Monday, September 30, 2024

October 1st Power Shift

October 1st Power Shift

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024


As I’ve said before, I don’t know the identity of the author of “Qanon Fighters” but their material sounds credible and is informative. Use discernment in reading.

Here are two Telegram messages.

BREAKING! Massive October 1st Power Shift: Secret Plan to Activate QFS and NESARA/GESARA Unveiled – The Largest Wealth Transfer in History Is Coming!

Qanon Fighters (no affiliation with Q), Telegram, Sept. 27, 2024

A government shutdown looms over October 1st, perfectly timed as the QFS and NESARA/GESARA are set to take effect. This isn’t just about party politics; it’s a desperate attempt by the Deep State to create chaos and derail the most significant financial shift in human history. They think confusion and fear will stop the QFS, but they’re dead wrong.

With pandemic-related housing protections expiring, a wave of foreclosures and evictions is imminent. The elites want you scared, financially trapped, and desperate, clinging to the last threads of their crumbling power. But their strategy will fail. Once the QFS and NESARA/GESARA are operational, the Deep State’s efforts will collapse along with their rigged system. People will be free from debt slavery and economic manipulation.

We’re on the edge of something monumental. The Quantum Financial System, NESARA/GESARA, and a series of global events are converging at a breakneck pace. The elites are terrified; they know their time is up. They’re scrambling to distract us, but they can’t stop the inevitable. The QFS is active, and the final showdown is upon us.

The elites know they’re about to lose everything. The QFS will dismantle their corrupt financial systems, exposing their fraud and redistributing the wealth they’ve hoarded for centuries. The Federal Reserve? Dead. The IRS? Replaced. The old system will crumble as the QFS introduces a gold-backed currency, wiping out the globalists’ last foothold.

They’re using every tactic to create distractions. OPEC+ nations are poised to announce further oil production cuts, driving prices up and making it harder to afford basic necessities. This manipulation is a deliberate attempt to keep you distracted and financially crippled just as the QFS is ready to shift power.

Port strikes and the resumption of student loan repayments are also part of their chaos agenda. Unions demand insane raises, threatening supply chains and leading to shortages. Meanwhile, the return of student loan payments is a calculated move to siphon off disposable income. They want to drown you in debt again, thinking they can halt the momentum of the QFS. They are wrong.

As Basel III regulations take effect, banks will be forced to hold more tangible assets like gold, shaking their ability to manipulate markets. This change will lead to a collapse of the housing bubble, exposing the corrupt practices of the globalists. The QFS, NESARA/GESARA, and the Global Currency Reset are already in motion.

October 1st marks the beginning of the end for the globalists. The QFS will activate, NESARA/GESARA debt forgiveness will commence, and global wealth redistribution will begin. The Deep State is scrambling, trying to manipulate oil prices and create panic, but nothing can stop what’s coming. The tide is turning, and the globalists are on the run.

Join, while it’s not too late:

(Note: Qanon Fighters has no affiliation with Q.)

The FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, Deep State Arrests, and The Military Industrial Complex!

Explosive revelations! Uncover the dark secrets behind the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, and the deep state as shocking arrests are made and the military-industrial complex’s sinister grip is exposed. The truth is coming, and they can’t stop it!

I know this could land me in trouble, considering the power of these entities. Surveillance, censorship, and intimidation have been their tools to silence those of us who dare to speak out. But I won’t be silenced. The Deep State has overplayed its hand, and the people are waking up.

For years, the term “Deep State” has been mocked as conspiracy theory. But make no mistake—it’s real. It’s not some fantasy spun by the delusional; it’s a shadow government that holds global power, controlling society through unaccountable actors and secret deals. Who is the Deep State? It’s fascists, corrupt elites, and rogue agents who have infiltrated the highest levels of power. They’re not elected. They’re not accountable. They operate above the law.

The CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, and the military-industrial complex are key players in this coordinated system of control, fueled by the wealth of elites to protect their interests. They answer to no one but the deep-pocketed power brokers who benefit from keeping humanity enslaved under the illusion of democracy.

They are responsible for assassinating JFK, MLK Jr., Malcolm X, and others who challenged their rule. They’ve overthrown governments and crushed opposition. They torture and imprison truth-tellers like Julian Assange, and they’ll stop at nothing to protect their stranglehold on power.

But their time is coming. The abolition of the Deep State is critical for true freedom. While many are still blind to the depth of their corruption, more is being exposed every day. Underground reports are revealing their crimes—human trafficking, pedophilia, and satanic rituals—operating from deep underground military bases (DUMBS) where children are bred for abuse. These bases are being destroyed in a global war happening beneath the surface.

Children, trafficked by the Deep State, are sacrificed in satanic rituals and pedophile rings that span the globe. This isn’t just some isolated scandal; it’s a vast network of evil involving Hollywood, politicians, bankers, and priests, with the Vatican at the helm.

The Deep State’s control is crumbling, and the war between good and evil is unfolding right now. Explosions from underground battles have been reported worldwide, signaling the takedown of these operations. A plan to arrest or execute every last one of them is in motion, and nothing can stop it.

They are desperate to maintain their control, using media manipulation, propaganda, and Big Tech censorship to keep the truth hidden. But as more people wake up, the house of cards will fall. The wealthy elites—the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their minions—are pulling the strings, but their day of reckoning is near.

Covid-19 was just another ploy to instill fear, destroy the economy, and consolidate power. A rebranded flu, just like 9/11 and Sandy Hook, all part of their scripted hoaxes to divide and weaken us. Bill Gates, the Obamas, the Clintons, and their fellow puppets are nothing but pawns in a much larger game orchestrated by the Deep State.

The Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati, and the Bilderberg Group control the world through fake money, Big Pharma, and human suffering. They are satanic worshippers who brainwash the public, conditioning us through movies, music, and media filled with hidden symbolism.

Their web of lies and deception has been centuries in the making. But the final battle is upon us. The deep state’s fall is inevitable. The truth will come out, and justice will be served.

Join, while it’s not too late:

Steve Beckow


David Wilcock – Be Prepared on Tues. 1 Oct. 2024

David Wilcock – Be Prepared on Tues. 1 Oct. 2024

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024

Here is David Wilcock’s take on the massive power shift happening on October 1st.


David Wilcock, Telegram, Oct. 1, 2024

· US Inc. Corp. dissolves, ending the fiat monetary system and closing US Inc. government. The privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS will shut down. Its fiscal year ends, and it’s been bankrupt since 2008. No Congressional budget approvals, just running on fumes with a fiat dollar.

· The Cabal’s Blackrock – the Deep State’s financial arm, controlling more wealth than entire nations has already declared bankruptcy. [Steve: The question has been raised of whether this is Blackrock itself or Blackrock International.]

· 45,000 ILA workers at major ports will go on strike as unions push for a 77% wage increase. Half of US goods go through those ports. For each day of the strike, it will take one week to recover, severely disrupting the supply chain. Stock up on goods.

· All banks worldwide not Basel III Compliant (have gold backing to their monies) will be closed. The Basel III regulations could alter the real estate market in unprecedented ways.

· In the first week of October the Emergency Broadcast System will activate and broadcast documentaries 24/7 on the state of the World.

· With the QFS activation governments as we know them will shrink by 90-95%. If new elections aren’t held within 60 days, the Global Alliance Military will take control. Forget the November elections. They’re not happening, not on this timeline.

· President Trump and the Global Military Alliance have been executing the largest Sting Operation in history. Military forces across the globe are mobilizing – US, Canada, UK, EU, and beyond. Over 80 nations are in on this. This is not a drill. They’ve already arrested and tried over half a million global elites – crimes against humanity. These criminals, the ones who prey on the world’s children, are facing justice, and it’s not going to be pretty.

· NESARA GESARA begins as countries worldwide activate the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset. The BRICS nations will head the greatest wealth transfer in history. 134 nations are ditching the fiat US dollar and moving to gold-backed currencies. Each of these currencies will trade at a 1:1 ratio.

· The new United States of America Republic will start its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset.

Join and share my channel immediately:

Steve Beckow


What is Meant by “Ascension”?

What is Meant by “Ascension”?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024

From God we came; to God we return, enlightened.

The tension builds as we draw nearer to Nov. 5.

And here I am, being drawn to discuss our Ascension.  As an introduction, for people new to the concept.


Let me first place “Ascension” in the “overall scheme of things,” starting with the purpose of life, which Ascension serves.

The purpose of life, as it was shown to me in a vision on Feb. 13, 1987, (1) is for each of us to realize our true identity.  I can tell you what that is, but you need to realize it: Each of us is God.

When one of us realizes that we are God, at that moment, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this, seen and unseen, past, present, and future, created.

You can see why Hindu sages would call life a leela or divine play. Or why Zen monks, when they realize what life is all about, might fall down laughing.


The graphic that portrays our situation as closely as any I’ve seen is the toroidal field, at the top of the article.

The toroidal field illustrates our “movement” from no knowledge of God to knowledge of God and reabsorption into Mother/Father One.

Our sense of our identity evolves over the time we journey from God to God. We call this process “spiritual evolution.” (2)

Everyone makes this one same journey from God to God. Everyone will realize God one day, as Sri Ramakrishna reminds us:

“All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self.” (3)

Humans go from one dimension to another until they complete and leave the twelve-dimensional world of matter (mater, Mother).  They then enter a Transcendental realm about which little is known.


Meanwhile, we’ve taken the word “Ascension” and applied it to a particular occurrence on that one same journey from God to God.

We’ve applied it to the transition from the Third/Fourth Dimension (in the afterlife: the Physical/Astral Plane) to the Fifth (or Mental Plane). That is specifically what we mean when we use the word “Ascension.”

It’s been known to all the major spiritual traditions. Jesus called it “Salvation” and “Resurrection.” “Salvation” from what? Salvation from rebirth into physicality. And “resurrection” into what? Resurrection into a higher-dimensional world.

Jesus spoke to us of becoming a pillar in the temple of his God and going no more out. (4) Where is this temple? In a higher dimension. Where is “out”? Rebirth into the 3rd/4th dimension.

Here it is in the Vedic hymn, Asatoma:

“Divine Mother
Lead me from … death to immortality….” (5)

But wait a minute. We’re already immortal.  What immortality is the sage referring to? I think s/he’s referring to being freed from needing to be reborn into the 3rd/4th Dimension.  That is Ascension.

When Buddha and Jesus transitioned, their departures are described as an ascent through many stages back to Mother/Father One, God, however that tradition describes the Divine. Michael confirms that that’s our common destination:

Archangel Michael: Your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into the Mother. (6)

The Mother and the Father are One. (7)

So that’s our one true destination on this toroidal journey, this one same journey back to the Source, that all of us are making.


What I haven’t gone into here are the “firsts” that our Ascension establishes. Michael tells us:

AAM: [We’re in a] shift from the old 3rd dimensional human being, to, can we say, a global, interdimensional, transdimensional, galactic human. (8)

The Mother confirms and explains:

Divine Mother: This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new? (9)

DM: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. (10)

DM: You are the wayshowers. (11)

It’s so spectacular an innovation that the eyes of civilizations in other universes are on Planet Earth at this moment. (12)

There’s so much more to say, but let me not tax you. Let me leave off here and pick up the thread on a later occasion.


(1) On the vision itself, see “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(2) See “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Repost),” , at

(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.

(4) Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. (Revelation 3:12.)

(5) Asatoma:

Divine Mother
Lead me from untruth
To Truth
From darkness
to Light
And from death
To Immortality.
Om peace, peace, peace.

(6) “Archangel Michael on the Process of Lightworker Expansion and Learning,” September 3, 2022, at; from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.

(7) The Mother here discusses the conditioned Father or Brahman, not the unconditioned Father, the One. But her comment might remain the same:

Divine Mother: I am All. I am One. … So, I give you human ways, not in a way of speaking down — quite the contrary — but in ways that you may understand. When I am [the conditioned] Father, there is a stillness, complete.

This is something that the human race is simply learning now. It is the union and conjoining of stillness with movement, and how that is the balance of everything. When I am in the [conditioned] Father, I do not require that movement, for that is not the way that I have created the Father. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012 at

She created the conditioned Father, but the Unconditioned Father remains uncreated.

(8) “Archangel Michael: It’s Time to Let Go of the Old,” Oct. 22, 2012, at

(9) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans, July 10, 2014,” at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) The Divine Mother, channeled by Linda Dillon, in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020.

(12) On the significance of our Ascension, see Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a 
Brand New Space at

Steve Beckow


The Storm Is Here: Hidden Bunkers Raided

The Storm Is Here:

Hidden Bunkers Raided

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024

DUMBs under DC

Another thoughtful analysis, this one from “Conspiracy Cabal” on Telegram, Sept. 18, 2024:

The Storm Is Here: Hidden Bunkers Raided, Children Rescued, and the Deep State Exposed

The deep state’s grip on our nation is weakening as their secrets come to light. The truth, long concealed, is now emerging, and the powerful are scrambling to maintain control. Brave actions are peeling back the layers of deception, revealing the sinister operations that have kept the American people in the dark for too long.

February 18, 2024: The Georgetown Raid

Tension filled the air in Georgetown, Washington, DC, as Unit X, a group of elite military personnel with trained Belgian Malinois, stormed a hidden bunker beneath the city’s streets. Inside, they uncovered horrors orchestrated by the deep state—47 children were rescued, and high-profile arrests followed, including a sitting congressman. The mainstream media remained silent, complicit in covering up this monumental event.

Operation Eclipse Exposed

March 15, 2024, marked another victory against the deep state. Leaked documents from a private intelligence firm in Langley, Virginia, exposed “Operation Eclipse,” a plan to fracture the nation through media manipulation and engineered social unrest. The deep state aimed to bring America to its knees, paving the way for martial law. However, Trump’s executive orders from 2020 thwarted this sinister plot just in time.

FEMA Camps Revealed

On June 22, 2024, a whistleblower from the Department of Homeland Security risked everything to reveal that FEMA camps, supposedly for natural disasters, were being used as holding facilities for political dissidents and trafficked children. Satellite imagery and intercepted communications confirmed these camps’ existence in remote areas of Nevada and Montana, exposing the deep state’s depravity.

The Silicon Valley “Suicide”

August 8, 2024, saw the mysterious death of a tech billionaire in his Silicon Valley mansion. The official story—suicide—was a lie. This billionaire, a key financial architect of the deep state, had been funding operations to undermine Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp. Unit X had been monitoring him, and when they struck, they ensured he could no longer threaten the nation. This was not a suicide but an execution in the war against those who seek to destroy America.

The Deep State’s Final Struggle

The deep state is in full retreat, but the battle is far from over. Every day, new revelations expose the extent of their crimes and influence. The fight for the soul of America is entering its most critical phase. The deep state’s reach extends into every facet of society—government, media, corporations, and institutions once trusted to protect us. They have manipulated and controlled us through fear and division for years, but 2024 marks the turning point.

The Mainstream Media’s Role

The mainstream media continues to distract and deceive, burying stories that matter and pushing narratives designed to keep the public docile and divided. They want us to believe everything is normal, but we know better. We see through their lies and understand their complicity in the deep state’s crimes.

The Tide Is Turning

The storm is here, and the deep state is running scared. They are not invincible, and the tide is turning. The hunters have become the hunted. Every action they take is monitored, every plot countered, and every secret exposed. The deep state’s time is running out, and the final, decisive blow is coming.

Conclusion: The Dawn of a New America

The American people are waking up, and the deep state’s days are numbered. The storm is here, bringing with it the dawn of a new America. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together, we will reclaim our country from those who would see it destroyed. The light of truth is breaking through, and with it comes the end of the deep state’s reign. Their time is almost up, and a new era is on the horizon.

Follow my channel, stay updated👇

Steve Beckow


Ending the Cycle

Ending the Cycle

By COBRA ~ The Portal

Dated September 30, 2024

The last remnant of the Tibetan negative network, the underground base in northern Tibet, has been cleared and thus that network is gone forever. Now only the main surface dark network is still remaining, and without spiritual support of the negative Agarthans, the surface dark network would fully collapse in a seven year physical cycle, even if the Light forces would now stop clearing it.

That means we are reaching the end of the tunnel and the Light can finally being to enter the surface of the planet.

Pleiadians are much more active in the Solar system again, and they have communicated that they have almost completely healed their war trauma. As a result of this, they understand the situation of the surface Lightworkers much better, and they have developed unconditional compassion for them.

There is more indirect evidence coming into the mainstream media about planet X. Scientists have discovered the second Kuiper belt, starting at 70 AU from the Sun:

That is exactly the orbital position of planet X:

The Lurker disentanglement process is proceeding with full force, and there will be a very important astrological configuration on September 27th that will trigger the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996:

It will be an exact conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint:

This conjunction will trigger the process of great astrological configurations leading to 2025:

From now until the end of October, we are in a proceeds of deep spiritual transformation and purification:

During that time, an impulse to start the New Renaissance will come from the spiritual planes. For this reason we are preparing a short workshop, and as there are still a few places left, you can join us if you feel so guided:

Dragon sources have communicated that we can now rise above the attacks and move our focus away from the darker aspects of reality, which will be decomposed anyway. This refocusing is like a muscle we can train, and with practice it gets better. For that purpose, they have released the following meditation that can help us in this process:

Time between now and November 22nd is the time of final triangulation of duality, which will bring many things to completion. This process will be energetically done through the Earth's second moon:

In November, many extremely important energetic events will happen.

After the geopolitical crisis in the first half of November, Pluto will make its final ingress into Aquarius on November 19th, a huge symbolic step into the Age of Aquarius.

Then on November 22nd, the doorway of the 11:11 will reach its final completion:

Then on November 24th, a very important operation of the Light forces will be completed.

Then on November 29th, a strong cycle will be completed, leading the way into breakthroughs of December and January.

During all that time, the dark forces may try to escalate things, but we need to remain connected with our higher selves and hold the Light:

In 2025, a seven year process of decomposing of old reality will begin. This seven year process will involve many exact Neptune/Pluto sextiles:

At the end of this process in 2032, a well known economist Martin Armstrong predicts the system as we know it will not exist anymore:

Also, according to sources, around 2032 the Earth's magnetic field will drop below 50% to allow the increased solar pre-micronova activity to collapse the surface civilization based on electricity and internet:

All this does NOT imply that the Event will happen as late as 2032, as the timing of the Event still needs to remain classified.

Victory of the Light!


Compiled by from: 

October 2024 Energies, and Their Effect on You

October 2024 Energies, and Their Effect on You

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 30, 2024

October 2024 Energies & Their Effect on You - The 9D Arcturian Council - channeled by daniel scranton
We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very happy and excited to give you this report on the energies of October, as far as we are concerned. We know that you will be receiving a lot of different energies from a lot of different sources, but we can tell you all about the energies that we are offering and the energies we know are also coming from other points within the ninth dimension. The energies of October will be about strengthening your resolve in following the beat of your own drum. 

The energies will be about amplifying the intensity of the inner guidance that you are getting. That means an increase in all of your clairs –  clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. It means moving into a time when the nudges that you get from within are harder to ignore. The impulses that you get feel more undeniable. It is a time when you are going to be supported by these energies to let go of what other people think and say you should be doing so that you can increase your awareness of what is happening inside of you in terms of all of that guidance that you do get and that many of you ignore.

Now of course, some of you only ignore this guidance some of the time, and there are very few of you who receive that guidance and follow that guidance every single time that you’re getting it, but most people need some energetic boosts in this regard. They need to be given more of the impulses and for those impulses to be stronger. They need more of the nudges and for the nudges to be less subtle. And when you hear a voice or you see an image in your mind’s eye, you will be less likely from this point forward to dismiss it as something that you made up using just your imagination.

You are of course getting help and guidance all the time, and the number of sources you have of your own guidance is too big of a number to give you. Many of you have dozens of spirit guides. You have a galactic team that is in somewhere in the range of fifty and a hundred beings. You have ancestors. You have your higher selves. You have oversouls. You have Source Energy. You have faeries and angels and all kinds of helpers around you, including orbs, and they all want you to know how powerful you are, and they all want you to live lives in joy where you feel fulfilled and satisfied with what you are doing.

And so, the energies of October are a combination of encouraging you to listen to what you are getting from those sources, and they will also help to amplify the power and the intensity of what you are getting. And so, moving forward, you can be more confident now than ever before that what you are getting is meant for you and is to be followed by you, because we all can see the broader scope of your lives. We can see the bigger picture, and we know what it serves you best to be doing, thinking about, talking about and moving towards, and now the encouragement that you get will be so much more than it has ever been before to move in those directions and to live that life of joy, while also being fulfilled and satisfied in what you are doing. 

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton 

Willing To Listen?

Willing To Listen?

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on September 30, 2024

It is okay to be yourself, to change and grow but, during this tumultuous time, it may be challenging to figure out exactly what that looks and feels like to you. If you are in doubt; stop, breathe and ask The Universe to show you. 

You are never left without a direction in which to move or an answer. Are you willing to listen?

The Creator

What Possibly Went Wrong in the Desert?

What Possibly Went Wrong in the Desert?

Thought Adjuster

Is The Teacher

Message received by Anyas

Posted on September 30, 2024


Oregon, USA, May 19, 2023

“Upon their arrival at Kadesh Barnea, which bordered the Promised Land of Canaan, they sent out twelve spies to survey the land and its people. They returned after forty days of exploration. Ten of the spies had a bad report [. . .] Only [two] dissented. Believing the report of the ten doubters, the people lost heart and rebelled […], saying, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! Why is the LORD bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?” (Excerpts of Numbers 13 and 14).

Thought Adjuster: “After being delivered from Egyptian captivity under the sagacious leadership of Moses, who “was an extraordinary combination of military leader, social organizer, and religious teacher [UB, 96:5.1], the Israelites had almost reached the land God had promised their forefathers, a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Due to their doubt and disbelief upon debriefing their forty-day reconnaissance party, God extended by forty years their wilderness wandering so that the unbelieving generation died off, never stepping foot in the Promised Land.

God’s covenant was made to Abraham through Machiventa Melchizedek. It prophesied the future occupation of Canaan by Abraham’s offspring. “[It] represents the great Urantian [Earth] agreement between divinity and humanity whereby God agrees to do everything; man only agrees to believe God’s promises and follow his instructions.” [UB, 93:6.3-4]

The Old Testament relates a similar situation where a heavy price was paid for looking back to the past. It occurred when Lot, Abraham’s nephew, fled the corrupted City of Sodom with his family to escape destruction. His wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.

The point I wish to make is that a faith-child of God does not look back — only forward. Faith is the gateway to the inner promised land of spiritual blossoming, a place of never-ending hope and positive achievements under divine inner guidance. Why would you turn your back on such a splendid covenant? Haven’t you wandered long enough? Come home where you belong! Follow the leadership of the fearless leaders the Father provides for you — the likes of Moses or Jesus — or become one since you are Spirit-led on the inner!”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love. 


Compiled by from: 

    Into the New

     Into the New

    Life Tapestry Creations

    Channel: Brenda Hoffman

    Dated September 16, 2024

    Dear Ones,

    Perhaps someone enticed you with a new project, or something you expected has not happened. Such is so because you are between two worlds – neither compatible with the other.

    Some days, everything seems to flow, while others are tedious and burdensome. Your effortless flow will be the days, hours, or minutes you open to the new. For what was is no more. Those times you attempt to return to what was will feel difficult and wrong.

    You are beginning to clamor internally for the new even though you are not yet comfortable with it, leaving you irritated and angry.

    You simultaneously feel isolated and pushed into activities because you continue to jump between the old and the new even though the old of 3D no longer sparkles for you. The new sparkles, but it is frightening because that is not who you thought you would become.

    These times are tremendously challenging. Not because they are wrong but because you are riding new waves that seem counterintuitive until you jump on them, only to discover how right these new waves are for you.

    Those you love can only observe, for they do not understand your new being – but neither do you. Allow that to be, for part of your current fear is your belief that by claiming your new being, you will lose all you have worked for throughout your numerous 3D Earth lives.

    Because your inner being is not yet completely defined, you return to what was and who you think you are, only to discover how uncomfortable that role is for you now.

    Those you love are most likely interacting and thinking similarly, creating a discordant energy between and among you. Even though the next few days will clear that inner ambiguity, for now, it seems as if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Attempts to rectify that confusion only create more inner confusion.

    Physically, you will not shift much, but internally, your new thoughts and actions are as different as day and night. What was is no more, including joyful 3D actions and thoughts. So, your emotions will likely be filled with anger, sadness, and joy.

    Your emotions are becoming more flamboyant, and your actions are unlike those you are familiar with.

    The next few days are about creating and solidifying you, for astrological events are pushing (and that is the correct word) you into a new you. By the end of this eclipse/equinox cycle, your former being will be no more. Does that mean you will see the world with different eyes and appreciation? Yes. Does that mean you will be alone and lonely? No. This is a global shift.

    Even though everyone who wishes to evolve beyond 3D will participate, not everyone will have similar interests. You and others will flit in and out of activities because you are just beginning to tap into your new interests.

    A likely question is, “How will this shift affect my personal world?” We of the Universes can only respond that your world will expand into new interests and activities more rapidly than you now imagine. The next few days are about allowing yourself to be pushed into a new you in a new world.

    Those of you who deny you are changing will be uncomfortable. Those of you fully claiming your new being will have a grand time exploring those pieces you draw to you.

    Even though this process will not be completed this week, you will accept that what was is no longer your world, and by doing so, you will open yourself to a world of sparkles and joy.

    So be it.
    Brenda Hoffman
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