Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened

Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened

By Steve Beckow

Posted on October 1, 2024

Knock and the door shall be opened


When you “knock” on the door of the heart, eventually, it will open. (“Knock and the door shall be opened.”)

But, by the Law of Free Will, you need to ask first. (“Ask and it shall be given thee.” ) This opening of the door of the heart, and opening and opening, is what ascension all the way back to God is all about.   (1)

Here’s how the Mother described Ascension:

Steve: [I had a vision] and it seemed to show me that the way to unitive consciousness was that love would arise and sweep away separative consciousness. Unitive consciousness was always already there. It was just overburdened with separative consciousness. Am I correct in that?

Divine Mother: Yes, you are. That is the way. Love will sweep you and the planet [away], and in many ways, dear heart, that is Ascension. Because what it also does is [it] implodes greater consciousness. You do not live in the old realm. Is there more? Yes. But yes, that is the way that you move forward. It is the way that you experience.

And it does sweep you away. That is what I mean by the surrender and the bliss. And, make no mistake about it, you do leave your body and you inhabit your body.

You explode and you feel all the energies of the universe. And then, because you are becoming attuned to that feeling, that ecstasy, it steps down, and then you anchor it within your expanded field.

But each time you do the connection, it expands you more and more and more, and your capacity to love, to create, to do, to be, to connect, more and more and more, until there is no memory, no experience, of separation. It was an illusion. It is a false grid. And it has been the shackles. But it is not real. So, yes. (2)

My heavens. Only the Mother could confirm that! AND find words! What she has just said bears study! (3)

When the heart door or hridayam – which I envision operating rather like a camera’s aperture – opens, we’re flooded with higher-dimensional love. I asked Michael what dimension I was in in that space and he called it the Seventh:

Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

AAM: It is the seventh dimension.  (3)

Michael says that we’re all of us crossing over the dimensional line, back and forth, usually in our sleep.

Archangel Michael: Think of how every time you … enter the transformative love, that is a snap. It is not the full dramatic snap but it is a snap. Each time you are progressing up what you can think of as a level.

Think of [entering] your love as flying back and forth through the portal. Now sometimes you’re aware and sometimes you’re asleep and sometimes you’re off with me. That is what you are doing and that is what humanity is doing.  (4)

But he also tells us that “we will not interfere with human free will.” (5)

Therefore the first step for us in experiencing the love of the higher dimensions would be to ask the Mother or any divine figure for a heart opening.

Having asked, the second step would be to knock and the door shall be opened; that is, to meditate on the love in the heart, perhaps draw it up on our inbreath, and invite the love within the heart to flow.


(1) Our Ascension, for example, is a full and permanent heart opening. Michael has said to me that the heart is capable of opening wider and wider.

(2) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.

(3) She has just described how it feels and how it impacts us.  The architect of the universe has just described what only archangels, previously, have described. After the Reval, we must re-commence our discussions with the Mother. I’ll see to it that we do.

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.

(4) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.

(5) “AAM: There Will be No Nuclear War … Period,” September 5, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/09/05/aam-there-will-be-no-nuclear-war-period/.

Steve Beckow


You are Ascending

You are Ascending

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted October 1, 2024

You may be noticing there is a lot of emotion coming up as we move into the last months of 2024. The Earth is evolving, she is ascending to a higher level, and we’re all coming with her. And with this evolution, anything in us that is not in alignment with our soul’s highest potential is being brought to the surface, so it can be acknowledged and released.

Along with the rising of strong emotion…

You may have a strong desire to move forward, but with no clear sense of direction or energy to follow through.

You may notice you feel tired or drowsy, with a greater need for sleep. You may find yourself waking up at odd hours of the night.

You may experience a yearning for different foods, especially ones that provide a sense of comfort and healing.

You may find yourself more deeply affected or unsettled by the feelings of those around you.

You are ascending. ✨

To make the most of this time, Spirit says...

Make a practice of noticing and releasing your feelings as they arise in the moment. Breathe in, breathe out, and let go. These feelings are simply here to reveal what you need to release to rise to your destined level of mastery.

Allow yourself adequate rest. Listen to your body’s wishes for nutrition and supply what it needs.

Seek not to take on the feelings of others as your own. Cultivate the ability to observe with compassion.

Open into unconditional love and acceptance as much as possible in relation to others and yourself.

We are truly entering into the Golden Age. Even though it may not look like it right now,

this is the start of everything we as sensitive, loving beings have been waiting for.

Today, I would like to encourage you to take the last few months of this year to prepare.

If you will, reflect on your life as it is, and be willing to make the adjustments to anything that doesn’t feel quite right. Be willing to let go. The Record Keepers, your spiritual guides, and your luminous Soul and Higher Self are all standing with you, holding the vision for you to become the most beautiful version of yourself ever. They say, "It is possible now. And it is possible with greater ease and grace than ever before."

Let me offer this:

Before the end of this month, take a few moments to reflect on everything you would like to release, everything that no longer serves you. Make the commitment to yourself to let go, write it all down, and then email it to me. In response, I will send a wave of divine energy from the Akashic Records to help you heal and cleanse and release with as much ease and grace as possible.

Let us release that which no longer serves to gently create space for the new.

Much love,


The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024

There will be no WWIII despite all the efforts of Netanyahu, a peak Illuminati

There will be no WWIII despite all the efforts of Netanyahu, a peak Illuminati

By Matthew Ward (Matthew)

Channel: Suzanne Ward

Posted on September 4, 2024

End times for evildoing; prepare for truths, changes; no WWIII; assassination attempt on Trump’s life, election; enlightening receptive people; the soul, reincarnation


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Please tell us the truth. Is the chaos because these are the end times prophesied in the Bible?” These are the end times for evildoing! The time is up for deception, cruelty, warring, oppression and everything else based in darkness!

The Illuminati’s fortunes, remnants of influence in mainstream media, scattered segments of military might, and numbers of minions are fast dwindling. They cannot stop the power of the light and their energy streamers with attachments of base intentions cannot enter the frequency of the energy plane where Earth is heading. All the dark ones can do is keep trying to create fear as the violence and destruction they had set in motion runs out its course. And with that, a long, long era of darkness on the planet will come to an end.

Every country in your world is experiencing some measure of confusion and upheaval. With evolution nipping at the heels of revolution—an astronomical revolution!—chaos is unavoidable and so is the emergence of truths.

There are too many variables for us to know when truths and major changes in the world’s economic system will start coming forth and whether there may be outages in power and communication, but the intensifying commotion in Earth’s energy field of potential signifies that the time is not far off. We suggest having on hand two or three weeks’ supply of food and water for family and pets, flashlights and other emergency essentials. As stated in previous messages, if there is a lockdown, it will be for your protection.

Dear family, you have been waiting to see strong action—it is on the way! Simply keep focusing on love, peace and harmony, and know that ever-rising vibrations are fortifying all undertakings with godly intentions.

“Matthew and other light messengers assured us there won’t be WWIII. That was before the dire situation developed in the Mideast. What does Matthew think now?” There will be no WWIII despite all the efforts of Netanyahu, a peak Illuminati who started a year ago to create a global conflict. His first step was pulling back Israel’s defense measures at the border with Gaza and arranging with Hamas commanders to enter, create mayhem and take hostages. The Illuminati formed and support Hamas and all other Mideast terrorist groups.

He expected Israel’s battle with Hamas to become a regional war and, with the support of the UN, NATO and the United States, escalate into WWIII. But national leaders in the Middle East know war is his goal and they want no part of it. So, instead of Netanyahu provoking those countries into battle as he anticipated, his forces are fighting Hezbollah, another of the Illuminati’s terrorist organizations.

We have been asked to comment on the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life and how this will affect the election in the United States. It is clear to us, as it is to you, that his foes are quite determined to do him in. The last two failed attempts are the only ones publicized—the first of numerous others came when he decided to enter the 2016 presidential race. The Illuminati, more commonly called Deep State, want to eliminate this influential man they cannot control and who is determined to shut down all their criminal activities.

In the attempt at issue, the person in custody is their newest “marksman,” so to say. In addition to having professional snipers, rogue agents in the CIA look for mentally unstable individuals who are shooters and have made known they are “anti-Trump.” The agents talk with those individuals about true patriots will save our democracy and it would be for the good of this country if Trump were taken out. Considering that the most recent deep-suggestion attempt, which never got off the ground, was one more in a long line of failures suggests that Mr. Trump and his White Hat double may be divinely protected.

There is no indication that attempt will affect the election, but other factors could. A number of possibilities are on the way to probability status and if one or more continues gaining momentum, there could be a change in the electoral process. The electorate think in terms of polls, endorsements, fundraising figures and vote counting, but it is the light intensity that fortifies all rightful action that will have the most impact on the election.

We understand that the state of the world is keeping minds occupied. Most readers who send emails to my mother ask about recent or imminent events, and we are happy to share what we know. But always our primary mission has been to offer spiritual enlightenment and guidance along with encouragement during this unprecedented time on Earth, and the following two emails enable us to do this.

“If people believe reports about the possibility of another pandemic and the potential for a third world war and don’t request my input, would telling them what I know violate the universal law of noninterference?”  It is not your responsibility or your right to try to change anyone’s beliefs, but in addition to the stress factor in those kinds of reports is people’s desire to understand what is going on. They don’t know this is a profoundly extraordinary time in the planet’s history, but they are sensing the swiftness of time passing and the physical effects of clashing vibrations.

We feel that offering what you know at an appropriate moment would not be construed as interference. For instance, if some event or situation is questioned in conversation, Would you like to know what I’ve read or heard? would not be intrusive. If the individuals are receptive, speak confidently about the topic and mention books and Internet sites you trust. Assure them that the light forces are winning the battle with the dark forces or that upcoming changes make Earth’s future bright, whichever note of optimism is more appropriate for your audience.

If they respond positively, ask if they would like to meet sometime to discuss issues of interest—that would put the responsibility for advancing in awareness with them, where it belongs. However, a glowing beacon can be ever so welcome to souls who are at sea insofar as figuring out what is happening and why.

Your world is awash with deliberate deceit, misperceptions and assumptions—truth and clarification are greatly needed. Yes indeed, beloved brothers and sisters, please do offer what you know to whoever is receptive! Don’t be discouraged when individuals are not—some people do not want their beliefs upended under any circumstances.

“I don’t see how my soul can be intricately connected to the souls of evil people. I do NOT feel any responsibility at all for what they do!!! If I reincarnate, can I come back with NO strings attached?”

Dear one, you do not have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body so you can experience life in a physical world, but you are not that body—you are the heartstrings and mind working within it. You are a being of love-light energy, a unique, independent, inviolate, powerful eternal soul, and your inseparable connection with everything else is energetic! Never are you responsible for what anyone else does!

The Beginnings of all souls is when Creator Source—Supreme Being of the cosmos, Totality, I AM, All That Is—silently expressed Itself into light. Light, the same energy as love, is cosmic consciousness and it is the most powerful force in existence. All knowledge is within this consciousness, waiting for souls to tap into its limitless illumination. All discoveries, inventions and innovations to date have come from this consciousness via individuals’ inspirations and endeavors or maybe response to nudging by their spirit guides.

Everything that exists throughout this universe is Creator’s energy fluctuating at one frequency or another. Every life form in Earth’s animal and plant kingdoms is a soul and each is a microcosm of the planet. It could be no other way because the elements that make up every form are elements of Gaia’s body. In that same way Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, it is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and that galaxy and all others are parts of this universe, which is one of seven in the cosmos. Thus, everything that exists cosmos-wide is within the energetic interconnectedness of All That Is and Evermore Shall Be.

There is so much more to be said about souls, but we want to clarify reincarnation for the dear soul who wrote and anyone else who misunderstands multiple lifetimes. Mother, please copy here my effort to explain this in a message quite some time ago.

Because the timeless continuum, where multiple multidimensional lifetimes are happening simultaneously and everything affects everything else, is a nebulous concept almost impossible to grasp, reincarnation is the closest that messengers from the light could describe a process that fits into your linear timeframe. But it is not that Albert Einstein, say, reincarnates as this or that person, and I’ll do my best to explain the reality.

Every one of the countless souls throughout the cosmos is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal being at the same time it is energetically interconnected with all others. The Beginning of every soul was the instant Creator let burst forth Its love-light Self—“the big bang”—and everything in existence is co-created by souls using Creator’s energy to put their ideas into motion and form.

Soul A, let us say, wants to incarnate for the first time. After putting its ideas into a soul contract, it enters into an agreement—we call it pre-birth agreement—with other souls that want to share the lifetime. Then it designs and co-creates a body for its personage that fits what it wants to experience as a mortal. Thereupon Soul A becomes a cumulative soul while remaining its unique eternal self, and it shares all of its knowledge with the soul that is the new personage. The term cumulative is applied to Soul A because it initiated the physical lifetime of another soul, but as you shall see, that is the start of cumulative experiencing.

Let us call that first personage Soul B. All of Soul B’s characteristics endowed by Soul A and all experiences throughout the lifetime—intelligence, talents, body form and features, personality, ideas, relationships, education, habits, plans, accomplishments, disappointments, heartaches, joys, doubts, failures, interests, fears—are added to Soul A’s “data base” as Soul B has each experience, and everything is retained by Soul B when its body dies.

When Soul A wants to embark upon a different kind of physical life, it goes through the same process; now it has not only its original knowledge, but also the lifetime experiencing of Soul B to share with its second personage. When Soul B wants to put into motion its own ideas, it makes a soul contract and so forth. Like Soul A, it remains a unique soul-self while sharing its knowledge, from personal experiencing and that which was endowed by Soul A, with the soul that is its first personage.

Soul A and Soul B grow in experience, knowledge and wisdom with each of their personages, each of whom is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal soul; and the composite is a force field of diverse, interconnected lifetimes that grows with new personages wherever they are throughout the universe. Souls choose contract provisions to fill gaps or strengthen areas of cumulative experiencing to balance all of the lifetimes; thus, an ever-expanding storehouse of awareness is available to all souls in the lineage.

Evolvement comes as personages consciously tap into that storehouse, so it’s not learning anew, but rather a process of self-discovery, remembering what is known at soul level from The Beginning. And, just as you are living in this moment, so are all the beings you think of as your past or future lives—you and all of those other unique souls are living in the NOW of the continuum.

From my lifetimes in third density civilizations, I know how difficult it is trying to understand something for which there is no conscious frame of reference, and my explanation may have added confusion rather than clarification about multiple multidimensional lifetimes. So, please know that everything I described happens simply and divinely, as someday you shall see for yourselves—again! [Excerpt from February 3, 2014 message]

Thank you, Mother.

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love throughout your journey in dedicated service to Gaia.
Suzanne Ward

Your Goodbyes

Your Goodbyes

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on October 1, 2024

Dearest child, each of you are saying your goodbyes. As you continue to grow and change, it is a necessary step. It does not mean an end to physical life. 

Instead, you may be letting go of old beliefs, ideals and, for some, a way of moving through your world that no longer serves. As bittersweet as it may be, a peaceful and respectful resolution is needed before new growth and change begins. 

Embrace it and know The Universe is supporting you throughout.

The Creator



The Beloved (Spirit-Self)

Is The Teacher

Message received by Lytske

Posted on October 1, 2024 


Urantia, February 25, 2008

The Beloved One: “Prepare your mind once more to receive heaven's input from Me. Why do I state heaven's input, you wonder? Because I am the One, who hails from Paradise as a Spark from the Infinite God. Be still and know, that I am a part of this self-same God, who created the heavens and all the universes of space and time through His lesser Gods, The Creator Sons, and Companion Spirits, the Divine Mother Spirits to whom He gave a universe to create and rule in His stead as equal partners.

These truths will in time become more widely and intimately known to each one who has an ear to hear and a mind to understand. In all actuality, it is all so simple, but on your disordered planet with no visible celestial governmental supervision, it seems very difficult to believe, that there is more in the unseen, than in the seen. Belief needs to turn into faith that this is so, and then the whole planet can move forward to greater prosperity. When this is finally understood, greed and cruelty will have no place in a peaceful process towards greater prosperity for all.

The earth and the fullness thereof have been given to all peoples, to be her caretakers and to prosper and live a healthy life. Her wealth and riches have not been given to be hoarded and squandered by a few, who stand to lose their eternal soul in the process, through their unwillingness to realize the truth within themselves, that they too, are children of God. And that God is the Creator and Upholder of everything, what has been, now is, and will be after each have gone to their just reward.

It is this life you live here on your planet Urantia, this being the name by which the planet is registered in the annals of your universe. This first beginning life is the deciding one, to find that grain of trust in yourself to align your little light with My infinite Spark, to keep your flame of faith and trust burning steadily in your heart of hearts. It is this gift of free will, which makes it possible for you to choose how you will live your life. Either for war or for peace. Choose wisely, as there are worldly forces, living in darkness, who would tell you that the only road to progress is war, but only have self-serving agendas.

I am telling you now, that the suffering of innocent people has never been greater than now. Slowly more freedoms are taken away from you for the benefit of the few. Wake up out of your slumber and see the world as it exists. Refuse to be enslaved any longer to the false god of mammon, curb your appetites for 'things,' and start looking within for real food to sustain you on your travels through life so that your inner peace and joy can increase, which is far more durable and precious than anything temporary.”

Edited by Linda Abell. 


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.



A Divine Course Correction

A Divine Course Correction

Emmanuel Dagher



Posted on October 1, 2024


Dear friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with your radiant Spirit in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it …

This month will create a foundation for healing Earth and humanity that will forever change the trajectory of our personal and collective experience.

A Divine Course Correction

There is a rapid shift happening.

We are all moving through and resolving eons of karmic patterns on behalf of ourselves, our ancestors, and humanity as a whole, and it’s occurring at heightened rates of speed, such as we have never before witnessed in our human history.

Most of the karmic resolution we are experiencing now is happening during our sleep and meditative states (which some have noticed in the dreams they are experiencing). Yet so much inner activity can take a toll on our emotional, physical, and mental bodies, if we are not intentionally replenishing ourselves.  

This resolution of karmic patterns that no longer serve our greatest good often occurs in stages. This makes it easier for our body and mind to adjust to the number of shifts flowing through our energy field.  

However, because we are experiencing these rapid changes so quickly, the phases are often bundled together, and so these waves of transformation can feel uncomfortable at times.  

It’s also clear that the Earth is healing and purifying herself. She too is readjusting, to be able to operate in higher states of existence.

When change occurs as quickly as it is now, there’s one thing we can do to help ourselves ride the waves with greater ease: practice Divine Serenity.

Divine Serenity offers us the ability to become the peaceful observer and the still space within all of life. Serenity replenishes the core of our being, and helps us to not get caught up in the fear bubble that’s about to pop.

When we practice serenity, it becomes much easier to transcend the mental constructs the mind can revert to. We can go beyond the mind’s survival patterns, which can trigger it into the reaction and resistance that can occur when so much change is happening at once.

Practicing serenity makes it easier and more enjoyable to move through the shifts occurring within and around us now.

Because the mind is often used to being the Do-er, serenity can feel a bit strange and even boring, because it asks the mind to move from Do-ing to Be-ing.

However, with a little practice, we can show the mind the value and benefit of serenity and becoming still.

Serenity practice reminds our mental construct that stillness replenishes and nourishes our mind, body, and energy in a way that allows us to be ready for all the change to come, thriving as we do so.

Serenity is the prerequisite to transcending the survival-based matrix humanity has co-created.

It helps us create a new path—one that connects us with a reality of greater freedom, peace, Love, unity, joy, pristine well-being, prosperity, fulfillment, and life’s most precious blessings.

An October Surprise

October will bring with it quite a few surprises. These surprises are matriarchal in nature, here to bring balance to a world that has been mostly controlled by the lower aspect of the patriarchal construct.

As the Divine Mother energies awaken and rise within the heart and mind of all humanity now, things that had been hidden will come to the surface, allowing old systems, patterns, behaviors, and ideologies not aligned with humanity’s greatest good to be transformed.

This will make way for new ways of being and living to emerge that promote an inclusivity that has not yet been experienced fully in our world.

We’ve been seeing glimpses of this, yet things will be expanding now at a much more accelerated pace.

Hierarchy no longer has a place in the world.

Just as we are each individually evolving, so is the world.

We are now increasingly understanding that the more we honor the Divine Matriarch within and around us—by choosing Love, kindness, respect, caring, and compassion for ourselves and others—the more the mindless aspect of the patriarchy will transform to its authentic and Divine nature.

This will allow healing to occur for all life on this planet.

Here are a few things we can do during this time:
  • Consciously affirm to our mind to connect with the Source of All that Is
  • Express kindness, compassion, and Love for ourselves
  • Express kindness, compassion, and Love for others
  • Be present with our five senses
  • Surround ourselves with (natural) fragrances, such as flowers, plants, and essential oils
  • Surround ourselves with colors that evoke feelings of peace, joy, Love, passion, and freedom
  • Surround ourselves with the beautiful sounds of nature, music, and the inner stillness of our I AM presence
  • Meditate
  • Eat and drink foods that nourish us in ways that feel life-enhancing and life-giving
  • Feel the healing textures of nature between our toes, with our hands, and on our body
  • Check in and ask ourselves how we’re doing throughout the day
  • Get a couple of minutes of sun daily
Those who are doing their inner work will notice that by mid-to-late October, some wonderful blessings will be entering their lives, especially in areas of personal, spiritual, and financial growth.

Peace of Mind

As we move through an active energy cycle that brings with it lots of change, the mind might be a little more reactive and sensitive, because it just wants to feel safe.

The mind resists change, because it sees change as something that’s requiring it to give up what it’s always had.

Change is something the mind can greatly benefit from, and it will be onboard with change once we let it know that it doesn’t have to give up anything it doesn’t want to give up.

What we are experiencing right now depends solely on where we choose to place our focus and attention.

If we are focusing on the outside world, we’ll probably find ourselves feeling fearful and stuck.

If we are focusing on kindness and compassion toward ourselves and others, that’s when deep healing begins to take place.

When we are able to step out of a reactive space—one where we’ve been triggered by our surroundings—and move into being an observer, we begin to see every experience as simply feedback, letting us know what we do and do not resonate with.

Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge of whatever is causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all.

As observers, we empower ourselves to remain centered through all situations (even challenging ones). From there, we can fine-tune our knowing of what we do want to create more of.

Extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we watch as observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them.

Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help:
  1. Pause for a moment, and take three deep, full breaths.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Imagine yourself (your awareness) stepping out of your body, and see yourself sitting there with your eyes closed.
  4. Just observe yourself for 1–3 minutes.
  5. Bring your awareness back into your body. Start by focusing on the bottoms of your feet, then move up the body to the palms of your hands, then your heart, then the top of your head.
  6. Gently open your eyes.
  7. Express gratitude to your Spirit self for reminding you to objectively “see” yourself.
This simple process helps move us out of survival mode and into a state of peacefulness.

You’ll probably even feel a release in the body and mind from any tension you were holding.

Doing this process at least once a day for the month of October will help us create space for deep healing, peace, and awakening.

A Divine Rectification

As we move forward, many things will be rectified in our lives and in the world that once felt to be going in the opposite direction from what we desired.

You see, we’re in a time of instant manifestation, where there is abundant opportunity for things to turn around quickly for the greater good of all.

In our personal lives, we may see this Divine Rectification show up in a relationship, a career opportunity, or simply a shift in our awareness. And in the world at large, we can pretty much see it everywhere.

Each one of us can support the Divine Rectification process and help it move along more quickly.

We do this by uniting consistently, through personal and group meditation, being aware of the Prime Source Nature of ourselves daily, setting intention, gratitude and prayer.

There’s something very powerful that occurs when two or more gather in Love. In fact, during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, millions of people around the world came together at the same time and visualized the world uniting as one family.

Soon after, the Berlin Wall came down, as the consciousness of humanity began rising.

A global Love gathering is happening again. This time it’s even larger, and will continue to grow and grow, until it simply cannot be brushed aside any longer.

Nothing can hold us back now, or move us in a direction that is not aligned with the natural flow of life. That’s why the world has begun to feel so different.

On October 2nd, we will move through a Solar Eclipse, which will usher in even bigger personal and planetary transformations.

This eclipse will be supporting us by anchoring within us a deeper sense of spiritual awareness.

You may feel nudged to harmonize your current relationships or begin new ones that align with who you’re becoming. The day of the eclipse is a good time to set intentions around partnership, fairness, and creating more beauty in your life.

We may also find ourselves wanting to spend more time in nature, meditation, prayer or inner reflection, practicing yoga or acts of kindness, or similar spiritual practices.

This is a time of great expansion for humanity as a whole.

We are in exciting times, and we have so much to look forward to!

Take good care, my friend, and know that we are all in this together.

Until next time,

With gratitude,


Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened

Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened By Steve Beckow Posted on October 1, 2024 Knock and the door shall be opened   When you “knock” on th...