Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Conservative? No. Reformer? Of Necessity. Centrist? At Heart

Conservative? No. Reformer? Of Necessity. Centrist? At Heart

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 17, 2025

Credit: Linked In

I’m chuckling to myself because I’m watching the impact on myself of being twice mis-labeled.

I was compiling my update Friday night and came across this sentence:

“MSNBC launched in 1996 as a venture between NBC News and Microsoft. It had a heavy emphasis on the then-emerging internet, but its primetime eventually evolved into a progressive alternative to right-leaning Fox News.” (1)

This mis-characterizes my politics in two ways.

First of all, my politics of action is reform. I’m not completely a reformist but in wartime I am, of necessity.

I’ve said a few times that this is not a battle between left and right, liberal and conservative, or even Democrat and Republican.

This is a battle between those who cherish peace, love, and truth and those who seek word domination and are prepared to kill off a sizeable number of the population to get it.

They say they worship Satan. Satanists have been shown to control many of our governments. In my opinion, Satanism is evil and what Satanists do is evil.  If I were to list what they do, you’d probably vomit. And you wouldn’t be able to unknow it.

Draining the swamp means removing them from public office. Again in my opinion, whatever comes after that needs to be thought out more carefully than our current choice of mass executions. (2)

Draining the swamp for me is reform. Many reformists used to be in the Democratic Party, before that was taken over by the deep state.

So, apparently, has the Republican Party been taken over, but it’s the party that Donald Trump has chosen. That’s the only reason, I think, that the reformers have joined it.


Remember the name of the act that changes everything: The Global/National Economic and Security Reformation Act. (3) Reformation is the object.

When you call me a “conservative,” you mis-characterize me.  And I watch myself take on my fantasy of what a conservative is like, accepting your nomenclature … until I call myself to a halt and remind myself that I’m not looking back to the past. I’m wanting to clear the way for the future to manifest.

That future will be nothing like our past. It’ll see us as a planet expand in consciousness until we find ourselves in another dimension of existence, of consciousness, and certainly of love.  (4)

In what way is it conservative to fully open to such a vision?

So I’m drawing attention to this to show how a movement for reform, in this case, can be either misunderstood or else purposely miscast to achieve an ulterior purpose for the one speaking.

Never mind my gender. Political action is more important right now.


But if we were not in a war, if our social environment was not toxic, by deep-state design, if we were at peace and simply talking about government administration and the everyday situations that arise, then I’d say I’m a centrist by heart-leaning.

By “centrist,” I mean that I begin by acknowledging the importance in all of life – and especially in politics – of love. And that’s to be found in the center, in the balance point, in the heart. I know it is, by personal experience. (5) And for me that’s a far more certain indicator, greater motivator, and surer foundation for political choices than any other that I’m aware of.

But I have to put that aside in a time of war and choose a more active role. Given that I need to choose between restoring the status quo of the past (conservative) and ushering in a new future (reformist), I choose reformist in this situation. After that, I’m a centrist again.

Political naming won’t be changed. But I can free myself from someone else’s inaccurate characterization of my politics.


(1)  In Ted Johnson, “MSNBC Will Retain Its Name After Comcast Spinoff,” Deadline, Jan. 14, 2025, at https://deadline.com/2025/01/msnbc-name-comcast-spinoff-1236256381/.

(2) But our future needs to be free of executions. See Stop the Executions at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Stop-the-Executions-7.pdf

(3) See What’s Next?
 Vol. 5: G/NESARA at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Whats-Next-5-2.pdf

(4) See:

(5) See “Submerged in Love” in An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-V1-R4.pdf

Steve Beckow

It's Time ✨

It's Time ✨

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted January 21, 2025

Hello! The new year has officially launched. :)

How has it been for you so far?

I have spent the first few weeks integrating all the events of last year, engaging in deeper lessons in listening and surrender, and opening to the new light codes and energies that are now available. I am entering into this new chapter stronger and more connected to the light than ever before, and I am grateful. ✨

Although it will express itself in different ways, this is true for everyone. There is so much more available to us now that we have entered 2025. It’s time to harness the energies, and through your focused attention, actively call in your dreams.

A dear member of my soul tribe has taken this on wholeheartedly. He has packed up all his belongings, given up his home, and is planning to spend the next six months traveling and pursuing his heart’s deepest desire: writing. It is a courageous act, indeed, and although it is hard to see him go, I can only respect and honor his following the call of his soul.

The other day, I sat down to write a card of farewell and encouragement for his journey. Spirit came through immediately, instead, with a message of their own. It was a call to action, a fervent appeal to him to confront without fear all those parts of himself that are in need of healing now, so he may open into love and in greater service to the whole.

I wrote of opening to love here, a few months ago, and I thank all of you who responded. Your heartfelt messages about what you were ready to let go of were received and instantly released. And, the call for engaged action continues…

So much light and magic and possibility became available to us with the advent of the new year. It remains a priority to ensure that we are open to doing the emotional work necessary to prepare for the riches that are about to unfold.

Below I would like to share excerpts from the letter Spirit wrote to my friend. If it resonates for you, please read this as if it was written for you.

Dear One,

Over the weekend, Spirit told me to tell you, “Do the work.”

Do the work of writing, yes, but even more so, do the deep inner work that has been yearning to be given the time and space and attention to unfold.

You have greatness ahead.

You know this.

It’s in your DNA.

And yet... Yours is the pathway of the heart, and you cannot write what you came here to write with a closed heart.

The Divine Intelligence, The All That Is, invites you to open your heart, right here, right now.

You don’t need to drive across the country to find love. It is abundant now, and your capacity to love has never been greater.

Open your heart.

Release the sense of separation and difference, release all the protective mechanisms that have kept you safe for so many years, and know that it is this quality - the open heart - that will make your writing great.

Do the work.

All of it.

Spirit stepped back, and I added: “You may be tested at times, and I want you to know that I’m here. And that I offer a welcome sanctuary for you at any time.”

I offer this sense of sanctuary to you, reading this now, as well.

You may already have an open heart, you may not yearn to write, but what part of you does need attention? What part remains afraid of your immense light, of fully living into life? Spirit gives me the image now of kneeling down, of being humble in the face of your true essence and what is possible for you, and with the same urgency asks you to acknowledge fearlessly and lovingly what is there, what still needs tending.

As we transition fully into this new year, take this moment to reflect on how you wish to move forward. For many, January has been a month of quiet turning inward, while others took off like little skyrockets, already bright and sparkly and rushing ahead.

As for my soul family member, a few days into the journey, he is delighted, at times ecstatic, a little disoriented, and already touching into the rhythm that will make possible the writing he so deeply desires.

Little does he know what is to come when he says yes. :)

It is time indeed to release all parts, all habitual patterns and ways of being that no longer serve. It's strong work, of course, but it is essential work in these critical times. Rest in the knowing there is more support both earthly and celestial than ever before to see each of us through into the beauty that waits on the other side.

Let’s do the work - all of it - together. :)

Much love to you,


Live In Love

Live In Love

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on January 21, 2025

There will be people who do not understand you and what you stand for. They may find your belief system off-putting and a little odd. 

They may find your faith in The Universe and its rhythms naïve. That is okay, you do not have to explain yourself to anyone. 

You are not required to fit in or go along with any program. Just be who you are! 

The Universe created you the way you are for a reason… to be and live in love.

The Creator

Your Soul has a Message for You

Your Soul has a Message for You

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted January 6, 2025

I come to you on behalf of your soul today. These are the words I just heard for you:

I AM your Higher Self.

I AM your conduit to the Divine.

I AM your dearest love, your closest friend, and your ever-present connection to Infinite Source.

I ask you now to come near.

I ask you now, through these words, to allow the frequencies within them to awaken you to your next highest potential.

There has never been a more critical time in human consciousness than this moment now.

You are part of the awakening, whether or not you are aware of your role.

You are an essential piece of the movement into Divinity, into the movement of bringing Heaven on Earth now.

If you will be so kind, take a soft breath in.

Breathe out and then take another breath. As you breathe in, bring light and air through your body.

Can you feel yourself expanding? Can you feel yourself expanding beyond the limits of your ordinary consciousness? Are you ready to let the light of your soul guide you now?

Breathe in again. Allow your awareness to reach up about 8 inches above your head. This is the site of your Soul Star chakra. This is your access point to higher consciousness.

Bring your awareness to the Soul Star chakra and breathe in again. Ask your Higher Self to move from the heart of the Universe into the Soul Star chakra and then down into the top of your head.

Let this beautiful, divinely inspired energy illuminate your mind, and then move down through your body.

Feel yourself expanding, opening, and saying yes to more. Breathe in again, let this air and light move through your body, and feel yourself as powerful and expansive as you have ever felt.

Know that this is your true nature.

And with this beautiful spark of light, we ask you to become your Higher Self.

Let your body become accustomed to holding these frequencies all the time, right here, right now.

Breathe in again and let the energy move into every cell of your body. This is your true self. Become your Higher Self now.

We wish you so much love.

We love you. ❤


Deciding Moments

Deciding Moments

The Beloved (Spirit-Self)

Is The Teacher

Message received by Lytske

Posted on January 21, 2025 


Urantia, March 11, 2008

The Beloved: “There comes no greater realization in a mortal's life when the deep longing from within is answered in kind. This is the first undeniable moment of recognition that there is far more in life than meets the eye. This moment is indelibly etched in the soul of the potential immortal human being and at that moment of experiential acceptance, mortality becomes immortality.

This deciding moment is worth more than all the gold and precious jewels in the world. Indeed, it is the price of the greatest value ever, that feeling of recognition of being a child of God and belonging in truth and fact to God's family and, indeed, growing into and being accepted as a full-fledged member of this family of evolving humankind. Everyone is a member of God's family of ascending children, but not everyone is consciously aware of this fact.

If they were aware, they would not be chasing after worldly fame and recognition but would realize that this precious mind is a Gift from Spirit. It is not to be squandered for selfish interests and idle pursuits. However, humankind, the way they have been and are evolving, have also been given that precious Gift of free will, so they can choose for themselves what they must do, to experience and learn life lessons.

The safety measure lies in the only command from the eternal God, which is to become perfect like Himself. This urge has been laid down as a tiny seed in each thinking human. It devolves upon each human how they will fulfill this command from the Creator God. In reality, you are co-creators with God, and what you make of your life is your gift back to God, prompted by the Guiding Light within. (The Thought Adjuster.)

Life on Earth is not without its struggles, because it depends on how you develop your own inner spiritual life. When you spend more time collecting worldly 'stuff', it follows that you will come up with a near-empty soul in eternal life. There needs to be a balance in all things and due attention must be given to the pursuit of the development of the soul so that there is equal tension, as the material life can be strengthened by an active spiritual life. And so, you will emerge triumphant on your reawakening in the Morontia Resurrection Halls.”

Edited by Linda Abell. 


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.



DNA a Galactic Blueprint and Portal

DNA a Galactic Blueprint and Portal

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on January 21, 2025


We are here, once again embracing you with our deep gratitude as well as our acknowledgment for your courage and willingness to anchor the intense energies that have been bathing humanity. These energetic rapids that you have been navigating are beginning to soften.

The celestial energy waves have been anchored into the matrix of earth. These vibrational seeds have been planted in the consciousness of humanity. Now these seeds of awakening must be nurtured and allowed to come forth. This process will be unique to each individual, the process, however, has begun.

There are those reading these words who are aware and who have welcomed the recalibration and the reset. Even if you are unsure just what that means, your inner knowing and awareness realizes that something profound has happened.

You can begin to nurture your own transformation and recalibration. Imagine that the galactic waves that you experienced triggered latent aspects and abilities held in your very DNA. We have shared that your DNA is a galactic blueprint.

Your DNA is actually a portal, a gateway to access the higher dimensions. You are slowly and gently being invited to realize that you are a cosmic traveler. You are becoming aware that you are not limited the 3rd or 4th dimensions of illusions.

We realize that your experience of the 3rd dimension is very real. If you could, just for a moment, consider the possibility as real that it might be just a hologram or hologame. We know that statement stirs up all your limited beliefs and arguments because from our observation you do experience your reality as real and solid.

So we would like you to consider that the reality in which you are reading our words is just one reality. Now having put that aside in a place that is acceptable, we can invite you to expand your thoughts to the possibility that you are capable of moving to the higher realms of truth and light.

In order to nurture the recalibrations that you have experienced, in order to strengthen the expansion and uncoiling of your very DNA, it is important that you hold the thoughts and feelings of what might be possible.

You have been informed that your very state of mind as well as the emotions that are generated by those thoughts and beliefs affect the way in which the DNA of each and every cell responds. You are powerful in this ability to influence your own personal expansion.

So the galactic energy and gifts you just experienced jump-started your cosmic awakening. Many have called this the Christ consciousness and the Buddha awareness. We could also say it is you becoming aware of your magnificent multidimensional SELF.

We like the example of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, for it is a simple illustration of what humanity, one by one, is experiencing. The caterpillar has no idea that it will be transformed into a SELF that can fly. Be aware, that you cannot talk butterfly language to caterpillar people

You are in the process, the wondrous exciting process of becoming a cosmic being of pure light.

The goal is to understand that you are in a reality which exists in time and space and also to acknowledge that you are free to move between the dimensions beyond time and space. It does not need to be either or.

While you are a willing earth-walker here to contribute to the upliftment of the consciousness of humanity in the realms of cause, you are also an incredible being of divine light here to anchor a new earth, here to transform all the misqualified energy that has held this 3D reality in the illusion of limitations.

Claim your personal power; know that your very DNA has been triggered to allow all your incredible gifts and abilities to come forth. This has taken place at the very atomic, cellular level of your being. The influx of gamma rays began the process of your DNA strands expanding from the double helix to your original multidimensional twelve strands.

We realize that what we are sharing might not be exactly clear to you. However, we want you to know that you are in the most astonishing transformation. There has been a tremendous shift and you will begin to see what you might call miraculous changes occurring in your reality.

It is important that you own this possibility. It is important that you anchor this possibility of truth. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities of being unlimited. What would that look or feel like. Allow yourself to truly imagine awesome and magnificent possibilities.

Stretch beyond what you think is possible in your own personal life and experience as well as the physical world in which you observe. Remember often that you are unlimited; you are awakening to your true essence of divine light.

Start your day by claiming, I am fully embodied, anchored to this planet, I am my divine self in my physical form, always connected to divine source. This is a powerful statement that brings your multidimensional divine consciousness into your physical form.

Continue to ask yourself how could this reality be even better. Begin to envision the very things you would like to see in your news. Remember to not push against the very things you would like to see transformed. Instead, envision true solutions to the issues and the challenges humanity faces.

Remember you are a part of the solution; you are not just an observer or a judge. Claim your personal power and awareness that your opinions, thoughts, feelings either amplify the misqualified action and event or uplift and transform any pattern of violence, prejudice or hatred.

It is a shift that takes place internally within, however once that shift has occurred you begin to offer an attitude, a frequency, a vibration that actually joins other similar vibrations of love and forgiveness in the collective and a different reality becomes.

We invite you to begin to call forth your abilities and gifts that have been activated. Practice sending a mental or telepathic message to a friend. Give yourself a moment to mentally ask and know who is calling before you see the identity. Practice using your imagination many times a day. Allow yourself to see or envision an event unfold in a way that is pleasing to all. Spend a few minutes aligning your actions with your highest thoughts.

Realize that you are connected to the energy field of others, so begin to notice when you are still influenced by another's attitude or emotions. The best and quickest method in dealing with this is to say often to yourself, “All energy that does not belong to me, I send back blessed and transformed. I call my own energy back blessed and transformed and integrate it with grace and ease.”

This is like an energetic hand wash. Because your empathic or clairsentient abilities have been fully activated and are increasing, this is the first line of action that truly transforms and shifts the energy of the other.

Each time you send someone's energy/emotions back blessed and transformed, you are offering them a blessing of grace and you are doing your part in transmuting misqualified energies. Little by little you are sending light packets of awareness to everyone you encounter.

Begin to engage with the quantum field in which you exist in a manner that is pleasing and nurturing to the highest and best for all. Remember you are a creator, so create supportive and life sustaining projections onto this quantum field and this hologame.

Be gentle with yourself allowing these internal shifts, gifts and abilities to softly unfold for you.

This is an exciting time and we celebrate your expansion of awareness into the true starseed crystalline being that you are. We will continue to remind you of your true unlimited nature and all that is possible.

We are ever available as are other beings of light and love in the non-physical realms, Invite us into your awareness, your life and all that is occurring on your planet. Together we will support the true awakening of humanity and ascension into the higher dimensions of love and light. 

"The Team"

How to Talk with St. Germain Using the Violet Flame

How to Talk with Saint Germain Using the Violet Flame

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 21, 2025

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I always welcome your thoughts, your opinions, and your ideas, and you are welcome to offer them to me at any time. If you want to feel more directly in contact with me, then imagine the violet flame around you, and then expand the violet flame out to all corners of this universe of ours, and you know you will be including me in your extended violet flame. The lines of communication are always open, but sometimes you need something like that to convince your minds that it is possible to connect with a being who exists in the nonphysical.

I want you to know that we take your thoughts, your opinions, and your ideas very seriously here in the twelfth dimension. We know that you are all powerful creator beings, and we want to create with all of you a better reality, a better universe. You are the ones who are there on the ground floor. You are the ones who are there having all the challenging experiences of the physical reality. And so we take you all very seriously, and we all want to help.

We also know that you want to help, and when we can sense that, we do send more help your way. And you may find yourself receiving inspired ideas, intuitive hits, and downloads of information on how you can help. Everyone is different, and everyone can help in a different way. It is perfectly fine for you to wait for that inspiration before you take action.

You don’t have to always be taking actions in order to be of service to your fellow humans. The intention that you set is a good place to start. I invite you to recognize yourselves as the masters that you are, because you wouldn’t be there in such a challenging place if you weren’t masters already. I also want you to consider that we are always co-creating together. The co-creating that happens between the physical and the nonphysical goes beyond your wildest imaginings.

Relax and know that so much more is happening than you can sense with your five or even six senses. Know that we are seeking to help you because that is our nature, not because any of you have earned that help or said the right prayer, the right invocation. We are always here for you, and we do consider you to be wise ones indeed. We also know that you have the benefit of experiencing the physical reality on the Earth plane, and we respect you so much for having made that choice. We honor you, and we know that together, we can make this universe a higher vibrational one.

And we can do it deliberately, consciously, and with all of the good intentions that you all have as awakened humans woven into each of the corners of this fabric that is the tapestry of the universe. Take that all into consideration, and speak to any and all of us in the higher realms knowing that we are listening.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.