Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Planet in Transition

A Planet in Transition

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on September 28, 2024
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy).

“Nothing can stop what’s coming.” The thing is that the majority of the people who say that in reality have no idea what’s coming. They only say that with the hope of some political savior coming along and bringing back society to the old normal, and punishing the perpetrators.

Allow us to tell you that it is not what is “coming.” It is what’s unfolding in these very moments, everything that you see is part of a grand shift taking place, where Earth and humanity transcend the Third Dimensional matrix, and enter a new realm of light. Where the Divine “normal” ways are the energies of that reality; peace, harmony, prosperity, and unity.

You are a planet in transition. You are leaving behind a world built on duality, deceit, and self appointed “masters.”

“Nothing can stop what’s coming.” This is true. For what is coming emerges with the will of the Divine Radiant Creator. The upliftment of humanity and Earth into a new realm.

Please understand, in order for you to transcend the old world, and enter the new, you must release the energies of fear, and not seek to hold on to the old which was put in place to enslave and limit you.

No one is going to save the old ways of life, and prevent the system from collapsing. For it was designed with an expiration date, which you are quickly approaching.

Your options are; Let go, embrace the change, uplift into the higher frequencies of light, and join Mother Earth on her next stage of evolution.

The other option is, spend your days with false hope for a life of forty to fifty hours a week of slavery, remain part of the matrix as you sink into further limitation and enslavement.

Love, Divine freedom, and expansion.

Fear, illusory freedom, and limitation.

The choice is yours, always.

We ask that you return to your inner essence, to the purity of love within your Heart Center, and open up to a reality of paradise.

All the light to You!



Staying In The Calm As Emotional Storms Arise

Staying In The Calm As Emotional Storms Arise

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on September 28, 2024

The “Eclipse Season” is reaching its crescendo as October 2nd approaches on next Wednesday, and as the “Solar Eclipse” in the balancing sign of Libra arrives which is in conjunction with the “South Lunar Node” that represents what must be released before moving forward on plans, projects, needs, and desires, can occur which is the work of the “North Node” in Aries.

The “Nodes” are always opposite each other. The “Nodes” are points in the cosmos where our Moon’s orbital path intersects the ecliptic.

The “North Node” is where our Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere, and the “South Node” is where our Moon enters the south ecliptic hemisphere.

In the Vedic/Sidereal system, the “North Node” is called “Rahu”, and the “South Node” is called “Ketu”. In Chinese Astrology, these are known as the “Head” (North Node) and “Tail” (South Node) of “The Dragon”.

Symbolically, Rahu’s symbol is a royal scepter, and its animal is a Black Lion. Ketu’s symbol is a spear, and its animal is a vulture.

At birth, everyone has a particular “North Node” and “South Node” placement; however, all people are influenced by what I refer to as the “Universal North and South Nodes” regardless of their individual birth times.

Yet, there are some signs which at certain times are more prone to various potentially challenging happenings occurring due to the “Universal” nodal axis, and for the particular “Nodes” at this time, these signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—the “Cardinal” points.

Aries conjuncts the “Universal North Node” but opposes the “Universal South Node”. Cancer squares both “Nodes”. Libra conjuncts the “South Node” but opposes the “North Node”. Capricorn squares both “Nodes”.

For those who have their natal charts, they should refer to where (which astrological house) the “Nodes” are transiting, and this will give insight as to what needs releasing and where new starts are possible.

Wherever the “South Node” is, as mentioned above, is where letting go is a requirement so that the “North Node” can manifest. It is necessary, of course, to know what each “house” characterizes. For those who have yet to have their natal charts erected, I recommend that they consult an expert “Astrologer” or “Cosmic Scientist” NOW! Conditions on our planet Earth require knowledge of the COSMIC HOLY BOOK.

Realize that a natal chart analysis is not something that can be done in a few minutes. It takes at least two hours or more to make the novice in “Astrology” or “Cosmic Science” understand even just a few vital points in a general sense as well as in their personal charts. It takes many decades of study for people to be considered as qualified “Astrologers” or “Cosmic Scientists”.

The Tropical/Western system must be studied as well as the Vedic/Sidereal system and the “Hapetseba” (“The Story of the Soul in the Heavens”) of ancient Kemet.

Most people are most familiar with the Tropical/Western system, and it is indeed quite accurate—especially for those persons who were born and raised in the Western world because vibrational levels of consciousness are attuned to it.

The Cardinal signs mentioned above may need to pay more careful attention to events going on around them at work, at home, and in their community. Everyone will need to pay attention to world events.

Considering all of the foregoing, looking at Pluto being at its critical 29th degree in Capricorn which is in square to both the “North Node” and the “South Node”, and considering that the USA has its natal Pluto in Capricorn and is thus experiencing its “Pluto Return”, major drama can be expected (and has already occurred) in all that Capricorn represents and which has been previously mentioned but shall be done so again: corporate structures, businesses, social agencies, politics, educational institutions, the military, and the police.

By the time that Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 20th this year for a 20-year stay, there will already have been chaos, protests, and social upheaval which will affect the entire globe.

Aquarius is the sign that is oriented towards group ideology, rebellion, revolution, and demands for justice. This will be the shout around the world. To obtain an idea of what has yet to occur in the USA, study what was happening in the USA between the years 1776 to 1778. Very similar drama will unfold.

Pluto began its most recent visit in Capricorn in 2008, and then earlier this year, it jumped up into Aquarius to give us an “introduction” before it moved back into Capricorn at its final 26, 27, 28, and now 29th critical degree. It will be 2044 before Pluto packs up and moves on to Pisces.

Along the way, there will be changes on this planet that will be both wonderfully amazing but also horrifically concerning. Powerful solar flares, CMEs, and other cosmic surges will occur as human collective consciousness will seem to activate their needed intensified cleansings and illuminations of the bio-photonic network of planetary and human cellular records. For the various paths that are most known today, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset will be the most important SHABATT in Kaballah and in Judaism.

Today will also be the most important JUMMAH in Islam. Sunday will be the most important CONGREGATIONAL SERVICE or MASS in Christianity.

In Sanatana Dharma, this entire weekend will be the most important prior to next Wednesday’s “Solar Eclipse”. The theme of each spiritual gathering should be RELEASING PAST DISHARMONIES AND MOVING INTO A VITAL COLLECTIVE HUMAN FUTURE.

At home, people can spend time writing down what the truly know they need to release and what has been needing letting go of for a long while on a sheet of paper.

Then they should tear the paper and burn it to symbolically release what has been dealt with for far too long into the annals of history.

Then they should write down what their future needs and desires are and symbolically “mail” it into the DIVINE REALMS by placing it between the covers of the preferred holy book so that it can be periodically taken out and read so as to hold onto the faith that SOURCE is working everything out for our good because SOURCE is UNALTERABLE GOODNESS.

They should also meditate to receive guidance on how to move forward using the free will that has been gifted by SOURCE.

As another reminder, this particular time period has two overlapping portals: the “Lunar Eclipse” and the “Solar Eclipse” represent one portal, but the “Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes” coming between the eclipses is another portal, and each portal—which has also been pointed out in previous discourses—has an approximate six-month play-out.

Together, the eclipses and the equinoxes are extremely potent messages—both for individuals and for the collective.

We have been advised more than once to store-up on food, water, wellness supplements, and spiritual tools so that if there is a need to “shelter-in-place” we will be comfortable and safe.

However, we must also store-up on SOURCE LIGHT that flows to us as we pray and meditate. So, we must all increase our LIGHT QUOTIENT.

Try to remain calm, and thus, out of states of fear and anxiety. Pronounce the “Pranava” (“Cosmic Sound”) mantra of “AUM” whenever necessary.

Mantras are universal. Yes, they have been revealed by SOURCE to ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) in the Sanskrit language.

However, they are SACRED DIVINE SOUNDS for everyone. Wearing a prayer mala onto which “AUM” has been recited on each bead is also very calming, healing, and protective.

Share this article with those whom you feel will appreciate it. There will be those who are critical and scoffing.

However, remember this proverb: “THOSE WHO CAN TEACH, DO SO.

In other words, those who are the most ignorant are critical of those who are intelligent.

A truly righteous person will follow the scriptural advice which states: “STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED” (HOLY BIBLE) as well as the advice of: “THE INK OF THE SCHOLAR IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYR” (HOLY QU’RAN). All truly Divinely-revealed information speaks about the importance of obtaining knowledge.

Dr Schavi M Ali


Stay Tuned… Much More is Coming

Stay Tuned… Much More is Coming

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 28, 2024

stay-tuned-much-more-is-coming-thymus-the-collective-of-ascended-masters-channeled-by-daniel-scranton - channeler of aliens
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here to teach you what we know, to instruct you and share with you our ideas of how you could be living your lives in better alignment with Source, with Oneness and with who you really are. We feel that it is a good place to start right now with this teaching about where you are and why you are there. Those of you who are receiving this message would be classified as awake, and you are on a planet and in a dimension where you might feel out of place. You might be asking yourselves the question of, ‘Why am I here?’

The truth is you are there to help. You are there to bring a higher consciousness to that collective consciousness, and you do that best when you are being yourself. Therefore, even though those of us who are ascended masters lived lifetimes on Earth, that doesn’t mean you are supposed to be just like any of us. You are meant to be you and no one else. And by being you, you offer an energy to the collective, and you help others to feel more comfortable in their skin.

Remember that you would never be somewhere unless it served you and others for you to be there. Therefore, those of you who just want to go home or get out of your bodies need to first accept where you are and when you are. That is the only way that you are ever going to get to where you want to be, and by being yourselves you will help more people to get to the fifth-dimensional plane of existence with you.

Trust us when we say that if you just shifted right now to the fifth dimension, you would feel that you had abandoned billions of people, and you don’t want to have that feeling. Therefore, relax into where you are right now, and be content. Remember that you are receiving inspired ideas and impulses towards various actions all the time. You are there to create Heaven on Earth, and you are there to anchor in those galactic energies that you are so eager to move to.

When you want to change something, anything in your reality, the first step is always acceptance of what is. Remember also that you are already masters, and what you are there mastering right now is how to be there and how to be yourselves. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone at any time, especially not to us, who always look upon you through eyes of non-judgment. 

We also want you to recognize by being in your bodies, by being grounded, you have then the opportunity to feel more ecstasy, more bliss, more joy, more love, more excitement. Therefore, relax into your bodies, be grounded, be present, and be as heart-centered as you can possibly be, and know that instructions and opportunities will follow. We are not just talking about from us or from other channeled entities and collectives. We are talking about your own direct communication that comes to you in a variety of ways from your guides, from your higher selves, and from all of your helpers. Stay tuned, because so much more is coming.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton 

Conquering Fear of the Unknown

Conquering Fear of the Unknown

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on September 28, 2024 


On the path to higher consciousness, we are challenged to conquer fear of the unknown. The essence of the unknown can be known without actually experiencing it. If we can assume that there are different octaves of vibrations beyond our human awareness, we can open our awareness to them by imagining the quality of their energetics and aligning ourselves with them. We get better at this with practice, until we can realize an elevated perspective of life-enhancement, with unconditional acceptance and love in every circumstance. In the face of life-enhancement, fear of the unknown disappears.

Once we can recognize the clues that we have about the nature of our reality, we can understand the necessity of energetic alignment with life-enhancement. One clue is how we truly feel about anything. If we decide, in every situation, to feel only acceptance and love for everyone, including the psychopaths, with practice, we can do it. It carries us into experiences that elicit gratitude and joy in us.

Because our life-force has no fear, we had to create the force of degradation with our imagination and make it self-destructive. Since it is closed off from heart-consciousness, it requires our life-force for its existence, which we give it through our attention and alignment. Since it does not naturally receive the life-force that enlivens all conscious beings, negative energy must be parasitic in order to exist. We can stop feeding it our life-force by paying attention to what we love and desire. These qualities have divine life-force, enhancing our own, and they require our alignment of frequency and polarity in the workings of our imagination and emotions. There’s also a deeper knowing that we can realize beyond language. It becomes part of our wisdom.

By paying attention, as much as we allow ourselves, to our deepest knowing and feeling, when we also imagine being in gratitude in scenarios of every kind, we keep ourselves in alignment with the energy of our heart-consciousness in the depth of our Being. It is the natural energetic octave of creative life, and it is radiant with all the vibratory expressions that we love and can stay in alignment with, if we allow ourselves. The challenge becomes: how much ecstasy can we endure? Can we allow ourselves to be transformed?

We can release the belief in danger and degradation. Its basis is fear of termination, which it imagines to exist in the unknown. When we are aligned with love and joy, there is only life-enhancement. Only we can change our inner alignment, and we are all free to do so at any time. We can do this by intentionally changing our perspective to one of life-enhancement in every potential scenario, in alignment with unconditional acceptance and gratitude. By our vibratory alignment with this energy, we are in a different vibratory spectrum from life-degradation and do not interact with it. It never touches us. We can change the form and the script of our experiences by our own vibratory essence in how we feel about ourselves.

Although our ego-consciousness holds imaginary fear of termination in the unknown after physical death, the entire reality of our empirical world is imaginary, and it is through our imagination that we realize its energetic patterns. Changing our reality becomes possible by directing our attention and imagination to the energetics we love and desire to feel and experience in our heart-consciousness. In experiencing the unknown, we can expand our awareness of the connection with the vibratory spectrum that we want. We have the ability to recognize any vibratory patterns that we choose to align with and make real for ourselves, including life-enhancing energy. By achieving this state of being personally, we elevate human consciousness through our own vibratory radiance.

Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.

Embrace Your Purpose

Embrace Your Purpose

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on September 28, 2024

Your emotional ground may shake, your world may be in the process of turning upside down but, do not let that rattle your faith and or knock down your hope. 

You are a child of The Universe, gifted with the power to heal yourself and spread love to everyone around you. Embrace your purpose and continue moving forward in the best way you know how. 

You are loved, supported, cherished, admired and respected every step of the way.

The Creator

October Crucible

October Crucible

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 28, 2024

In October, space weather will be influenced by the global operation of Co-Creators on a Subtle Plane to bundle up the Earth’s negative energies (see – Great Go, DNI, 20 September 2024). They have not yet disclosed their further actions, so the intrigue remains. In any case, the stelliums’ radiations will also be taken into account to adjust further steps.

Seen only the planetary aspects, then the first decade of the month promises to be relatively stable and positive. In the second decade, the terrestrial biosphere and situation as a whole will begin to change and become tenser, but depending on our energy, it will either complicate our problems or serve as a powerful incentive to continue the transformation of own and the surrounding world. After a short respite between the 20th and 25th, the October crucible will continue its work until the end of the third decade.

In October, the following stelliums’ major aspects would melt, transform and forge the new society and us: Solar Eclipse, New Moon, Venus trine Saturn, Mercury square Mars, Venus trine Mars, Mercury trine Jupiter, Jupiter Retrograde, Pluto Direct, Mercury square Pluto, Sun trine Jupiter, Sun square Mars, Venus opposite Uranus, Venus trine Neptune, Full Moon, Venus sextile Pluto, Mercury trine Saturn, Sun square Pluto, Mars sextile Uranus, Mars trine Neptune, Venus square Saturn, and Mercury opposite Uranus.

Solar Eclipse

October 02, New Moon is one of the most powerful astronomical events of the month, accelerating many changes. The eclipse season will last until the New Moon on November 1 in Scorpio, and all this time we will be in an important, fateful period, when our future depends on the decisions and choices made, forming programs for two decades ahead.

On the one hand, this will encourage the departure of major political figures from the arena and the arrival of new ones. Near the Solar eclipse and until the end of autumn, new high-profile lawsuits and assassination attempts (Sun square Mars) on people from the world of politics and law, art and culture are possible. On the other hand, the Solar eclipse in Libra, due to the harmonious Venus trine to the Red Planet and Saturn, and retrograde Jupiter in Gemini (see below), will support the positive dynamics of events.

In our personal life, the eclipse will also force us to reconsider a lot and consciously face new challenges, the dark sides of our essence, unresolved issues of the past and encourage difficult but necessary decisions. It’s important not to succumb to the fear of change, but on the contrary, to realize that every moment is an opportunity to grow and upgrade.

In addition to the eclipse, the energies of the day are influenced by the descending Southern Lunar Node in Libra, which also turns us to the past. This is a chance to analyze more deeply the lessons that life gave earlier and use them to move forward. Relationships that have been in the shadows for a long time can become relevant again, and old connections can gain the new content and significance. The perfect time to ask selves: what are we ready to let go of, and what are we holding on to despite the global changes? This is the time not just to observe events, but to be active participants in them. Changes are inevitable, and it depends only on us how we will meet them – with willingness or resistance, enter eclipse’s Portal or remain in the 3D.

New Moon

October 02, New Moon in Libra is another opportunity to use the energy of the Night Star for personal growth and transformation. This event will also occur in Libra, which in the highest octave radiate vibrations of balance, harmony and set up good relations with others. This sign is controlled by the energies of Venus, acting on this day in the same positive way, encouraging open communication and mutual understanding.

This is a good period to reassess our ties. Are we the partner we want to be? Aren’t we giving too much time and effort to one and neglecting the other? How to find the golden mean? Honest answers will help getting rid of what no longer serves us, and sow the seeds of the future, which will germinate and bear fruit all month.

It’s worth to keep in mind that the Ascending North Lunar Node in Aries brings the conflict between the ego and Soul, giving and receiving, mental balance and the ability to adapt. In implies to develop the courage to step out of old ties, habits and create the right attitude to self, to do what we think is correct. Concentrate on developing own independence and self-confidence. Deal with conflicts and accept losses in relationships. Beware of inclination to help everyone, even those who didn’t demand it.

The presence of the Black Moon in Libra adds depth to our subconscious processes. It points to hidden motives that can guide our actions, often unnoticeable to consciousness. Lilith’s freqs back either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected. Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given matters, can eventually engulf our ego and take us “away” from reality, to aspirations that cannot be fulfilled. All this will require us to be more attentive and aware of our thoughts and actions.

Venus Trine Saturn

October 04, Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces forms a harmonious aspect that helps to create equal and long-term partnerships in society and a multipolar world, reform diplomacy and State institutions, make important personnel appointments and reshuffles for this purpose. In the countries, where a critical mass of unresolved problems has accumulated, the unresolved issues will manifest with even greater destructive force, accelerating the disintegration of all morally and physically outdated systems and life programs in favor of their progressive renewal.

Similarly, the energies of stellium affect personal life. They help to build stable foundations and maintain friendly relations, maintain a balance between our feelings and responsibilities, and not commit impulsive and thoughtless actions. The high vibes of the trine highlight positive characters’ traites as understanding the needs of the disadvantaged and willingness to help, dedication and friendliness, practicality and intelligence, justice and nobility. Such people can be relied on, and they themselves willingly rely on those, who are similar to them. They don’t set the goals that aren’t achievable and a priori exceed their capabilities. But if they dare to do this, then give their best and achieve success in most impossible projects.

It is strange for them to look at people, who can’t pull self together and do what is objectively necessary, but complaint about the inability to concentrate in the most pressing circumstances, which is typical for low-frequency personalities. Stellium radiation only increases their lack of inner discipline and superficiality, laziness and parasitism. They don’t understand what to want, never get pleasure from what they do, and their desires and actions are in constant imbalance. At the same time, are demanding, capricious and not obligatory. Are afraid to let go of control and react painfully to the appearance of new cases and obligations, which further strains these already tense personalities.

Mercury Square Mars

October 06, Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer is a powerful, dynamic, but dual aspect. Its strong energies act both destructively and creatively, depending on the frequencies of the recipients, are it a country, a community or individuals. If they are highly Spiritual, then quadrature enhances their intellectual abilities and activity, courage and determination, bravery and speed of decision-making, leadership qualities and success in endeavors. They are not afraid to take responsibility and implement the most daring ideas.

The intense stellium’s vibes act oppositely on inharmonious people. They become more aggressive and impulsive, rude and arrogant, vicious and picky, destroying relationships with their environment by conflicts and quarrels. They cannot focus on anything due to inner insecurity and irritability, overcome fears and doubts, and constantly fall into deep stress. At the lowest, animal manifestation, such a man is dangerous to others, but he himself is exposed to the danger at most. The law of karma, which scourges for bringing the evil and disharmony into life, acts swiftly and mercilessly.

Venus Trine Mars

October 08, Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer carries the energy of high vibrations, and as a result, the world receives a powerful channel to supreme spheres, which gives humanity a new impetus for development. Similarly, the aspect works on a personal level, if we are positive and don’t stop working on selves. In this case, stellium’s freqs keep our fire, enhance harmony in feelings and relationships, friendliness and intelligence, good professional qualities and creativity.

Trine has a negative effect on toxic people, redoubling the desire for pleasure, unwillingness to help others and delve into their situations, dislike of work and any difficulties. A person constantly shifts the burden of own problems onto the shoulders of others. For such individuals, this is a dangerous aspect, since they direct the free flow of stellium’s energy to outright evil. A person has an illusion of power, but it’s of a lower octave and attracts the karmic programs into his life, bringing chaos, destruction and death, and turns him into their submissive conduit. A man quickly becomes enslaved to a parasitic egregore, which gives its victim life force, but only for the active maintenance of turmoil, and completely deprives him of strength in all other cases that felt as all-consuming laziness, indifference and apathy coming from nowhere.

Mercury Trine Jupiter

October 08, Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini is called the aspect of likeminded. The giant planet sets a semantic and Spiritual vector of development for society and each of us and aims at widespread changes. The energies of Mercury in the higher register help ideas and meanings come true, apply the experience, gained in years, in progressive projects and collaboration, creativity and volunteering for the benefit of others, actively contributing to their evolution.

During this stellium, the emotional and psychological atmosphere in harmonious teams improves, thanks to the ability to conduct a dialogue, draw attention to own words and point of view. Optimism and good mood, conscientiousness and honesty help to quickly negotiate, find and apply valuable information and successfully solve tasks. Any contacts, connections, acquaintances on this day are easy, as people are more disposed and positive towards each other. This is a creative aspect, in which everything goes well, if applied breadth of thought, logic and intuition.

Otherwise, stellium affects negative people. They are disgusted at work, collective and individual, don’t confident in self and own abilities, skills and knowledge. But have an inflated conceit and a tendency to perceive even friendly criticism as a mortal insult and humiliation. Outwardly, they may not show aggression, remain polite and correct, but harbor anger and hatred for the “offender” for a long time.

Such individuals never realize the ethical consequences of their attitude and thoughts, showing duplicity and dishonesty. They can’t face difficulties, learn new things, strive to gain new experiences, think broadly, and rely on friends and like-minded people, because haven’t them. They don’t aim at distant horizons, not see deep meaning in everything that is happening, and categorically refuse to change selves. Better to stay away from them.

Jupiter Retrograde

October 09, Jupiter begins retrograde loop in Gemini, and backward movement will last till 4 February 2025. During this transition, the giant will continue its powerful impact on our psychological and emotional state, pushing for inner work, and helping see the big picture to realize self creatively. Moving through the volatile aerial sign, which is run by the Mercury’s energies of commune and information, Jupiter promotes deep introspection and understanding of how we interact with others, take and apply new, unusual data and share it with others.

During the retro loop, Jupiter forms harmonizing trines with the Sun in the Libra season (13 October) and in the Aquarius season (30 January 2025), generating strong positive radiations that optimistic people can successfully use in good deeds. It expands the scope of personality, strengthens the desire to find the meaning of life and realize their mission. At the same time, when moving backwards, the energies of the planet weaken, and in the lower octave they turn freedom into coercion, power into violence, wisdom into intellectual snobbery. In negative characters, this manifests as an insatiable thirst for power and pleasure, hypocrisy and boasting, conflicts and suppression of others. We need to be prepared for this and react accordingly.

Pluto Direct

October 12, Pluto resumes a direct move in Capricorn and, on 19 November, enters Aquarius, where will stay till January 2044. While in retro, this planet of transformation and profound change encourages us to look deeper into selves, check, and, ideally, eliminate our negative and self-destructive behavior and attitudes, beliefs and attachments. Get rid of everything toxic and move into a new, expanded Light space. Otherwise, Pluto’s energies in an even harsher form will burn everything that no longer serves us to stimulate our growth.

In the viscous energies of the terrestrial and conservative Capricorn, the low vibe of the planet help the System format the global world, maintain the power of big capital, trans-national corporations, autocracies and rigid social hierarchies, imposed traditions, rules and boundaries. But in parallel, opposite trends are maturing, which will powerfully manifest with the entry of Pluto into Aquarius. The contradictions between past and future, conservatism and progress will sharply worsen. Radical changes with demands for freedom and independence, equality and democracy will begin to break into our lives even more actively. Since these sign is run by the energies of progressive Uranus and formative Saturn, we can successfully accomplish many endeavors, if tune to the highest positive freqs of both.

Mercury Square Pluto

October 13, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn is an extremely stressful aspect. It exacerbates the conflict between the new and the old at the global level, within the System and Power Pyramid, and in our personal life, and especially intensively impacts on and manifests in and through commune, MSM and distribution lines, pushing for a change of ideologies, values and way of thinking.

Many are not ready to adapt to the altering world, experiencing tremendous stress and uncertainty about the future, a deep discrepancy between own views and the rapid changes around them. Fears, phobias, obsessive images have a bad effect on health: with his negativity, a person drives self to a hospital bed. He sees underhand games and intrigues of hidden enemies everywhere. Not only imaginary, but regretfully real, because the aspect’s lowest radiation stimulates the System and its servants to strengthen control and power, manipulate people to save the status quo at any cost, which, in light of what is happening on Earth, works only against them.

For positive people, the high and intense frequencies of stellium help successfully resist this, and continue to grow Spiritually. But they require soberly aligning our needs with capabilities, and using the latter wisely and responsibly. This aspect contributes to the ability to delve deeply and in detail into problems, work with a huge amount of information, maintain high performance and withstand mental overload if we assist others, if they are ready to alter.

Sun Trine Jupiter

October 14, Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini gives harmonious men a sense of uplift and faith in the best, helps to see broad prospects and move forward effectively, despite external obstacles and difficult circumstances, when before our eyes the familiar fabric of the world order is bursting at the seams and falling apart due to many unresolved problems. The systemic political and economic crisis is escalating, and aggravates global affairs, fundamental instability and chaos in strategic plans.

All this requires a radical revision of previous life and habits. The positive energy mix of trine Sun-Jupiter gives us self-confidence, helps to boldly embark on new projects, unlocks our creative potential and improves relationships with people, motivates them and selves. To be open to new ideas and ready to face any challenges, if we are attuned to the frequencies of optimism and Spirituality, justice and nobility, humanity and generosity, kindness and assistance to others.

On weak-willed and low-vibrational personalities, the energies of the aspect act in the opposite way. They reduce activity, increase internal instability and unwillingness to make any changes. Even if a person needs a little effort to improve the situation, he prefers to do nothing and shift everything to others because of strong inertia and laziness. And at the same time, is dissatisfied that nothing good occurs in his life. Instinctively, he rushes in search of pleasures and excesses. Predatory consumption and an insatiable desire for more and more undermine health, as a rule, poor due to low vitality that isn’t visible for a long time. Man continues behave in the same way, not noticing the problems. But on this day, they can descend on him with all accumulated might.

Sun Square Mars

October 14, Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer forms a tense aspect. The Red Planet’s energies of actions, goals and achieving them are pushing for a large-scale reboot of all the most important global and personal processes. The key task is to find a balance between the breakthrough energy of change and the desire to get everything at once (Mars), and the need for a lot of preliminary work, in-depth analysis and elaboration of all issues, related to the reform of old orders, laws and processes (Sun).

In this regard, new conflicts in society between various opposing forces are inevitable, and in personal life can be clashes of opinions, mutual claims, accusations of concealment of facts, revealed past shortcomings, unfulfilled promises and obligations. The energies of stellium make negative people angry and impulsive, rude and overly excitable. Their behavior repels many because of intolerance, demonstrative arrogance and hubris, imperiousness and unpredictability, stubbornness and vindictiveness that syphon out their life power.

But if a person is working on self, the quadrature Sun-Mars gives strength and will to change, ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, make decisions instantly and act successfully in any situation, regardless of dangers. The vibrations of the Red Planet in the water sign help not to make unnecessary movements, and the strong Day Luminary in Libra highlights the importance of bold actions in removing everything ineffective and outdated.

Venus Opposite Uranus

October 14, Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus exposes the most hidden problems of relationships and power, influence and authority, perception and actions, predictability and surprises of governments, high ups, and ordinary people. In the absence of a positive agenda, lack of understanding how to move forward, without reliable support in a period of great uncertainty and global changes, the risk of being crushed by an avalanche of problems increases.

But if a secure foundation is built in public and private life and purposeful development is implemented, then, despite the turbulence, it is possible not only to maintain stability, but also to improve the situation. The stellium’s vibrations force us to make a choice between good and evil, to continue to work on selves, and if we are persistent and don’t give up, then aspect gifts us harmony in our Soul, the ability to take initiative and responsibility for own decisions and deeds.

Otherwise, intense energies turn out the ugliest and most carefully hidden features of negative people. The inability to finish things; the treachery and cowardice, inferiority complex and tantrums out of the blue; the infidelity to spouse and fear of intimacy, insults and mockery of those who sincerely love them. The habit of clowning around and portraying cynics married to work or the stage, flirting with each, but not staying with anyone for long, squandering own and others’ funds without thinking about the future, being in constant panic fear of it.

Venus Trine Neptune

Oct 16, Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces is a harmonious, but contradictory aspect. The general favorable background, created by its energies, simultaneously tests the ability of the authorities and people to correctly assess problems and events. How prone they are to illusions and self-deception about selves and others. All this will be scanned by the vibrations of the Great Illusionist Neptune in Pisces, a sign of great contradictions and uncertainty, unjustified expectations and misconceptions.

Full Moon on the next day will set faith in a better future, if it has a workable foundation. Detachment from reality, erroneous decisions and taking the present state of affairs incorrectly can lead to very severe disappointments and frustration. Inharmonious men are especially susceptible to this. The positive effect of trine acts under sole condition: not only take the gifts of Higher Powers, but also to persistently develop talents given by nature to selflessly help others. It is especially important to be accustomed to regular work, patience and dedication. Only in this case, the radiations of the creative energies of Venus and the Spiritual vibes of Neptune serve as a strong support.

Full Moon

October 17, Full Moon occurs in Aries. The Native American tribes also call it the Hunters Moon, because at this time of year the game is fat and ready to hunt. Other names are the Travel Moon and the Blood Moon. This stellium exacerbates and deepens all unresolved systemic issues related to the fundamental sustainability and vision of the future for each of us, as well as for a single company, State, and institution. And also may turn the situation in a different direction in such a way that the rules of the “Big Game” will have to change dramatically.

In personal life, aspect brings dynamic energy, assertiveness, and a focus on individual desires and actions. It can bring about a surge of motivation, a need for independence, and a drive to take initiative, but forces to act prudently, on the base of sober analysis and common sense. Final decisions should not be made until everything has been checked, weighed and calculated.

During this time, the Moon in Aries is in opposition to Sun in Libra, creating balance (or tension) between self-assertion (Aries’ vibes) and cooperation or relationships (Libra’s freqs). Aries is run by the Red Planet’s energies of action, thrust, and striving. Its influence on that day may amplify courage, confrontation, and the wish to assert own will. On the other hand, Libra is ruled by Venus’ energies of love, harmony, and relationships. It creates a dynamic interplay between our goals and relational harmony, guiding our inner work toward balance between independence and partnership.

Our thoughts produce vibrations throughout the Universes, which makes setting intentions a powerful tool for achieving the desired and well-being. Intentions are like magnets. They attract what will make them come true. Having a clear purpose provides us with insight into our aspirations, dreams, and values. It also helps us live in the present moment instead of being caught in constant thoughts about the past or the future. Those negative patters are what we need to release during Full Moon.

Venus Sextile Pluto

October 17, Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn is globally harmonious in the sense that it further strengthens and radicalizes all previous wrong assessments and erroneous decisions of authorities and people, encouraging them to act decisively, but too risky and even dangerously. During this aspect, spontaneous demonstrations and popular rallies also arise with strict demands to deal with crimes, punish those responsible, remove the government, and immediately begin reforms. Aggression and brutality on the part of both protesters and State law enforcement agencies increase. Thus, the positive energies of stellium exacerbate the accumulated contradictions, encouraging society to change for the better.

Sextile works in a similar way for each of us. If we are toxic, then its radiation highlights our obsession and aggressiveness in expressing feelings and desires. Jealousy and thirst to dominate that causes problems in the relationship. Distrust of people, constant suspicions and doubts about the honesty of partners that leads to a break with them. Tendency to manipulate others to get what wanted. Inability to limit self in every pleasure, ending wth own body and Soul destruction.

But if we are harmonious and Spiritual, then the high frequencies of stellium support our growth and deep inner transformation. They give intensity to feelings and positive magnetism to our character. Intuitive understanding of the harmony laws, based on creative principles. Strive to break the trammels of social respectability and help people get rid of toxic emotions and mentality, thereby opening a way out of the most difficult situations.

Mercury Trine Saturn

October 22, Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces is another positive aspect, in which the energy of information and System’s structures interact. The free information flows carry truth and lies, enlighten and suppress, strengthen and destroy individuals, State institutions and entire countries, what we see on the example of the Internet and MSM, hybrid wars in politics and economics. It all depends on our taking and choosing how to behave in this crucible, when the mind, communing and analytical abilities confront strict rules, restrictions and prescripts. In such a situation, people act differently.

In harmonious men, trine supports resiliency and defiance, remain good pro and the ability to get necessary info, be organized and taut, and strive for knowledge and continuous development even in the most hostile conditions. Such a person shows responsibility and takes his life tasks seriously. He is able to set goals and take the needed steps to achieve them, is distinguished by hard work and thoroughness in all affairs. This aspect of unseals our potential, creating a favorable foundation for success. Of course, this doesn’t guarantee a result. Fulfilling potential requires perseverance and constant efforts, even when there is no external support.

Low-vibrational personality, weak-willed in decision-making and passive in action, the System easily bends, enhancing his contemplativeness and self-adoration. Man loses the ability to soberly evaluate and structure the data received and poorly organizes work process, irresponsible and superficial. He becomes a slave to self-censorship, communicates with caution, scares of everything, obediently follows the norms and rules, accepted in society, and eats out of bosses and authorities’ hands. An ideal person to steer and run.

Sun Square Pluto

October 22, Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn collides two power streams. One of the planet, responsible for mass consciousness and the higher laws of the Universe to clean up old non-viable structures, regenerate potentially valuable and transfer it to a new quality (Pluto). Another is energy of cleansing disharmonious decaying structures and situations (Day Luminary).

In the earth sign Capricorn, Pluto is especially strong, which is manifested in its destructive and restrictive properties. At the global level, through bloody wars, violent conflicts related to the conquest and control of territories, through the strengthening of dictatorship, tyranny and terror, crime and violence; through the power of capital and corporate struggle for spheres of influence and resources. On a personal level, if we are negative, then become victims of war, natural disaster, and violence by the State, corporations, regulatory and inspection bodies or an authoritarian personality. Face constant danger to our lives and freedom, a breakdown in affairs and family life.

But in the same stellium, Pluto manifests in its transformative functions, changing financial and economic models and security systems and creating the new ones. It destroys the political and economic structures of entire States that have reached an impasse in their course, and unites people in the struggle for reforms.

In a personal life (Sun), if we are harmonious, then thanks to the vibrations of Pluto, acquire new capacities, fulfilling extremely difficult tasks that require maximum concentration and endurance, willpower and spirit, perseverance and the highest discipline, self-organization and responsibility. Through crises and the dumping of the old, we rise to incredible spiritual and material heights and may impact on huge masses, backed by a source of tremendous energy that helps our evolution.

Mars Sextile Uranus

October 25, Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus is another crucible, in which the energies of aspirations, goals and ways to achieve them (the Red Planet) merge with impulses that accelerate the awakening of humanity’s consciousness, abrupt and unexpected changes, breakthroughs and transition of countries, societies and each of us to the new (Uranus). This melting pot forces to completely change previous views and get rid of outdated and obstructive institutions and orders. Under the influence of stellium, all the situations, formed in the first half of October, will continue to escalate and push for decisive reform.

The circumstances created by the sextile’s energies will test our strength and will to win; presence of internal ramrod, ability to make decisions, and act quickly and independently; readiness to accept new things and defend own and public interests, to mobilize self and withstand heavy physical exertion and overcome tough situations. If we are strong and harmonious, than can make a qualitative leap through a radical restructuring of our lifestyle. If are indifferent and passive, then, as in previous incarnations, will remain in a state of permanent depression and acute conflict with people and entire world, generating even more devastating consequences for selves.

Mars Trine Neptune

October 28, Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces in the highest octave combines the energies of actions and Spiritual aspirations of large masses, which is so important for the transition of Earth and earthlings to 4D and 5D. If society and people remain at a low moral level, then these energies cause chaos and illusions about the world and selves in the collective and individual consciousness.

A person, like the entire environment, as a rule, lives mechanically, unaware of what is doing, feeling and thinking. When his crying wants are supplied, he satisfied, and if not, then becomes hateful, aggressive and irritated. As for outside world, he perceives it only as tool of serving his desires. Everyone around must adapt to it. Who doesn’t belong to his family, nation and thinks differently is a sworn enemy. A complete inability to understand others creates a feeling of deep loneliness, a pathological fear of life.

If we are Spiritual, then our contact with the Universe and compassion for the world and people increases, which manifests as empathy and friendliness. Through us, others are beginning to realize that material values are not the most important in this incarnation, but the higher ideals must be placed before. And the rejection of everything foreign, the humiliation of culture and traditions, nationality and race of other people begins to disappear in society. It’s a good day to tune into it again.

Venus Square Saturn

October 28, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces collides the energies of relationships and System (“prohibit and restrict”, “leave everything as it is”). This mix exacerbates the problem of power, pressure from the State and private large corporations, which act cynically and cruelly, dividing society deeper into two warring camps. But synchronously, in the highest octave, the vibes of stellium form the unity of the population and governments, remove restrictions on rights and freedoms, and facilitate the movement of investments, products and people across borders, initiate new global routes and alliances between countries for broader and mutually beneficial cooperation.

On our personal level, the energies of stellium remind of the lessons that weren’t learned. It provokes conflict between the desire to enjoy material benefits and the need to be Spiritual, responsible and persistent. In harmonious men, the aspect’s high freqs enhance inner force and self-discipline, which helps to overcome obstacles and achieve success. They promote the positive individuality and maintain chorded relationships with other people. But the more negative and weaker the personality, then, under the quadrature’s impact, self-esteem and self-confidence ramp down. Man hasn’t a slightest desire to change anything in own life and relationships, to resist the System and Power Pyramid, experiencing eternal fear of them and hatred for those who dared to be brave and refuse to bend.

Mercury Opposite Uranus

October 30, Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus creates with its vibrations a situation of overcoming and rebooting, society and personal life, its purification from everything destructive and obsolete. The intense energies of stellium give an impulse to continue moving forward, despite the retrograde movement of Uranus throughout October, creating a false sense of slowing down changes, but giving an ideal opportunity to reconsider previously made decisions and current plans.

This transit teaches us to act instantly and correctly in the most unstable and uncertain environment, regardless of obstacles and difficult circumstances. Always rely on verified information and thorough analysis. Accomplish only well-thought-out and calculated projects and direct our energy exclusively to them if we can fully control and manage them.

This stellium is a perfect “coda” of October. It will strengthen the moral leadership of highly ethical politicians and public figures, which create the new reality by introducing large-scale, multi-level intellectual concepts, unite the masses around humanitarian and progressive ideas and ready to sacrifice selves for a better future. This month will enhance the authority of those, who build harmonious and sustainable partnerships, carry out joint inspiring projects (scientific, humanitarian, charitable), helping all to follow a common Spiritual path.


A Planet in Transition

A Planet in Transition By KejRaj  (KayRy) EraOfLight Posted on September 28, 2024         Greetings! From heart to heart in this m...