Sunday, July 14, 2024

Can Trump Dodge Bullets?

 Can Trump Dodge Bullets?

By Don Spectacularis

Posted on July 14, 2024

My dear friends of the great light, it is time.
The event that took place yesterday, the assassination attempt upon the one known as Donald Trump, is the mass awakening trigger that all of you have LONG awaited for. But that is NOT the most important thing right now.
Why not? Because what you’re currently seeing here is pure theater. Enchanting, engrossing, but a very well rehearsed theatrical performance indeed. Because the secret services – of the USA, of all places – don’t just leave the ONLY terrace of the ONLY building within the vicinity (with the CLEAREST views of Trump) un-scanned and unguarded. Doesn’t happen. Not in today’s day and age (of incredibly powerful satellites and drones); and not even DECADES back from today. To say nothing of the eyewitnesses openly revealing that they’d warned the secret services folk of a sniper placed upon the building – long back – and yet, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING was done. To say NOTHING of the PERFECTLY timed (and beautifully shot!) photographs of bullets whizzing and DJT fisting. Nope, not real, sorry.
You see, the events in 2020 led to the mass awakening of one side of the political spectrum. Yesterday’s event was the trigger for the mass awakening of the other (remaining) side of the political spectrum. And if you know where they all hang out (be it in real life or over the internet), you can see them all pretty quickly turning into “conspiracy theorists” after yesterday’s event, even as we speak. You become what you judge, after all. For such is LAW. Nevertheless, the awakening WILL happen, for indeed, it MUST. It is no “coincidence”, after all, that the words uttered by Trump (“Fight! Fight! Fight!”) and the idea of the “shot heard around the world” have ALREADY been injected into the mass consciousness some time back. And what you see now, is but the CULMINATION of it ALL.
As far as the media, the secret services, and all of these other organizations are concerned; they’ve ALL been INFILTRATED by the LIGHT already. How? Because the light fucking WON, THAT’S how. And what EVIDENCE is there of that, you wonder? Well, for starters, did COVID kill us all? no. Did the vaxes kill us all? No. Did the so-called “3rd world war” (that was all hyped-up to occur shortly within the media as well as social media) after Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine conflicts ACTUALLY ever happen? NO. Did nukes eliminate us all? No! Did the fucking “sniper” even succeed at hitting his one, EASY target? Hell NOPE.
Also, REAL snipers (who are sent for political assassinations as HUGE as this one) do NOT miss, and if they did, (one or more) BACKUPS would get the job done IMMEDIATELY. This is just common sense, and (super experienced and super evil) folks within three letter agencies have it WAY more than we do. End of story.
In other words, ALL is NOT what it seems to be. And yes, the darkness got defeated long, LONG back. They NEVER stood a chance. Never will. They failed to get the job done, just like that so-called “sniper” of theirs. The end.
Now that you can see things for what they are, let’s get to the REAL reason why I’m even WRITING this article:
The USA needs you.
The whole WORLD needs you.
You see, for better or for worse, what happens within the US of A, affects EVERYONE else upon this planet. They just hold that particular position of power at the moment, whether one likes it, or NOT.
So while the light has indeed WON, those LAST FEW remnants of the dark still EXIST. Why? Because they are ALLOWED to. Why? So that they may be EXPOSED for who they are and what they’ve DONE. Why? So that a mass AWAKENING occurs (as a result); and humanity AT LONG LAST resolves to NEVER EVER let dark atrocities (of the kind that have happened upon this world) to ever, ever, EVER happen again. THAT’S why.
So those last remaining dark ones are going to do ALL in their power to put up one last FIGHT. And this time, they wish to use the division within the US to cause a civil war, and then attempt recreating that formula all around the world.
Except, well, WE’RE not gonna let them HAVE THAT now, ARE WE?
So, here’s what you need to do.
First, the simplest stuff. Send UNCONDITIONAL love and light into the USA all THROUGHOUT the day. As MANY times as you can. Be it for a few seconds or minutes or hours matters NOT. Just the INTENT ALONE is more than ENOUGH.
And yes, I’ve highlighted UNCONDITIONAL here because, EVERY SINGLE PERSON there – regardless of political, religious or any OTHER affiliations – is ULTIMATELY as aspect of God, and therefore, an aspect of YOU. So yeah, let that love flow FREELY; FROM YOU, TO YOU. Because whether someone is playing a “positive” or a “negative” role (within this play called life) at this time, ultimately, they are all SOURCE consciousness, and it will take unconditional LOVE to bring as many of them back HOME with us as is even POSSIBLE.
Second, call upon ALL the higher beings that you can think of – God, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Jesus, Buddha etc. – to AMPLIFY your benevolent intentions for a positive, kind and LOVING outcome for BOTH the USA as well as the entire PLANET at large. And to assist ONE and ALL in ANY other way, shape or form that they POSSIBLY can, for the HIGHEST good of ALL. You NEED to do this because these higher beings are not PERMITTED to assist us without our EXPLICIT request for the same (be it verbal or mental or intention-al).
Three, if you find yourself fearful or angry or worried or anxious about the future; RELAX. Take a few deep breaths, and then, FACE that heavy/negative/depressing feeling HEAD ON. Just sit with it, no matter how painful it feels for the first few moments. Because within less than a minute, you WILL find those fears and anxieties and rages and worries DISSOLVING into NOTHINGNESS. For GOOD. (And if these heavy feelings do come back a few more times, do what you just did here, a few more times. There’s only SO MUCH trauma hidden within all of us, at the end of the day. Let it ALL flow in, let it ALL transmute). Easy peasy!
Do this WITHOUT any judgement, WITHOUT getting tangled up in said thoughts/emotions, and WITH the VERY HIGHEST levels of detachment POSSIBLE. Just FEEL into these things until they VANISH COMPLETELY. And THAT, is ALL you even need to DO here. To make this simpler, just remember: if you can OBSERVE your feelings, thoughts, beliefs or emotions, then they simply CANNOT be YOU. Because feelings come and go, thoughts come and go, beliefs change, emotions change, but YOU remain CONSTANT no matter WHAT. So YOU simply cannot BE all of those “things”. Which means that YOU can simply OBSERVE those things (which are NOT “you”) neutrally, objectively, and WITHOUT any judgement or involvement or entanglement WHATSOEVER. And then, simply let them pass (and fill the emptiness left behind by them by visualizing/imagining it filling up with brilliant white/golden/violet LIGHT or LOVE). Finally, you can always use self-hypnosis (or visit an actual hypnotherapist/therapist) to achieve the exact same RESULTS. YOUR call! 🙂
Finally, no matter WHAT happens, do NOT give in to the temptation of “distracting” yourself away from those heavy emotions through drinking, drugs, exercise, gaming, reading, music, sleeping, or what-else-have-you. Unless of course, you KNOW or HAVE some WAY/METHOD of UTILIZING any of the above (or more such methods) to TRANSMUTE said feelings. In which case, go DO what needs to be DONE!
And once you’ve done all that, just go DO all things that increase your VIBRATION to be of the HIGHEST assistance to USA/The Earth/The Universe at this time! Which means DOING all things that you truly LOVE and make your very HEART sing, be it reading, dancing, gardening, cooking, painting, singing, sketching, photography or what-else-have-you! Or it could just mean MINDFULLY doing your dishes (or any other task that you’re doing) with full PRESENCE and DEDICATION and COMMITMENT and SINCERITY and LOVE. Or it could be simply having a hot soup, watching your favourite TV show, gaming or taking a nap. Just go do what brings you bliss (as long as it isn’t harming or hurting another), and watch your vibration SKYROCKET!
Also release ANY negative beliefs that you may have left within you still, and go MANIFEST the life of your dreams and desires as the CREATOR EXPRESSION that you ARE! And you’ll be doing the same for the REST of the COLLECTIVE as WELL!
Do ANY or ALL of the above mentioned things to put yourself (and your WORLD!) on a positive, harmonious, blissful timeline; and wherever possible, BUILD BRIDGES instead of BUILDING FENCES. For there is indeed, no “other side”!
Going to civil war with the “other side” (of whichever side you’re on) will NEVER EVER lead you into a Golden Earth future that you’re seeking to experience, PERIOD. Make peace with them. Make love to them. DIPLOMACY over DESTRUCTION, THAT’s the way to go (and the ONLY way to go should you wish to be upon the new Earth timeline). So yeah, RECONCILE your differences and get the FUCK along. For this planet has warred for eons, and not ONCE did it work out in absolutely ANYONE’S favour. Learn from our past, before it’s too late.
There is NO “other side”. There is only YOU.
Let the mass awakening awaken the REST of your OWN aspects.
In the meantime, RADIATE your calmness and joy and love and PEACE. And your very ENERGY will bring people the CALMTH that they truly seek during this most CHALLENGING of times. And no, you don’t need to catch hold of everyone in the cashier’s queue at the supermarket and force-feed them spirituality lessons. Nope. That is NOT how it works. You just need to sincerely, genuinely and authentically BE that person (of positivity, hope, joy, UNCONDITIONAL love, optimism and PEACE — or even just neutrality if nothing else), and the rest will simply begin to “catch on” to your “vibe” and REFLECT IT accordingly. Your very glance into someone’s eyes and/or your confident SMILE could WELL BE THE THING that pulls someone out of UTTER fear and anxiety. Hell, your very PRESENCE could affect people in other corners of the PLANET (read: butterfly effect). Because THAT’S just how powerful YOU are!!! So yes, go USE that power to the very FULLEST. Because that’s by far THE most POWERFUL way of ANCHORING EVERYONE on a POSITIVE reality and future. PERIOD!
And yes, if someone DOES ASK YOU as to HOW exactly you’re “doing it”, then, depending upon the sincerity of their request and their present capacity to understand things, do indeed SHARE your learnings with them (in easy-to-understand and digestible chunks). And once they get THOSE, then share a little more, and a little more, and so on and so forth. Don’t just overload someone looking to awaken (or newly-awakened) with deep info. For it neither serves THEM, nor anyone ELSE, you yourself included.
And that is ALL. So do go START visualizing and INTENDING and FEELING INTO a blissful POSITIVE OUTCOME to the upcoming US elections that is in EVERYONE’S highest benefit, and you’ll manifest just THAT. Do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT focus on electing ANY specific “individual” or “group”, for those are just our EGO’S ideas of who is good and who isn’t. And our ego doesn’t know SHIT.
So yes, DO go and start visualizing, intending and FEELING INTO the MOST positive outcome of this election for ALL, and you’ll see exactly THAT unfold come November 2024, because THAT’S just how very powerful YOU are. Have FAITH in the creator. Have faith in YOU, for you ARE that very creator (of realities and timelines).
PLEASE SHARE this article around (or put it up as blogs, videos, translated videos/articles, podcasts, guided meditations, ASMRs or what-else-have-you), WHEREVER and HOWEVER you possibly CAN because this information simply HAS TO reach AS MANY people as possible, just about NOW when the NEED for it is at its very HIGHEST! You can also transmit this information telepathically to all of humanity (simply by INTENDING to do so), and it will reach people in one form or another. You can also INTEND to share this info with ALL humans (upon the astral/dream planes) prior to sleeping, and SUCH WILL BE DONE.
I humbly thank you ALL for your INCREDIBLE service to ALL! Please SHARE this freely, and go fucking MANIFEST that brilliant REALITY of your very wildest DREAMS!
Some useful resources:
Higher Dimensional Messages:
More Manifestation Assistance:
Even More Manifestation Assistance:
Even Even More Manifestation Assistance:
Even Even More Higher Guidance:
Even Even More More Higher Guidance:
Even Even Even More More Higher Guidance:
The 64-Day Challenge (Video):
Yeah, these are all I could think of for now. I’ll link you guys to more such wisdom portals in the future!
In INFINITE Love and Light,

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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