Thursday, March 13, 2025

How to Navigate These Times of Extreme Change

How to Navigate These Times of Extreme Change

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 12, 2025


I’ve asked Louis to tell us about “Galactic Press”  (

I had earlier said it had a little more of a scientific orientation than we do and he replied:

“To clarify: the purpose of the “Galactic Press” is by no means scientific; it is based on the voice of the heart, as you yourself do, which is why I often choose to translate certain texts from authors featured on GAoG.

“In a few words, here is the purpose of my blog:

“PRESSE GALACTIC – Daily news that brings people closer to themselves and to each other ” aims to publish daily news regarding the fundamental process of individual and collective transformation that we are all currently experiencing, as well as its impacts on a planetary and galactic scale. Maintaining a high vibrational frequency is the key to ascension.”

Louis, who has never used his last name, which detachment I admire, tells us that, to make it accessible to English-speaking readers, he’s automated the translation to the reader’s language.

With that, at my request for an intro to his work, I post his “How to Navigate These Times of Extreme Change.”


How to Navigate These Times of Extreme Change

By the “Galactic Press” Team

Since its inception over 16 years ago, the “Galactic Press” has aimed to be a guiding light for humanity, illuminating the path of awakening amidst the cosmic waves sweeping across our planet. Today, as we stand at the threshold of profound transformations, we wish to share essential insights to help you navigate these turbulent times with serenity and strength.

Humanity is currently undergoing an unprecedented shift, a monumental transition that is shaking the very foundations of our collective consciousness. This pivotal moment, long foretold by spiritual traditions, is not the end but rather the dawn of a new era—a renaissance of the spirit, a rebirth of the heart, and an elevation of our vibrational essence.

A Time of Purification and Elevation

The changes we are witnessing are not mere external events; they are the outer reflections of an inner purification. The Earth, our sacred Mother, is accelerating her own ascension, raising her frequency to align with higher dimensions of existence. This process, though magnificent, can feel chaotic, as it requires the release of all that is dense, outdated, or misaligned with the purity of universal love.

Cosmic energies, intensified by solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and celestial alignments, are flooding our planet, acting as catalysts for this transformation. These energies are not here to destroy but to awaken. They stir the depths of our being, bringing to the surface unresolved emotions, old wounds, and limiting beliefs, so they can be healed and transmuted into light.

The Physical and Energetic Symptoms of Ascension

As these powerful energies interact with our physical and subtle bodies, many of you may experience what are often called “ascension symptoms.” » These are signs that your being is adjusting to the higher frequencies. They may include:

  • Intense fatigue or sudden bursts of energy,
  • Sleep disturbances, vivid dreams, or moments of disorientation,
  • Physical sensations such as tingling, heat, or pressure in certain parts of the body,
  • Emotional ups and downs, from deep sadness to inexplicable joy,
  • A sense of being “disconnected” or “elsewhere,” as if your consciousness is temporarily shifting between dimensions.

These symptoms, though sometimes uncomfortable, are not a cause for alarm. They are part of the natural process of recalibrating your energy field to harmonize with the Earth’s new vibrational state. Your body is not weakening; it is evolving, shedding the density of the old to embody the light of the new.

The Inner Work: Anchoring in the Heart

To navigate these changes with grace, the most powerful tool at your disposal is the wisdom of your heart. The heart is your anchor, your compass, and your sanctuary in these times of upheaval. Here are some practical steps to remain centered and aligned:

  • Cultivate Inner Silence: In the midst of external chaos, silence is your refuge. Dedicate time each day to stillness, whether through meditation, conscious breathing, or simply sitting in nature. This silence allows you to hear the subtle guidance of your soul and to discern truth from illusion.
  • Release the Old: The energies of this time are urging you to let go of what no longer serves you—be it toxic relationships, outdated beliefs, or patterns of fear and control. Ask yourself: What am I holding onto that weighs me down? Trust that releasing these burdens will create space for new blessings to enter your life.
  • Ground Yourself in the Present Moment: The rapid shifts can make you feel unmoored, but the present moment is your anchor. Practice grounding by connecting with the Earth—walk barefoot on the soil, embrace a tree, or visualize roots extending from your feet into the heart of Gaia. This connection stabilizes your energy and aligns you with the planet’s ascension process.
  • Embrace Your Emotions: Rather than suppressing or fearing intense emotions, welcome them as messengers. Emotions are energy in motion, and by allowing them to flow without judgment, you facilitate their healing and integration. Journaling, creative expression, or energy practices like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can be invaluable tools.
  • Nourish Your Body: Your physical vessel is undergoing immense transformation. Support it by consuming high-vibrational foods—fresh, organic, and plant-based whenever possible. Stay hydrated, rest when needed, and engage in gentle movement practices like yoga or tai chi to harmonize your energy flow.

The Collective Dimension: Unity in Diversity

Beyond the personal, these changes are also reshaping the collective. The old systems—political, economic, social, and cultural—are crumbling under the weight of their own density, making way for structures rooted in unity, equity, and love. This transition, though necessary, can appear chaotic, as the dissolution of the old often triggers resistance and fear in those who cling to the familiar.

Your role, as a being of light, is not to fight the darkness but to embody the light. By holding a frequency of love, compassion, and unity, you contribute to the stabilization of the collective field. Remember that every thought, word, and action you emit sends ripples into the quantum field, influencing the whole.

The Path Forward: Trust and Surrender

As we move deeper into this transformative period, the key to thriving lies in trust and surrender. Trust that these changes, though intense, are part of a divine orchestration, guiding humanity toward a higher state of being. Surrender does not mean passivity; it means releasing the need to control outcomes and instead aligning with the flow of universal wisdom.

Know that you are not alone. You are supported by the Earth, by the cosmic forces, by your spiritual guides, and by a vast network of awakened souls across the planet. Together, we are co-creating the New Earth—a reality where love, harmony, and unity prevail.

A Final Word of Encouragement

Dear ones, remember that you thing to be here, in this body, at this precise moment in history. You are not a passive observer but an active participant in this grand cosmic symphony. Embrace the challenges as opportunities, the chaos as a canvas for creation, and the uncertainty as a portal to infinite possibilities.

Hold fast to the light within you, for it is your greatest strength. Together, we rise, we heal, and we shine, illuminating the path for all.

With infinite love and gratitude,
The “Galactic Press” Team

Translated and shared by the Presse Galagique

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists [the fake Jews].

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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