Saturday, February 22, 2025

Doing This Will Cause Huge Changes in Your Life

Doing This Will Cause Huge Changes in Your Life

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on February 20, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
We are in a state of expansion, just as you all are, and we feel that expansion occurring all the time. We invite you to feel for your expansion even some of the time, because we know how valuable it is for you to recognize, to acknowledge, that you are in fact becoming more. You are never stagnant, stuck or blocked, no matter how it might look to you in your life. It is important for you to tune in every single day, because if you do not, you will feel as though you are stuck, you will feel as though you are stagnant, and you will feel as though you are blocked.

When you tune in to the truth of who you really are, and you feel how much more expanded you are than you were the last time you checked in, then you will realize that it was all worth it. It was worth it to have that health crisis, that rift in your relationship, or that financial difficulty. It was worth it because you grew. And while you don’t always see the results in the physical reality right away, they are coming. The proof that you have expanded can be felt for immediately, but the evidence in the physical might take a while to get there. And that is simply because your physical reality moves more slowly than the energetic one does.

This is why we and others like us are telling you to surrender. When you surrender, you let go of your resistance, and you let go of your attachment to something being other than what it is. And in that surrender you can feel the expansion that you have just gained. Therefore, letting go and surrendering become the most important tools that you have in your toolkit. You can also then begin imagining what you have just created for yourself because of the unwanted experience you just had.

What is the opposite of what you just experienced? You created it, and as soon as you start imagining it, you bring it closer to you. You don’t need to work so hard, and you don’t need to fix everything or everyone who is in your life. You just need to accept that you are on a wild ride, and that wild ride needs those twists and turns and ups and downs in order for all of us to continue expanding and becoming more of that which we truly are. Source is always benefitting from what you are experiencing, and when you remember that you are that Source pretending to be a physical human being, that is also a fast track to receiving what you have just created.

Spend some of your time every day letting go, surrendering, and feeling for your expansion, and you will not be disappointed. You will be elated and awestruck. You will be in a state of bliss, because you will let go of the circumstances of your lives for those moments, and you will actualize more of your true being-ness, and that is what all of this is all about.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 


Patience, and Time

Patience, and Time

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on February 21, 2025

As a child is learning, they will sometimes have a challenging time understanding the world around them.  

During your growth, you may have a challenging time understanding the world beyond what you see on a daily basis.  

Give yourself time and more than a little patience, my love.  

Once you fully grasp your place in The Universe, you will be able to help others begins to see the wonders of your expanded world!

The Creator

Identifying Spiritual Ego

Identifying Spiritual Ego

Hakann trough A. S.

Posted on February 22, 2025


My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

To encourage open-mindedness, I would like to start with an observation.

Likely you believe that the person you were ten years ago had some unresolved issues, had some completely wrong opinions and had a lower level of consciousness than you do now. And most likely you are correct about these things.

You are likely correct that you have grown in the last ten years. Just think of who you were and where you were ten years ago. And it is great that so many of you have grown substantially. I applaud you for that.

Well, similarly, it is highly likely that the person you will be in ten years, will look at the current you as a person who had some unresolved issue, who had some completely wrong opinions and / or who had a lower level of consciousness.

And again, likely this will be correct.

This suggests that most likely the person you are today… may have some unresolved issues, wrong opinions and / or doesn’t have as high a level of consciousness as you will have later in life.

I would invite you to be open-minded to that possibility.

To be clear, that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. The person you are right now is already good enough, is already an amazing person, and is already worthy of love. As you are right now. And also, in the future, you will be even more evolved than you are today.

Even if you perhaps have some unresolved issues, some growth left to do and some wrong opinions… even then you are amazing, you are fully worthy of love and you are good enough. As you are right now.

With that in mind:

I discussed what a spiritual ego is in my previous message “Hakann: Spiritual ego.” To recap, spiritual ego is when a person has an unrealistically high opinion of themselves due to their spirituality.

In today’s message, I would like to invite you to try and observe a few things within yourself. This can help you identify and help dissolve any spiritual ego you might have. Perhaps you don’t have any spiritual ego, or perhaps you do, or perhaps an inner part of you does. If you do have some traces of spiritual ego, that is actually quite normal; many people do, perhaps even most spiritual people do.

1: Observe within yourself if there is a part of you that feels that you have reached the spiritual top and there is no further growth or knowledge to be gained.

You might instantly become aware of such a part. Or you can ask yourself: “is there a part of me that feels that I have reached the spiritual top and there is no further growth or knowledge to be gained?” Any answer that immediately arises in you could be a genuine answer.

If neither of those options work, you can also think back if those sorts of thoughts crossed your mind recently. Or you can keep this in mind in the following days.

It is of course also entirely possible that you genuinely don’t have these thoughts or such a part. That is genuinely true for some people. And in this case, great.

If you notice you do have a part inside yourself, or you have thoughts that you already have reached the spiritual top and there is no further growth to be gained… well, first of all observe it without immediately trying to change it or disagree with it or lecture it or condemn it. Just observe it.

And if you can, give yourself and it some love. Acknowledge how far you’ve come — because yes, you really are amazing already, as you are right now. After all, most people on Earth haven’t woken up, and you have to at least a significant extent.

Looking at yourself honestly and giving yourself kudos and congratulations for what you have accomplished already, is a fine and indeed very beneficial practice. So long as you’re doing this in a realistic way, it will not inflate your ego. In fact giving yourself acknowledgement and congratulations and love for how far you have come already can help dissolve any spiritual ego you might have. And if you have a safe relationship with a loved one, you can also ask them for love and acknowledgement.

You don’t necessarily need to go out and tell strangers what you have done. But just acknowledging what you have accomplished to yourself is healthy. It is healthy to have a realistic self-esteem, viewed through a neutral and not through a hyper-critical lens.

2: Observe within yourself if there is a part of you that judges other people

You can do this in the same way that you did the last question.

If you don’t judge others, great.

If you find that you do, well, again, observe it without immediately judging it. And give yourself love and acknowledgement.

It is entirely possible that at this stage you will not yet be able to fully get rid of judgements. This channeler isn’t able to fully get rid of all his judgments. Sure, he could tell himself that he shouldn’t judge — but that would just push his judgements into his unconscious where it would become part of his shadow. What you resist, persists.

In general, telling yourself that you shouldn’t have bad thoughts or emotions will just make them unconscious, and then you might superficially appear more righteous but in fact that won’t get you any closer to higher levels of spiritual attainment.

Instead, it’s healthy to be conscious of your own judgements, to observe them, and to be wise enough to try and not let it influence your behavior or your words, and to treat others as fairly and lovingly as possible in your words and actions.

In the long term, you can get rid of your judgments by removing so many inner barriers and blockages that you are overflowing with love and bliss, and then judging others will not seem sensible anymore. How do you get there? Observe, breathe deeply and slowly every day, and do your spiritual practice. You can also do Onion healing, as I described in my article “Hakann: Onion healing.”

Or you could learn and embody that Earth humans really are just immortal reincarnating souls having human experiences through their human lower selves, and therefore there’s no need to be judgemental even against people doing harmful things. Sure you may still want to stop those who would harm innocents, but that doesn’t mean that you feel judgemental against evil doers, or feel that you are superior to them.

Still, actually embodying these things (and not just rationally understanding them) will probably take some time still. So for now, just observe. You also don’t need to tell the people who you’re judging that you are in fact judging them.

Yes, you shouldn’t lie, but that doesn’t mean that you need to tell everything to everyone. Just be fair in your words and actions, and if you have some unloving thoughts in your mind then that is something to observe — and by observing it, perhaps repeatedly, you will eventually let it go automatically.

3: Observe within yourself if there is a group of people that you feel hostility towards.

To be clear, it is entirely fine to think that certain political movements or organizations are wrong or are net harmful. That statement is literally true when applied to certain movements or organizations.

However, it becomes excessive if you label every single person within that group as evil, which usually isn’t the case (unless you’re specifically talking about the dark controllers or certain other specific evil organizations). So: not every Democrat, or Republican, is evil and is a net negative influence. Not every man is bad. Not every woman is bad. Not every Jew is bad. Not every immigrant is bad. Et cetera.

Now sure, certain individuals in these groups may very well be bad. Still, it may not be your path to go and fight evil-doers. Even if it is, well, you can disagree with or oppose certain people without actively feeling hostility or emotional anger towards them. Because what value does hostility or emotional anger add? Sure, it may be good to stop certain evil-doers, but you can also do that without hostility or emotional anger. Though again, if you do feel hostility or anger, just observe.

Why is this related to spiritual ego? Well, if you judge an entire group of people as bad, then that is a way to elevate yourself above them, and to label yourself as superior to millions or even billions of people.

It is also useful to note that the media will likely only point to particularly bad people, which can skew your perception. For example, if twenty immigrants are obeying the law and working hard and trying to immigrate, and one immigrant does something outrageous, then the news will only tell you about the one immigrant who did something outrageous. Now you might still feel that illegal immigration is bad, which is a reasonable position to have, but it’s possible to have that position without labeling all immigrants as bad, or having a visceral dislike of them as some people do.

I get that some people are scared, but ultimately, you are an immortal soul who can’t be harmed. On a fundamental level, you are safe no matter what happens.

Similarly, it’s not a noteworthy news story that a decent, loving family man does his best to help and love and provide for his family. But it is a noteworthy story that an evil male CEO did something horrible, or that some crazy man murdered multiple people somewhere. So the latter stories are the only stories about men you’ll see in the media, even though the kind family man is far more common than either an evil CEO man or a murderer.

Similarly, most Jews are simply kind and decent people. Most Jews aren’t CEOs or prime ministers of Israel.

If you feel hostility towards some group, it can help to do a little bit of research about what life is like for an average person in that group. Perhaps go talk in a respectful way to some of them, in real life and online.

And then ask yourself: if you were an average person in that group, how would you want the outside world to treat your group?

4: Next time you encounter new information, observe how you process that information.

Most people simply react emotionally to new information. If the information is emotionally pleasing or beneficial or worldview-confirming, then the new information is assumed to be true. If the information is emotionally unpleasing or non-beneficial or goes against the established worldview, then the new information is assumed to be false.

This sounds cynical, but this is literally how it works for the vast majority of people. Including many people who think they are very fair or rational or scientific or unbiased. And also including many people who think they are very spiritual.

Now yes, it is possible to be so in tune with your intuition or your guidance that it is your intuition or guidance that processes new information. And if you’re there, that’s great. That’s amazing.

However most spiritual people still process information on an emotional level. Sure they might dress that up as saying “oh this information doesn’t resonate”, but that’s often just a rationalization for discarding things that emotionally don’t feel good, whether they’re true or false.

Genuine intuition is rare. Usually when people call something intuition then they’re really just referring to their emotions.

Yes, it’s possible to be so in tune that true things resonate and false things don’t. Some people are at that stage. However, most spiritual people are not.

In fact, most people who say they are very objective or fair or unbiased or intuitive in fact are quite biased and are often led by their emotions. Whereas if a person says that they are biased and they’re merely pretending to be as objective as possible, likely that person is more fair than a person who labels themselves as unbiased.

Note that it is completely fine to say that you simply don’t know whether certain things are true or not. It’s completely fine to not have an opinion, or to not have a strong opinion on a certain topic. And it is completely fine to say that you don’t care enough about a certain topic to spend the time to study it, because after all the true gems and the true treasure lies within. Acquiring knowledge about the outside world is useful to an extent, but ultimately fulfilment and happiness is found by going within.

5: Observe whether you apply different rules to yourself than you apply to other people.

A spiritually egoic person might believe that if they feel the urge to be harsh towards someone, then they should indeed be harsh towards that person, and the harsh words were channeled or divinely guided or it was necessary tough love that was for the person’s highest good.

But if someone else is harsh towards the spiritually egoic person, now suddenly a different set of rules apply. Now suddenly those harsh words are unspiritual and low-consciousness and people should act loving and respectful towards others.

Similarly, a spiritually egoic person might believe that if unpleasant things happen to other people, then that is always for their highest good, or it’s deserved because it’s karma, or it’s beneficial for them because they need to learn some lesson.

But then if an unpleasant thing happens to the spiritual person himself or herself, now suddenly a different set of rules apply. Now suddenly it’s an injustice that shouldn’t have happened, and it only came about because someone else did something wrong and evil.

A spiritual person may claim they believe that everything that happens is always for the person’s highest good. However, this spiritual person probably locks his or her front door at night, thereby proving that he or she does not actually believe that anything that happens to him or her is for his or her highest good.

If you apply different rules to yourself than you apply to other people, then that is a form of spiritual ego. After all, you’re giving yourself a special kind of elevated status above the masses. Even though you’re likely not the most spiritually advanced person on the planet. Most likely you aren’t yet radiating love to the extent that other people comment on it, for example.

Even if you have some kind of psychic ability unlocked… well, that by itself doesn’t make you a spiritual master. Lots of people who still have quite a far way to go on the spiritual path have psychic abilities unlocked. Furthermore, you’re certainly not the only person on the planet with unlocked psychic abilities.

Remember the Dunning-Kruger effect: people who have just started to develop a small amount of skill in an area typically rate themselves as being very good at that thing. This is because they’re not skilled enough yet to see all the things they haven’t mastered yet. Conversely, an actually skilled person will likely be somewhat humble and will be very aware of all the things he doesn’t know yet or doesn’t do optimally yet.

So if you think you are super advanced in the spiritual field and there is little left for you to learn, but you’re not regularly getting compliments from others about how they love your presence and treasure your words, then most likely you are in fact relatively new on the spiritual path. And that is completely fine — everyone was new, once. And even a person who is serious about spirituality, and also quite new, is in a sense ahead of the average person who isn’t interested in spirituality. Still, it is good to realize that the spiritual road can be very long, and that even if you have taken some substantial steps already, that doesn’t necessarily make you a master.

Still, I applaud everyone who is on the spiritual path. And most likely that includes you if you’re tuning in to these messages. So, great job. I applaud you and I respect you.

Even if you’re not yet a spiritual master at this moment — even then you are still an amazing person, because you have started climbing the mountain in a world where most people haven’t. You are already good enough, and you are already fully worthy of love.

Your star brother,

A. S.

These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It's also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 

The Physics of Motivating Yourself

The Physics of Motivating Yourself

By Leo Babauta

Posted on February 22, 2025

Most people have only a hazy idea of how to motivate themselves. Getting ourselves to do something we know we want to do — a big project, exercise, etc. — can be really hard.

But actually, the way motivation works is pretty straightforward physics. We’re talking about things like force and inertia, not quantum mechanics.

Let’s take a look at how motivation works, so we can understand how to put it into effect.

Inertia vs. Energy

The first thing to understand is that there’s always an initial hurdle to overcome when you want to get started (or restarted) with something. If you are starting a new project or habit, there’s Inertia to overcome.

Even if you’re just trying to get started with your focus block for the day, you’ll face Inertia.

It’s important to simply recognize that there’s Inertia when we’re starting, and to recognize that it takes some Energy to overcome that.

If you’re low on Energy for any reason … that makes it harder to overcome the Inertia. Maybe you haven’t gotten good sleep, maybe you’ve been sick or taking care of someone, maybe you’ve been traveling, maybe you have a lot going on at work or in your personal life that’s draining your Energy. Whatever the reason, recognize that the Energy you have to overcome the Initial inertia is lower.

With all of that in mind, lower the bar to getting started — make it super easy. You just need to put your shoes on, you don’t need to run 3 miles. You just need to open your document, you don’t have to write 1000 words.

And find a way to get your Energy up, to overcome the Inertia. Make a promise to someone, do it with others, play some music, move your body, get some inspiration. Then direct the Energy to the smallest possible first step.

Fear vs. Possibility: Opposing Motivating Forces

Sometimes we’re motivated by Fear — the need to do something so we don’t let others down or get punished. But often Fear has a demotivating effect: we don’t want to fail or embarrass ourselves, so we procrastinate.

Fear is inevitable, if we allow ourselves to think of Possibility. Anyting that would be amazing — if I exercise I can get super healthy and fit, if I work on this project it could make a meaningful impact, if I pursue this goal it will change my life. This is Possibility.

We need Possibility to be motivated for the long-term — otherwise, we’re just pushing ourselves to do something we think we should do. That’s not very motivating. What’s the Possibility that lights up your heart?

When we let ourselves feel a big Possibility, we immediately feel an equal amount of Fear. They coexist equally. Most people then shut down the Possiiblity so they don’t have to feel the Fear. But that’s a life unfulfilled.

The way to work with this is to set aside the Fear and let ourselves get present to the Possibility that lights us up. Then to commit ourselves to it, and work with the Fear. Get present to the Fear as well, letting ourselves breathe deeply and soothing our nervous system. Then take the smallest next step.

A Structure & Community as Multipliers

If we have Possibility and Energy, we can mutiply them with two things:

  • Structure: Energy dissipates if we don’t have Structure. Even if we’re able to increase our Energy and Possibility, without strong Structure it just spills out in all directions. We need to direct all of this with Structure — daily focus sessions, weekly planning and accountability sessions, monthly reviews. It can be fairly minimal, but we need to be committed to the Structure.
  • Community: It’s hard to do things on our own. Having some kind of Community to be with you on the journey, to understand you and support you, is a multiplier of Possibility and Energy.

Don’t neglect these two elements if you want to stay motivated over the long term. We can get excited and inspired and be motivated for a day or three. But anything worthwhile will probably take longer, and for that, we need Structure and Community.

Fearless Mastery: What I’ve Created to Help

It can be confusing to find your way through all of these elements of motivation, even if they’re somewhat straightforward. To help, I’ve created Fearless Mastery 2025, my small group coaching and mastermind program.

Here’s how it helps with these elements of motivation:

  1. We create Structure — weekly check-ins, weekly group calls, accountability partners, coaching sessions, a Demo Day each month for your project, and more.
  2. It’s a Community — it’s a small group of fewer than 20 people, all working together for 8 months (starting March 4, 2025) to support each other’s meaningful projects.
  3. Learn to work with Fear — a big part of the program is learning how to regulate your emotions so you can work masterfully with Fear when it shows up (and it will!).
  4. Tactical steps — we help you find the tactical ideas needed to overcome Inertia and get started, every week and every day. That might take coaching along the way, as it’s hard to see on our own where we’re going wrong.

Leo Babauta

Zen Habits

Navigating Transitional Times

Navigating Transitional Times

By Aluna Joy Yaxkin

with the Ascneded Masters and Star elders

Posted on November 20, 2024 

Our future world will operate on the foundation of love, compassion, integrity, accountability, and inclusive unity. This is our destiny, and it is why we came here. The universe loves us and will conspire with us to manifest our visions and intentions fueled by our actions. All we must do is show up and place our energy toward our visions. The universe will see us through this dark and heavy transitional void between what was and will be.

Now that we are really in the deep end, many things are showing up that don’t seem conducive to us creating a harmonious and beautiful life for humanity. We are absolutely clear that this is not the world we signed up for nor the world we have worked so tirelessly to anchor. We must remember that where we are right now is only a transitional state. Also, our physical bodies have struggled as we navigate the turbulent void between what was and what will be. This was expected. Despite the illusion, we are still on track. Keep your sights on the future.

As we traverse this void, our primal physical body’s hard wiring will react with anxiety and fear. These normal reactions can morph and anchor into twisted, limiting belief systems if left unchecked. We can experience a lack of trust in the process. We might feel overwhelmed, have anger or judgements of anything different than our belief system. Biases are based on fear. Fear keeps us from accessing our inner truth. Once temporarily blocked from our inner truth, we often look outside ourselves and digest a lot of energy-draining speculations about our possible future outcomes. Remember, we cannot see anything for what it is until we stop viewing it through the biases of what we want it to be. When we reach outside ourselves for “truth,” we can become rigid, unbending, anxious, and even anchor ourselves in this temporary void because deep underneath, we just want to feel safe and comfortable. This is entirely understandable. We all need comfort and safety. But for us to feel comfortable in this mere illusion of a chaotic void, we try to ground these temporary energies before it is actually time to do so, and this has been only adding stress and anxiety to our lives.

Our knee-jerk, fear-based reactions are quite “normal” for what we are trying to pull off here and were even expected by many Ascended Masters and the Star Elders. They know our physical bodies are programmed with primal survival programs and ancestral lineage memories. Our ancestors have carried us this far. We honor them for giving us the foundation upon which to build a new future. But our ancestors never experienced anything like this before. There’s nobody to show you the way, but you. You are the way.

So here are some guidelines to help ease our current journey.

Please don’t feed your fears because it will swallow up your light. Please do not waste your energy on loss causes and people who do not respect or cannot receive what you offer them. Honor your energy and light and use it in ways that can make a difference.

Be a tree. Know who you are and anchor yourself within yourself like the roots of a tree while bending like a tree does in changing weather. Learn to bend, but do not break.

Keep yourselves connected in your communities and have empathy and compassion for all others, no matter where they are in their journey or their belief systems. A good support system is essential during these times.

Foster BE-ing in “Enlightened Neutrality” by knowing what is transpiring around you in your world but not making a judgment or taking a stand. Remember, all this is going to change very, very quickly. Any place you anchor yourselves is the place that will cause you stress or pain.

Stay calm, heart-centered, and confident in our positive future, but do not spiritually bypass the work that presents itself to you. You want to ground yourself in divine balance, your cosmic orientation point within yourself. Where we place our energy is what we will manifest. What we believe will become our reality. Be a witness to this transition.

Place your energy toward re-schooling your belief systems to be flexible and grounded like a tree and in a constant state of enlightened neutrality. In other words, it means knowing what’s happening but not letting it trigger or affect our balance. If triggered, you cannot access your inner truth or light-that’s it-plain and simple.

It’s essential to remember all that is happening now; all that is out of alignment with the natural laws of the universe will not be sustainable in the future or be a part of our new reality. As we move forward, the universe filters out all the miscreations in our current reality. There is absolutely no need to fight anything going on in the world at the moment. Unless the challenges show up right on your doorstep, it is not your fight. Remember, there are uncountable warriors of light strategically placed throughout our reality who are being called to battles that show up on their doorsteps. Pick your battles wisely and use your energy accordingly. This transformation is not all on your shoulders.

Do not drag with you all that seems wrong with the world now. Let it go. As we traverse this void, we must remember that this is not our destination. It’s important not to get attached, hung up on, angry, or triggered about what’s happening in the world. This is merely a transition that your soul has never experienced before. Sure, this time is scary and painful. This is the nature of transitions. But we are sure you wouldn’t want the previously used alternative: drop the body and start all over once the new cycle has fully landed. You have chosen a different way this time.

To traverse this time and actually land in the reality we want, filled with our heart and soul desires, we cannot feed, thus accelerating the fear and anxiety that rise through the dismantling of the old world. We must hold tight to the vision in our hearts. It’s up to us collectively how we will land in this new world. It will benefit our lives and the countless generations that come after us.

Remembering you are also a physical being on a physical earth is important. Everything you think, feel, and do as you walk upon the Earth affects the Earth and all life upon it. Our energy circulates around the Earth to every corner of the Earth, affecting every bit of life. If we walk with love, compassion, respect, and honor for all life, we anchor this for the entire earth to feel. If we walk with anger, judgment, spiritual ego, etc., these things will circumnavigate the Earth. Our unchecked negative egos will not elevate life; it will devalue life. We must be the counterbalance to the chaos in the world and the calm in the storm.

Lastly, be compassionate with one another, knowing that everyone in the world is doing their best with what they have in each moment. Also, be compassionate to yourselves! You are right where you’re supposed to be, even if it doesn’t feel right. If we could see the bigger picture right now, we would realize how ridiculous it is to judge anybody or yourself for anything. We are all in the same pot of soup now, and no one has made the summit of this process yet. And never, ever forget that you are incredibly valuable to this epic, once-in-lifetime transformation process, just as you are at this very moment.

Huge blessings to all. – Aluna Joy with influences from Ascended Masters and the Star Elders.

Aluna Joy


How to Manifest

How to Manifest

Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson


Posted on February 22, 2025

Greetings beloved beings of love, light and wisdom, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to be in your presence and to embrace you in my love. My love surrounds you always. I am a gentle caring friend, supporting you along your spiritual evolution and growth upon the earth.

I wish to speak of how to manifest; how to manifest the reality you wish to experience, how to manifest health in your physical body, how to manifest situations/experiences, how to manifest people coming into your life and your reality.

It is first important to have a goal – an intention – and let that intention be deeply meaningful to you; something that excites you, something that allows access to fulfillment that brings you joy/bliss, connection with yourself and connection with the Creator.

It is also important, with this intention, to allow yourself to have an open mind. What we mean by this is, although you have a goal that you wish to manifest, it is important to allow that goal to manifest in a magical and miraculous way, and to ensure that all pathways are open to that goal.

Maybe that goal will not look exactly as you imagined, or maybe not be exactly like you imagined. You allow the universe to paint the picture. You give the idea, and you allow the universe to dictate how you get to that idea, and even what that idea may look like, or how it appears/manifests.

When you become rigid in your thought process, this can cause you to feel stuck; as if you cannot manifest your goal, as if it feels impossible.

It is important to hold your goal very lightly, to love it and to believe in it, but also that, if it doesn’t manifest, you will find fulfillment in other ways, and know that fulfillment comes from within your being. The more that you can access and inquire within – to access your own inner fulfillment – the easier it will be for that energy of fulfillment to be projected into your reality.

You can even imagine your goal and the energy of fulfillment, synthesising within your heart space, embraced by love; like a seed that is being planted into the universe, into your being and into your reality, you hold it lightly because you do not wish to damage the seed.

It is often the mind that holds things tightly; it must be like this, it must look like this, it must manifest by this date. This is an example of holding onto your seed too tightly.

There is of course a need for belief and trust in yourself, your own abilities to manifest and your relationship with the Creator and your guides.

It is important to realise that you manifest daily. Everything that you experience in your reality, you have manifested; you have drawn it into your reality for your experience, whether you are happy with it or not. Remember that you are always evolving/shifting/transforming, so what you need changes as well. Something you may have manifested a year or two ago, that fulfilled your need in that moment, may not be as fulfilling in these moments.

It is important to trust in yourself and your natural ability to manifest. It is not that you are learning to manifest, in any way, because you already know; you have a natural ability. What you are achieving is manifesting something that is dear to your heart.

It is important to think of your goal with hope, trust and the knowing that you are supported – emanating that fulfillment energy into your being and your reality.

You can ask yourself, “If this goal manifested in my reality, what would it feel like? How would I feel emotionally, physically? What would I be wearing? What would it taste like? What would it smell like?” You have this energy of the goal which you can cultivate within you and that is more important than any repetition of affirmations or ideas, because when you get that energy into your cells, it naturally is attracted into your reality.

As you are emanating that energy daily, there is also a need to question yourself. “What is holding me back? What is holding me back from manifesting this goal? Why hasn’t it manifested already?”

This is where you examine where you feel stuck – your beliefs especially. You might find that you are fearful of your goal manifesting, or that you’re fearful of change. Or maybe there is one thing that you simply can’t let go of in your reality.

Encourage yourself to explore deeper and deeper what is holding you back; what is stopping you from experiencing your goal right now? You will notice that there are numerous beliefs – all different kinds of beliefs connected to emotions, memories, maybe even past lifetimes. Recognising these clears the way and allows your manifestation to come into fruition.

It is often what is holding us back that stops the manifestation.

Now, how do you release those beliefs?

Simply recognising them helps and then every time they come up, every time you find yourself saying that belief to yourself, just gently rewriting it. You can send love to that belief and that part of your being that’s holding onto that belief. Send love, peace and healing, and you can say, “I’m re-writing that belief now,” and then have a new belief that supports you.

That is the most major key – to acknowledge what’s holding you back – because if you can reach a space where there is nothing…you cannot conceive of any thoughts or beliefs holding you back…then you will find it is easier to manifest; it will come into your reality.

Sometimes things don’t manifest because you are not thinking about them with open perspectives. You have a fixed idea and those ideas sometimes need to shift. The growth of manifesting something is all about shifting your perspectives; actually changing yourself to be attuned with that which you wish to manifest.

It is often your beliefs, your thoughts or wounded energies that stop you experiencing your dreams/desires.

You can call me forth to bring healing to your being – to cleanse the energies that are holding you back causing you to feel stuck – and I will do so. And of course you can add anything else that may serve you.
Please remember that you are a being of manifestation and that it is your natural ability to manifest. It is what you do daily and it’s why you came to the earth.

I love you.

I am Master Kuthumi.

Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa