Monday, September 30, 2024

October 1st Power Shift

October 1st Power Shift

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 30, 2024


As I’ve said before, I don’t know the identity of the author of “Qanon Fighters” but their material sounds credible and is informative. Use discernment in reading.

Here are two Telegram messages.

BREAKING! Massive October 1st Power Shift: Secret Plan to Activate QFS and NESARA/GESARA Unveiled – The Largest Wealth Transfer in History Is Coming!

Qanon Fighters (no affiliation with Q), Telegram, Sept. 27, 2024

A government shutdown looms over October 1st, perfectly timed as the QFS and NESARA/GESARA are set to take effect. This isn’t just about party politics; it’s a desperate attempt by the Deep State to create chaos and derail the most significant financial shift in human history. They think confusion and fear will stop the QFS, but they’re dead wrong.

With pandemic-related housing protections expiring, a wave of foreclosures and evictions is imminent. The elites want you scared, financially trapped, and desperate, clinging to the last threads of their crumbling power. But their strategy will fail. Once the QFS and NESARA/GESARA are operational, the Deep State’s efforts will collapse along with their rigged system. People will be free from debt slavery and economic manipulation.

We’re on the edge of something monumental. The Quantum Financial System, NESARA/GESARA, and a series of global events are converging at a breakneck pace. The elites are terrified; they know their time is up. They’re scrambling to distract us, but they can’t stop the inevitable. The QFS is active, and the final showdown is upon us.

The elites know they’re about to lose everything. The QFS will dismantle their corrupt financial systems, exposing their fraud and redistributing the wealth they’ve hoarded for centuries. The Federal Reserve? Dead. The IRS? Replaced. The old system will crumble as the QFS introduces a gold-backed currency, wiping out the globalists’ last foothold.

They’re using every tactic to create distractions. OPEC+ nations are poised to announce further oil production cuts, driving prices up and making it harder to afford basic necessities. This manipulation is a deliberate attempt to keep you distracted and financially crippled just as the QFS is ready to shift power.

Port strikes and the resumption of student loan repayments are also part of their chaos agenda. Unions demand insane raises, threatening supply chains and leading to shortages. Meanwhile, the return of student loan payments is a calculated move to siphon off disposable income. They want to drown you in debt again, thinking they can halt the momentum of the QFS. They are wrong.

As Basel III regulations take effect, banks will be forced to hold more tangible assets like gold, shaking their ability to manipulate markets. This change will lead to a collapse of the housing bubble, exposing the corrupt practices of the globalists. The QFS, NESARA/GESARA, and the Global Currency Reset are already in motion.

October 1st marks the beginning of the end for the globalists. The QFS will activate, NESARA/GESARA debt forgiveness will commence, and global wealth redistribution will begin. The Deep State is scrambling, trying to manipulate oil prices and create panic, but nothing can stop what’s coming. The tide is turning, and the globalists are on the run.

Join, while it’s not too late:

(Note: Qanon Fighters has no affiliation with Q.)

The FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, Deep State Arrests, and The Military Industrial Complex!

Explosive revelations! Uncover the dark secrets behind the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, and the deep state as shocking arrests are made and the military-industrial complex’s sinister grip is exposed. The truth is coming, and they can’t stop it!

I know this could land me in trouble, considering the power of these entities. Surveillance, censorship, and intimidation have been their tools to silence those of us who dare to speak out. But I won’t be silenced. The Deep State has overplayed its hand, and the people are waking up.

For years, the term “Deep State” has been mocked as conspiracy theory. But make no mistake—it’s real. It’s not some fantasy spun by the delusional; it’s a shadow government that holds global power, controlling society through unaccountable actors and secret deals. Who is the Deep State? It’s fascists, corrupt elites, and rogue agents who have infiltrated the highest levels of power. They’re not elected. They’re not accountable. They operate above the law.

The CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, and the military-industrial complex are key players in this coordinated system of control, fueled by the wealth of elites to protect their interests. They answer to no one but the deep-pocketed power brokers who benefit from keeping humanity enslaved under the illusion of democracy.

They are responsible for assassinating JFK, MLK Jr., Malcolm X, and others who challenged their rule. They’ve overthrown governments and crushed opposition. They torture and imprison truth-tellers like Julian Assange, and they’ll stop at nothing to protect their stranglehold on power.

But their time is coming. The abolition of the Deep State is critical for true freedom. While many are still blind to the depth of their corruption, more is being exposed every day. Underground reports are revealing their crimes—human trafficking, pedophilia, and satanic rituals—operating from deep underground military bases (DUMBS) where children are bred for abuse. These bases are being destroyed in a global war happening beneath the surface.

Children, trafficked by the Deep State, are sacrificed in satanic rituals and pedophile rings that span the globe. This isn’t just some isolated scandal; it’s a vast network of evil involving Hollywood, politicians, bankers, and priests, with the Vatican at the helm.

The Deep State’s control is crumbling, and the war between good and evil is unfolding right now. Explosions from underground battles have been reported worldwide, signaling the takedown of these operations. A plan to arrest or execute every last one of them is in motion, and nothing can stop it.

They are desperate to maintain their control, using media manipulation, propaganda, and Big Tech censorship to keep the truth hidden. But as more people wake up, the house of cards will fall. The wealthy elites—the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their minions—are pulling the strings, but their day of reckoning is near.

Covid-19 was just another ploy to instill fear, destroy the economy, and consolidate power. A rebranded flu, just like 9/11 and Sandy Hook, all part of their scripted hoaxes to divide and weaken us. Bill Gates, the Obamas, the Clintons, and their fellow puppets are nothing but pawns in a much larger game orchestrated by the Deep State.

The Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati, and the Bilderberg Group control the world through fake money, Big Pharma, and human suffering. They are satanic worshippers who brainwash the public, conditioning us through movies, music, and media filled with hidden symbolism.

Their web of lies and deception has been centuries in the making. But the final battle is upon us. The deep state’s fall is inevitable. The truth will come out, and justice will be served.

Join, while it’s not too late:

Steve Beckow


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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October 1st Power Shift

October 1st Power Shift By Steve Beckow Posted on September 30, 2024 Screenshot As I’ve said before, I don’t know the identity of the au...