Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Universal Energy

Universal Energy

The Group of Nine

Channel: Steve Rother

Posted on July 24, 2024




Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We welcome you this beautiful day. Your energy has already set something into motion and the magic has begun on planet Earth. You’re moving to a different vibrational level. Although the move itself can be difficult, the reality is that all of humanity is more than ready for this. So, let us explain a little bit of what is directly in front of you and how you can anchor the energy in different ways. First of all, know that you are not alone. There are many beings around you right now who are visiting planet Earth, through these portals that we’ve talked about. They’re mostly here to help your planet and to work with her. Some of the big shifts Earth has made bring new possibilities for humanity to experience in the near future.


Let us explain how harmonics works and the new energies that you’ll be experiencing. As you raise vibration, which is happening for all of humanity right now, you become harmonically entwined with other things. If you’re vibrating at a certain rate, there are many things throughout your vibrational range. And when you find one that vibrates at your rate, you connect to it. Yes, you make this vibrational connection all the time.

As with any vibration, you must go through a substrate or a carrier. Everything on your side of the veil travels in waves. But what does it travel through? As we speak, it puts vibrational waves into the air that are picked up by the microphone. It is then turned into an electrical signal and put back into waves through your speakers, where you can hear it. In this example, air is the carrier or substrate.

There are many different areas that you’re not aware of that are starting to change on your planet. In the 1920s they discovered quantum physics and quantum mechanics, such a fascinating way to look at life. You’re actually learning more of the secrets that were discovered in quantum physics in your daily lives today, for magical things are happening. As you are raising your vibration, you’re falling into harmony with other things that you haven’t been aware of.

Dark Matter, Dark Energy

As you look out into the night sky, you can see distant galaxies and stars that are all around. But for the most part, dear ones, you do not see everything that is going on. You cannot see many of the planets that are there, or even many of the other dimensions that work with you all the time. Your sciences are trying to discover what is called dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter is the space that you see with seemingly nothing in it. But the fascinating part is that it actually does have matter. This dark matter, as you call it, is what fills up 70 percent of all mass in the universe.

It also has rules, which keeps everything together. That’s why galaxies are formed the way they are, because of dark matter. Although that’s the term science uses for it, it’s also called dark energy. Dark simply means that they don’t know what it is, the wisdom has not been completely filled in on those yet. But we tell you, dear ones, that the darkness is being enlightened. So, let us explain about dark energy. You’ve been working under the concept of the Big Bang. In other words, an origin place where things started expanding really rapidly. But that is also challenging, because many of your energies are working in different ways that you cannot always perceive.

Now they are starting to move in different directions entirely. As you talk about all these stars and galaxies expanding at incredible rates because of the Big Bang, it’s a good starting point for you to understand.

But normally in an explosion of that nature, as you start to reach the outer bands it slows down after meeting resistance. Well, the reality is that all of the planets in your galaxy are speeding up, they’re going faster not slower. Part of that is because of the shape of the universe, which is actually in the shape of a torus. To measure the distance of how far something is away from you, it must include a space curve.

Everything Is Speeding Up

Because everything is speeding up, it means there’s an energy that is making that happen. And your scientists have simply called it dark energy. Now that we’ve explained it from that perspective, let us share with you our view of the same thing. We see dark energy and dark matter as the same essence, and it can carry waves of high vibration. That means it is also a substrate or carrier, which can carry vibrations. But humanity has not used those vibrational ranges before. Why? Well, that goes back to your vibrational levels, which were lower compared to where you are now.

So, you were not in a harmonic resonance to be able to use that before. Now that is changing humanity and vibrations are starting to rise. Ah yes, we know there are all sorts of challenges and difficulties. There is finger pointing and division on your planet. But that is a normal process when things are evolving at the rate they are now. As you do that, you come into contact with some of these other aspects that you’ve never used before.

Harmonizing With the Universal Energy

We have been calling it Universal energy, and you can tap into it like never before. As humanity is raising to this level it’s not only possible, but it is also right in front of you. You have opportunities to change every part of this right now. So, how does one do that? Well, you’ve been sending energy out into the universe in many different ways. We told you a couple of months ago about the incredible energy that your smile has. We call that smile your way Home. Your vagus nerve lights up when you smile, it goes all the way through your body sending out waves into this light energy.

And that can be felt not only by other humans, but by many of the beings in the universe that you cannot see. So, there are now possibilities for you to connect in new ways. How does one actually integrate this and get the process moving? Well, your meditations and sacred time are part of it, when you are fully centered in your own energetic bubble.

It’s quite magical the way you send out these normal vibrations into the universe. Until recently they only went a short distance, but that is changing. The universe is actually in the shape of a torus, but you also have a personal torus around your physical body. That toroidal shape is what sends out vibrations into the light energy. And when you are able to put energy consciously into the torus, that is what sends out universal energy. That is how we describe this, it is universal energy because it’s everywhere. And it’s also a vibrational range which humans can now start to use.

A New Vibrational Range

The universal energy itself is part of your world, your galaxy and the universe. You’re starting to be able to use it consciously, which is new. And this is a perfect time, because it can break down the disharmony and confusion that your planet is filled with right now. There is all this politics going on, stories are being told to try and convince you to move in one direction or the other. But we tell you, dear ones, your heart knows the way Home. And that’s more important than any decision you will make about all this, because your energy is here and your love is growing.

So, what happens to your torus when you are experiencing love? It grows, expands, and moves more quickly to bring more of the energy through you. Once you know how it works, you can change the energy by changing the pace of your torus. You can also change the direction that it moves in. There are two directions that you can take, bringing it in from the top and out through the bottom or moving sideways.

What if you were some place where you couldn’t quite fit in? Could you consciously move it in the other direction? Yes, you can but it takes a little practice. Humans are not accustomed to doing this yet, but you will be. You’ll see many more of the opportunities to extend your light, just through the simple energy of smiling.

Re-member Your Magic

The magic that you hold is so great, and yet you rarely get to see it yourself. That’s part of the veil that you are not supposed to re-member, your magic. Here it is starting to unfold a little bit more every day. Claim parts of this, use it and anchor it into your reality, so it will become part of your daily work. The magic is part of who you always were, for we cannot teach you how to be magical, dear ones. We can only help you re-member that you are. You read books about all the beautiful, magical things that take place on your planet. They are real, dear ones, that is why you’re so fascinated with them. To have powers beyond the physical energies alone and to see things in the future, those are done through the universal energy. You’re all connected through the universal energies.

Your Magic Is Growing

When humans are experiencing something very difficult, they often shut down and try to hide from the world. But everyone else can feel it, dear ones, so sometimes it is better just to own who you are and let yourself be felt. Sometimes it’s better just to say, “I am hurting. I am not okay, something is wrong.”That’s when you gather all the energy from other healers on planet Earth. And they are waiting to connect with you more than you can possibly know. Many of you are those healers waiting to jump into action to see the next level.

The universal energy is becoming more important, because it will be felt in your world. You will feel vibrations coming through the universal energy. It’s the same way that you hear things when they are spoken, and the same way you feel things. But most of the feelings now are blocked compared to what you’re about to experience. You’re actually returning to carry some of the attributes of Home on your planet as you walk around in density, pretending to be separate from the whole. You are pretending to be separate from each other. You’re magical beings and the magic is starting to grow.

How Do I Use This?

It’s very simple, start sending energy out consciously. Most of the time your energy is about how you feel. In other words, if you’re walking down the street and suddenly you become aware of something, you check into how your body is feeling. How is your stomach, your head? How are your legs feeling as you’re walking down the street?

It is common to be focused inside the torus, because that’s where all your action has been. But in the near future, you will also be focusing outside the torus to see the effect that your energy has in the planet. Now, that is an incredible opportunity. In the beginning it will be misunderstood, and there will be those who try to use it incorrectly or selfishly. Of course, there are many bad actors on your planet. But the reality is, it doesn’t make any difference. As you start using this, humans will learn how to put their best foot forward.

A Time of No More Secrets

They’ll learn how to create the path in front of them before they step out the door. That’s the highest potential of walking in the light, for you are magical beings, each and every one of you. And you are reaching a new level of magic with the universal energy. We also told you a while back that you are entering the time of no more secrets.

Well, that time is already here and you can see it in many different ways. You see into other people’s hearts. You will feel things that you haven’t been able to before, for that is this harmonic level you’re reaching. That is exactly what this process is about, so use it and play with it. Smile and know it opens the door to where you are going. It opens the possibilities for the highest potential, creating the path of least resistance right in front of you. You are magical beings, dear ones. You are the greatest angels that have ever lived. And here you are in place for the next miracle that is about to take place.

We’ve told you many times that these magical things sort of happen behind the scenes. Most humans are not even aware of them, like when the timeline crossed or the recent Stargate opening. But that doesn’t have as much to do with humans as it have to do with the Earth. The planet is changing very rapidly and trying to adjust, to be able to support all 8 billion spirits that are now there. Earth is trying to work with you in different ways and doing quite well with it, for she is getting help.

There are great possibilities with Earth that were not there only a short time ago. We also tell you that all of your energies working with the Earth are amplified greatly during these times. If we had to use a number, we would say it’s amplified almost 56 times. In other words, every piece of trash that you pick up is amplified 56 times. Every time you decide to walk somewhere instead of drive, that savings is amplified 56 times. And it works in both directions, because if you do something that has a harmful effect on the Earth it is also amplified 56 times. But you have the ability to change all of that.

Enjoy this journey, dear ones. Your energy is vibrating out into the universe and it is being felt by more beings than you ever thought possible. All eyes are on planet Earth during these times. And we have the perfect people in place, for there you are. Know that you’re in the perfect place at the perfect time. You are claiming your magic more every day. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with the highest respect. Open the doors for each other. Nurture one another and play well together, as you play these beautiful new games.

We are magical ourselves, but nothing compared to your magic. It is our job to hold the mirror in front of you, only to help you re-member who you truly are and why you came here. You’re right on schedule, well done, dear ones.

We are the group of nine.


Steve Rother

Copyright 2000 – 2023
This information is meant to circulate and may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part. 
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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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