Sunday, July 28, 2024

Time to claim all of your blessings now

Time to claim all of your blessings now

By Jennifer Hoffman

Posted July 28, 2024

about Jennifer Hoffman

When you try to take what does not belong to you it brings you pain and suffering, not joy. I am not talking about people stealing content here, although taking others' ideas and inspiration (especially mine) is part of the entitled arrogance that many have when they believe someone's talent should be theirs.

As part of our karma path we can deny ourselves the blessings that we deserve and let someone else have them, thinking this is what will end the karma between us.

This is one of the areas of karma we must let go of now because it is the final part of our karma path. When we accept that our karma partners made choices that we are not responsible for,  and the way that they choose to be is their own issue we can walk away from our karma.

How many of you are the 'poor person' in the family when you are actually the most creative, resourceful, and talented?

How many of you hide or dim your light so others won't be overshadowed by it and this limits your life's abundance?

How many of you are lonely or alone and you deny yourself love because you believe that in another lifetime you were the reason for someone's love trauma?

I am pointing this out because this is one of the main reasons for the limitations we experience and we believe that our atonement - making up for - what we think we have done to others can only be fixed if we let them have what really belongs to us. Or deny ourselves because we don't want them to be jealous, envious, or feel bad? (you can admit that this is true here, it's OK).

We take responsibility for their pain when their pain is of their own doing.

We assume liability for their suffering when they have created their own path to suffering by blaming others for their problems.

While there is plenty of everything for everyone, we adopt the belief that if we have what is ours by divine blessing then they cannot.

That is a wrong belief on every level but it causes us a great deal of pain and suffering and false limitation because our true abundance lies in our being able to accept that everyone is 100% responsible for their own effects because they are the cause (Universal law - The Law of Cause and Effect) and we step into our own divine greatness, abundance, and energetic sovereignty.

We are in a powerful period and the perils we face as 3D dis-integrates opens us to new levels of potential. But we won't step into them until we face the consequences of our own wrong beliefs and false limitations and embrace our own plenitude.

And on this Spectacular Sunday with an abundance of energy due to big solar flare activity, it's time to open that door of abundance and see what's on the other side.

Shine on - sending plentiful abundance your way.

Many bright, beautiful blessings,

Jennifer Hoffman

about Jennifer Hoffman

    Compiled by from: 


    My notes: 
    God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

    Reminder discernment is recommended
    from the heart, not from the mind
    The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
    No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
    Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
    TRUTH need no protection.
    Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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