The dense energy has no reality in and of itself
The Arcturian Group
Channel: Marilyn Raffaele
Posted on March 2, 2025
The Inner Voice Gide Us Into Strength and Self-Trust ~ Former censored.
Posted on March 2, 2025
Posted on March 2, 2025
Shanta Gabriel
March 2, 2025
Posted on March 2, 2025
Try the World Healing Technique now and see what a difference it makes to your spiritual life, both immediately and as an uplifting reaction in the following days.
This is how: Sit upright, preferably with your hands resting in your lap, palms facing upwards. Breathe rhythmically and evenly. Close your eyes and turn away from your everyday thoughts by letting your attention focus on your breath. Whenever you notice your thoughts wandering, peacefully turn away from those thoughts, which can always be dealt with later, and return to focusing on your breath.
Recognize your spiritual nature. Know that you are a spiritual being living in a physical world and ask God or the Universal Spirit for the life energy that you are about to use. Give gratitude to the Creator for universal life energy, for everything that you love about your life, and for existence itself. This connection to higher consciousness will amplify your efforts many times.
Take several breaths. With each in-breath, visualize life energy coming into your body, building into a vibrant white light within you and charging every cell of your being with its life-giving energy.
First, visualize the positive change that you want to bring into being in the world. Even though you are healing something that you perceive as negative, it is important to focus, instead, on the desired positive outcome. If you send energy to something negative, you will amplify its power. By sending energy conditioned for a positive outcome, you make that form of healing possible.
For example, in your mind’s eye, instead of a world suffering from strife, visualize the people of the world at peace. When you think of world peace, what is the first symbol that springs to mind – a crowd of happy children, a white dove of peace taking flight? Use that symbol, or, if pictures don’t easily come to mind, simply use the words, world peace, as the focus for your intention.
In the case of a specific war or threat of war, send inspiration, upliftment, and spiritual power to the peace negotiators. Even though you will likely not know their names, there are always peacemakers as well as warmongers. They are the key to ending any ongoing conflict in a way that saves people from untold suffering. So, send your energy to support the peacemakers.
In the case of a flu pandemic, see the world filled with people who are vibrant in their good health, smiling and moving around, breathing freely in the open air.
Or, instead of seeing spiritual ignorance and the suffering that it prolongs, visualize people who are becoming enlightened by spiritual understanding. Use the first picture that comes to mind or the words, world enlightenment.
Or, as yet another example, instead of seeing people displaced and distraught from a recent catastrophe, you could see aid workers being successful in their efforts to bring relief and medical assistance to those people, or use the words, energy to the aid workers.
Now, we’re ready to use the inbreath-outbreath cycle to transmit healing energy for the specified purpose. With every inbreath, see your lungs being filled with the vibrant white light of universal life energy.
Perform this as a series of inbreaths and outbreaths for as long as you wish, then relax and spend some time in the afterglow of a spiritual mission well accomplished.
These are the days of action, and that means service to others. Even better, your service to others also helps you in your own spiritual enlightenment. Action and reaction are opposite and equal.
Every time you send your light out into the world, you take another step forward towards your own enlightenment.
The World Healing Technique in Summary
*To read the fascinating biography of Master of Karma Yoga George King, the original creator of this world-transforming technique, see The King Who Came to Earth.
Steve: Could we – practically speaking, because we are practically minded – could we turn to the generation and maintenance and transformation of collective will? Is there such a thing as collective will?
Archangel Michael: There most certainly is! And you say, “Well how, Lord, would that work? How does it work?” Because in many ways, right now, it is just beginning to work again repeatedly upon sweet Gaia.
Think of collective will in some ways as a very powerful entrainment. Now that does not mean that you are not in charge of your will. Because this aspect of being in charge, of not having decisions made for you, of being able to proceed freely – and this has been a theme that we have talked about a great deal – does not mean that collective will overrides individual will.
You have seen that friction time and time and time again. Now, let us be very clear; when you are in alignment with your Divine Will – that is operating and reflective and literally in alignment with [the] Divine Will – that doesn’t mean, as so many people in past paradigms have interpreted it, that ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’. That is of the old paradigm and there is no room for it.
But think of it in this way … collective will is in fact sparked, activated, entrained, by those individuals who are willing and able and ready, and actually moving in action to show the way. Now that does not mean – think of the entrainment of a school of [fish] – that you are always at the head of that school….
Because there are many roles, including those who are in the middle of the school and do not break away but continue this wondrous pattern of cooperation and harmony, and those who are at the tail end who do not sit and sulk and think, “Oh, I am at the end of the row here.” (1) So, it is that beauty but it is sparked by individual will.
Now, how does that work? And how does one change what has been the, shall we say, the old will, which is not Divine Will, into this alignment with Divine Will? This is one of your primary activities, actions, in terms of being the Mother’s implementers of Nova Earth and the bringing forth, the building, the creation, the anchoring, the establishment – not only of Nova Being – but of Nova Earth, Nova Collective, Nova Humanity. …
There are enough of you – I would suggest that you are basically there – to say, “We are going to go with an act of will generated by love. We are going in this direction.”
Now, the rest of humanity may not know all the fine-tuning, all the detail, but it is sufficient that they say, “Yes, this feels right, on every level, everybody. This feels right enough for me to move in harmony with this group.” That is the building of unity and community. And, in fact, it is done not just by love, but as an act, an action of will.
So you say, “Well how do we do this?” And what I suggest to you, first of all, there is the acceptance piece. It is the acceptance that you are in alignment – and that you have done your work, of course – that you are in alignment with Divine Will. And that you are willing to step forward, and [be] either at the front, the middle, behind or somewhere in between, [and] take a certain direction that is in alignment with will and love, and all the Divine Qualities, because they are all one thing anyway.
Now, what I also further suggest to you, my beloved friends, is that consciously or unconsciously, without having labeled it as such, that you have been doing this. And you actually have been doing it for some time.
And, I do not simply mean since 2012, which was a landmark decision and a landmark redirection, but as a collective – not everybody, but enough of you – have been doing this for quite some time.
Now, has there been exploration and a growth of trust, not necessarily in us but in your beloved sweet selves, and from that, in and with each other? Yes. Now I know that will be food for discussion, sweet one.
S: Well, the obvious next place to go with this, and the obvious reason that I am asking you about this, is that lightworkers soon will not only be exerting their own will, but will be responding to calls to generate collective will around such things as ending hunger in Africa or sexual slavery in the world, etc.
So, anything you can tell us about how will operates, or what the pitfalls are, or how we can rehabilitate ourselves who’ve had our trust so badly damaged by all our governments and militaries and police forces – any coaching on this new phase that lightworkers are entering, in which will is such an important aspect, would be appreciated.
AAM: I would be pleased to do so. Now, has there been – and I would suggest to you for thousands of years, thousands and thousands and thousands of years – a breach of trust of authority that has occurred? Well, you know perfectly well that it has been in existence. Do not spend your efforts looking back.
Now I am not suggesting to you, any of you, to be naïve, or to ignore history and the pitfalls of history. But, if you spend your time looking backwards – I am talking in terms of your understanding of time rather than simply the Mother’s time – then what you do is that is what you are doing. You are spending your time looking at past mistakes, missteps and you are always trying to protect yourself.
Now of course, there is a level of prudence, of sensibility that always needs to be in place. But as you proceed, both individually and collectively, because it is not an either/or, that is why I have used the example of entrainment of a school of fish. It is not a single fish going off and riding the currents. It is a large, large group of you moving together…and there is power and safety and wisdom and talent and a whole variety of capacities within that school. So as you move forward, do not spend your efforts and your time thinking about past atrocities.
(“Archangel Michael: Understanding the Divine Gift of Will,” September 22, 2016, at
(1) To illustrate this point, I was always my older brother’s lieutenant, aide de camp. When he staged a workshop, I was his “room manager.” I handled all the logistics and everything he didn’t need to be handling. Thus, I have no resistance, for instance, to thinking of myself as an incarnate “lieutenant” to Michael. I have no felt need to lead. I have a felt need to write.
Posted on March 1, 2025
Hello, my friends. How would you feel about talking about AI?
Welcome, Blossom and Each Beloved Soul that has taken on the Huge, Mammoth task of turning your Planet around and lifting it into a place of Beauty, Love and Peace.
The subject of AI could lead to much confusion, as its rivers run deep.
Are you willing to give it a go?
Certainly. Where shall we start?
It seems that many are concerned that eventually, AI will take over the world. Will it? Could it?
Already we struggle a little, for there are so many aspects to this subject.
Yes. It could take over ‘A world’. Does it have to be the one you are living within? No.
You see, although there is much being presented now to prove that AI can work within itself … create itself further, given information it has accrued … and therefore, appears to be of Higher intelligence than some humans … and we say that with tongue in cheek! It is a question of the Vibration of the World allowing it to dictate in which direction it will serve.
Indeed. Many say it is an amazing tool and yet, it would depend on that very thing. It could be used for good or bad.
So let us look at where we know your World is heading.
Therefore, we can say categorically, that it will not be used to ‘bring down’ that which the Human form has lifted up.
Your Planet is changing rapidly and Vibrations are reaching Frequencies that are off the charts, as you would use the term.
Consider then … that this being the case … its intelligence would be used to enhance all that is.
To assist the Whole in ways of Goodness.
To assist in ways of improving that which is already known.
Remember it is ARTIFICIAL.
Google says ‘Made or produced by Human Beings’.
It does not and cannot have a Soul. Therefore, although it can create more of itself … it can only produce in a fashion in which it is programmed.
Should it be that there are those who choose to program for the darker side of living … it would be that it would not survive … on this Planet.
That’s a packed statement. It is not alive to start with … yet, you speak of survival? And you say … on this Planet? I knew it would get complex.
We did say it would. Keep in mind that anything and everything is possible.
Therefore, there … is/could be … already a … place/space … in which AI is in charge of the entire goings on … of Humans and Robotics. It ‘could be’, that these places are full of Light or full of darkness.
The reason we are hesitant to delve deeper is because your entire Cosmos is a … is in a … ‘State of Being’ … and we choose to concentrate on YOUR PLANET EARTH and ITS ‘State of Being’.
To even try and delve into the complexity of ‘Elsewhere’ and all its possibilities would blow your mind up!
So, we shall return to AI upon your Planet.
KNOW that the DIVINE PLAN … which is in full swing and leading you into a Brighter, Lighter position … could NOT include AI taking over and running the ways in which you live.
It is simply not ‘On the cards’.
Planet Earth is alive. It is full of Life.
Everything that is a Life itself … IS Consciousness.
AI cannot BE OF Consciousness. For it is ultimately a programmed machine. Certainly, there are incredible factors that it can accomplish … yet …
We would like to leave it there as we Trust we have alleviated the fears of many.
Sure. Moving on then to … what?
To that which we always will choose to speak of … The wonderful way in which you … serving the Light upon Planet Earth are waking up to the fact that you are entering into a NEW WORLD … and within that NEW WORLD … there has to be a NEW YOU.
For the old you, would not feel at ease living within the Higher Vibrations. One has to ‘Move up into the Higher Light Source as a Whole-self … and this can only be done as the Soul-self comes into the realisation of the TRUE LIGHT that it is … BEING.
We are aware, Blossom, that you have been ‘practising’ visualising yourself with a Light-Aura around you … pumping Light out from your Heart.
Yes. Spot on!
So, that eventually … it won’t need to be thought about to do … for you will just be allowing the Light to flow through.
We Know many of you are aware of your Light flowing … and yet, we ask that you take those extra steps now. Allow the images that you may find on your computers … ones that may portray Angels or Beings of Light … to BECOME WHO YOU ARE.
The more you visualise this … the more you bring it into Being.
Yet, remember too … YOU HAVE TO KNOW … YOU HAVE TO FEEL …
That is an important statement so we shall repeat.
So then, by not only imagining, yet, FEELING the Light surrounding you and BEAMING out from you … your Vibration of such … then allows you to Become it.
Added to that, the understanding of the POWER that your Light holds … you are changing all around you into the Higher Vibration that YOU have become.
Yet, if for instance, I am talking with someone who has not cottoned on to all of this … and lives in a very negative Vibration … how can ‘my’ POWER of Light bring that person into ‘my’ Vibration, when they are ‘not ready’ to Be of it. Trusting that doesn’t sound egotistical!
That is a very smart question, Blossom.
This is a long pause … Have I stumped you?
We are deciding on which way to conduct the answer.
As one understands the workings of Vibrations and all its intricacies, just by KNOWING the TRUTH of how one’s POWER … through KNOWLEDGE … can change the very atmosphere, the particles of air … the Vibration can be transformed … into that which lies within the Soul sending out their Light.
Another Soul, who is perhaps playing a negative role for themselves for a while … will undoubtedly receive the Higher Light … yet, they may choose to not allow it in, not to accept it, for they need a little more wallowing to indulge in. So, yes … you would be changing all around you into a Higher Vibration … yet, regarding a Soul’s choice to accept it … would determine whether they allowed their Vibration to be uplifted by you or not.
If they are not ‘in the mood’ to do so … it does not mean that your Power of Love you are sending them would dissipate. It would ‘hang around in wait’ for such a time when it could be filtered through to their Being, at a pace that feels comfortable for them.
It’s interesting the wallowing and indulging in the negative. I used to be like that in my teens and early twenties. I realise now, it was a way of getting attention … which goes back to wanting to be Loved and needed. Thank God, I got into positive thinking … it changed my Life!
It changes everybody’s Life, Blossom.
It is as we were speaking of in our last conversation … PROGRAMMING.
Those negative airways are food for the dark. They are allergic to the Light!
Do you see? When you KNOW WHO YOU TRULY ARE … LIGHT LOVE … NOTHING ELSE BUT … well then … what on Earth is there to be negative about?
Well, that’s just it. ON EARTH there is the programming which makes us think that it IS ‘who we are’.
Precisely. Yet, when you understand that it IS programming from the darkness to make you feel ‘less than you are’ …
All that is left to do … is reject those thoughts as soon as they are recognised.
They can be recognised even before the thought is complete, if you choose to become disciplined and vigilant. Then throw it out of your mind and allow the wind to carry it away.
Leaving the space available for YOU … the True YOU, to enter.
For you were chosen to be here as part of this Grand Transformation … because you are Strong enough to do so.
Well, we are all working on it. Doing our best here, within the thick of it all.
And your best is all that is required.
Once again, chaps … many thanks. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.
Blossom Goodchild