Friday, July 19, 2024

Keep Your Faith

Keep Your Faith

by Gabriel and Mary

Channel: Sylvain Didelot

Translation by EraofLight on July 19, 2024

Questions / Answers 

Dear children of Light, dear children of Love, I could laugh a little at what you have just said too because I am Mary, present for you at this moment when there will undoubtedly be several of us having a little exchange with you.

I am happy to see your world evolve, change, transform, to see how the planet continues its luminous amplification continuing to carry each of you with its tenderness of all its Glory, of all its Strength. And then, we could say that I am unhappy, it is not really the case, sad a little perhaps, to see that Humanity is dragging its feet a little, as you say.

Humanity, as the sum of human beings, continues to be fooled by power games, by ego games, by mind games, looking for enemies or friends everywhere when there is only one brotherhood, that of human beings, although each human being needs a place where he develops, a region, a country where he can develop in Consciousness.

I feel the disturbance in the energy of my channel because it senses what I am trying to say, which I am going to express all the same.

You sometimes ask us, we who are in what you call the Light, to use your term, which I will just call the Other World, we are often asked what we think about borders, countries, the necessity for them to exist or not.

Here is what I can tell you on this subject. I was entrusted a long time ago with France as a country, so I know it well. And in fact, each country in its history is like a small meadow in which the flowers that you are come to take root, a field of flowers. And depending on the quality of the earth, the energy of the earth, this flower will not develop in the same way.

Each country has a history, an identity, a behavior, with the beings who inhabit it. This reminds you of something perhaps. Well yes, of course, it reminds you of your physical body, your character who also has a personality, a way of reacting that is a little totally unique to him, challenges to overcome through this physical body. Thus, at the moment when you decide to incarnate, the country is like an energetic body, a place of exercise chosen for what it is originally, for its original vibration .

Should this country vibrate internationally? No doubt considering each one, each country that you can associate with human beings, should see other countries as brothers and sisters systematically, there, yes. And as for wars, my opinion is absolutely clear: no war is useful between countries. None.

It is a human game that is used obviously as everything is used to make you grow in this world. It is not a useful game, it is still a game of the ego, a game of the human mind, a game of human power. Even if this game is learning, it is useless.

On the other hand, your body is useful and your country is useful. The identities of your countries are useful, since they represent once again an ideal ground for learning, for surpassing perhaps.

So, you could ask the question of these people who are returning to your countries: what do you think about it, should this be prevented? No. I am not saying that either. I am not saying that countries should not be lands of asylum for those who wish to settle there. At no time will I say that. My heart, my door, my Spirit, are wide open to everything and everyone, everyone.

But see, when someone enters my house, I become his hostess. And at the same time, the person who is there, present, knows where he is and how it works, and will not try to transform me if I am the one welcoming him. You understand what I am saying.

I have allowed dozens of people to come to me, in the great era of my existence, who came from very different countries. I have “converted them to their divine nature,” real, unique, to the unique work that I had learned, telling them that if they wanted another teacher, they had to go see another teacher, but that if it were me, I could provide only one teaching, that of who I was , that of what I had learned.

It’s the same for your personality , it can only learn or teach what it has already learned, and a country can only learn or teach what it has already known . So, we must not transform a country, it must rely on its ancestral knowledge supported by your ancestors, your fathers, your mothers, your families, all those who are the soul of this history. It is important.

Why do I say it is important? Because one of the elements that is used by the non-light at the moment is the loss of reference points . The loss of reference points. Accepting everyone as they are, yes, but changing all the reference points, no.

Imagine if you owned a park — I’m sorry, I’m trying to find examples, my children, where I was — if you had a park and someone came every day to move one of the markers in that park, which in my day were stones — in yours I imagine it’s different, in any case they were stones — if someone every day came to move these stones, who invades the other? What happens?

What I am telling you is, know how to be human beings who welcome everything that needs to be welcomed. Know how to be those who give the teaching of the place where you are, of the place where you live, of what you do, however, also know how to make what you are respected , to make what you do respected and to make the place and places where you are respected .

So when I am asked or not this question of migration, my answer is almost strange for you, to say “let the migrants come but do not let the tourists come”. That is to say, do not let anyone destroy the possibly so magnificent landscape that you have been given to keep, because we are the guardians of the places, let the people come who have no other choice but to land in your country, of course, in a reasonable, reasoned way, in this case, to insert them into your soul family, into your family of heart and into your country. It is not those who arrive who must decide what the place where you are is, but you yourself who will help to make this known.

I am telling you this because in the next few years there are going to be great population movements on your planet; in the next few years, not now, not immediately.

These population movements are very interesting. I have to use that expression, very interesting, yet they do not have to destroy the nature of the place, of the place where you are. We will have to have the wisdom to welcome, while ensuring that each person lands in a place that is compatible with what they are or with what they want to become, not the other way around. Do not let “all these stones move.” Do not let a larger egregore destroy you.

Why am I telling you this? Why, me, Mary, what makes me set myself up here as guardian of the temple, of the temples? Quite simply because I want to tell you to become master of yourself , since everything you see outside, you know it, you have already heard it, everything you see outside is an echo of your heart, of who you really are , of your powerful force. You are immensely strong beings in the soul, in the Consciousness, in the energy, and for a few years now you have been living through some events which have come – I will use another word – to upset your faith.

Keep your faith. Keep your bearings. Keep your values.

It will be a matter of finding a place, a location, a country, where these values ​​can be exploited, put forward. Because I say it, yes, many in their countries and outside their countries will move in the times to come, will have this desire for movement, will have this desire for change, I will say it positively when I say change. Many.

Stay who you are . Stay who you are . Find the place that fits you, that actually fits you.

You don’t have to convert. You just have to be who you are . Radiate who you are , then the place will call you, the place will call you, the country will call you, whatever, first of all it’s an idea of ​​resonance.

Invading a country is useless. Oh! I know your pretexts, I know all that, historical pretexts, legal pretexts, and so on. Yes, I know, they exist, indeed, there are movements in energy, transformations. Now, if you want — and I know that this is your wish — to avoid internal wars, to avoid external wars, whether it is a civil war or an interregional war or a war between countries, then, here it is, stay honest. What I mean by that is: know how to say no to war. Know how to recognize the intelligence of humans to stop making themselves, the modern word that corresponds the most is that of hypnotizing. In my time we would have said “do not let yourselves be invaded by madness”, this divisive madness which pushes the world not to recognize itself, which pushes peoples in the same islands, in the same countries, to fight among themselves.

Peace, hope, faith, that’s my reminder. Have faith. To have faith means to stop looking for a side, a side of Good and a side of Evil. There is only one side: Humanity. So, see, I’m telling you to keep the energy, each personality, each country as it is, while understanding that it’s all part of a greater whole called Humanity, the human brotherhood, this brotherhood that can bring so much.

What external threat will have to come strong enough for you to come together again? Because you have been, the peoples of the world have already been united. Even if there have always been conquests, there has still been a union of the world, a recognition of each one as he was.

It seems that today no one really knows who they are anymore. Therefore, I tell you, you are luminous beings who have come as brothers and sisters to learn what love is and how you can share it through your personality. Your personality, your character comes from your families, your fathers, your mothers, your brothers, your sisters, your country, your region, your department, your region, your province. This is who you are, ready to party with anyone who will manage to share the same values ​​as you, without rejecting those who do not have the same.

The mistake is there: to reject. Rejection is an immense, deep wound, which gives the impression of not being compatible with anyone. Moreover, when there is rejection, it means that there is intolerance. Be open. Let everyone be who they are as long as they do not move the stones on your land. You do not have to do it, but let them. Let be. Let live.

What I am saying here is not to be taken as a warning, even if it may be a foreshadowing of future events. What I am saying here is just to remind you to let yourself be who you are . Do not let yourself be converted. Obviously, when you are a child, an adolescent, at the beginning of the adult period, transformations are still necessary, adjustments. However, you see, most of those who hear this message are no longer in these adjustments, in this case, accept being who you are , be straight and upright, stand up. Start taking back this power that is yours and that you think has been taken away from you, when you have simply given it up to other external powers. Time is dawning. Wake up.

When you hear me sometimes through other channels say, “Repent, convert,” I’m not talking about religion, really. What I’m saying is, get back the spirit of the heart, get back the spirit of the reason of the heart. Stop looking at this external turmoil, get back to inner peace. Restart from that inner peace and don’t wait for that peace to come from outside, from us, from circumstances. Create peace within yourself. Become that peace that you want to see, to receive in the world, and accept it.

Some will say, ”  When peace comes, it’s because one side has won  .” In a war there are no winners, none. A people who are divided and fractured will never win, neither those who seem to have won nor those who seem to have lost.

These unions, these meetings, invite us to fraternity, invite us to love and to let everyone make their own way, their own path of learning. If people are constantly trying to move your stones, then yes, respectfully place them out of your way, out of your field. Don’t try to convert them, place them outside.

And if, unfortunately, you realize that in truth it was you who was in their field, at that moment it is up to you to find your field too. It is up to you to find your space, the place where you can be who you are . Of course, I say this because many are in this kind of certainty that they are right, and it can be interesting to say to yourself: “yes, but if I am right, then I should be at peace. If I am not at peace, it is because I am not yet in my reason of the heart. I am just perhaps in my reason of the mind, in my reason of the ego”, that is possible. ”  I am not in the reason of the heart if I am not at peace .”

Your quest is peace, freedom, love, joy, but peace above all. It is then a question of positioning yourself where you will be at peace. Whatever the consequences, the need to be at peace should be paramount within you. In a world where landmarks are constantly moving, find your space. Find your field. Find your family and homeland of heart. Find faith in fact.

Your faith is strange. Your faith consists in saying: ”  Mary, intervene in this world. Modify it. Change it.  ” Our role, my possibility of action of course is to appear, each time I ask to convert, to go towards Peace, each time I warn of the possible risks, of the possibilities that are offered to people. Sometimes I am heard a little. And I cannot convert the one who wants to be converted, I can only encourage the conversion of hearts , not the conversion of religions, the conversion of hearts, the opening to this energy of Peace, of fraternity, of gathering , around your heavenly Father, around this divine energy that inhabits you , around the only necessary faith, that of being convinced that if you are in your field /song – and you write it as you want – the universe will resonate to bring you everything that can develop you, help you develop yourself as well as those who are around you. Understand that.

Just ask yourself this question from time to time: Am I in my place? What is this fear of leaving this place? Why am I so afraid? Fear of what? Of lacking what? Often you will answer me money. I agree with you. I understand. However, you know that your body degrades if you are not in your field, you are not in the right place. Understand, if you are in a stressful environment to earn what you call money, you will die from this place. You will leave too early in relation to your own plan because you will let your energy disperse in a place that is not made for you.

So I’m not telling you to instantly change location, many don’t have the faith, just to tell yourself: OK, yes, okay – no matter what language you’re going to use – “OK, yes, okay, yes”, just to say yes to this other possibility, an inner yes to say “that’s it, I’m ready to change location, place, community if necessary, to adjust to my vibration, to adjust to my values.” This inner yes, this acceptance will cause a movement of energy in your personal universe, will bring you to new encounters, places, characters, identities. Then you will feel, and this is the indicator, Peace, then Joy, and there, you will know.

Be patient. It is also obviously patience, one of the virtues to develop in your world. Be indulgent and tolerant, for the simple reason that if you yourself do not have this virtue, you cannot ask it of others. The other is yourself. You cannot ask the other to be what you are not. You can only ask him to be your mirror, with a distorting or exact reflection, in any case a reflection.

So my message today was:

Keep your values, the values ​​of your countries, your regions, your traditions, while modernizing your world of course;

Let those who need it come to you, but do not let anyone transform your country, your region, into something other than what it is;

On the other hand, welcome them, allow them to become like you, to integrate into your communities without changing your rules.

This will evolve. It will change, but above all keep the faith. Do not believe that you have been abandoned by anyone, I beg you, because this is probably where I cry. Keep the faith, my children, that none of you believe that you are abandoned, please. This has never been the case, despite appearances. Even if some seem to have spent years in impoverishment, in difficult trials, you are not at all, at all, abandoned.

Know how to be just. The love of God goes with you.

I leave you now with the angel Gabriel. He will be even more capable than I am of answering your questions, because he has the energy, the strength, the understanding. I have it too, but in relation to what you are today, in relation to this development where you are today, it is undoubtedly opportune that his worldly answers reach you.

Be blessed by the Light, by the Love of the Divine. Live with hope, glory and love you too. Your Earth is evolving. You are evolving with it, external circumstances must not prevent you from being who you are . Stay open. Keep your heart, I beg you, totally open.

Good evening to each of you. I am Archangel Gabriel, present at your side to help and serve the multitude in humanity, in the hearts of men and women, to relay divine messages to you, to try to be an effective, sensitive, ʺhumanʺ preceptor, by helping you in your understandings.

So here and now, and with the help of this channel if it can, I would like to try to answer some of your questions in relation to what has been mentioned, that is to say a great message of love and openness, of respect for values ​​and concepts, because this is what Master Marie has tried to place on you.

Let’s begin.

How can we not go to war against those who want to strip us of our values ​​and impose theirs on us  ?

Those who try to convert you are not in their place. They are in their place if they live their ideologies with them in the Light without hiding, but without converting. If they try to convert you, then they are trying to change the stone as Mary mentioned, to change your terrain, your limits.

It is up to you, as a group, to restore the notion of pack I will say because I was thinking of animal friends, to remind that you will not convert to their ideology whatever it may be, that you accept it – it is not a question of refusing it, nor of saying that yours is the right one, you would make the same mistake here – simply together in the same region, not to speak of country, province or city as Master Marie mentioned, in the same region, to come together to express: “you are welcome, but you will not change me.” And the values ​​that are here will still be respected and respectable, because generally these values ​​end up being translated into law, not only the law of Men but a divine law.

In this way, in the openness, to arrive at showing that an even larger community tolerates, accepts, but does not wish to be converted, is feasible in love, not necessarily in a war.

I was talking to you about animals earlier. I sometimes observe when an animal arrives in a pack, for example a wolf that would arrive in a conventional pack of dogs, stray dogs. This wolf at the beginning is a bit in a kind of arrogance. As a result, the pack of stray dogs gangs up against him, without biting him, just showing the number. That’s enough. The wolf is intimidated but not rejected. The same pack will adopt this wolf if necessary without problem, only it will not obey him.

You know, today, this wolf that we are talking about may well be at the top of your pyramid, not at the bottom. You tend to see the wolf in the people, but the wolf is not in the people. The wolf can sometimes be the one who wants you to believe that he is the shepherd, the Savior.

So it’s about staying open. I don’t have a very pragmatic method to give you since we should act according to the case you mention, according to the circumstances, but just to tell you that a people does not need to defend itself when it knows its History and is able to show it. On the other hand, when a people loses its personal history or loses the history of its city, loses the history of its region or no longer seeks to show it, at that moment there is a loss of reference points. In these conditions, anyone will believe that they can do anything, and will then come and set their own reference points.

Here, it is your History, your ancestors, what you are, what they did, that should be highlighted. I am “for the preservation of heritage”. I am for showing your History, that it is very clear, that it is taught to everyone. And I am also for, for those who do not accept it, we are able to find them a place that will suit them better, that is more useful. Obviously, it is useless to create “ghettos or parks”, no, really, to find places that perhaps have no history, that are young, that will create a history for themselves in this community way. Above all, keep your History, friends.

History comes to defend you. When you are told today that knowing History is useless, it is probably the worst mistake that your modern world makes. History is the energy, the reference point, the source. History does not prevent evolution, it prevents us from making the same mistakes again . That is what History is.

Your personal story is just that, isn’t it? What you learned has prevented you from making the same mistake again. And this is also true for a people, a nation or a place, the mistakes that have been made do not have to be repeated.

Learn. Evolve. Change. But domination, submission, is never a viable, sustainable solution, and in any case, it is generally not a solution that leads to Love and Peace effectively. Show who you are. Shine. Shine your History. Don’t hide it, don’t hide it anymore, show it. Show who you are. Show what you have always been. Show to what extent — I am thinking of France but I am thinking of other countries — to what extent your country has always wanted to talk about liberty, equality and fraternity. Be an example of this. Don’t forget fraternity, which comes to force you to consider that whoever the other is, he is your brother . Okay.

These values ​​will resurface. They will resurface, as we have already said. We discussed this with you a few years ago, reminding you that liberty, equality, fraternity were truly keys that had been given, a very long time ago, for the world to evolve and recognize this necessity. You will recognize today that these values ​​have indeed been scattered by many things. And you will also recognize to what extent it is necessary today perhaps to create a new revolution, but one that is above all an inner revolution , a desire to live free, fraternally and egalitarian, by ceasing to consider one person more than another. It is the “with”, the “together” well pronounced and not simply as a call but as an example.

It is this evocation that I bring to you at this moment, of course.

I was asked how to help a child overcome trauma  ?

The child experiences trauma mainly when he feels that he is no longer loved, that he has been used, that he has been disowned, rejected, as Mary said. Here we have trauma.

So helping a child overcome trauma is showing them that people already love them just the way they are, and then we’re going to work together. Love them. Love them. It seems like a simple answer. It may seem too ethereal, but it’s the absolute reality.

When someone feels that they are loved as they are, they are no longer aggressive, and if they have traumas, they let them go. They let the new character, they let this new love take care of them . The key is often there.

Each of you reveals your anger, your bad sides, as you call them, your dark sides, as I prefer to call them, each of you does it and reveals this when he or she is lacking love, lacking recognition of his or her person, of who he or she is. And recognizing someone as he or she is is not wanting to be the same, either. “OK. I recognize you, yes, this status of this or that, but I am who I am and you are who you are. But I recognize that, of course. I recognize, I know who you are. I see you.” Because those who think they are invisible suffer and ask to be seen, so, “yes, I see you. No, I don’t want to be like you, that is not my nature but yes, I see you.” And this “yes, I see you, yes, I hear you, yes, I understand you” is also one of the great solutions of this world. This solution of internal external dialogue is one of the great keys. One of the big keys.

What do we do with people who harass us and disrespect us, and prey on vulnerable people  ?

Is it true? Is it really true? Yes, you will tell me without a doubt, I imagine.

There is also justice on your Earth. Let it be applied.

Mary told you earlier and I tell you again, often the values ​​of a country are written at a level that you call the law. So, there is a divine law, there are human laws, all these laws apply. Make them apply.

Most of the laws in your modern countries make harassment, disrespect and intimidation condemned or punishable. So, enforce your law rather than asking for new ones. Furthermore, if you are afraid to enforce your law, then you have a problem, either because that law is not enforced, and there, indeed, a movement greater than you must start to change that, or because you fear being seen to enforce God’s law.

Do you think I am afraid of being seen enforcing God’s laws, that I am afraid of being heard? I am not using myself as an example, I am telling you to be who you are . Yes, it is true, it sometimes brings consequences, I agree. However, if you allow a situation to continue that is going on in front of you, whoever you are – I am generalizing here, understand – if you allow a situation to continue where your brother, or your sister is experiencing terrible things, from that moment on you have, yes, a share of responsibility in that, absolutely. Absolutely. Act or have someone act.

You know, in the idea of ​​acceptance that has been posed to you here, it is not a question of accepting all murders, all crimes, all offences, all persecutions, absolutely not. It is precisely a question of inserting them into a framework that is either legal or moral, in a way that is sufficiently well shown and demonstrated by your history and who you are so that this rule becomes ʺimplicitʺ. On the contrary, if you have a history, a morality that is vague, that is not determined, that is not expressed, obviously the shadow will of course be cast there.

It is not about, once again, rejecting. You know, in the future of your planet, in what we have called Terr2 or the New Earth, people will not be condemned to prison. I know that this may seem strange, they will be condemned to exile. ʺThey will be put in a place that corresponds to their vibration, to their valuesʺ. If these people are major criminals, they could then, in the future, be exiled completely even to planets other than their own, because by losing all their usual bearings, they will be able to change, and if they do not change, then they will be changed planet again. In your case today you could change their country, but your planet works in a very global way.

Understand this. Someone who does this is invited to change their bearings, to convert, to change, not change everything again, but to understand what they have done in another context, to give them the opportunity to understand it in another context. To lock them up is to lock them up with their own thoughts. You can tell them all you want that they are not the right ones, but they will not understand. You have to change the entire external context. That will come in your future. For the moment, do not be an accomplice to what is happening. Act with the most local or global justice, but act in your justice .

Michael, the archangel, is the representative of this justice. If God decided on a symbol of divine justice, it is to tell men that justice in all its facets, human, non-human, also serves; also serves a human to be able to convert, to reflect. Of course, from the divine point of view we do not condemn anyone, we offer them the possibility of changing . Offer it to yourself too. Do not forget yourself in this choice .

How can we prepare for the big change of Terr2  ?

Everything has been said to you today. Tolerance, values, respect for the community, creating communities if they do not exist, it is all there. Everything has been said. Everything has been said.

For the rest, you cannot prepare. You will not be able to prepare. I insist on this, it is going to be so ʺbrilliantʺ in the light of the events that are going to happen that no one can really prepare for it completely. You can only prepare your mind for a larger, broader community than yours, prepare yourself in tolerance, prepare yourself in love, prepare yourself in peace, prepare yourself in sharing, yes. There is no method really that could put you in this great change that is coming.

What should we think about religions? Are they false, erroneous or dangerous  ?

Most religions on your planet are extremely tolerant and preach a message in one form or another that says, ”  Love one another. Do not do to another what you would not have done to you.  ” There you have it, the book is written. The rest are just examples of this prophecy, this request, this call from the heart of each of the prophets.

There is only a call of the heart, a call to show Peace, to show it everywhere. This is the real war: to show everywhere how much you are love, to be able to show it everywhere, not to consider that you are right and the other is wrong but that you can love each other together; together, in this belief in the Light, in Love, in the celestial.

I don’t have a “personal” opinion on each religion. They are not false, they are not wrong, they are not dangerous if you do not make them tools of danger and falsehood. It is Man who has transformed these texts most of the time. It is Man who has transformed the words of the original prophets into what he makes of them today . Did the prophets themselves write the words that you read and which have been made into dogma? When this is the case, you will systematically find Love and Peace there. When this is not the case, you will find exactly what Man wanted to make of them. And we are not talking here about false religion but perhaps about false scriptures, because transformed to the taste of those who made them. On the other hand, the original messages are very clear, they remain clear.

There are still people on your Earth who could be called prophets and who have only this will, only these sentences in mind: “Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. Love one another”, because there are no others, because each person you meet, whatever their vulnerability or the danger they represent for you, is also somewhere in another plane, a brother and a sister.

If everyone had this vision, the world would instantly change . But the duality of your world, the force of illusion leads you to have to work to arrive in this state . It is in progress. It will happen, it has already begun despite appearances. So I have great confidence in the Power of the Divine that passes through all of us to make this path towards Love, in a dual world or not in a dual world.

Will animals in Terr2 still have to kill each other to survive  ?

Yes. Yes. Animals do not live their bodies like you do. Animals live their bodies as a temporary vehicle, in a knowledge and Consciousness that it is temporary, that this body can be taken away from them at any time. This is why the majority of animals are happier than you, because they know their eternal life, whatever vehicle we are going to give them temporarily.

So, you know, when an animal has this vehicle taken away and goes straight back to this Beyond, it does not experience it as a trauma. It experiences it as a change of vehicle, as another story. It experiences it in the Consciousness of the eternal being that it is. Perhaps like you, this animal is a little bit anxious at the idea of ​​losing those it loved on Earth, but at the same time a part of it, and it contacts this part right away, expresses to it to what extent there is no separation and to what extent everyone will come together quite quickly in this Beyond.

So, in this Consciousness that the body is a vehicle, yes , animals will continue to kill each other. Yes, absolutely. You experience it as a drama. It is experienced as a drama in the animal incarnation also a little bit, however, there is at the same time this Consciousness of “I am eternal .” You could experience it. Some experience it among you. You have confidence, Consciousness, to be eternal beings, you know that you are going to die but you are in no hurry to see this body die, to see this vehicle disappear. It is the same for animals, moreover, they live with this Consciousness of eternity in a much, much more permanent way than you, who only think about it from time to time when you place yourself in the energy of a religion or a spiritual or esoteric concept.

Animals are spiritual beings who almost never forget this temporary attachment to a body. Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it.

Does the justice system in France today have the means to enforce our laws in order to ensure that our values ​​are respected  ?

The justice of men, the justice of the Earth, all of this will evolve over time.

You are still in the Apocalypse. You are still in the period of transformation.

Marie spoke about the values ​​that are necessary: ​​openness to others while respecting the territory, respecting energy, respecting values, respecting traditions, or the establishment of land, places, and complete territories that allow this.

Today, have confidence in yourself, don’t let yourself be crushed by anyone or anything.

It is not about being in revolt, but just about regaining a little of this energy, this ability to say: “this does not prevent me from smiling, so I continue to smile. I continue to be here to live this experience of love that I wanted to live and that I will still want to live, this experience of life, this experience of sharing, of recognition that the other is me, this recognition of love that is everywhere, because afterwards I will smile at each of the circumstances saying that they are temporary, illusory, but that in the meantime the game continues.”

May the Love of the Heavenly Father, the Love of the Source, enable each of you to carry out the greatest work possible.

May each of you receive the Grace and Peace of God, that is to say this moment, this inflection towards who you really are , towards Peace, towards I Am .

We will continue to practice as non-moralizing teachers, just to ask you to see if you are capable of adopting another point of view. We do not force it, we suggest. We simply express what seems right to us and which can allow Humanity to evolve more quickly.

In any case, this Humanity will evolve. But more quickly, this notion of more quickly is above all a notion of Love, of benevolence and of faith also, in the fact that the energies of Light are there despite these apocalyptic appearances. Everything is there. Everything is there.

[1] In connection with the welcome and introduction of Sylvain before the channeling.

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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