Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Collective No to Dehumanization

The Collective No to Dehumanization

Message from Saint Germain

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight
on July 13, 2024


Will the Corona measures return?

JJK: Will the whole Corona madness come back with the measures? There are some indications that this is the case. Israel has just reintroduced the PCR test requirement for hospital visits and politicians are increasingly walking around with masks…

SG: This is the master test for people to say NO decisively and irrevocably, that is what matters now.

JJK: Will there be a lot of people, more than 3 years ago? How many people does it take?

SG: There will be far more than at the beginning of this crisis. This master test of “saying NO, STOP and HALT” is also the dress rehearsal for the final NO when it comes to imposing artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity.

JJK: I had to call an insurance company today and spoke to an AI.

It sounded almost like a human, the AI ​​female voice was hardly distinguishable from a real voice and gave me coherent answers to questions – really spooky…

SG: These are particularly valuable months that lie ahead for you, because you will experience for the first time what true “self-empowerment” can do and change.

JJK: Does that mean that there will be further “tightening” measures?

SG: You are to be weakened and deceived in every possible way. Wherever you look, when you observe current events in this matrix, fears are being stoked and the manipulations will never end until people raise their eyes and no longer believe in the destructiveness. You have been and will be prepared for this, because today more people are ready for this leap in consciousness than ever before.

There still needs to be a certain amount of pressure so that people can prove what quality they are.

JJK: Prove to whom?

SG: To no one but yourself! To prove to yourself that you can take control of your life and that you will no longer hang on the lips of those who bring ruin.

Man is in his mastery and that means acting like a master. This is now happening in a new way, with a previously unattainable power and with unexpected strength.

This current event is GOD’s gift to humanity so that they can become aware of their power and experience themselves as divine creative beings.

Master crises “self-empowered”!

The change is brought about by you, because only in this way will you live up to the claim of mastery.

All power and strength lies within you – knowing this is one thing, but experiencing it and seeing the effects on the world is something completely different. Your NO will produce results that you could never have imagined. This is the experience that many people who are “empowered” to overcome the coming crises are now experiencing.

Awakening becomes a living experience, stored in your cellular consciousness – and that is all that matters now! The dark princes complete their plans on a world that is intended for them. However, humans are no longer part of it. You have stepped out and find yourself in another reality. That is the way, that leads to the truth and brings life.

JJK: What exactly will happen in the near future?

The next time

SG: At first everything seems to follow the usual patterns, agony spreads and many people seem to obey. But suddenly the turning point comes and all deception ends. The struggle for freedom and self-determination continues and more and more people become aware of the situation and of their own power.

The collective NO to dehumanization is the gift you give yourself!

What was conceived in the dark fails on all fronts. Hold on and remain firm in your resolutions. Guard your living relationship with GOD and know that your spiritual families are always at your side. Trust in a good ending and awaken to your power. Because everything that comes now will forge you into true people and lead you to mastery.

All struggles and efforts, all challenges and trials serve you until you can accept and use your power. Your destiny is formed by your decisions and the present and future are shaped. When death is overcome, the living is manifested – then you are elevated and can reach GOD.

Humanity is awakening – the coming times provide impressive evidence of this.

I am in your midst

Jahn J Kassl


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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