. This can be trying to censor everyone with a different viewpoint, or it can be drugs or alcohol or food, or it can just be distractions such as spending very large amounts of time behind a screen. Or it can be a childless woman calling herself a cat mom.

People who have unmet needs can engage in short-termism. You even see this in corporate culture at the moment, where investors demand short-term profits rather than long-term profits, and companies prioritize short-term profits over long-term health.

Or to meet their needs, people can have the desire to make other people suffer as they have suffered. While that is destructive and while I don’t endorse this, there can be an element there of a connection-starved person trying to make other people understand them and emphasize with them.

Or to meet their needs, people can let their ego or their spiritual ego take over, because it’s quite good at superficially meeting some needs in the short term..

Or to meet their needs, people can dive into self-healing, self-help or spirituality. And of course, this is a productive response. If you are receiving this message, it is quite likely that at some point you made the productive choice to go into self-help or spirituality to meet some unmet need of yours, and I would like to congratulate you on your courageous decision. After all, most people deal with their unmet needs in a less productive way. So, great job. Really. I mean it. You have all my respect.

Or to meet their needs, some people may start being selfish and manipulative. It’s not inherent to people to be selfish or manipulative, but if people feel they can’t meet their needs otherwise, they may become selfish and manipulative and engage in under-handed tactics to meet their needs. Which is part of why everyone seems to think that there’s suddenly narcissists everywhere — part of that is people trying to meet their self-esteem and their feel-loved needs in manipulative ways.

Or to meet their psychological needs, people tell themselves a story that probably isn’t fully true, but that is psychologically pleasing to them. In this story they’re usually either better or harder working or more virtuous than other people, or they’re the social justice hero, or they’re the oppressed victim who did nothing wrong and who isn’t to blame for their current not-so-great-life. There is actually a whole lot of this going on, because people are in so much pain.

The stereotypical right-wing flavor of this is illustrated by the following Trump quote: “My whole life really has been a ‘no’ and I fought through it. It has not been easy for me, it has not been easy for me. And you know I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.”

So here you see someone fulfilling their own psychological needs by telling a story that makes them a hero — they had it so tough, but they overcame it because they’re so virtuous or hard-working or something like that. Even though most people don’t have the luxury of getting a loan of a million dollars. Plus Trump didn’t just get a one million dollar loan, he also inherited lots of money.

Similarly there’s also the stereotypical example of the parent who says that his or her generation had it so tough and that they worked so hard, and the younger generation is lazy. In reality, things are very difficult for the younger generation.

Another example is someone who says or implies that they succeeded through hard work and smart choices, and therefore everyone who fails is either lazy or made stupid choices. The attitude here is sometimes: “I am reasonably comfortable. If you are not reasonably comfortable, screw you, I got mine. Furthermore, my reasonable level of success proves that I am a good, hard-working person, and your lack of success proves that you are lazy or made bad choices, and in both cases you deserve to suffer.”

This is psychologically pleasing because the person who says it feels like a virtuous person, and also it stops them from feeling bad that their sisters and brothers are suffering.

Now, personal responsibility is absolutely very important.

At the same time, often such an “I got mine, screw you” person overlooks advantages that the person may have had over other people. For example, they may simply have been born with a higher IQ than average — which actually is a massive advantage. Now, a smart but not genius type of person might not think of themselves as having the advantage of being born with an above-average IQ. However, such a person does often think of the average person as being quite stupid — and part of that is that they were born with a higher IQ than the average person.

Even if you take a person who is average in all respects, well, this person still had a more advantageous birth and youth than half of all people. That’s what being average means. Even if an average person didn’t have any advantages, they may still not have had to deal with disadvantages that other people may struggle with, such as health conditions, being born into an unstable or poor family, being abused, being born with a below-average IQ, prejudice, et cetera.

So while personal responsibility matters, it’s often too simple to say: “I succeeded because I’m a good and hard-working person, if other people fail they’re just lazy or made bad choices.” Yes, some people are lazy and made bad choices, but not everyone who is struggling was lazy or made bad choices.

Some people on the right adopt this “screw you, I got mine” attitude anyway because it’s psychologically pleasing to them.

On the other hand, this attitude can make unsuccessful people feel unsafe and unseen. And thereby it increases the political divide and radicalizes the other side a bit.

That’s an unfortunate result or what happens when a person doesn’t get their needs met and starts coping or trying to get their needs met in other ways. Often, that makes the people around them feel less safe and less seen.

There are also left-wing versions of a person telling themselves a narrative so that they can meet their psychological needs. One such version is: I am a woman or I am black, therefore I am oppressed by those evil men or white people. It is their fault that my life is tough.

Now yes, there are misogynists and racists out there. That is true, and it’s not a bad thing to acknowledge reality.

At the same time, some people on the left go overboard with this and create a narrative about how they’re oppressed victims and how white people or men are evil. And while that may fulfill short-term psychological needs, this victim mentality isn’t actually beneficial for the person in the longer term. Plus it splits society in two.

Also, this creates blindness to cases where there is prejudice or discrimination against men or white people. Pointing out that there are cases of prejudice or discrimination against men or white people disrupts the “I, as a woman or black person, am oppressed” narrative. Therefore anti-male or anti-white prejudice and discrimination is swept under the rug by some left-wingers who… claim to be against prejudice and discrimination.

A somewhat related example is of a person claiming to have trauma or claiming that they were abused, when in reality they just had an unpleasant experience. Some people make stories up or heavily exaggerate things to get sympathy. Although of course, there are also people out there who genuinely are traumatized and genuinely were abused, and if you have trauma or you were abused then it’s completely fine to say that you went through that. And I’m very sorry if you experienced that.

Or a left-wing person might feel that their life is meaningless and has no purpose and that they are one of billions of interchangeable, unremarkable people who won’t be remembered after death.

I’m not saying that a so-called average life is meaningless, but that is what some people feel, deep down. Hence, some people on the left try to address this anxiety by, for example, inventing a new gender for themselves. Perhaps in their mind this makes them no longer yet another interchangeable, unremarkable person.

Another left-wing version of “fulfil my own needs by creating a narrative for myself” is when a left-wing person stands up for a group that is perceived to be oppressed, such as women or black people or trans people.

This can lead to situations where a white left-wing person claims to be fighting for black people, and in the process this white left-wing person censors a black person who speaks out against a left-wing narrative. This illustrates that sometimes it’s not actually about social justice, it’s just about the left-wing person wanting to be a hero in order to meet their own psychological needs.

It is interesting to note that people in the past were primarily concerned about material well-being, and back then the left was mostly interested in helping working-class people financially. And now a lot of people are more concerned with psychological pain, and now the left is helping them with that, by giving people a ready-made narrative where they can either label themselves as the oppressed victim or as the hero who stands up against racism.

This has led to the observation that “the demand for racism has outstripped its supply.” Hence we see nowadays that even being opposed to illegal immigration is called racist — because left-wing people want there to be evil racists that they can heroically defeat, so that the left-winger meets their own psychological needs.

At the same time, of course anti-women sexists and anti-black-people racists really do exist. The left isn’t just all virtue-signalling, or as I prefer to call it, please-love-me signalling. On the left, there is also genuine compassion and a genuine desire to improve society.

Similarly, there genuinely is a hard-work and personal responsibility and freedom-minded ethos on the right. The right isn’t all just people saying “screw you, I got mine, I’m the virtuous hardworking person who deserves success. And if you’re struggling, then I don’t need to feel sorry for you because you deserve it, you’re lazy or you made bad choices.” Although that is a part of the right.

So as you can see, both the left and the right sometimes try to fulfill their own psychological needs by creating narratives that are pleasing to their ego, but often those narratives aren’t fully true. Furthermore, those narratives often make other people feel unsafe and unseen. And people who fully identify with these narratives might seem narcissistic or self-absorbed or callous to people on the other political side.

So, what’s the solution? Well, the solution is for people to get their needs met without having to engage in coping mechanisms and without having to create these kinds of self-justifying narratives. I know that’s easier said than done. Still, you too can be part of the solution just by being kind to other people and by listening to them. That actually matters a great deal, far more than it might seem.

So, is humanity inherently evil, or selfish? No. It’s just that almost everyone on Earth has several unmet needs. When Earth becomes a place where people get their needs met, Earth humans will also start behaving in dramatically better and more productive ways. Almost no one in our society behaves in a destructive way, and we’re humans just as you are.

This also means that yelling at people to stop virtue signalling, or stop being selfish, or whatever, probably will not work.

I love humans — I love the people of Earth. I feel a deep sense of compassion for the people of Earth, for you, because it must be horrible to live with so many unmet needs for so long. I can’t even imagine what that would be like, and my heart goes out to you.

But, yes, at the same time it is useful to understand that a whole lot of people are currently trying to cope with their unmet needs in unproductive ways — which also contributes to the huge political divide. The channeler has been disappointed and dismayed at just how many people are acting in selfish ways.

Also, it can be pretty disturbing to realize that partly because of unmet needs, most people are acting in a sort of unconscious, robotic, survival mechanism way. For the average person, if tv tells them to believe or do a certain thing, that’s what they do. They’re almost like a robot that receives input and generates predictable output. And it’s sad that many humans have been reduced to this.

At the same time, humanity is waking up. And there are also beautiful, amazing, selfless people out there who are doing their own work and helping others.

Waves of light are happening all the time, where one person is kind to someone else, and then that person is kinder to the people in their surroundings as a result, and so the wave of light just cascades outwards. What starts as one kind action can eventually touch most of humanity. Which is heart-warming and inspiring and beautiful to see.

Or one person heals some deep trauma they have, and in response the entire human collective consciousness is touched. People they’ve never even met, people on the other side of the globe may feel inspiration and relief and a nudge to go and do their own work.

You are rising as one race. You are ascending.

I know it’s hard. I know it’s painful. But Earth humans really are going in a positive direction.

And while not guaranteed, it really is likely that this year or the next we will finally be able to physically meet you. And I can’t wait — that will be a celebration and a sharing that will reverberate across the galaxy and across the ages.

You have all my love and respect. You’re doing amazing and you are in my thoughts every single day.

Your star sister,


For Era of Light


These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

There is No Greater Gift than Listening -4 Sharing and Listening

There is No Greater Gift than Listening 

Vol. 4 Sharing and Listening

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 31, 2024

This fourth and last volume in this series looks at what is most valuable to listen to – a share.

A “share,” as it was known in the growth movement, is a deeper self-revelation than ordinary conversation.  It aims at the person being known to others, at a deeper level than like/dislike.

Deep listening invites deep sharing and deep sharing is what unveils the truth that sets us free.

Here then is a chapter on how sharing equalizes us because, whether we’re a prince or a pauper, we feel the same feelings and probably have many of the same thoughts.

Download There is no Greater Gift than Listening V4 Sharing and Listening here:

All Shares Are Born Equal

March 6, 2009

A “share” happens when I tell the truth about myself. That truth may be a felt truth, a believed truth, a known truth, a perceived truth, etc. What one share holds in common with another is its relationship to the truth – my truth.

I use “shares” as the major tool of my emergence. I use my shares to strip off layer after layer of the onion of self-protection until what is left is nothing but transparency.

I retreat from sharing when I feel my survival, or the survival of anything with which I identify, seems at stake. The more I’m into survival, the less I share, unless I break through (i.e., emerge).

Usually when I haven’t shared, the reason is the same: I fear you. I fear what you will do to me. I fear giving you information about myself. I’m protecting myself from you.

A share is not a download of factual information. It is not a scientific assertion. It is not the “truth” about someone else. A share is the truth about me, from me, to you. Your share would be the truth about you, from you, to me.

My share is neither more nor less important than yours. As far as I’m concerned, all shares are born equal. Shares are the great equalizer. King or commoner, everyone has a truth to tell. I seldom tire of listening to your truth.

A share is only “verifiable by me.” I’m the expert on what I’m feeling inside this rental unit. You may know my habits, my acts, my opinions, but you’ll probably never know the truth for me.

And even if you think you do, whether or not that is actually the truth for me is something only I can say. Even if I lie, I remain the last word on what the truth really is for me.

Where I’m at with my life is where I’m at. It is neither better nor worse than where you’re at with yours. All of us go through the same steps from God to God. Some of us were released as sparks earlier than others. But all travel the same general road to the same specific Destination.

If I’m in Seattle and you’re in Chicago, if my time zone is Pacific Standard and yours is whatever it is, what difference? The same with shares.

Something shared is past. Release comes only from the next share. The value that I receive from sharing is not something I can put in a piggy bank. Yesterday’s share is gone.

Everything now rests on the share of this moment.

I know when I’ve shared the truth because I feel release. The truth has set me free. I know when I haven’t shared the truth because I feel stress. Moving away from the truth has further bound me.

My share, to be of any value, does not rip your face off. Since a share is about myself, staying with myself is one sure way to see that harmlessness prevails. Sharing maximizes harmlessness. If my sharing harms, there is no value to it.

Sharing takes me away from blame-based communication by centering my attention on me. I hear your share. I acknowledge it and mirror it back to you. Then I respond with how it is for me.

After a while, I no longer mind your business. The increasing release I feel from sharing captures my attention.

Hopefully you will no longer mind my business too, but the bigger gain is simply for me to keep on sharing no matter what you do.

Shares have their time and place. The traffic cop and the bus driver may not want to share with me. Air traffic controllers do not share with each other. I wouldn’t want a medic to collapse in tears at the sight of suffering, sharing how it is for him or her.

The President may, on occasion, not want to be transparent for the good of the nation. Not all the world’s business can be conducted through sharing, although an increase in sharing probably wouldn’t hurt.

Emergence is the name of the game for me. Your emergence is what I’m here for (mine too). I am a space to receive your share and in which the truth of mine arises.

Download There is no Greater Gift than Listening V4 Sharing and Listening here:

Steve Beckow


The Resurrection of Yeshua

The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ)

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 31, 2024

The Resurrection of Yeshua - Jesus Christ - Thymus - channeled by daniel scranton

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here now to speak to you about resurrection and what it means. It can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die every night, but you do leave your body, and remain corded, or attached, to your body while you’re on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back into your body because you’re still connected to it. But a resurrection doesn’t mean a severing of that cord that connects your soul’s consciousness to your body consciousness and then coming back into that same body.

A resurrection is a transformation, and transformation is what Yeshua was and is all about. Yeshua is here amongst us, in case you were wondering. He is part of this collective and a very beautiful example of what is possible for all of you there in your human physical bodies. You don’t need to die to be reborn. You don’t need to experience a trauma to grow spiritually either. You simply need to remember who you really are and to access that energy, to allow that energy to flow to you and through you, to inhabit a different kind of body, a light body.

And so, when we talk about ascension, we are talking about resurrection and transformation, and that is what Yeshua wanted for himself in that famous lifetime and for all of you. Yeshua wanted other humans to follow in his footsteps, but without the martyrdom, without the crucifixion. Now, he had completed his teachings and completed his mission, and every life that ends ends because the purpose for that life has ended. And so, he chose to check out in a very dramatic way that would lend to all of the speculation of who he really was and is. 

He wanted people to see that there is no death, that the consciousness cannot be destroyed, and you cannot destroy an idea either. His teachings still live on, and they live on because of their profundity and because he chose a dramatic end to his ministry. Now, ultimately the resurrection proved that the body is not the only house for the consciousness. There are other bodies. There are lighter bodies, and you all now are transforming yourselves into lighter-bodied beings so that you can have eternal life. Eternal life is something that Yeshua’s modern day followers believe in, and you all who are awake also believe in the eternal nature of the soul. 

Now, as your soul, you can inhabit any body you want to, and you are choosing lighter and lighter bodies as you go to represent the evolution of your soul, the evolution of your consciousness, and the direction of your focus, as you focus yourselves into higher and higher states of being, higher and higher vibrations, and you allow yourselves to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves, your resurrected, ascended selves. Remember that you resurrect ever morning when you wake up into your body and you get to decide who you are going to be on that particular day, what that lifetime of those sixteen or so hours is going to be about. 

And you will continue to be giving yourselves that choice for all of eternity, and that is something to be happy about. That is something to feel joyous about because there is no end to our experience, and there is no end to what we can explore and discover about ourselves as Source Energy Beings.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton 

Be Honest

Be Honest

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley 

Posted on March 31, 2024
Another gentle reminder from The Universe; be honest! Even though your society has deemed dishonesty (and even been accepting it on certain levels) as okay, this is about to change. 
The further along into the shift your world goes, the more transparent things will become. 

This is a necessary step your entire Earth plane must take! Soon, honesty and integrity will be the only way to function. 
Allowing yourself to embrace and understand this on all levels now will help move you on your journey to being whole and happy. 

Once dishonesty is released, new space you never knew existed will open in your being to be filled with the Unconditional Love of The Universe.

The Creator

The Metaphysical Secrets of Jesus

The Metaphysical Secrets of Jesus

by Owen Waters

Posted on March 31, 2024


Easter Sunday is the busiest day of the year for Jesus. It was no idle promise when he said, "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." According to a survey published by Forbes magazine, more than half the population of the United States will go to church on Easter Sunday. So, how does he manage to be there for all those people?

Imagine, endless groups of people gathering to remember him all across one time zone, then another, then another. How does he become present among thousands of groups all at once? This is where modern-day metaphysics comes up with answers that were never before understood.

Each one of us has a path of spiritual evolution laid out before us. As human beings in a physical world, we run around in circles searching for life's purpose in a seemingly endless quest. Finally, one day we discover the exit from that endless loop of searching by raising our sights.

The doorway to life's purpose in this world is through heart-centered consciousness. By opening the heart as well as the mind, we discover a greater vista of awareness. As we experience this heart-centered view of the world with more and more familiarity, we become, not just heartfelt, but heart-powered. The initial learning phase of heart-centered consciousness morphs into the next phase of mastery and we become empowered in ways that can change the world for the better. At this point, we have stepped firmly upon the ladder of spiritual evolution.

What are the next steps in spiritual growth?

Every stage of spiritual evolution produces an expansion of consciousness. Your field of consciousness grows as your awareness rises in frequency. The physical world currently exists in a dense, highly compressed version of Creator consciousness known as third density. While third-density awareness leads to mastery of the faculty of reason, it has its own limitations, ones which can only be released by taking the next step up the ladder of conscious evolution. The next step is fourth-density experience, which culminates in the mastery of heart-powered consciousness.

Beyond that lies the realm of the soul, a fifth-density nonphysical world of higher mental joy and creativity. Free from the limitations of both time and space, the soul can weave intricate patterns of learning and experience in a state of, what is to us, an enormously expanded field of consciousness.

Beyond the fifth-density realm of soul-based creativity lies an even more expanded level of consciousness called the angelic realms. Angels base their presence in sixth density while projecting parts of their consciousness down into the physical realm to be of service to those in need. Eventually, an angel evolves into an even larger field of consciousness called an archangel or, to use a more descriptive term, a global spirit.

A global spirit is so-called because its field of consciousness has global reach. Its awareness encompasses the entire planet, reaching down through the soul, spirit and physical realms, always seeking to respond to those in need of encouragement, healing and support.

The next stage of evolution above that of global spirits is an entirely different stage of existence. While archangels or global spirits retain their relationship with the human stages of existence, seventh density is the start of the cosmic levels of evolution. When a global spirit is ready to move on into seventh density, they become part of the small collection of beings who form the soul or logos of a planet. In advanced metaphysical literature, these have been referred to as Lords of the Flame of the logos of the planet.

So, how does Jesus fit into this grand scheme of spiritual evolution? First of all, he cannot function as he does if he becomes part of a planet, a sun, or a galaxy. He has to function in the most accessible level for helping humans, and that is the upper sixth density level of global spirits.

And that is how Jesus does it. His awareness encompasses the entire planet, reaching down through the soul, spirit and physical realms, always seeking to respond with help for those in need of encouragement, healing, and support.

Will Jesus always function at this level? No, thousands of years from now when the people of Planet Earth have grown spiritually enough to no longer need this personal service, he will take that next step in the ladder of spiritual evolution. I was once informed by an impeccable angelic source that he will then become a part of the logos of this wonderful planet and, yet again, act as a leading light beckoning us on to eventually follow in his sacred footsteps.

P.S. You can discover a collection of further metaphysical insights in Owen Waters' recent book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life. The deepest metaphysical truths turn out to be the simplest once you understand the basic principles!

Owen Waters


12 Warning Signs You Are Begging for Love


The Need to Acknowledge Yourself

The Need to Acknowledge Yourself

Archangel Gabriel

and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on March 31, 2024 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us to give ourselves acknowledgement for how much we have grown in life.

Acknowledge yourself for how far you have come instead of how far you think you have to go

I loved receiving this message from Archangel Gabriel in the early 1990's. It demonstrated a bit of angelic humor. The operative word that struck me most deeply was how far you think you have to go.

At that time I was in a fast-moving portion of my life, growing personally and spiritually as quickly as possible, while starting a new business working with the Angels. Being in the business world was completely overwhelming for me, but I was convinced I could create work that was based in spiritual principles and stay in that focus while my business grew.

My mission for my business was to create Peace on Earth one person at a time. This was before it became a popular phrase. My focus, of course, created a spiritual incubator that kept the learning experiences coming fast, deep and strong. When one goal was met, I was on to the next one without a breath in-between.

This message was meant to draw me back into present-time awareness; especially to get out of my head and remain in my heart so I could truly notice that I was encountering milestone events practically daily. These situations needed to be acknowledged, and my inner spirit had to be validated for this powerful time of awakening in my life.

I notice that my intentions remain unchanged in many ways decades later; the same principles and dedication still apply. The old form of my business disintegrated so that it could morph into a new form for this day and age. What is different is that all of humanity is having this experience of spiritual incubation.

If you are reading this article, I know you are doing your best to live your life in alignment with spiritual principles. We have gotten the memo that to feel happy and fulfilled, our lives in the world are meant to align with our spirit. We are diligently discovering what it means to live in the world but not of the world. We are doing our best to bring as much Divine Light into our lives as we can handle moment to moment. We want to be focused on becoming more conscious and spiritualizing our lives so that we can take advantage of the magical qualities available in this new dimensional time.

So in this message your soul, in conjunction with Archangel Gabriel, is saying:

We know you are busy and have a lot going on in your life. We love you and see how hard you are working on yourself. And we would just like to encourage you to slow down enough to acknowledge yourself for how far you have come in this life before you go on to the next thing.

For just a moment stop and breathe in how truly wonderful it is that you are focused on raising your consciousness. Remember how important that is to the world. Do your best to actually feel the steps you have taken and how you have evolved on an inner level even though it may seem as though your life is not any different. You are being honored by the realms of Angels for your dedication to the awakening of consciousness on the planet.
Divine Presence,
With every breath I take may I slow down enough to allow myself a greater perspective. In that way I can see how my soul is expanding along with the growth in my every day life.

Help me to acknowledge that my intention is for bringing my soul’s gifts into the world and manifesting my dreams in amazing ways. If I do not notice this, help me to remember that Divine Timing is in process. May I have the support to keep my intentions clear and focused, with patience, and allow them to manifest at the perfect right timing for my highest good.

I ask to remember that I deserve to receive all the goodness that is available for me because that is the gift to all humanity from God. I allow myself to receive from the deep wellspring of the Divine more than ever before. Deep within may I know that I am being guided by a Love that never ends and all is truly well. And so it is..

Shanta Gabriel
March 31, 2024