Monday, May 1, 2023

May 2023 Ascension Energies

May 2023 Ascension Energies

By Samantha

Posted on May 1, 2023

After the immense clearing and alignment of our second chakra in April, we move to a new Cosmic Cycle of Creation: Fire – this will shift us out of the slow, intense, deep, breakthrough rhythm of the last three months (Wood Cycle) into accelerated spiritual growth in May. All of our arduous inner work so far this year will start to pay off in May!

The focus this month is the earthly and spiritual alignment of our 7th (Crown) chakra, the “Seat of the Spirit”. It is here where we receive higher guidance (via the pineal gland) to uplift the human spirit and channel new ways of living in harmony, balance and reverence with ourselves and our world. It is also where our own energy or vibrational field intersects with the universal vibrational consciousness (Oneness, or All That Is).

The pineal gland, located in the head, is an electromagnetic sensor that regulates various states in the body, from our moods to our extra sensory perception. Its biochemical and electromagnetic interactions are directly tied to its role in our spiritual enlightenment.

Authentic spirituality, via the seventh chakra energy and as we ascend to align with our 8-12th chakras, is about living with is true for us as individuals. Spirituality provides fluidity in our individual experiences: it is recognizing that what is true for me may not be true for you. It provides us with the freedom to experience life and create our own unique feelings, thoughts and interaction in relationship to the Divine and our higher purpose. These are the qualities of the 7th Chakra archetypes: The Guru and The Priest/Priestess.

When we live a spiritual life we are able to grow infinitely on all levels of our being.  We are open to life and the truths that we find in our immediate world, from our moment-to-moment encounters with others to how we connect with nature. Reality can change for us in an instant, and we can witness these changes through  accommodating eyes. Spirituality promotes a world where ALL are equal, and diversity and co-creative principles are truly embraced.

May’s Ascension Energies are inviting us to move to another level of spiritual illumination that will inspire us to new personal heights and growth on our soulful journey!

For more on the main lessons, the shadow to watch for, and how to work with these energies to support yourself please watch my video.

For those of you with my book – you can find further support by reading the 7th chakra chapter! And/or work with the 7th chakra archetypes and plants in my Oracle Deck.

In service and divine liberation,



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Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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