How to Navigate the New You Emerging
The Celestial White Beings
Channel: Natalie Glasson
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Posted on January 7, 2025
Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings.
We extend from the Celestial vibrations and levels of the Creator’s Universe. We are often seen as one source of white light although we can appear as many beings. Our purpose is to support the ascension of the earth. We have been connected to the earth since its creation.
We believe that the greatest energy is bliss, and that bliss is a higher vibration than love. Through the presence of love one can obtain bliss, and in a space of bliss, one is able to access the unification with the Creator. It is our purpose to promote and remind you of your own inner bliss.
At this time, we, the Celestial White Beings, wish to come forth with insights concerning the year ahead.
We wish to share with you things that you can hold within your mind and with which you can support yourself as you navigate the reality you are experiencing, so that you feel that the Divine is holding you; carrying you forth, assisting you in the ascension that is emerging and evolving from within your being, and also from those around you.
We first wish to share that there will be waves of immensely intensive energy coming forth; intense blazes of light that will come forth in waves. These blazes or waves of light are intense light and power, and when you connect with them, you experience a boost of light and your own power.
What it may feel like is that you are being cracked open, allowing your divinity to emerge and flow, like a liquid light or energy.
You will experience these intense waves of light and power whether you connect with them or not. They will create very powerful impacts and shifts within your being. This will be different and diverse for each person.
Imagine this. Several times throughout the coming year, it will be almost like an electric shock or lightning strike. Your light and your power will be intensified so greatly, you will be aware of it.
It will have a positive impact upon your being so it is important, in the coming days, that you set the intention of that which you wish to create with the boost of light and power. It can be anything.
It can be to promote something in your physical reality; a creation or manifestation.
It can be to promote something in your spiritual growth; a connection, or the release, or the healing, or even the development of a skill or ability.
It may be, in these times, that you find you need to be in nature to ground yourself, or you need to be in a space where you feel safe – maybe surrounded by sacred items that mean something to you, or maybe surrounded by sacred friends or people who can support you, and who you can support.
The energies flowing forth will also encourage you to experience a pool of divinity.
This will be like you diving into the most sacred and glorious pool of your own divinity. In doing so, there will be a great sense of remembrance and knowingness, allowing you to truly recognize your own divinity, to allow for your purpose to be experienced within your being, and for your divinity to be truly sensed/experienced/acknowledged within your being.
You may find that you have a greater understanding of your own divinity, maybe greater than you have ever experienced.
This will be, and will give a sense of celebration because you will be feeling as if you are achieving your mastery – your advancement and your ascension – because you have a greater knowingness and acknowledgment of the divinity within your being; like a pool of divine, sacred vibrations within your being.
This is something to focus upon and to realize that it will come into fruition naturally. Everything within your being, and your guides, and the Creator will be directing you to dive into that pool of divinity within your being.
With the energies coming forward, it may feel, to you, as if you are in the greatest, most powerful wind. Imagine yourself standing at the top of a hill. It is so powerfully windy. The wind is just rushing past you and through your auric field. You can barely stand on top of this hill. You have your arms out and your legs spread wide and you’re holding on. You’re just able to stand.
As this wind…this energy wind…comes forth, you may not see it in your physical reality, but it will be a very powerful clearing. It will feel as if the winds of change are coming and they are blowing away all unneeded energies – all baggage, all limitations and boundaries – and you will find that things that you held as valuable, will simply blow away; things such as wounds that seemed so raw and so present that you held onto them.
They were extremely stuck in your energy. All of a sudden they have disappeared, they have blown away.
t will be a very powerful shift and you will feel a great sense of freedom, lightness and brightness because it will be as if things are just blowing away. Things that you found very valuable or things that had been stuck and you’d been holding onto.
This might make you feel very unsettled because then you will have to assess what is actually valuable to you. What do you now feel is valuable?
You may have to change your perspective. You may even have to change your perspective and your understanding of yourself, of the world around you, of what you’re achieving – your goals, your intentions – because wounds will simply blow away. They will be easily and very quickly released, and you will wonder how or where did that go? I didn’t even see/sense or acknowledge myself releasing it. It just seems to have disappeared.
It will be a very valuable and important process, but you may find yourself feeling unsettled. If you do feel unsettled at times, know that it is this powerful energetic wind that is clearing your being, causing you to reassess what is valuable to you.
During this New Year that is coming forth, and that you are experiencing, there is focus upon a greater connection with Mother Earth. Everyone’s mental thoughts and heart connections begin to focus upon Mother Earth.
You may notice within yourself and within others, that you feel a deeper caring for Mother Earth; a wish to support Mother Earth, to be present with Mother Earth – maybe to be on land of Mother Earth, to clear rubbish, to do practical things that support Mother Earth – to bring a healing/clearing to Mother Earth so that you feel a grounding into Mother Earth and a greater connection with Mother Earth…as if you are truly experiencing a relationship with Mother Earth.
You will recognize a mental connection with Mother Earth. It might go as far as that you can hear the thoughts of Mother Earth. You can feel a heart connection with Mother Earth. You can feel and sense what she is feeling and sensing and you are able to work in harmony and unity with Mother Earth.
This will manifest in many ways for different people. Some people will just feel a slight inclination, maybe to be in nature more or to support Mother Earth. Others will feel that it might even change their whole life – that they need to be so close and connected with Mother Earth.
You will also notice that you will begin to recognize, more fully and in your everyday life, connections; things that you are connected to. You will be able to recognize your own links, your own connections and your own flow of energy as well as the connections/links/flows of energy around you.
It will be maybe as if, all of a sudden, you can see that life is actually a process of connections being played out and that your own ascension is also a process of connections as well. This will allow you to gain a deeper sense of your own self, your own spiritual growth and the reality that you are experiencing around you and manifesting.
You may also find that there is a focus upon health and well-being; that more and more people are focusing upon their own health and their own well-being. They are wanting to put that right. They are wanting to create an alignment.
Some people may achieve this in different ways. Some people may find themselves changing the way they eat. Some may find themselves changing the way they exercise. They will maybe find that they are more able to care for themselves; to look after their own well-being and health, to nurture the physical body as well as the spiritual being.
This will create a tremendous shift in consciousness throughout the entire Earth. It is a level of unconditional love for self when one begins to take care of one’s self; one’s health and well-being.
We can recognize it as the rising of self-love and it is something to celebrate immensely.
There is one more thing we, the Celestial White Beings, wish to share with you. You will notice that more people will want to talk about their own divinity. You may also notice that you want to talk about your own divine self as well, even if you are only talking to yourself about your own divine self, or maybe you’re talking to loved ones, friends or even strangers.
You will recognize that there is a conversation growing throughout all of humanity about the divine self within each of us. That is a very positive thing because it means that a connection is being made; that each divine self, within each physical body, is connecting…connecting with self and each other…and this automatically raises the vibration of the Earth.
You begin to see, again, that it is connected. The health and well-being, the self-love, wanting to talk about the divine self, is bringing it into manifestation. Your words bring the divine into manifestation.
Everything that we’ve shared with you, you will experience, in some form, throughout the year.
You can also encourage yourself, in meditation, to experience it. You can call forth us, the Celestial White Beings, to bring this into your reality now so that you can experience it all now, and benefit from these vibrations that the Creator is bringing forth.
It may also offer to you some hope, some connection with yourself that brings a sense of safety, grounding, certainty, remembrance, and a realization of what is manifesting…the truth, the Creator, the love, the peace, the bliss…maybe in small steps, but everyone, even those who are not conscious of their spiritual self or the Creator, will have a focus of manifesting – manifesting the Divine.
There is this new you emerging. Of course it is not new, it is your divine self…the remembrance of your divine self…but it will feel new. It will feel exciting.
Even the people you meet will feel new and exciting because there will be that connection, that grounding as well. It will feel as if you are navigating the new you that is emerging.
We, the Celestial White Beings, will be present to support you in every stage. You can call upon us just by saying our name and inviting us to be present with you. Of course you can also call forth your guides, your soul, soul group or Creator to assist you.
We love you deeply.
We are the Celestial White Beings, and we thank you.
Thank you.
We are the Celestial White Beings.
Natalie Glasson
Compiled by from:
My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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