Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Archangel Michael’s Increased Assistance

Archangel Michael’s Increased Assistance

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Posted on October 9, 2024

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of every person on this Planet in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the Highest Good for all concerned.

I AM aware of my physical presence on Earth, and I know I AM One with all Life. I gently remove my attention from the outer world and I reverently enter the Divinity of my Heart Flame. Within this sacred space my Father-Mother God envelop me in the most intensified Yellow-Gold Flame of Enlightenment that I AM capable of receiving.

As this Sacred Flame blazes in through and around me with every Holy Breath, I feel myself Ascending in Consciousness into the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. Instantly, I AM embraced in my God Parents’ unfathomable Power and Comprehensive Divine Love. I hear the melodious tones and I absorb the celestial fragrance of their exquisite Essence.

I Breathe my Holy Breath in deeply again, and I experience myself being lifted higher and higher. In this dimension of the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light I observe brand NEW patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance. I pierce into the Core of Purity within each and every one of these Celestial patterns and the splendor of these glorious expressions of the New Earth permeate my Being.

I now experience an Awakening beyond anything I have ever known. A new level of Divine Enlightenment is surfacing within my heart and mind. With each Inbreath, I Ascend into higher and higher frequencies of the Golden Flame of Enlightenment. With every Outbreath, I Breathe this Sacred Fire forth to Enlighten every facet of Life evolving on Earth.

As each Human Being evolving on Earth is Consecrated with the full potential of this Golden Flame, our I AM Presence activates specific genetic codings within our RNA and DNA structures. These codes contain the Immaculate Concept of each person’s Divine Plan. This Activity of Light empowers every Beloved Son and Daughter of God to fulfill our Divine Purpose and Reason for Being. Through this activation, the mind and emotions of each of us are being purified and realigned with our highest Comprehensive Divine Love and Divine Potential.

Now, all is in readiness for a Gift of Divine Intervention from Beloved Archangel Michael.

The Company of Heaven has assured us that our Conscious Breathing and our focus this month on assimilating the Gifts of Light we have received so far this year have accelerated Mother Earth’s Ascension process in powerful ways. They want us to know this is true even if outer appearances don’t seem to reflect that Truth.

The Beings of Light have explained the reason for this seeming paradox time and again in an effort to keep us from getting discouraged and giving up. Today, they want us to review what they have shared because the intensity of the Light that we have yet to assimilate may seem to be exacerbating the difficult things we are observing in the outer world.

The Light of God is increasing on Earth daily and hourly. As that Light penetrates into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life, it pushes to the surface every frequency of vibration that conflicts with that Light. This includes all of Humanity’s remaining human miscreations from all timeframes and dimensions that are not based in Love. It also includes the dark agendas and the painful things still being inflected on Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth by the self-obsessed and fear-based egos of our recalcitrant Sisters and Brothers.

Our Ascension is a very complicated process. The only way we can complete our Ascension in the Light is for our human miscreations to surface, so that we can Transmute them back into their original perfection with the Violet Flame. From our perspective in the physical plane, it is impossible to know at any given moment exactly how this surfacing negativity will affect each of us individually or the masses of Humanity collectively. Every person is unique and we are dealing with all kinds of challenges depending on our various Life Paths. As the negativity surfaces and we are bombarded with all kinds of discordant energy, people respond in a multitude of different ways depending on their frame of mind at the time as well as the level of fear or anxiety they may be experiencing.

For decades the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been giving Humanity powerful tools to protect us and our Loved Ones from the onslaught of surfacing negativity as the Light of God increases on Earth. Archangel Michael and his Legions of Protection have been instrumental in keeping Humanity from being overwhelmed by this surfacing negativity.

Now, with the Quantum Shifts that have taken place throughout the whole of Creation this year, the Light of God is flowing into the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth more powerfully than ever before. This means, of course, that the negativity is surfacing at an accelerated pace. The good news is that since the Quantum Shifts are being assimilated at a cellular level within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the way has been cleared for Beloved Archangel Michael to upgrade our Force Fields of Protection to a higher level.

To initiate this new level of Protection for every person on Earth Beloved Archangel Michael, with the approval of every person’s I AM Presence, has empowered the 5th-Dimensional Archangel of Power and Protection that is stationed within every person’s aura to greatly intensify our Force Field of Protection.

These selfless Messengers of God have been trained to sustain and regulate an Invincible Force Field of God’s Infinite Protection to encapsulate our Earthly Bodies. This Force Field of Protection is a Circle of 5th-Dimensional Blue and White Lightning and it prevents anything that is not of the Light from entering our space or interfering with our Divine Plan. This Circle of Protection allows Light to easily pass back and forth through it, but it deflects away any of the surfacing negativity that is not part of our own learning experience. This Gift from Archangel Michael and his 5th-Dimensional Archangels of Power and Protection is known as The Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection.

On this powerful day, Beloved Archangel Michael and his 5th-Dimensional Archangels of Power and Protection are standing in readiness awaiting our invitation to establish a more powerful Force Field of God’s Infinite Protection than we have ever been able to safely receive. This Force Field of Light will assist you and me and every person on Earth through any challenging things that surface in the outer world to be Transmuted back into Light. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this opportunity, please join with me now. And we begin.


Now, in the name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, I invoke Beloved Archangel Michael and his Mighty 5th-Dimensional Archangels of Power and Protection. Beloved Ones, come forth NOW!

Archangel Michael, in deep Humility and Infinite Gratitude I ask that you empower your Mighty 5th-Dimensional Archangels of Power and Protection which are stationed within every person’s aura to greatly intensify our Protection.

On Archangel Michael’s Command, the 5th-Dimensional Archangels Breathe through every person’s Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection the most intensified frequencies of God’s Power and Protection that Humanity can safely withstand at a cellular level.

Archangel Michael now commands each Archangel to regulate and sustain this Blue and White Circle of Lightning, thus preventing anything that is not of the Light from entering our personal space or interfering with our Divine Plan.

Beloved 5D Archangels of Power and Protection I Thank You on behalf of ALL Humanity and I Gratefully acknowledge in my heart and mind the living reality of your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. This Force Field of Power and Protection is now enfolding me and all of Humanity in the ever-expanding embrace of our Father-Mother God’s Invincible Light. And so it is.

Precious Heart, please acknowledge the assistance you are receiving from your 5D Archangel of Protection every day. And you will soon be very aware of the difference this Gift from Archangel Michael is making in your life and the Peace you are feeling. You will then know what it means to be “In the World but not of it.”

Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Patricia Cota-Robles

©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


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My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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