Saturday, July 13, 2024

Triple 888 Passage Ascension Update

Triple 888 Passage Ascension Update

By Natalia Alba

Posted on July 13, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

This activation is now taking place in many of us, for it is time for us to reconnect to the many timelines in which we dwell. The 888 passage represents a planetary opening guarded by the White Elohim in our earth’s fabrics of time and space, gradually reconnecting the lost connection with other dimensions.

The Emerald retrieval that we are undergoing, is a process that was already initiated many years ago by Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and that is now finally being concluded. They were genetic equals, descendants from the future 8D timelines, and hence timekeepers, and templar workers, for Jesus’s 12th tribe were more than what we have been told. Both hold a unique and unified essene template with the light codes required to achieve this work.

Both experienced ascension while they were physical beings, which is what the triple number 8 also signifies, from an individual perspective, the transcendence of a physical body and human consciousness and embodiment of our Divine One.

Many of you are now embodying your twin flame, through polarity integration, awakening to your mission, and reuniting with those who are meant to help you bring this same planetary healing. Many of you have come in tribes, and others will act more solitary, all is orchestrated divinely for the whole to evolve, our mission is not to want this or that but to accept God’s Will and fulfill our unique purpose within Creation. This does not mean we do not have desires, but our desires now do not come from the ego but from our purest soul desire to assist All.

We are reaching the end of a cycle, one of soul and monadic reconnection that will conclude next year, for it is nine years the period, and effort, it takes to restore the many manipulated grids in our planet, retrieving connection to the Illumined Planes and concluding a cycle. This is why it is so important to reconnect ourselves, through DNA strands to our soul, and monad, for we are now receiving eight-dimensional frequencies that help us communicate with this inner work of self-reconnection, transcendence, and illumination.

Numbers 888 represents the connection to the 8th-dimensional timelines, to our equal genetically, for it is when we initiate ourselves in the monadic dimensions that we start merging with our equal, whether incarnated or not. It is in the eighth dimension where our soul records reside, and all the information we need to remember about who we are, our galactic heritage, and what we need to heal to embody our mission.

There will be many of you with Orion lineage now healing galactic wars, restoring the trauma at a monadic level, as even though now evolved, Orion experienced deep polarization, as well as many other beings within Creation who are evolving, exactly as we are now. All the memories from the eight dimensions you have experienced, whether as an Orion, Sirian, or any other civilization, are not being retrieved for you to embrace its lessons, and knowledge and let go of painful memories through soul retrieval.

The triple 888 passage offers us the codes for us to activate our multidimensionality, as we are all multidimensional beings, but when we were born into this earth plane, we were literally unplugged in our DNA from our ability to connect to other dimensions.

When we activate our multidimensionality, in our second DNA strand, responsible for time, space, and linearity, we start moving our consciousness outside of our time-space, reconnecting further DNA strands and moving into a new level of awareness. It is then that we can remember the infinite of our existence, memories, and wisdom.

This passage is for us to tune into a new timeline. Each of you will experience a unique activation, even though planetarily speaking we are undergoing an Emerald retrieval, expanding heart, consciousness, and healing polarities, you all have your own micro cycles and experiences to live.

You will receive the initiation that you need for this time and you are ready to integrate. Numbers, signs from your Guides in the form they send to you, and your own Unified Self, will inform you of where you are, and what you uniquely need to activate.

Pay attention to numbers, especially at this time, as when the soul awakes, it starts seeing numbers because it starts connecting to the wisdom of the Universe, which is based on numbers, geometry, and dimensions. Numbers that activate consciousness and your unique template, leading you, through synchronicity, to what you are meant to experience next, for now you no longer are governed by outer forces, but by your inner Divine ones.

Each of you has unique galactic, soul memories to address, heal, clear, and remove from your DNA. All of us have DNA anomalies to heal that are unique to our personal experiences on this and many other dimensions, and only you know what this passage means for you.

As Guides repeatedly say, trust that you know who you are, and that your soul is guiding you towards what is best for you to experience, activate, heal, and expand, at this time.

As I always say, God does not repeat Herself. Why would you want to be like someone else? You are a precious God’s creation with abilities no one else has, and do, in the way you do it. You will be guided to what you need to work with, to activate your gifts and be of service, in your unique way.

Do not take away from us the unique gift you bring to this Earth by wanting to be someone else.

Embrace who you are, and release the gift of your Presence to the world, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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