Friday, January 3, 2025

What is it Really Like to Be Awake?

What is it Really Like to Be Awake?

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 3, 2025


We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
You discover more and more every day just how beautiful you are. You have so much more access there on Earth than you ever have before to the truth of who you really are. And it is the discovery of who you really are that this life is really all about. You awaken, and then you recognize that you were not who you thought you were for the vast majority of your life. There is a process then of coming home that occurs, and the homecoming is more than just traveling through the dimensions to return to the Source Energy dimension. The homecoming occurs in the mind.

It is time to fully embrace the truth that you are Source Energy, and when you realize that, then you must reconcile the fact that you don’t always feel like Source Energy. You don’t always have access to all of your powers, all of your abilities, all of your gifts, all of your knowing, and then that becomes a big part of the journey. It’s the discovery, and of course you want it all to just come flooding in at once, but you are meant to be on a journey. You are meant for the experience of the discovery to take time, to have layers and levels. As long as you know that you are on a journey and that the journey is one that takes you further into yourselves, then you can relax about the character that you are playing in the game.

You can recognize that all that you have put your faith in doesn’t really matter, and that it is time instead to focus on who you are as an infinite and eternal being of love and light. And when you do that, you can let go of egoic concerns and step more fully into the truth of who you really are, and you can make this all happen by being willing to examine, by being willing to explore. Again, you don’t have to have all of the experiences in one fell swoop, and if you did, you would feel overwhelmed. And therefore, all you have to do is keep moving forward, keep taking baby steps, and expect for things to change.

But the first thing you change is your mind. You change your mind about who and what you really are, what you are capable of, what you are doing there, and then you have to keep re-minding yourself of these truths, because if you don’t, you fall back into the mass consciousness and their beliefs and the way they operate in the world, and you find your life is once again frustrating and unsatisfying. You can still have a magical life, full of all of the things that you want to experience, but now you know that getting to that life is a much different journey than what you were originally taught that it was supposed to be.

And so people outside of you might wonder what you are doing, and why you are not doing what the rest of us are doing. And again, you have to go back to your core beliefs that you have now discovered to be true, and remember that you’re not supposed to be doing what everyone else is doing just because they are doing it. The remembering can be a lifelong process, and it’s a good thing you have minds that you can use to remind yourselves. And when you train your minds, they become these beautiful tools that give you so much more when you are operating the controls consciously. You are awake. Be conscious. Use your minds, and know that this is a journey, and you will be able to walk that journey with peace, love and joy in your hearts.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.

Daniel Scranton 

The Mysterious Drones are not mysterious at all and not all are drones

The Mysterious Drones are not mysterious at all and not all are drones

By Matthew Ward (Matthew)

Channel: Suzanne Ward

Posted on January 3, 2025

God’s greeting; “mysterious drones”; upcoming changes; animals; volunteers; differences in physical and spirit worlds


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our great pleasure to welcome God.

GOD: My dear children, there is so much light in your world now, so much goodness, and a brand new level of excitement! Life on Earth is meant to be joyful, healthy and prosperous for all, and it will be—you are helping to ensure this!

Your new year will be unlike any other time in Gaia’s long varied history. Out of the commotion will come greatly needed changes and by year’s end, you will be astounded at the abundance of reforms your light has helped bring about. Our whole universe thanks you!

Keep shining brilliantly, precious souls, and love self and each other as I love you.       

Matthew, thank you, and thank you, Suzy.

MATTHEW:  Thank you, God, for your reassuring words.

Now we shall address the topic of numerous questions and comments—the “mysterious drones.” Your leaders who are working with extraterrestrial advisers know those are not mysterious at all and not all are drones.

The Illuminati know this too. The first objects seen were unmanned secret space crafts they sent up to get the public’s reaction as a measuring stick, so to say, for a large-scale holographic invasion. That is why a light forces fleet commander told a few of the crews in cloaked reconnaissance ships to show themselves, and several intelligence-gathering crafts, which could be considered a future generation of your most sophisticated drones, were released from the mother ship to add playfulness to the phenomenon in your skies. The commander also gave strong cautions to authorities not to fire at any light forces’ vehicle.

The Illuminati, who are those authorities, are trying to keep the lid on their sinister interplanetary space project and the very existence of extraterrestrials, so their spokespersons can only say they don’t know what the objects are, why they came or where they came from, but they don’t pose any risk to Earth. If ever the public was panicky, that feeling turned to annoyance with feeble official statements.

As interests returned to seasonal preparations and festivities, the common takeaway was, whatever those mysterious objects are, they did nothing to harm us, so let us eat, drink and make merry.

In previous messages we have said not all is as it seems. Now we say almost nothing is as it seems. Rarely does anything significant in “the news” have even a nodding acquaintance with actual happenings and there is an increase in the number of doubles and AI clones pretending to be someone who is deceased or is staying out of sight for safety.

What is authentic is, the power of love-light permeating the planet is breaking down archetypical standards to make way for new structures and systems that will well serve a newly awakened society. Governments are being reformed or replaced and new geographic boundaries being discussed will benefit affected citizens. Also on the near horizon are the emergence of truths that were covered up, often by labeling them conspiracy theories, and the exposure of the pretenders.

On the more distant horizon, the new global economy will serve all peoples and every soul will have a fair share of Earth’s resources. War-torn areas will be cleared and rebuilt so displaced residents can return home. Religious dogma and falsehoods will fall by the wayside as people grow spiritually and consciously. Cultures will preserve the finest traditions and abandon those that originated in deep third density. Mutual respect will replace bigotry, divisiveness will end as unity consciousness develops, and life once again will be in harmony with Nature. That is your world on the doorstep of Earth’s Golden Age!

Returning to the moment at hand, many of you have asked what you can do now for Earth besides “just BE.” The plight of animals and their importance in your world needs to be more widely known. Animals are souls, aspects of God just as you and we are, and many species are way-showers of unconditional love, loyalty and supportiveness. How a civilization treats all its animals determines its evolutionary status, and in this respect, Earth’s peoples need to step up and do better.

Dear ones, please don’t think we are overlooking what your light has influenced— the growing numbers of dedicated rescue groups, the thousands and thousands of families who have adopted pets in shelters, and the emphasis on protecting animals in their natural habitats. Your efforts in this regard and the light from animals’ awareness and gratitude are part of the high vibrations on the planet!

However, other situations are very disheartening, especially the inhumane conditions in which species that provide you with food live and die and the sonar testing that is so injurious to whales and dolphins, the most evolved souls on Earth. Animals taken from their families and confined in zoos, circuses or pools are sad,  lonely and desperate. A civilization that lets that widespread abusiveness exist and has puppy mills, kills animals for body parts, and uses animals in unnecessary medical and product testing is not ready to move into fourth density.

A related situation is the befouling of your oceans with myriad tons of garbage. Dreadful disrespect of Gaia’s body that also damages her sea life includes oil spills, nets that strangle marine life, toxic sewage and spray in chemtrails.

Dear family, the aforementioned situations and all others that need to be ended will be! You and previous generations of volunteers radiated the light that enabled some of Earth’s peoples to realize they have the power to change what is wrong in their world and the root of all wrong is darkness. White Hats is a recent name for warriors in the light forces that have taken on directly the captives of the dark forces, and you are the hats’ silent partners, in a manner of speaking. The love-light power of this teamwork is soundly defeating Earth’s formidable foe!

What happens anywhere in this universe affects everything everywhere else. That is why all light beings echo what God said: Our whole universe thanks you!

“What is the difference, if any, of existing in 5D and existing in the Afterlife? To me, it seems that both are the same.”  A civilization’s spirit realm is designed to provide them with the finest of what they were familiar with, so fifth density worlds and their Afterlife realms do have similarities in natural beauty, personal interests, activities, comforts and conveniences, but they also have significant differences.

Since physical worlds differ, their spirit realms do too. We shall speak about life in the many we know and occasionally a feature of Nirvana, Earth’s spirit word, that is not universally prevalent. But we begin with what is true of every spirit world: They are discarnate and residents have etheric bodies. Third density vision would not detect anything at all, but residents clearly see each other and everything else in their realms. And, when a soul in a spirit world telepathically sends images to a receiver, the soul and all surroundings appear solid.

Etheric bodies differ from physical worlds’ dense bodies in numerous ways. Incarnate souls can have sexual relationships and females can conceive and give birth. No babies are born in spirit worlds; bodies are not designed for sexual relations or reproduction.

People in physical worlds must eat to survive. Spirit world residents can drink liquids, which are eliminated as vapor through the skin, but they absorb only the essence of food because their bodies have neither the digestive nor elimination systems that dense bodies do.

After persons in physical civilizations labor long and hard, their bodies can feel exhausted and achy. Etheric bodies never tire or feel any discomfort. To maintain optimum fitness, physical bodies need to sleep daily. Etheric bodies never need to sleep.

Souls who arrive in Nirvana younger or older than 35 or so years, quite rapidly age or de-age to that prime time in a physical body and remain at that stage throughout their spirit lifetime. That is not true of every civilization’s Afterlife.

Pets and their families are reunited in many spirit worlds. In Nirvana, animals who lived in jungles, forests and prairies are tame and mingle with the other residents. All animals and people communicate telepathically, the way things were in the Beginnings on Terra, the planet later called Earth.

Planetary worlds are spheres and many include seasonal weather. Spirit worlds are amorphous and most have pleasantly warm temperatures throughout. A special feature of Nirvana lets residents who want to enjoy winter sports encapsulate a large area of snow and ice in the midst of the realm’s moderate climate, and that area isn’t visible to anyone outside of it.

In physical worlds like Earth the lengths of light and darkness vary according to seasons and geographical locations. There are no high noon sunny days or dark nights in most spirit worlds. Light glows softly during daytimes and dims somewhat in evenings, and residents can manifest whatever light they desire in their homes.

Fifth density physical worlds are in the continuum, but for planning purposes people still may use clocks and calendars. Linear time doesn’t exist in spirit worlds.

Attire in physical worlds can differ as widely as climate, season, culture and current fashion. Residents of Nirvana usually wear sandals and lightweight white robes with white, gold or pastel sashes or cords. That attire or other comfortable casual styles are common in spirit worlds.

Love in a physical world varies from parental love to “being in love” with its strong sexual attraction and possibly heartache, infidelity and disappointment. Love in spirit worlds is uniformly pure, without conditions or deviations, and the high vibrations of love permeate those realms. Love bonds from other lifetimes take precedence over legal partnerships in the immediate past lifetime.

In a physical world people concentrate on acquiring knowledge and honing talents and abilities for use during the lifetime. Most people in spirit worlds also like to study, but they use newly-acquired information along with experience and knowledge gained in other embodiments to plan their next lifetime.

Beloved sisters and brothers, life is glorious in 5D physical and spirit worlds! If you enjoy envisioning yourself living in those environments, do so of course, but please live every day to the fullest this lifetime! Can you imagine a more meaningful, fulfilling, unique experience than participating in a universally unprecedented multidimensional effort to liberate a civilization from eons of darkness? We cannot!

Light is flooding Earth and steadfastness in your mission is part of it. All light beings in this universe honor and support you all along your Earth journey.
Suzanne Ward

Live In Truth?

Live In Truth?

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on January 3, 2025

The current energy of your world has made it easy to present yourself as something you are not. When moments like this manifest, really think about how you choose to show up. 

The energy coming to your Earth plane is bringing infinite possibilities of growth and learning in all areas of your life. 

It is up to you to decide whether to be a self-created facade or live in truth.

The Creator

Effort and Struggle

Effort and Struggle

The Beloved (Spirit-Self)

Is The Teacher

Message received by Lytske

Posted on January 3, 2025 


Urantia, March 8, 2007

The Beloved: “Today's lesson is about the effort and struggle mortals go through on this first level of eternal life if they choose to live on and attain a measure of faith, which will allow them to do so. First, there needs to be hope and trust that there is more to life than 'meets the eye'. There needs to be awareness that there is something greater than themselves. It is a sense of belief at first which eventually evolves into faith. One can believe with the mind, but faith is an affair with the heart.

Between belief and faith is the inner effort and struggle. Belief is a dogmatic and fundamentalist approach to life, an adherence to certain laws and doctrines passed on for generations. Faith is born in the heart of the individual believer. No one can give faith to another person, because it is completely personal. It cannot be loaned, given away, or lost.

Faith, once awakened needs to grow, it needs to be nurtured with daily thoughts and prayers. It is like flexing a faith muscle for it to grow stronger. All this entails effort and struggle because faith demands honesty with oneself and sincerity in dealing with others. There is never any outside coercion involved. It is the dictates of an awakening and conscientious mind in the mortal, who by faith, is answering the clarion call from the Divine Spark within, to become perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect.

Meanwhile that Inner Pilot, given to each thinking mortal capable of moral choice and decision-making, struggles valiantly to have It's still small Voice heard, which can only be realized if the human takes the time to validate this important connection by taking the time to sit in the Silence to commune with this Fragment of God.

Slowly, so very slowly, the mortal is made into the image of God, which reflects in the outer life through the yielding of the spirit fruits in loving service, tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance of all others as brothers and sisters on the same path to attain the eternal Creator on Paradise.”

Edited by Linda Abell. 


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One. 


It’s All Just a Political GAME

It’s All Just a Political GAME

By Joe Lange

Posted on January 3, 2025


Trump’s not playing the GAME.

Spending reductions are a “red herring” argument. Don’t fall for it. Trying to cut spending on a 36 trillion dollar debt is meaningless.

Trump knows this. That’s why he doesn’t talk about it. That’s just the “political game.” Politicians PRETEND to be fiscally conservative and offer bandaid solutions but will never actually tell the American people the truth.

What’s the truth?

The ENTIRE financial system that we live under is unconstitutional. The FED is unconstitutional. The Federal Reserve Note that is a debt instrument and is lent to the American people with interest attached, is unconstitutional. The American people don’t OWN their money. Private bankers do. That’s unconstitutional too.

The entire worldwide system is a debt slavery system and its sole purpose is to enslave the governments and therefore enslave the people.

The “debt” system is going bankrupt. Globally. We want it to go bankrupt so that we can get rid of the unconstitutional FED and the entire global central bank system. If you bankrupt the FED, you bankrupt the entire global debt system.

Trump “accelerated” the government spending during Covid in order to SPEED UP the bankruptcy process. He wants the system to go bankrupt under his watch so that he can quickly transfer us into the new system that’s waiting in the wings, with as little suffering as possible.

Don’t believe me? Then why is Trump going to cut the American people’s taxes AGAIN “big time?” Why is he cutting taxes rather than government spending? He’s bankrupting the system.

Don’t fall for the political GAME being played and the “red herring” argument over government spending cuts.

Politicians pushing that “spending cuts” argument are trying to fool you into thinking they are better than other politicians in order to get re-elected. They want to keep you “trapped” in the system. None of them will tell you the entire system is unconstitutional.

Trump’s not playing that meaningless game.

Trump is going to end the debt slavery system and give the money back to the people. Power back to the people.

No more central bank. No more debt. Money backed by gold/silver/bitcoin and held in the Treasury for the people, like the constitution demands.

Get behind Trump and the complete transformation of our government rather than the politicians who are just playing GAMES.

December 31, 2024

2025: Coming Changes not More and Better, But New and Higher

2025: Coming Changes not More and Better, But New and Higher

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 3, 2025

Coming changes are new and revolutionary

Arcturian Group: Dissatisfaction with the status quo is the first step toward change but those of third dimensional consciousness visualize change as being bigger and better versions of what is already known. The changes coming as earth ascends to a higher frequency are going to be on new and higher levels, not more and better versions of the concepts already in place. We tell you this so that you will be prepared not with fear but with awareness. (1)

You and I (not the general public) are aware of coming changes that are so big and revolutionary that we won’t be able to fit them into prior concepts. In fact, when some of them were suggested worldwide, they were almost-universally panned as impractical. Universal basic income is an example.

Actually, everything that’s about to come fits the Arcturian Group’s description of a “new and higher level.”

  • An emergency broadcast that will reach the whole world and last for ten days. Uhhh…. OK. Never been done before.
  • Ten days of having our cherished beliefs shown to be empty and inaccurate. Daunting!
  • A new financial system that takes in everyone on Earth, eliminating the banks as middlemen. You’re kidding!
  • A new economy that gives everyone on Earth a universal basic income. Oh, at last….
  • Medical technology that reverses ageing, cures conditions, and restores limbs. Yippee!
  • Replicators being manufactured as we speak that give us whatever we wish. Hallelujah!
  • A solar wave that uplifts the light-filled and undoes the darkly-inclined. 😊

That’s enough!  These are not “more and better versions of the concepts already in place.”  Each one is, unto itself, revolutionary.

Talking together as a world, bringing in a fair and supportive financial system, handing stolen wealth back to the people, new technology that allows us leisure and command over ourselves and our environment – these are big and important developments such as we probably thought we’d never see.

Who, in a million years, would have written this script for a movie? It was not in anyone’s imagination. It’s come about because the Mother willed it, galactic civilizations have refereed and supported it, and white hats on the ground have for decades, and maybe even centuries, worked tirelessly and at great personal risk behind the scenes to bring it about.

The public is not yet aware of any of this. Readers of channeled literature are. Intel gurus with reach into the top levels of the military and political arenas are.

And, at this moment, if we discuss this with the uninformed, we’re likely to be dismissed as crackpot.s  So we clan together. For now.

And do what we’ve become masters of to date – wait, wait, wait.

Speaking only for myself, it’s taken me ten years of waiting to adjust to all the ideas that flow forth when one accepts the new mission that the Reval will bring to us.  By the time it arrives, I’ll be ready to fill its requirements.


(1) Arcturian Group, Dec. 8, 2024, at

Steve Beckow

Recent Week’s Events / QNP Vision for 2025 and Beyond

Recent Week’s Events
QNP Vision for 2025 and Beyond

By SG Anon

Posted on January 3, 2024

Click the image above to listen…

Sounds like SG could use our prayers. 

In this very brief message, he explains that he’s been a bit missing in action because of security concerns that he’s had to handle for he and his family, including some kind of threat to his little one. Entirely undeterred, SG goes on to talk enthusiastically about QNewsPatriot going forward.

SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X (formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot

Trump Unleashes 25-Year-Old Law to Install Loyalists

Trump Unleashes 25-Year-Old Law to Install Loyalists

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 3, 2025

Read with discernment.

Trump Unleashes 25-Year-Old Law to Install Loyalists: No Senate Approval, Legal Bypass, Destroy Globalist Control, and Restore the Power Back to the People!

Gazzetteller, January 2, 2025

The clock is ticking, and Trump is moving faster than anyone can imagine. The establishment’s panic is palpable, and for good reason: Trump is set to dismantle the deep state with a strategy so precise, so revolutionary, that it leaves no room for their typical obstruction.

The Federal Vacancies Reform Act (FVRA) is the weapon Trump will wield to place his loyalists in critical positions, bypassing the Senate’s endless games. But this plan goes far deeper than what the mainstream narrative suggests.

What you’re not being told is that Trump’s team has already mapped out a network of shadow appointments—individuals who have been trained, vetted, and positioned to take over key federal offices the moment Trump gives the green light. This isn’t just about circumventing the Senate; it’s about a full-scale purge of the entrenched bureaucrats who have sabotaged his agenda since day one.

The Real Agenda Behind Senate Obstruction

Why does the Senate fight tooth and nail against Trump’s appointments? It’s not about qualifications or process—it’s about control. For decades, these so-called “public servants” have operated as gatekeepers for the globalist elite, ensuring that only those loyal to their agenda ascend to positions of power.

Every time the Senate blocks a Trump appointment, it’s not about protecting democracy; it’s about protecting the status quo. These senators, both Democrat and Republican, answer to the same shadowy cabal pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Trump knows this. His team has compiled dossiers on every senator who has obstructed his appointments—evidence of backroom deals, foreign influences, and financial corruption that will blow the lid off Washington once exposed.

The Hidden Armies of the Deep State

The battle Trump is fighting goes far beyond the visible players in Congress. Deep within the labyrinth of the federal government lies an entrenched army of career bureaucrats and operatives loyal to globalist interests. These individuals, often unelected and unaccountable, wield immense power through their control of agencies and regulatory bodies.

During his first term, Trump faced relentless sabotage from these operatives. Policies were delayed, watered down, or outright ignored. Leaks to the media were constant, and any loyalists Trump placed were met with smear campaigns and threats. This time, Trump isn’t just planning to bypass the Senate—he’s planning to root out this shadow army entirely.

Sources close to Trump’s inner circle suggest that “clean teams” have already been assembled, tasked with identifying and removing these operatives as soon as the new administration takes office. These teams are reportedly working with intelligence agencies loyal to Trump, conducting background checks and surveillance on thousands of government employees suspected of allegiance to the globalist agenda.

The Role of Secret Trump-Appointed Operatives

What if I told you that some of Trump’s key allies are already in place, quietly waiting to emerge from the shadows? During his first term, Trump strategically placed loyalists in mid-level positions across various federal agencies. These individuals, operating under the radar, have been gathering intel, monitoring deep-state operatives, and preparing to step into acting roles under the FVRA.

This network has been operating in stealth mode for years, anticipating the very moment when Trump would return to power. Once activated, they will coordinate with Trump’s acting officials to implement sweeping reforms, dismantle globalist policies, and restore control of the government to the American people.

The FVRA and Emergency Declarations

Here’s where it gets even more intense: Trump’s use of the FVRA [Federal Vacancies Reform Act ] could be combined with a series of executive orders and emergency declarations to expand his authority even further. During his first term, Trump signed several executive orders that remain in effect, including measures targeting foreign interference in U.S. elections and the seizure of assets linked to corruption.

These executive orders could be used in conjunction with the FVRA to justify the immediate removal of Senate-confirmed officials deemed to be working against the interests of the American people.

Imagine this scenario: Trump declares a national emergency, citing evidence of a coordinated effort to undermine the government. Under the FVRA, he replaces key officials with acting appointees loyal to his administration, effectively neutralizing the deep state overnight.

The Globalists’ Worst Nightmare

Make no mistake: this strategy is the globalist elite’s worst nightmare. They’ve spent decades building a system designed to suppress dissent and maintain their grip on power. Trump’s plan threatens to dismantle this system entirely.

The media will scream, the Senate will rage, and the bureaucrats will resist—but none of that will matter. Trump isn’t playing by their rules anymore. He’s operating on a different level, backed by a movement of millions who refuse to be silenced.

What Comes Next

As Trump prepares to implement this plan, the deep state’s desperation is becoming more evident by the day. Leaks, smears, and false flags will escalate as they attempt to derail his momentum. But Trump has anticipated every move. His network of loyalists is ready, his legal team is prepared, and his supporters are mobilized.

The question isn’t whether Trump will succeed—it’s how quickly he can dismantle the corrupt machine that has enslaved this nation for so long. The FVRA is just the beginning. What comes next will be nothing short of revolutionary.

Steve Beckow

A Grander Plan is Unfolding

A Grander Plan is Unfolding

Archangel Michael

Channel Chellea Wilder

Posted on January 3, 2025

Blessings Beloved Ones,

It is wonderful to connect with you.

Whether you are fully aware of it or not, a paradigm shift has already begun. Impacting every facet of your existence.

While you still await the grand solar flash, your reality must undertake these transformations. You are being lifted into the Higher 4th dimensional vibrations, resulting in these massive changes in your reality.

This shift is a dynamic process that is reshaping your inner, and outer worlds, influencing your thoughts and feelings, and your interactions with others.

Many individuals across the globe are grappling with feelings of unease, confusion, and disorientation, as they navigate through, this difficult period. The current state of the Earth, marked by social, environmental, and political upheaval, makes it evident that this shift is happening right now. It is unfolding in real-time, demanding your attention and engagement.

The Old Paradigm, is collapsing before your very eyes. Giving way to new ways of thinking and being, that align more harmoniously, with the evolving frequencies of the Earth. The old ways, no longer resonate with the new energies, that are flooding your collective consciousness.

However, this shift presents an opportunity for humanity, to evolve and elevate to a higher level of consciousness. Where unity, compassion, and love, become the guiding principles of your interactions and relationships, paving the way for a more inclusive and understanding world.

You must make the effort yourselves to embody the vibrations of Love and Unity. It is not done for you. Even though the energies allow for this transformation, you must make the choice for yourself to rise in the Light of God.

This period marks your awakening, a vital time as you ascend to higher states of consciousness, and begin to recognize the truth that lies within you. This Ascension is a continuous journey of inner-discovery and realization, where each step taken leads to greater understanding of Oneness, with all of Creation.

The shift is deeply personal and transformative, offering each individual a chance to reconnect with their Higher selves and rediscover the innate wisdom that resides within you.

As you collectively navigate this transition, it is important to transcend the divisions that have long plagued humanity, including those of race, religion, and ideology.

It is a call to awaken to the potential that lies dormant within you, urging you to break free from the constraints of the past, and step boldly into a new era.

Now is the time to embrace the Divine Light that resides within each of you. This is your source of strength and guidance during these challenging times. This light not only illuminates your path forward, but also empowers you to reclaim your inherent Divinity.

As you embark on this journey, remember to trust the Divine process that is unfolding in your life. Each moment, each experience, serves a purpose in your growth and evolution. Listen to your intuition, for it serves as a compass guiding you through the uncertainties of this shift, helping you to discern your path amidst the noise.

In a world that is full of chaos and disharmony, you can be a beacon of hope and truth, spreading love and light to those around you. Your actions, no matter how small, can create ripples of positive change that resonate far beyond your immediate environment, inspiring others to awaken to their own potential and to contribute to the collective upliftment of humanity.

In this time of upheaval, it is essential to cultivate inner peace, as this tranquility is a stabilizing force for both yourself and those around you.

By nurturing a tranquil state of mind and heart, you serve as an anchor amidst the storms of change, providing a sense of calm and reassurance in turbulent times.

The future is indeed bright, filled with possibilities and opportunities for growth, creativity, and connection. As you embrace this new paradigm, move forward with courage and conviction, knowing that there is a Grander Plan Unfolding.

Remember that each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

Chellea Wilder

Thursday, January 2, 2025

This We All Know

This We All Know

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 2, 2025

For as long as I’ve been aware of my world, there have been only three occasions when the world briefly stood still and focused as a whole on an event that was happening:  The assassination of John Kennedy, the so-called moon landings, and 9/11.

Two of them were tragic and one was ecstatic. July 20, 1969: We’d landed a man on the … Nevada desert! … I mean, the Moon!  Yayayayayay!

Nov. 22, 1963: OMG, we lost Kennedy. The suits are back.

Sept. 11, 2001: What just happened? You’re kidding me….

All three were brought to us by the group now besetting us, which goes by many names and which we know as the cabal or deep state.

But as deeply felt as all three were, I don’t think they’ll hold a candle to what’s about to hit us.

The whole world – and I can’t say that with enough emphasis – just like on the day of Kennedy’s assassination or 9/11 – will be glued to their TV sets. For ten days.  With nowhere else to go.

Watching the same programming – everyone, around the globe – Thailand, Brazil, Siberia, Tierra del Fuego, everyone.

Every strategy that the cabal has used to mollify the population, redirect its energies, and “cull the herd” (think toxic Covid vaccines) will be revealed. All the bad actors will be introduced, many if not most of them already gone.  Their misdeeds practiced mainly on our vulnerable women and children, will be made known. We won’t just be taking back the night. We’ll be taking back the world.

This will be, from that day on, a cornerstone event in human history because it will mark the first time I’m aware of when everyone on Earth shared what I believe will be the truth of our common, human situation.

No one after the EBS will be able to say they didn’t know. And in more detail than has ever been publicly shown before.

It will be a global baseline, a starting point for a new beginning: “This we all know.”

Steve Beckow