Monday, September 30, 2024

What is Meant by “Ascension”?

What is Meant by “Ascension”?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024

From God we came; to God we return, enlightened.

The tension builds as we draw nearer to Nov. 5.

And here I am, being drawn to discuss our Ascension.  As an introduction, for people new to the concept.


Let me first place “Ascension” in the “overall scheme of things,” starting with the purpose of life, which Ascension serves.

The purpose of life, as it was shown to me in a vision on Feb. 13, 1987, (1) is for each of us to realize our true identity.  I can tell you what that is, but you need to realize it: Each of us is God.

When one of us realizes that we are God, at that moment, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this, seen and unseen, past, present, and future, created.

You can see why Hindu sages would call life a leela or divine play. Or why Zen monks, when they realize what life is all about, might fall down laughing.


The graphic that portrays our situation as closely as any I’ve seen is the toroidal field, at the top of the article.

The toroidal field illustrates our “movement” from no knowledge of God to knowledge of God and reabsorption into Mother/Father One.

Our sense of our identity evolves over the time we journey from God to God. We call this process “spiritual evolution.” (2)

Everyone makes this one same journey from God to God. Everyone will realize God one day, as Sri Ramakrishna reminds us:

“All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self.” (3)

Humans go from one dimension to another until they complete and leave the twelve-dimensional world of matter (mater, Mother).  They then enter a Transcendental realm about which little is known.


Meanwhile, we’ve taken the word “Ascension” and applied it to a particular occurrence on that one same journey from God to God.

We’ve applied it to the transition from the Third/Fourth Dimension (in the afterlife: the Physical/Astral Plane) to the Fifth (or Mental Plane). That is specifically what we mean when we use the word “Ascension.”

It’s been known to all the major spiritual traditions. Jesus called it “Salvation” and “Resurrection.” “Salvation” from what? Salvation from rebirth into physicality. And “resurrection” into what? Resurrection into a higher-dimensional world.

Jesus spoke to us of becoming a pillar in the temple of his God and going no more out. (4) Where is this temple? In a higher dimension. Where is “out”? Rebirth into the 3rd/4th dimension.

Here it is in the Vedic hymn, Asatoma:

“Divine Mother
Lead me from … death to immortality….” (5)

But wait a minute. We’re already immortal.  What immortality is the sage referring to? I think s/he’s referring to being freed from needing to be reborn into the 3rd/4th Dimension.  That is Ascension.

When Buddha and Jesus transitioned, their departures are described as an ascent through many stages back to Mother/Father One, God, however that tradition describes the Divine. Michael confirms that that’s our common destination:

Archangel Michael: Your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into the Mother. (6)

The Mother and the Father are One. (7)

So that’s our one true destination on this toroidal journey, this one same journey back to the Source, that all of us are making.


What I haven’t gone into here are the “firsts” that our Ascension establishes. Michael tells us:

AAM: [We’re in a] shift from the old 3rd dimensional human being, to, can we say, a global, interdimensional, transdimensional, galactic human. (8)

The Mother confirms and explains:

Divine Mother: This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new? (9)

DM: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. (10)

DM: You are the wayshowers. (11)

It’s so spectacular an innovation that the eyes of civilizations in other universes are on Planet Earth at this moment. (12)

There’s so much more to say, but let me not tax you. Let me leave off here and pick up the thread on a later occasion.


(1) On the vision itself, see “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(2) See “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Repost),” , at

(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.

(4) Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. (Revelation 3:12.)

(5) Asatoma:

Divine Mother
Lead me from untruth
To Truth
From darkness
to Light
And from death
To Immortality.
Om peace, peace, peace.

(6) “Archangel Michael on the Process of Lightworker Expansion and Learning,” September 3, 2022, at; from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.

(7) The Mother here discusses the conditioned Father or Brahman, not the unconditioned Father, the One. But her comment might remain the same:

Divine Mother: I am All. I am One. … So, I give you human ways, not in a way of speaking down — quite the contrary — but in ways that you may understand. When I am [the conditioned] Father, there is a stillness, complete.

This is something that the human race is simply learning now. It is the union and conjoining of stillness with movement, and how that is the balance of everything. When I am in the [conditioned] Father, I do not require that movement, for that is not the way that I have created the Father. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012 at

She created the conditioned Father, but the Unconditioned Father remains uncreated.

(8) “Archangel Michael: It’s Time to Let Go of the Old,” Oct. 22, 2012, at

(9) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans, July 10, 2014,” at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) The Divine Mother, channeled by Linda Dillon, in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020.

(12) On the significance of our Ascension, see Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a 
Brand New Space at

Steve Beckow


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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