Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Love is love is love

Love is love is love

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted June 18, 2024

Today I want to talk about love. Spirit dearly wants to nurture the flame of feeling loved inside of you.

If you are in an existing relationship, we wish to deepen and expand that love, make it new again, and allow your heart to open in gratitude for it.

If you are not in a relationship, Spirit wishes you to open your heart wide and feel the love that is all around you.

Your heart knows love.

Your heart is love.

Love is your essential nature.

Very softly, very gently, attune to your heart right now.

Feel the softness that is always there.

Part 1: Love

The other night, I was driving home thinking of someone who is dear to me. As I thought about this one, tears came to my eyes with gratitude for the quality of the love that we share.

As I drove, spontaneously, unexpectedly, my heart burst wide open. What began as tears of simple gratitude and acknowledgment became, surprisingly, some deeper, wider experience I couldn’t quite describe.

All of a sudden, it was as if one thousand years of joy and pain and longing and fulfillment and loss and reunion all came out at the same time…

In that moment, I understood love differently.

I understood the exquisite and profound nature of this part of me, this boundless capacity to love.

In this moment, it was directed toward one special person.

For those of you who long for romantic fulfillment, I want you to feel that sensation in your heart. Everything you have ever wanted in another person, it is yours, right here, right now.

Let that sensation fill you completely, as I did. Even though my thoughts were not of a romantic partner, the love was all-consuming.

Love is love is love.

As I stayed with this experience of love and loss and joy and pain, what emerged was a surrendering into love. With the surrender came an incredible ecstasy. A sense of freedom and absolute bliss.

For those of you who want nothing more in this moment than romantic fulfillment, Spirit is with you. Stay here, and feel it. It is yours. Let yourself be filled completely.

For those of you who want to see what comes next, continue on.

Part 2: Love, Amplified

As I surrendered into the love, I was elevated into the awareness that my love for this person was actually my love for God, for the Divine. And as I surrendered even more into my love for the Divine, what I realized is that the love is inside of me.

Whether it was finding a pathway to the Divine through the experience of love for this person, or if it was simply the exquisite feeling of heartfelt love for this one - in either case, I realized the love was inside of me.

And once I realized the love was inside of me, I realized it was always available, and it was eternal.

This thought takes my breath away even now.

Love is love is love.

The love that we are seeking is inside of us and available at any time.

If this appeals to you, my wish is that you may share this understanding, too.

With this, you are never alone, you are always connected to something greater, and love is always available to you.

If this touches your heart, please let me know.

To listen to an audio of this message, please click here.


The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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