Thursday, July 11, 2024

Conspiracy Theorist No More! I’m an Investigative Reporter Now

Conspiracy Theorist No More! I’m an Investigative Reporter Now

By Steve Beckow

Posted on July 11, 2024

Uganda Christian University trains investigative reporters

Now that “conspiracy theories” are about to be proven correct (the vaccine kills, the cabal is using directed-energy weapons on us, FEMA kills residents after a hurricane, Pizzagate was real, etc.), I’d like to propose that we give our activities a new name.

It’s actually an old name that hasn’t seen much use in the mainstream press. I propose that we call ourselves “investigative reporters.”

What’s that? You may well ask. Haven’t seen one lately, except on a made-up story?

The CIA took over the mainstream media in the 1950s through Operation Mockingbird.  (1) Ever since then they’ve set the narrative and covered up any reports of their wrongdoings or those of their minions.

Sometimes they got it wrong. They got it terribly wrong with Werner Erhard, I remember.  But many times the investigative reporters of the day, before the CIA got to them, were leading edge (for TV). And then investigative reporting dried up.

Since we’re in the Fourth Dimension, I’m led to believe, we’re in the domain of magic. I therefore magically retire the epithet “conspiracy theorist” and just as magically replace it with “investigative reporter” – again. Welcome back, old friend.


Since we’ve only seen news reporters faking being close to artillery barrages or in wind storms, we may have forgotten what an investigative reporter actually does.

As we knew them back then, they were both dedicated to the truth and to handling matters appropriately and decently.

So they went diligently after the truth, followed canons of appropriateness, and presented it to the audience in the most  understandable and yet complete way.

Remember that, after 1982, we went through junk bond bubbles, mortgage bubbles, dotcom bubbles and loads of vultures swooping down to do mergers and acquisitions. After the jobless recovery of that year, working in the contemporary economy was represented as a fight for survival and only the fittest were deemed to survive. (2)

As we can see, an economy in which only a few key players set the rules is what has emerged from that struggle, red in tooth and claw. And that consolidation of power, I assert, is not based in love and thus has not the power to last.

The economy became as corrupt and anti-human (eating bugs, burning down food-processing plants, implanting bird flu and then culling the herd, etc.) as I can possibly imagine.

When (some) bankers are sacrificing children to Satan and (some) musical artists hold satanic worship after every recording, things have gone way beyond my imagination.

In the days of investigative journalism, we were looking into individual scams and criminals. But today….

Who would ever have imagined what has been going on and has been covered up? Who would ever suspect that a plot to kill all but 500 million of us could ever be real?

Who would ever suspect that a Secretary of State would….  OK, OK, I’m not going there. Too gruesome. (3)

No one suspected. We were all duped and lulled to sleep.

Welcome back to the investigative reporter, who used to tell us what was what in the world today. They had standards and ethics, as far as I was aware, and we trusted them.

No memes. Just the facts, ma’am. Biases reported to the reader. Status of your knowledge clearly stated.  Sources cited.

This lightworker/patriot/truther movement has flourished on the work of citizen investigative reporters. We all accepted the negative term of ridicule bestowed on us as “conspiracy theorists.” But we’ve been doing investigative reporting all along.

No more accepting a term of ridicule.

Job well done, conspiracy theorists. Now that we are the mainstream, we can take for ourselves the more positive description of this work: investigative reporter.


(1) Aden McClune, Staff Reporter at

Operation Mockingbird was a covert U.S. government operation run by the CIA to implant pro-US propaganda in American media and front organizations. Starting in the 1950s, the CIA began to hire and contract students and people in the media to write false stories, or embellish stories to favor the U.S government.

In 1967, it was proven in Ramparts magazine that even the National Student Organization was being funneled money by the CIA for festivals and other events. Using phoney companies and mysterious benefactors, these collectives created massive amounts of propaganda, using the average American student.

It was blown open in 1977 when famed journalist Carl Bernstein, who also, with his partner Bob Woodward, exposed the Watergate scandal in 1974. In his 1977 piece, The CIA and the Media, Bernstein revealed that certain reporters not only were paid by the U.S government, they also engaged in more extensive relationships with the CIA, even sharing notebooks, and some were paid upwards of $500,000 for their work.

(2) See:

(3)  Go watch Frazzledrip.  On second thought, don’t.

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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