Monday, June 17, 2024

Lightworker Leaders are Needed

Lightworker Leaders are Needed

By Steve Beckow

 Posted on June 17, 2024

We continue with our exploration of world leadership from a previously unpublished collection.

Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother are channeled by Linda Dillon. From On World Leadership – Co-Creative Partnership. Unpublished, 2024.

It’s time for leaders to step forth

Archangel Michael: It is time to come out of the cave. It is time to stop hiding your light under a bushel basket. It is time for many – all of you – to step forward and assume [leadership] in the fullness of joy.

So not only are you being asked to step forward, to let go of the fear, the angst, the anger, the concern, but we are asking you to step forward [laughing] in outrageous joy! So this is quite a request is it not?

Steve: It is definitely quite a request. [laughing]

AAM: If no one steps forward into the ‘how to’, into ‘how do we go about this?’ How do we begin, how do we proceed, how do we build, how do we create in the practical sense? Then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools – the fullness of this new energy.

So they are assigned…or try to step up to create and to take the leadership role. They do not have the training and insight to do this in a way that is achievable. It is not a critique or a criticism or a judgment in any way of the collective, but if they are not fully engaged and enjoying the energy of wholeness, then they are not bringing the engineering of that wholeness to the project of creating Nova Earth. So there is a lack, a vacuum of leadership.

Now, who upon this wondrous planet, who has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or in the limelight and is ready? Who has prepared? Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well it is the lightworkers.

Now there is a reticence on two levels. There is the practicality of, “My family thinks I am absolutely crazy,” “I do not want to risk my job, my friendships, my position in my community by speaking out.” And there is also the fear of success. There is the fear of the old paradigm of leadership, which was control and greed and lust and authority, meaning abuse of power.

And so the concern is we do not wish to duplicate the Illuminati. My friends, there is not a chance above or below that you are going to duplicate. That is what you have strived to eliminate. What you are being asked to do is to step forth in the truth of your gifts, your abilities…some in a minor way, some in a major way, but each in accordance with your true mission and purpose on Gaia – not on other planets…in tandem and cooperation with your Star brothers and sisters, but not off planet…to bring forth this wondrous new.  (1)

AAM through Ronna: Are you willing to step to the fore? Are you among those who are ready and willing to guide and direct, to steadfastly hold the focus of the new vision – the new Divine Blueprint for Heaven and Earth – and then to see that it is manifested for the highest good of all? (2)

Do we really need leaders?

Archangel Michael through Ronna: It is imperative that there be Masters of Light/Warriors of Spirit ready to step into leadership roles – those who are willing to boldly lead the way into the new realms of existence that have been prepared for ascending humanity. (3)

AAM through Linda: Does there need to be a General? Yes. Does there need to be someone who says yay or nay? Yes. But it is collaborative. It is based on values. It is based on an adherence to those values far beyond simply signing a contract. (4)

What will the future see for those who step forward?

AAM: Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many. (5)

SaLuSa: Lightworkers do have a voice and those seeking illumination will be drawn to those people who can guide them along a suitable pathway. (6)

Saul: Truly a sea change is underway as younger people, mostly aged forty or less, with what seem like extraordinarily wise heads on their seemingly young shoulders move into positions of power and influence.

Many of you have for decades been holding the Light and living kindly and compassionately, while forgiving those who have hurt or damaged you and holding the intent to refrain from judgment. This has fortified your personal energy fields, the fields of Love in which every human is enfolded, and the upshot of those long-held intentions is humanity’s collective decision to awaken.

It has probably seemed at times that your loving intentions were having very little effect, but in fact it is because of those constantly-held intentions through the decades, without any positive feedback apart from your own inner knowing, that has brought you so close to your inevitable awakening.

Those of you over sixty years old, when you look back to your youth and the cultural environment in which you grew up, can see that enormous strides that have been made in reaching out to and assisting those in need. There is still quite a way to go, but progress to end poverty and all its associated ills is accelerating. (7)

How does the conversation grow?

Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.

Steve Beckow: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?

AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path. (8)


(1) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” through Linda Dillon, at

(2) “Archangel Michael: The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom,” channelled by Ronna Herman, August 29, 2013.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “Archangel Michael on Our Bodies and the Integrated Self,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 29, 2017, at

(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016.

(6) SaLuSa, May 29, 2015.

(7) Saul, Jan. 13, 2016, at

(8) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at

Having suffered numerous malware attacks, the Golden Age of Gaia now hyperlinks only to its own sites.

Steve Beckow


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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