Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Litmus

September Litmus

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 1, 2024

The space weather in September will be changeable. The first decade is an unfavorable period for most people and Earth as a whole. Powerful M and X class Solar flares and magnetic storms, quakes and atmospheric anomalies will continue, making the planetary biosphere extremely unstable. In the second decade, the situation will gradually begin to discharge. This will open up positive prospects, helping many to address complex relationships and find optimal solutions to emerging problems and conflicts. In the third decade, the biosphere will become more calm and stable, smoothing out the effects of the outgoing cosmic tempest, which will finally dissipate at the end of the month.

Its weather will be affected by the following planets’ major aspects: New Moon, Mars square Neptune, Mercury square Uranus, Sun opposite Saturn, Mercury sextile Mars, Sun square Jupiter, Venus trine Jupiter, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, Mercury opposite Saturn, Sun trine Uranus, Sun opposite Neptune, Mercury square Jupiter, Sun trine Pluto, Autumnal Equinox, Venus square Pluto, Mercury trine Uranus, Mercury opposite Neptune, Mercury trine Pluto, Mars trine Saturn, and Sun conjunct Mercury. Each of these aspects serves as good litmus that shows our weaknesses and strengths, positive and negative sides of character.

New Moon

September 03, the New Moon occurs in Virgo and forms one of the most powerful days of the month. On that day, it’s useful to make plans for the future, to think about what we would like to get from the upcoming lunar month. In order for our plans to come true, we have to weight not abstractly, but concretely, mentally laying the foundation for needed events. To feel the future as an already accomplished reality. This is one of the best days for inner work. All the ideas and dreams that have matured in the Soul can be implemented. And Virgo’s energies will help in this, in which the vibrations of attentiveness and painstaking, increased efficiency and a thoughtful approach to business merge. Well-organized activities during this period promise success.

The negative people feel worse. The radiation of the Night Luminary irritates them, but they don’ aware why have a bad mood, increasing the risk of wrong decisions. The desire to do something vanishes, which is attributed to fatigue, and is accompanied by outbursts of aggression and apathy. Any suggestion about doing anything is perceived with hostility. Viral and other infections aggravate as the immune system weakens due to negative emotions. Heart problems worsen, and the heart rate may suddenly and for no reason go astray. Many toxic individuals experience melancholy, heaviness of Soul, and even a desire to pass away during the New Moon.

A fair look at own character helps to realize that depression, caused by the lunar low freqs, will pass by itself if to keep patience and calmness, understanding that such a condition is temporary. Feeling of safety is based on inner order and clarity in emotions. Better to trust it and let things run own way. It is more difficult to withstand the next day, September 4, when the waxing Moon connects with Lilith and Venus in Libra and the North Node in Aries, and Mars enters Scorpio. This planetary cocktail is karmic and fateful, which will bring serious checks to everyone.

Mars Square Neptune

September 03, Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces is a hard negative aspect, creating a conflict between the energy of action (Red Planet) and blurred boundaries and uncertainty (Neptune). Under its influence, in inharmonious people, all hidden complexes and mental traumas come out. Some come from childhood, others from past incarnations. Many feel difficulties in making decisions and sudden mood swings, a sense of alienation and a tendency to self-deception.

Sensitivity and at the same time cruelty and despotism, which manifest in such characters, when it comes to personal religious or social views, exacerbate internal aggressiveness. It, in turn, attracts a lot of problems. Painful blows and betrayals of relatives, friends and colleagues, energy exhaustion and vampirism, loss of the life meaning and motivation expose to infectious diseases, disrupt the functioning of the nervous and lymphatic systems. Poisoning with medicines, alcohol, and expired drinks is possible…Troubles are growing like a lump. But these are just symptoms that can be overcome with mindfulness and fair introspection.

Positive people, on the contrary, feel great at square Mars-Neptune. They are confident in themselves, their goals and aspirations, make decisions easily and take on big tasks. They gush with original ideas and creativity. They easily perceive the emotions of people around them and are ready to help them. The aspect helps them to understand themselves and their desires more deeply, and to achieve a clearer understanding of their goals in life.

Mercury Square Uranus

September 07, Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus is also a tense aspect. With its energies, it provokes unbalance and nervousness in inharmonious individuals, a tendency to make decisions and act rashly. They have difficulty concentrating to complete the tasks that have started, chaotically and often change their interests, opinions and views to completely opposite ones. Vital energy leaks, de-energizing the body and Soul, and to recover, a person vampires others with his outrage and eccentricity, malicious criticism of everyone and everything, igniting quarrels and conflicts. Stellium, like litmus, shows that it’s time to change so that life doesn’t become havoc.

In Spiritual and strong characters, the vibrations of the quadrature manifest differently. They strengthen self-discipline and determination, sharpen thinking and bring insights, and back passion for new fields and activities, and their active application for the common good. The mind works at a very high speed, instantly captures info and generates new ideas and non-standard solutions, helping to overcome obstacles and make breakthroughs.

Sun Opposite Saturn

September 08, Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces takes us back to our karmic past, which creates many issues, but also unlocks the potential for growth. The energies of the Luminary force our ego and will, consciousness and self-expression; and of Saturn – discipline, responsibility and maturity. It’s a good day to work out our karma, learn to forgive self and others, let go of fears and eternal resentments against life and people.

But these lessons are extremely painful for toxic men. It all depends on how much the personality is willing to do the hard inner work to upgrade. At first, a person feels bad, because his attempts to change bring no results until he realizes that roots of his problems are deep in past incarnations. Weak and low-frequency people quickly deflate, fall into depression, having no will and desire to continue their efforts.

In contrast, positive individuals feel good in the intense vibrations of the stellium. Its radiation strengths their seriousness and responsibility, fortitude and patience, great efficiency and a strong sense of duty. They are full of desire to achieve goals and not be afraid of any difficulties on the way to success, and can inspire, organize and lead a team of like-minded people. The energies of this day are extremely favorable for that.

Mercury Sextile Mars

September 12, Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer forms a harmonious aspect. In it, the energies of thinking, communication and activity (Mercury in the earth sign) are well combined with the vibrations of passion, pressure and fighting Spirit (the Red Planet in the water sign), helping a positive person to think fast and fruitfully, delve deeply into details, improve processes and put things in order. They act cautiously and at the same time effectively, avoiding unnecessary waste of forces and resources. Are persistent and self-confident in arguing own point of view and persuasion. Successfully implement ideas and achieve intended targets.

However, like any aspect, the sextile Mercury-Mars has negative impacts if a person is internally hateful and aggressive, and spends his energy not on good, but on constant arguments and quarrels. His mind is filled with anger and contrariness. In behavior, there is a tendency to interrupt and distort words, rudeness and tactlessness, the desire to teach everyone and interfere in the affairs of others. Counter-resistance further increases his tension and nervousness, leakage of vital energy, which negatively affects health that can deteriorate dramatically on this day.

Sun Square Jupiter

September 12, Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini is a complex and multifaceted aspect, and its energies manifest differently in negative and positive characters. The vibrations of the Luminary back ego and the ability to express self, and of Jupiter – growth and widening. In a toxic person, this mix provokes strong inner conflict, which tears him apart due to desire for self-affirmation and achieve more and more as quickly as possible and at any cost, without knowing the limit. As a result, he quickly burns out and sinks into stress and apathy, which is very likely to happen on this day.

A spiritual and strong-willed personality, on the contrary, draws from the energies of stellium strength and self-confidence, clarity of mind and sobriety in actions, and facing challenges, maintain patience and discipline, a clear awareness of own objectives and perseverance in achieving them. The quadrature Sun-Jupiter gives such a person a love of life and boundless optimism, spiritual breadth and craving for knowledge of the world. These people are constantly working on selves, and the energies of the aspect help them become fighters for justice, against a degrading and vicious society, sacrifice their well-being for the sake of others, be fearless and courageous, resolute and noble.

Venus Trine Jupiter

September 15, Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini is one of the favorable aspects, and opens up many opportunities if we are harmonious, love life and people, selflessly serve and help others. Stellium supports a healthy sense of self-worth and allows taking a true look at self, and creates favorable events and good chances, if we are open and ready for change. In this case, trine removes toxic and negative-minded men from our path, connecting us with kind-hearted and creative like-minded people and partners.

However, if a person is selfish, devoid of Spirituality and doesn’t develop the abilities of the Soul, then, the aspect becomes a source of tension and stress. The thirst for high status and popularity, the fear of humiliation and blows to self-esteem, the endless tries to please everyone, interspersed with consumerism and ingratitude (to people and fate) are characteristic of such characters, but the person himself will never admit it.

The trine’s energies act as a litmus of disadvantages if a person is ready to clearly see and overcome them, which is the karmic program of this aspect. Not everyone can withstand such a program for a long, but for a short period it can be very constructive. It’s very important to understand that a harmonious combination of circumstances and great opportunities are needed not to the person himself, but to the planet, for its development within the man and, through him, in the outside world.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

September 18, occurs the Full Moon (or the Harvest Moon, the Corn Moon, the Rutting Moon, because during this period, the mating season begins for deer), and the partial Lunar Eclipse that begins a new cycle on the Pisces-Virgo axis of serving and service, order and clutter, and in that span, will enter 2025 in full force. This Eclipse can be a catharsis for completing an important karmic period and disposing of its burden. At this moment, the Moon will be in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, their ruler, which will significantly enhance the overall energy effect.

Our intuition sharpens, and we can tune into our Spiritual essence and get in touch with our Higher Self. To discover what has been hidden in the subconscious for a long time, to become more empathetic and compassionate. There may be an imbalance in emotions and thoughts, a break in relationships, personal and professional, ignoring consequences, since during the eclipse we are temporarily in the dark about the real state of our affairs. It’s distorted, and we don’t yet have the full picture, so better to postpone final conclusions and actions.

Dramatic turns can occur, after which the path for moving forward becomes clear. We can get a better idea of what needs to change in selves and our lives, and what has to go away. For many of us, the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will help gaining deeper awareness, and bring insights and creative thoughts that inspire to break free of habits and patterns that prevent us from upgrading.

Mercury Opposite Saturn

September 18, Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces creates a tense aspect due to confrontation of the energies of thinking and communication (Mercury) and order, responsibility and internal discipline (Saturn). This mix has a hard effect on low-frequency people. It exposes their selfishness and callousness, coldness and arrogance, disorganization and cowardice, insecurity and suspicion, cunning and secrecy, avarice and commercialism. On this day, it is very difficult for them to cope with selves, do anything and commune with anyone.

The vibrations of the stellium act favorably on harmonious characters. They support their Spirituality and dedication, perseverance and organization. Increase intellectual abilities and analytical mindset, the capacity to systematize and structure information, make it understandable and accessible to everyone. Such men are accurate and reliable, executive and very thorough, which makes them excellent workers, which is well manifested on this day.

Sun Trine Uranus

September 19, Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus connects the vibes of personality with the energy of innovation and profound change. If his Soul is low-vibrational and weak, stellium radiation discloses inner unbalance and impulsivity, difficulties in communication and self-esteem, resistance to everything new and aggressiveness up to the most extreme and ugly forms. Such a person quickly resigns self to own shortcomings and thus puts an end to his life, not aware what prospects trine offers him on this day.

Stellium’s energy saturates positive people with strong power and will, strive to experiment and passion for fresh ideas, gives an excellent insight and intuition, which helps to see things from an unusual side. This makes them generators of original ideas and solutions. They are constantly up to date with the latest developments and love projects related to progress and innovation. These men aren’t afraid to speak out against outdated norms and orders, and are always ready to show heroism and initiative in defending the highest Spiritual values.

Sun Opposite Neptune

September 21, Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces forms a tense aspect, in which the energies of the Luminary that control our creativity and self-realization collide with Neptunian frequencies of uncertainty, which prevents execute plans and get the intended. But the opposition is a good prompting of the Universe how to deal with difficulties. The energies of stellium complement each other with their vibrations, and, going through us, help to restore inner balance, find ideal solutions and unusual approaches to problems. This is a good starting point for developing our abilities, harmony and self-fulfillment. But only if we are open and ready to assist others selflessly.

If we are low-frequency, then feel bad on this day. This aspect exacerbates instability and weakness, indecision and inability to properly understand what is happening around us, to cope with the loads and troubles that pile up due to our irresponsibility, lack of purposefulness and habit of lying to selves and everyone. We hide from problems in a fictional reality, and don’t want to leave it. But the events of this day can crack this cocoon and force us to change self.

Mercury Square Jupiter

September 21, Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini is a dynamic and intense stellium. Its clashing vibrations create in us a strong internal conflict between the energies of communication, thinking and learning, on the one hand, and growth, expansion of horizons and self-confidence, on the other. This causes unbalance between our aspirations and real opportunities.

Like any quadrature, this stellium requires overcoming and leaving the comfort zone, breaking and improving our old qualities so that new ones appear. Started working on selves, we feel that literally commit suicide. That’s the way it is. The first step is to comprehend the problems that kill us, then, to break the usual strategy and build a new one, developing the necessary features that can be applied everywhere. After some time, they become outdated and have to be improved again. And if we are positive, we’ll always see in this aspect not a challenge, but an opportunity.

For negative person, it’s difficult to use the stellium’s energy in affairs. They constantly torture self and others with: Are you sure it’s working? And if it won’t work, then, what? … And if it rains tomorrow… and why … and when … and how, etc. Person quickly gets stuck and drowns in details and minutiae. He begins to criticize himself and feels that doesn’t understand anything. It’s much easier for him to act according to the instructions, and the slightest deviation from them causes strong uncertainty and doubt. The message of the day is to try to tune in and integrate into the higher frequencies of Jupiter and Mercury to upgrade with their help. Quadrature is always a talent in potential, which unlocks if we knowingly sync with that stellium’s vibes.

Sun Trine Pluto

September 22, Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn by a favorable combination of vibes intensively nourishes our vital forces. This interaction of the Luminary and the planet contributes to transformation and Spiritual growth, opening another step up to success in affairs and personal life. Stellium’s radiation helps not to wait and hesitate in making decisions, but to act with courage and determination, and not miss any opportunity. With such energy comes great responsibility, so it is important to control own emotions and use them for constructive purposes.

This is especially true for inharmonious individuals. They are constantly lacking of force and can’t cope with difficult problems and circumstances. And at the same time, they wind themselves up and complicate their lives, inventing obstacles and resisting where nothing threatens them. Or the other extreme: a person retains strength, great mental and physical potencies, but leads a life that causes his self-destruction. He broadcasts his internal problems to others, fights with everyone, tries in every possible way to demonstrate his importance. And at the same time, is very unsure of self, because of internal phobias and prejudices, the habit of seeing only the worst in everything.

Autumnal Equinox

September 22, is an energetically powerful day. During this Autumn Equinox, the Sun enters Libra, merging with its energies of harmony and balance, completing one cycle and starting another, summing up and preparing for the next period. It’s a perfect time to get rid of the outdated and unnecessary to make room for the new. Get a hint from the Higher Planes where to move on, and feel ready for Spiritual insight and growth.

That Autumn Equinox carries wisdom that crystallizes from all the experiences we’ve been through up to the present. We can just turn the page. Or can leave in our heart a pure essence – the wisdom of the Soul, purified from human judgments about whether everything was good or bad, easy or difficult, who was the villain and who was the victim.

This experience came for a reason. We grew wiser and stronger, more mature and resilient. We became more sensitive. We have opened our hearts like never before. We learned to love deeper. We started taking steps that couldn’t dare before, even if they seem very insignificant. And keep this essence in self- the pure wisdom of what we have acquired. It will color our life with new hues, fill it with new flavors, and shed a warm light from our eyes. We go richer and more integrated to continue being even better.

Venus Square Pluto

September 22, Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, with their opposing energies, doesn’t allow negative men to relax on this day. They experience enormous internal tension, feel selves impulsive and harsh, overbearing and suspicious, and constantly in mental ups and downs. Jealousy and control everyone, fear of opening up and trusting, attempts to manipulate people and suppress their emotions, destructive relationships and suffering – such is an emotions’ gamut of a toxic personality during this stellium.

Positive characters behave completely differently. As noted above, for them, intense quadrature’s energies are an excellent tool to transforming selves through awareness of inner problems and rejection of negative thinking patterns. Through sincerity and readiness to accept criticism, and deeper and more trusting relationship. Through run own emotions, avoiding the temptation to steer and suppress others. Through analysis of the past, when negative traits have formed. Through the ability to say “no”, if personal boundaries are violated or something unacceptable is proposed. And the square Venus-Pluto eases these men make the right decisions.

Mercury Trine Uranus

September 24, Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus is a harmonious aspect that maximizes the intellectual potential of a harmonious personality. The energies of stellium stimulate innovation and originality of thinking, sharpness of mind and intuitive understanding of complex problems. Their scale can vary from a non-standard solution to everyday issue to an invention that improves the lives of entire mankind. Such a person does not like patterns in thinking and hackneyed topics. He considers his task to be the generation of new, progressive ideas and selfless support for talents and their accomplishments. Promotes in every possible way the opinions exchange, shows loyalty to the attitude and worldviews of others and tries to combine a variety of ideas for implementation in the interests of all people.

Trine acts as litmus on inharmonious individuals and their self-deception. It seems to a person that he understands everything, but in reality, is superficial and often erroneous. And in fact, is lazy and has the deepest hatred for hard mental work, which drops to zero. The world is seen only in black, as a throng of vices and crimes, and man remains steadfast in his belief. At the same time, he doesn’t feel unhappy, but gets masochistic pleasure, finding daily confirmation that everything around is crap and has no good.

Mercury Opposite Neptune

September 25, Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces forms a controversial aspect. At low frequencies, its energies hinder taking, commune and thought work. On this day, memory weakens in inharmonious individuals, distraction and forgetfulness increase, egomania and subjectivism, compulsive ideas and self-deceit, tendency to intrigue and inability to make decisions prevail. A person perceives only what he generates, creating a lot of problems and completely unaware of their destructive consequences for self and others.

Acting as litmus, stellium puts such a person in a situation of overcoming. He feels that something is wrong with him, and to sort self out, spends a lot of time, effort and energy. It drains him, makes sluggish, apathetic and passive. Man has to fight against internal conflict and chaos in everyday affairs, can’t avoid duality, lies and at the end stops efforts.

If we are positive, then the opposition Mercury-Neptune, on the contrary, invigorates and strengths us, stimulates intuition (up to telepathy and clairvoyance), creative imagination and Spirituality. It helps to absorb information like a sponge, to see the entire picture and what was previously hidden from attention. The aspect makes our mind deeper and more flexible and the inner world richer, encouraging to share with others the beautiful images that our thought creates, making the surrounding space peaceful, beautiful and harmonious.

Mercury Trine Pluto

September 26, Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn forms a favorable aspect, in which the energies of commune and thinking (Mercury) are enhanced by vibrations of transformation and regeneration (Pluto). This gives high-frequency men the ability to quickly capture and analyze complex data. Get to the heart of things and anticipate the consequences of decisions, as well as undercurrent trends and patterns. Positively influence the thoughts and actions of others, charging them with well-balanced and creative power.

Trine’s pluses turn into minuses if a person has acidic character. Strong vibrations of the stellium exacerbate his internal crisis and life situations. He is in permanent conflict with his thoughts and doings, dividing everything into black and white, without semitones, and spills it out in the most sarcastic and insulting form, trolling and provocations. Such a man often sticks to some topics, gets hung up on them and screws others’ brains out, driving them crazy. Or exposed to it himself, which is why he is constantly on the defensive, and ready to defend his positions with foam at the mouth, even when everyone is absolutely indifferent to him.

Mars Trine Saturn

September 30, Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces is one of the most difficult and stressful aspects, and also has a negative impact on toxic people. They hardly withstand the powerful energies of action and ambition (of the Red Planet) and responsibility (of Saturn), which makes them extremely aggressive and conflicted. As a rule, behind this, lies a sense of inferiority and self-doubt, an underlying tendency to control and dominate as compensation. Trine brings trials to these individuals that severely test their ability to change.

On the contrary, the aspect gives confidence and determination to harmonious and strong people, strengthens willpower and determination, responsibility and self-discipline. They are highly disciplined and plan their actions well, have a clear understanding that to achieve success are necessary hard work and patience. Fortitude and resilience helps them overcome difficulties, not give up halfway, and believe in selves and their mission on Earth. They are excellent mentors and inspirers, always ready to share their knowledge, skills and experience with others.

Sun Conjunct Mercury

September 30, Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in the same sign, and depending on the low or high frequencies that the personality emits, stellium acts negatively or positively. In the first case, if a man is fixated only on self, thinks subjectively, doesn’t hear others and judges everything exclusively from his belly, then he can’t objectively evaluate self, events and situations. Stubbornness in own views, the habit to bend line and imposing personal opinion on others is interspersed with short temper, nervousness and chaotic words and thoughts. The Sun always highlights the lower sides of the character and actualizes them, mainly by direct impact, pushing for transformation.

For positive and high frequency people, trine serves as a wonderful final chord of the month, increasing their Spiritual strength and energy. The will backs their supreme aspirations. This gives great intellectual abilities and depth of thought, a wealth of associations and observation, attention and encyclopedic knowledge, openness to everything new and leadership qualities.

Such is the September’s litmus. Of course, it tests only a part of our palette, but shows a lot, even without disclosing influence of minor aspects and houses where the planets stand, signs and stars, constellations and the strength of their interaction. At the same time, this month is a good opportunity to express deep gratitude to the Universe for everything it gives us every day. For the events and people it brings into our lives, for the lessons we learn, and for all the opportunities it opens up. Thank it for the support and forces that it gives in difficult moments, always guiding us on the path of truth and wisdom. Thank it for everything that is happening around, for the harmony and balance that eases our staying on Earth, for filling the world with beauty, Love and Light, which tries to awaken in us.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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